The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1984 Five-Color Chicken

Although the air is good, the temperature is too low. Although there is sunshine, but because the temperature is too low, you can't feel much warmth when the sun shines on people.

In the lower planes, even if the temperature is more than ten degrees below zero, Li Zedao only needs to wear a thin jacket to not feel cold.

But now, wearing such a warm robe, it is conceivable that the cold here is not the same concept as the cold in the lower plane.

Naturally, Li Zedao couldn't explain the so-called refraction principle of light to this sloppy uncle, he would definitely not understand it, and he might even reveal his identity.

He came here to be an undercover agent, not to impart all kinds of knowledge.

"I found this by accident."

Li Zedao handed over the convex lens made of ice cubes in his hand, and said: "I found that if the ice cubes are made into such a shape, then placed under the sun, and the height is adjusted, a light spot can appear. This light spot The temperature is high enough to set a dry log ablaze, and the larger the ice in this shape and the more light it will be, the temperature will be even higher."

"There is such a thing?" The middle-aged man took the convex lens, held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, with a full face of amazement, "This is really incredible."

Then, he straightened the robe on his body, looked at Li Zedao seriously, bowed and said in thanks, "Thank you, sir, for letting me know that this small piece of ice can have such a great effect, which made me deeply understand To the wonder of all things."

"I also found out by accident." Li Zedao said very modestly, "Then... can I go there?"

"Since you lit the fire, sir, you can go over." The middle-aged man said with certainty, but then changed his mind, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go up the mountain yet."

Li Zedao was very helpless: "Am I able to go up the mountain or not?"

"Sir, you can go up the mountain naturally, but if you go up the mountain like this, with your cultivation, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand the severe cold on the mountain." The middle-aged man explained.

Then he pointed to the chicken being roasted and said: "This is a five-color chicken that lives on Buzhou Mountain. Eating it can warm up your whole body, so that you can resist the cold."

This time, it was Li Zedao's turn to be amazed. He didn't expect this chicken to be so amazing. After eating it, he could resist the cold.

It just so happened that he was shivering with cold,

Most importantly, he found that he was also hungry.

"Thank you, sir." Li Zedao bowed and thanked.

"Dare not dare."

"By the way, sir, does every freshman who goes up the mountain give him such a five-color chicken?" Li Zedao asked. Even my quasi-god-level cultivation base can't resist the cold air, and that Dongfang Lingqi can't resist it naturally... Of course, this is not necessarily the case, maybe the guy who can tell at a glance that he is a super rich second-generation guy is wearing a shirt. A set of thermal underwear with self-heating function.

Therefore, in Li Zedao's view, the college should give these freshmen a five-color chicken to eat.

"That's true. Every Xinsheng will encounter different tests on the way up the mountain. If you pass the test, you will have five-color chickens to eat."

Of course, it doesn't have to be a test, as long as you offer something that the tester can't refuse, which is simply a bribe, then you can easily get a five-color roast chicken.

Of course, middle-aged men would not tell Li Zedao about such things.

But he is not the kind of person who would accept bribes from students. He really forgot to bring a fire book, and he was too lazy to go back to get it, and he was too lazy to make a fire in his own way... With his skill, it is still a waste of time to make a fire. thing?

"Then the test for me is... to light this fire?" Li Zedao felt that his IQ was insulted, what kind of test is this?

The middle-aged man's expression was very embarrassing, and he said with a sneer: "That...not really, it's just that I forgot to bring the firewood, so I couldn't light the firewood, and naturally I couldn't cook the roast chicken, so... However, I believe that with Mr. Yi's great talent, he can easily pass the test I prepared, so there is no need for another test...cough cough..."


Although in his heart he was disappointed again by the bad academy, but he couldn't agree more with the last words of this sloppy man. Indeed, with his own strength, any test would be nothing but floating clouds.

Li Zedao originally wanted to be an undercover agent in a low-key manner, and then figured out some things to do damage silently, but now it seems that he can't cover up his coquettishness at all, and that Nangong Meili is actually in front of so many people. He said that he was her fiancé, so he couldn't keep a low profile even if he wanted to.


In front of the soul mirror, several men and women in long robes looked at the scene displayed by the soul mirror in amazement.

Every move of Li Zedao and that sloppy man appeared in the soul mirror.

If Li Zedao saw this scene, he would definitely be surprised. After all, he knew that this place was quite primitive, so he naturally didn't monitor such advanced things, but now someone can observe his every move through such a mirror. Really amazing.

"It's really unheard of and unseen. Water and fire can counteract each other, but the ice formed by the condensation of water can make fire." The handsome man in a white robe said with a face full of surprise.

"Indeed, it's amazing. No wonder the Juggernaut is frightened. When have you ever seen a Juggernaut with such an uneasy expression? And he even called him Mr. Zi." The man in a black robe echoed.

"This son is interesting, what's his name?" the man in the white robe asked.

The short and fat man standing behind them said: "This son's surname is Li Mingzedao, a member of the Zhong tribe, and his family background is mediocre. His father, Li Xiaoyao, is a third-rate swordsman. He once accidentally saved Nangong Lie's life, so he clings to him Nangong family, now, this son is engaged to Nangong Meili, daughter of Nangong Lie."

"But..." The short and fat man paused.

"Liu Qingfeng, if you pause in your speech next time, don't speak again." The man in the black robe glanced at the short and fat man out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes, Brother Wolong, I was wrong." Liu Qingfeng, who seemed to want to be honest and easy to bully, quickly admitted his mistake, and then said, "This son is a student specially recruited by the dean."

"What?" A group of people turned around all at once, looking at the short and fat man with surprise on their faces.

They were extremely surprised that the dean would take such a step to recruit such a student. After all, for many years, the dean has never cared about the admission of freshmen.

But what surprised them even more was that elite teachers like them didn't know about this kind of thing.

What surprised them even more was that Liu Qingfeng actually knew...


Just because this kid is more handsome than them? This kid's teaching level is higher than theirs? This kid is stronger than them? What are you kidding?

"Liu Qingfeng, why don't I know about this kind of thing?" The man in the white robe asked very unhappily.

"That's right, how did you, Liu Qingfeng, know? Just because you know how to flatter the dean?" The black-robed man also had a bad expression, as if he wanted to beat someone up.



In Li Zedao's opinion, it would take at least four or five hours to roast this frozen chicken with such a fire, right? But what he never expected was that in less than ten minutes, the chicken had released a scent that he had never smelled before, but it was undoubtedly extremely attractive.

Li Zedao looked at the fire, presumably there is nothing special about the fire, or maybe the so-called five-color chicken has its own special features, otherwise how could it be so fast?

"Sir, the five-color chicken is already cooked. After eating this chicken, my body will not be so cold." The sloppy man stood up and said.

In these ten minutes, he tried to use the convex lens to finally ignite the fire successfully, which made him very excited.

Seeing him like this, Li Zedao sighed softly. He felt that the people in God's Realm were too pitiful, their living standards were too low, and their material was too lacking. A random convex lens would make him very happy.

If this makes them go to that low plane and see such complicated playthings, wouldn't they all be so excited that they would have a heart attack?

"Thank you, sir." Li Zedao didn't care about the heat, he reached out and grabbed the five-color chicken that exuded a crime-like aroma, and was about to tear off a piece of meat from the chicken very bluntly.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao tore off the chicken leg, handed it to the sloppy man respectfully, and said politely, "Please use it, sir."

The sloppy man froze for a moment, then took the chicken leg with a smile on his face, and said politely, "Then I won't be polite."

"You're welcome, sister." Li Zedao muttered in his heart, with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face, and then he tore into the roast chicken in his hand.

Feeling the indescribable deliciousness in his mouth, Li Zedao was simply stunned.

He is the master of Chef God, so his cooking skills are naturally quite superb. He said that his cooking skills are the second in the world, and no one dares to say that he is the best in the world.

However, Li Zedao really did not expect that this casually grilled chicken could be so delicious. It was so delicious that the stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers he was good at was eclipsed in front of this grilled chicken, and there was no scum left in the second. .

What's even more amazing is that, just as the sloppy man said, after the chicken was eaten, an unprecedented warm current quickly swept through Li Zedao's body, and for a while, the unbearable chill was dissipated a lot .

"This chicken... is so fucking delicious, and so fucking amazing." Li Zedao gnawed and shed tears of emotion.

The five-color roast chicken was quickly gnawed clean by Li Zedao, not even the bones left.

It's not that Li Zedao is really hungry, but that the chicken bones are quite crispy, and the taste is almost the same as that of the chicken.

After eating, Li Zedao only felt warm all over his body, with indescribable comfort.

"Thank you sir!" Li Zedao cupped his hands at the sloppy gentleman.

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