The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1985 Snow Python

"Mister, you are welcome. It is my duty to deliver the five-color chicken to you." Mr. Sloppy made an invitation gesture politely, "You can go up the mountain now."

"Thank you." Li Zedao said politely.

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged man disappeared without a trace.

Li Zedao rubbed his eyes, his heart was full of horror.

When the master confronted the real Xuanhuang before, although he couldn't capture their figures, he could still see their entangled afterimages.

But this middle-aged man disappeared in an instant, and he couldn't even capture the afterimage. It is conceivable that his strength is still higher than the quasi-god-level masters like Master and Master Xuanhuang.

"He's scary." Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing.

Of course, even mountains of swords and seas of fire cannot stop Li Zedao from moving forward.

While eating the five-color chicken with tears in his face, Li Zedao had already made a decision in his heart. He must be a good undercover agent, destroy it well, and eat a few more of this five-color chicken...

If some means can be used to destroy the Buzhou Academy, the Dongfang family of the Zhong tribe and the Nangong family, it must cause great turmoil, right?

Of course, before doing it again, it is natural to investigate whether there are still people who are thinking about the conveyor belt and trying to destroy the wall that Nuwa repaired to block their invasion!

If not, Li Zedao is a lover of peace, so naturally he wouldn't mess around.

The higher you go, the more difficult the journey becomes.

The air seemed to become thinner, and Li Zedao only felt that his breathing was not so smooth.

In addition, he also felt a bit of coldness, and only then realized that if he hadn't eaten the five-color chicken, he would not only feel a little bit of coldness now, but might be frozen into a popsicle.

Deep in the mountains, he couldn't see the Buzhou Plain below, nor could he see the top of the mountain above.

This made him speechless, how high is this mountain? I am afraid that Mount Everest will be ashamed to death compared with this?

"Huh..." Li Zedao exhaled lightly, intending to rest for a while.

at this time,

A soft voice came from behind: "Li Zedao..."

The voice was very familiar to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao turned his head, and saw Nangong Wan'er, who had left after taking him to the foot of the mountain, standing there pretty, with a smile on her face.

"It's you, I thought you had already reached the top of the mountain." Li Zedao said with a smile, still very grateful to this Nangong Wan'er in his heart.

After all, she is the only one among the group of people who is willing to take her away from the Buzhou Plain, and it is also from her that she can roughly understand some information about this God's Domain, so as not to lose her eyesight and know nothing .

Of course, Li Zedao firmly believes that the reason why she is willing to bring him is not because he is likely to become her brother-in-law in the future, but because he is charming enough.

Heroes like to save beauties, and by the same token, beauties also like to save heroes.

"How can it be so fast? You have also seen that this mountain is very high, and there will be several tests from the academy, some testing character, some testing knowledge, some testing one's own strength, testing the ability to respond... every time The test will take a lot of time, and the higher you go, the steeper the mountain road will be, and the colder the weather will be, so it won't be that easy." Nangong Wan'er waved her hand and said.

"That's right." Li Zedao agreed, even someone as good as himself was about to cry, let alone other people.

"That...together?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao and blinked, sending out an invitation.

Li Zedao froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "If you're not worried that I'll hold you back."

He is not a stingy person, so he didn't care at all that Nangong Wan'er left him and left alone.

Moreover, it is good to have a beautiful girl by my side, and to be seductive. Most importantly, I can also get more information about this God's Domain from her.

"If you dare to hold back, I won't let you be my brother-in-law." Nangong Wan'er said jokingly.

"I don't want to be your brother-in-law either." Li Zedao said with a smile.

This is not a joke, this is from the heart.

That Nangong Meili is certainly good-looking, but she doesn't give a shit about you, Li Zedao naturally wouldn't use his hot face to stick her cold butt, he couldn't afford to lose that person.

Nangong Wan'er naturally thought that Li Zedao was just joking, regardless of her family background, her cousin Nangong Meili was a first-class beauty, how could this guy not like her?

Mother was right, men like duplicity!

Now that the two were walking together, Li Zedao said that his head was still dizzy and he tried very hard, but he still couldn't remember too many things.

This move naturally intends to get more things out of Nangong Wan'er.

"After signing up, go to the school doctor." Nangong Wan'er suggested after casually answering some idiot questions from Li Zedao.

Li Zedao vaguely agreed, thinking that he is not an idiot, how could he go to the school doctor? What if the identity is revealed?

The two hurried forward for a certain distance, and suddenly there was a muffled roar.


For a moment, Li Zedao only felt his ears buzzing, his head was dizzy, and he felt nauseous.

Li Zedao knew that he was shocked by the muffled roar, so one could imagine how scary the sound was, it was even scarier than the laughter that Tianbao made when he appeared on the stage before!

Nangong Wan'er's situation was not much better, her rosy face turned pale and ugly.

"What's that sound? What happened?" Li Zedao asked tremblingly.

"Snow python! That's the sound of a snow python!" Nangong Wan'er's face was so pale, her brows like willow leaves were simply frowned, and her eyes were fixed on the direction of the source of the sound.

"Snow python? What is that?"

"A kind of python unique to Buzhou Mountain. It has an extremely cruel temperament, a tall body, is highly poisonous, and is extremely powerful. It is not weaker than a strong person of the ninth rank of the Lingyun Realm!" Nangong Wan'er looked serious.

"Ninth rank strong in the Lingyun Realm? What is that?" Li Zedao was confused.

Nangong Wan'er just wanted to chop Li Zedao into several pieces and feed you the proud snow snake. She thinks this guy is not just as simple as losing his memory, he is also a super big idiot!

It's such a time, and you still have the mood to ask what the Ninth Grade of the Lingyun Realm is?

At this moment, the sound of extremely heavy footsteps came, and at the same time, the ground began to tremble slightly, and what was even more frightening was that the thick ice and snow covering the mountain trembled along with the trembling up!

Looking up at the top, Li Zedao almost fainted from fright.

Because there are snowflakes swishing down all the time! If this continues like this, I'm afraid there will be an extremely terrifying avalanche!

In the next second, a scene that almost made Li Zedao's eyes explode appeared.

I saw a "snake" about 20 meters long and as thick as a basketball diameter walking over step by step!

Yes, by walking, not by climbing! Because, this snow-white snake has four legs, and there are sharp claws on the legs!

Its forked tongue sticks out long, and there are drops of strangely beautiful liquid dripping from its bloody mouth, and a stick of white snow immediately emits a strange smoke!

Its eyes were terribly blood red, revealing bursts of ferocity.

What's even more exaggerated is that this snake even has wings!

Li Zedao swallowed inexplicably, he couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

"Don't move, don't move, if you don't move, it won't attack you..." Nangong Wan'er whispered, which is why she didn't run away just now.

With her current strength, if she compared her speed with the blood python, she would simply be courting death.

Li Zedao could clearly feel that there was a trace of panic in her voice.

In fact, the reason why Nangong Liuli took the initiative to invite Li Zedao together was because she found the footprints of snow pythons in the surrounding area before. Of course, if there are footprints of snow pythons, you may not encounter snow pythons, but what if?

Being with Li Zedao can be regarded as a support... Although, even if the two of them work together, they cannot be the opponent of Snow Mang, but at least they can strengthen their courage.

Most importantly, it would be even better if Li Zedao could use the spirit of self-sacrifice to lure the snow python away.

"Are you sure?" Li Zedao asked in a low voice. The panic in his voice was no less than that of Nangong Wan'er.

Of course, Li Zedao deliberately magnified his fear, that is to say, he was indeed afraid, but it was not as exaggerated as he showed now!

At the same time, even more thoughts surged. So, this is also a test arranged by Buzhou Academy for this new student?

If it is a test, it should not be dead.

But what if it's not a test?

"Should... right?" Nangong Wan'er was not so sure. If it wasn't for her conscience, she would have wanted Li Zedao to try it.

After all, if Li Zedao can successfully lure the damn snow python away, she will be safe.

"..." Then, Li Zedao understood that no matter where he was, whether it was in God's Domain or in the lower plane where he originally lived, he couldn't believe a woman's broken mouth.

Snow Python's ferocious eyes looked at Li Zedao, then at Nangong Wan'er, and then let out another muffled roar: "Roar..."

Li Zedao's mind was buzzing, and he almost passed out like this. At the same time, his chest felt sick, and he almost vomited out all the five-color chicken that hadn't been fully digested.

At the same time, something even more terrifying happened. Affected by the terrifying muffled roar of the Snow Snake, the snow on the top of the mountain simply and completely loosened.


A deafening muffled sound came, as if there was a muffled sound ringing beside the ears.

Looking back and forth, I saw patches of snow, just like the rushing river, slanting down crazily.

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