The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1990 Dead Fatty

Li Zedao stood at the gate of the Green Demon Village.

There were four corpses on the ground, which were guarding the gate.

Before they could react, Li Zedao simply wiped their necks, and died without even saying a word.

Li Zedao raised his foot and kicked fiercely towards the three or four meter high gate.

"Bang!" There was a loud sound, and the door was smashed by Li Zedao's kick, which really scared the robbers inside.

Then, they saw a young man striding in with a knife in his hand.

"Where did the bastard come from? How dare you trespass on my Green Demon Village!" A one-eyed man with a hostile face raised a machete that had just been polished in his hand, pointed at Li Zedao and cursed.

As soon as the words fell, the one-eyed man was shocked to find that the boy had disappeared.

In the next second, the sword flashed!

The head of the one-eyed man flew into the air. His eyeballs were wide open, revealing extreme panic and reluctance to this world.

Including Guoba, all the robbers who witnessed this scene were simply dumbfounded, their minds roared violently, and they really couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

They raised the butcher's knife in their hands many times and slashed at those unarmed villagers. They separated the heads of those villagers from their bodies, and even used their heads as "urinals" to achieve better results.

But now, this kind of separation of head and body happened to them, so they were resolutely stupid.

"Ah..." Those women were the first to react and screamed.

"Kill him!" Guoba looked at the boy as if he was looking at a dead person.

Li Zedao glanced coldly at the bandits surrounding him from all directions, and said coldly, "Go to hell."

Then, he clenched the knife in his hand, and then, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards these people.

The massacre on the right side, let's start!

Li Zedao considers himself a pacifist,

I don't advocate using violence to control violence, but I don't deny an iron fact that sometimes, violence is indeed the best way to solve problems.

Of course, if violence cannot solve the problem, then you are not violent enough.

Therefore, Li Zedao decided to use the most violent means to completely end this matter, and restore the blue sky to the surrounding villages that were persecuted.

In addition, to be honest, Li Zedao actually didn't blame those villagers who seemed so selfish, otherwise he wouldn't just kill the old man and let the others go. Their weakness and the brutality of their enemies determined that they would do such a thing.

half an hour? Maybe the time was even shorter. The Green Demon Village, which was originally filled with all kinds of sounds, has already fallen into an extremely strange dead silence.

Li Zedao stood there, the robe on his body that was presented by Dongfang Xiaochu was already completely stained red with blood, and his handsome face was also covered with blood stains, the whole person looked like a ghost who had crawled out of hell like.

In his hand was a long sword that he picked up casually from the ground just now. The whole body of the long sword was blood red, and the blood was constantly sliding down from the peak.

As for the machete he brought earlier, it was currently nailing a corpse to a wall.

The ground was strewn with corpses, one head had been chopped off, some had been chopped into two pieces, some had been disembowelled and their intestines flowed out...

There was an extremely pungent smell of blood in the air, and the whole cottage didn't look much different from hell.

In addition to the women from the surrounding villages who were taken captive to this village, there was one person alive, and that was the owner of the Green Demon Village, Guoba.

Of course, most of these women were fainted by fright, and those who were not fainted tightly covered their mouths, not daring to let themselves make any movement.

Guoba is an extremely tall man with a beard and looks extremely sturdy.

This ruthless man who dared to use the villagers' heads as urinals, and even dared to dig out people's hearts and livers to stir-fry them for drinking. In the eyes of the villagers, he was a devil. His body was trembling. It was like seeing a ghost.

He never knew what fear was, but now, he felt it deeply, and even his crotch was wet with fright.

"Do you know why you are still alive?" Li Zedao said looking at the rice crust. His expression was so indifferent and his tone so calm, as if everything that happened around him had nothing to do with him.

"Wait...forgive me..." Guoba's trembling knees softened, and he knelt heavily in front of Li Zedao.

"Because I want to hand you over to those villagers who have been oppressed by you for a long time." Li Zedao said again to himself.

"Only... as long as you let me go, I... I can give you a lot of gold coins... ah..." Guoba screamed and fell to the ground heavily.

His tendons and hamstrings were cut off by Li Zedao, and he was completely disabled.

An hour later, many villagers from the surrounding villages cautiously came to the Green Devil Village after getting the news. When they saw the corpses scattered all over the place, they simply vomited in fright.

After vomiting, they all cried and wailed loudly, and some of them even began to abuse the corpse, venting the anger that had been suppressed for a long time in their hearts.

After that, the Guoba lying there unable to move was tied to the pillar by the angry villagers. These villagers lined up consciously, and each of them took a knife to cut off a piece of meat from Guoba's body.

After being tortured for a full hour, the mighty Guoba swallowed his last breath after excruciating pain.

Li Zedao, who was hiding in a tree, glanced at Guoba, who was so dead that he couldn't die anymore, and disappeared there in a flash, hiding his achievements and fame.

At this moment, Li Zedao suddenly felt as if all his strength had been emptied all at once, and then he simply fell down from the tall tree!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao hit the ground heavily.

"The test is over?" After fainting, Li Zedao had such an idea in his mind.


In front of Soul Mirror, the teachers from Buzhou College all looked at Li Zedao's body that was heavily slapping on the ground with serious expressions.

"This son is too murderous." Zhuge Zhuyun said with a dignified expression, "In the future, if the cultivation level goes up a step, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the entire Divine Realm, and it will become a shame to our Zhou Academy!"

"Brother Zhuyun, this statement is wrong." Wolongshuang sang the opposite tune as usual. He was just annoyed, why did this damned Zhuge Zhuyun look more handsome than himself!

Of course, Wolongshuang will not admit this matter, but the key point is that all the teachers and students of the students think so. They all agree that Zhuge Zhuyun is responsible for the beauty of the Buzhou Academy, and is a member of the Buzhou Academy. school grass.

Wolongshuang really doesn't have the guts to stand on the opposite side of the entire academy and say that I, Wolongshuang, are the most handsome in Buzhou Academy... So, Wolongshuang has always liked to sing against Zhuge Zhuyun!

"In my opinion, this Li Zedao's approach can't be more correct. Think about it, if he doesn't kill all the robbers, if he keeps one of them, what if the robber seeks revenge on those villagers? So the best way is to kill them all, cut the weeds and root them out!"

"Why are you, Wolongshuang, so sure that those robbers won't turn their backs on their ways after learning the lesson?" Zhuge Zhuyun said loudly, "People are not sages, who can do nothing wrong? This Li Zedao killed them all in a fit of anger. Is it right to deprive them of their right to reform?"

"Why can't I be sure? Dogs can't change eating shit, Zhuge Zhuyun can't change pretending to be 'forceful', haven't you heard of these two sentences?" Wolongshuang sneered.

"Wolongshuang, are you looking for death?" Zhuge Zhuyun's face was full of frost. This guy who is not handsome at all but thinks he is handsome dares to insinuate that he is a dog?

"Zhuge Zhuyun, I'm afraid that you won't succeed? In short, I think what Li Zedao did is really hearty, and it suits my appetite. And you have also seen that this Li Zedao has already captured the girl's heart. He He could easily get those three girls into bed, but he didn't do so, which is enough to show that this boy has a strong self-control ability, enough to show that this boy is a real man, who can do something and not do something! So I decided Now, I want him to be my student, and whoever dares to rob me, I will be in a hurry with whoever!" Wo Longshuang rolled up his sleeves.

Zhuge Zhuyun also rolled up his sleeves: "Who are you scaring, Wolongshuang? I'm afraid you won't succeed? Let me tell you, I'm going to decide on this Li Zedao!"

"Don't you really dislike this student?"

"No, I don't dislike it, I just think he did something wrong. As his teacher, I naturally have an obligation to lead him to the right path. This is my responsibility! If you leave it to you, you will only let his The killing spirit is even worse! At that time, this child will be led astray by you."

Zhuge Zhuyun waved his hand, his face full of righteousness, and a sacred halo added to his body: "As the most handsome and outstanding teacher of Buzhou Academy, can I just stand by and see such an outstanding young man being destroyed like this? I'm sorry, I do not!"

"Zhuge Zhuyun, what do you mean? Am I, Wolongshuang, the kind of person who likes to kill? If I were, you, Zhuge Zhuyun, would have died a long time ago." Wolongshuang was furious at Zhuge Zhuyun's shamelessness.

It's okay to think that he is the best teacher in Buzhou Academy, but he actually has the nerve to say that he is the most handsome?

"Hehe, it sounds like you, Wolongshuang, are capable of killing me." Zhuge Zhuyun was full of disdain.

"Two teachers..." Liu Qingfeng, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, saw that the smell of sex between the two had grown stronger, and was even about to make a move, so he hurriedly stood aside and carefully tried to persuade them to fight, "Our academy stipulates that teachers cannot force students to make choices... "

"Bang!" Two fists suddenly appeared at Liu Qingfeng's left and right eyes, and directly sent Liu Qingfeng flying.

"Fatty!" Zhuge Zhuyun stretched out his fist.

"Fatty!" Wo Longshuang also stretched out his fist. Ultimate Student in the City

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