? When Li Zedao opened his eyes, what he saw was the sky, an extremely blue sky.

Sitting up, he suddenly found that he had appeared in front of a huge but simple and vicissitudes of stone gate.

There is also a huge stone carving hanging above the stone gate, with several extremely simple patterns on it.

Li Zedao is willing to swear by his handsomeness that he has never seen such a pattern before, but he knows very clearly that it is actually four words... Buzhou Academy!

In other words, although he knew nothing about God's Domain, he was proficient in the language and writing of God's Domain.

It was as if the language of God's Domain had been thoroughly integrated into his blood, and he uttered it as soon as he opened his mouth, without any sense of disobedience.

It seems that this is the gate of Buzhou College located on the top of Buzhou Mountain, that is to say, I have successfully passed the test arranged by the college and reached the top of the mountain.

"It's too easy and not challenging!" Li Zedao shook his head.

He now knows that the so-called test is mainly a test of character.

Therefore, Li Zedao has shaped himself well into a good boy who is full of justice, eager to help others, brave to sacrifice for others, and does not ask for return...

After thinking about it, Li Zedao felt that he was too modest, how could this be called shaping? I'm just that kind of person, okay?

The gate is very tall and large, and the surrounding fog is lingering, as if filled with a fairy air, it looks quite high.

Looking inside from the gate, first you can see a huge square, and you can even see the attics around the huge square. It is conceivable that the area of ​​this college is very large. It can be said that it occupies the entire top of the mountain.

And the strange thing is that no matter at the foot of the mountain or halfway up the mountain, thick ice and snow are piled up, but the top of the mountain is extremely clean, without any ice and snow.

And there is no unbearable coldness.

Just when Li Zedao was about to go in through the gate, a man in a gray robe came out of the gate. After seeing Li Zedao, he bowed slightly and smiled, "Student, congratulations for passing through the Buzhou Academy." Test, become a student of the academy, please come with me."

"Thank you teacher.

"Li Zedao said quickly.

"No, no, I'm not a teacher. I'm a servant of Buzhou College. I'm usually responsible for helping students with some chores. My name is Firewood." The middle-aged man waved his hand quickly and said.

The status of teachers in Buzhou Academy is quite honorable. Any teacher placed in any tribe is a first-class strongman, which cannot be compared by a small servant like him.

The students who can become the students of Buzhou Academy, not to mention the arrogance figures from various tribes, will definitely do something great in the future, so the servants of Buzhou Academy have always respected these students very much. Dare to have the slightest support.

However, Muchai was quite happy when the student called him teacher. He felt that this student was really good and knew how to respect others. Unlike most students, his eyes were on his forehead.

"Brother Muchai, I'm sorry." Li Zedao said very respectfully. He didn't care whether he was a teacher or a servant, let alone his name being so unconventional.

These days, personality is very important.

Therefore, Li Zedao intends to shape himself into a good student who is enthusiastic, responsible, willing to sacrifice for others, jealous, and polite. In this way, even if something big happens in the future, everyone will not look suspiciously put it on him.

In addition, the information that Li Zedao currently possesses is extremely scarce, and it is natural that some can be excavated from this firewood.

Seeing that the student respected him so much, Mochai felt even more satisfied, and immediately said, "Don't dare, just call me by my name."

"Brother Muchai, how old is I? I should call you big brother." Li Zedao said quickly, "I am dissatisfied with Brother Muchai. They can't blend in together, and I will ask Brother Mochai to take care of me when the time comes."

Muchai nodded approvingly and said: "There are indeed a lot of noble students in this bad school, but you don't need to be afraid, it's fine if you don't take the initiative to make trouble, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't dare to mess around." Yes. I, a little servant, can’t help with big things, but small things are fine. If you need my help in life in the future, you can go to the servant area to find me, and I will live there.”

"Thank you, Brother Mochai." Li Zedao said gratefully.

"What's your classmate's name?" Mochai asked.

"Oh, my name is Li Zedao." Li Zedao said quickly.

"Okay, classmate Li Zedao, I'll take you in to report right away."

To go to the registration place, you have to pass through the altar, which is the huge square that Li Zedao saw before.

The so-called altar, to put it bluntly, is a large square without any buildings.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, this place can be regarded as the school's playground.

Of course, the playground is too big. Li Zedao felt that the playground of Phoenix City University was already huge, but compared with this square, it was nothing compared to the big one. There was no comparison at all.

Of course, this playground naturally has no football field, basketball court or anything.

As for why this square is called the altar, Mochai can't tell why, after all he is just a small servant.

To put it bluntly, he is a small staff member of the school's logistics department. He has a lot of complicated things, and he has been in Buzhou Academy for less than ten years, so what he knows about Buzhou Academy is only one-sided.

The altar is very large and shrouded in mist. It looks very ethereal and quite high.

Li Zedao also found that all the buildings in the college seemed to be built around this altar.

Li Zedao was thinking about whether he should suggest that the academy put the entire basketball court on this altar, the entire football field... Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

It is not too difficult to build a football field and a men's court. The key is, where can I find football and basketball? Li Zedao can't produce basketballs and footballs.

"Brother Muchai, how many students have registered?" Li Zedao asked. I thought to myself that with my excellence, I must be the first to reach the top of the mountain?

Muchai took a look at Li Zedao, and said with a slightly weird expression: "That...there are already dozens of students who are going to report."

When Li Zedao heard this, his face was filled with disappointment. He was not the first one to pass the test?

Shady, definitely shady! Otherwise, how could a good boy like himself not be the first student to pass the academy's test?

Seeing that Li Zedao's complexion suddenly dimmed, Mochai patted Li Zedao's shoulder and comforted him, "Student Li, it's okay. Although you are the last one, it doesn't mean anything. I believe that as long as you work hard, you will surpass other students in the future." , whoever becomes the most outstanding student of Buzhou Academy will definitely become the most dazzling figure in our God's Domain, and become the pride of our Buzhou Academy!"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched: "That... Brother Mochai, what does the last one mean?"

"Among all the freshmen, you are the last one to pass the test." Muchai said.

"..." Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back and turned around and left. It doesn't matter if you don't go to this kind of broken school full of shady scenes.

It's fine if it's not the first, but what's the matter with the last one? Is there such a thing as a bully?

"The other freshmen all passed the college's test yesterday afternoon," Muchai said again.

Although this student passed the test one night later than the other students, Mochai dared not take it lightly. After all, no matter how low the aptitude of this student is, he is better than himself. I am much better, otherwise I would not be a student of the bad academy.

I can't afford to provoke you!

"..." Li Zedao felt that a knife had been stabbed into his bloody chest again.

Muchai wanted to cheer this student up and let him not be discouraged, but seeing that he was downcast, he had no intention of speaking, so he had to give up.

After passing through the huge altar, Muchai brought Li Zedao to a simple building that was also hidden in the fog.

"This is where the Xinsheng Report Office is located. Let's register inside." Muchai looked back at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded with a look of lovelessness.

Whatever, anyway, apart from being disappointed with this so-called highest-level school in God's Domain, he was already disappointed at his grandma's house.

Ever since he took the pill, Li Zedao has become a supernatural existence among children of the same age, and getting the first place in the exam is like playing.

But now it is the last one! Last place! This is an insult, the kind of insult that is insulted to death!

Followed the firewood into the newspaper office, and came to a middle-aged man who was sitting there, holding a wolf brush in his hand, writing something.

It seems that this realm of the gods is not too primitive, at least there is such a thing as paper, instead of writing on bamboo slips or cloth.

"Guard Zhao, I'll bring the students over to report..." Muchai looked at the middle-aged man with a smile and smiled fawningly.

Zhao Guanshi looked up at the middle-aged man and nodded, then his eyes fell on Li Zedao, and he said with a smile, "What's the name of this classmate?"

"Li Zedao." Li Zedao said dejectedly.

Disappointed, so disappointed! What kind of broken school is this! It is actually the highest-level school in God's Domain, bar none! It's so ridiculous, so ridiculous!

"Li Zedao..." Manager Zhao picked up the registration book in front of Qian, quickly found Li Zedao's name in it, and then mentioned the wolf hair to register.

"Take classmate Li Zedao to get the school uniform from Laoqian." Manager Zhao looked at Muchai and said, "Then take him to the freshmen's dormitory."

"I see, Manager Zhao." Muchai said quickly.

Zhao Guanshi looked at Li Zedao and smiled gently, then lowered his head and lifted his hair, and continued to write something.

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