The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2007 Coiling Dragon City

? Nangong Wan'er took a deep look at Li Zedao's handsome face, put away the Xiaoxiang Sword Art, then quietly walked to the bed, and lay down with her clothes on.

Glancing at Li Zedao a few times from the corner of her eye, Nangong Wan'er bit her lip, and finally made a rather big decision in her heart.

"Well, Li, come to bed?" Nangong Wan'er tried her best to calm down her tone, but her heartbeat accelerated violently, and her little face became even hotter!

Of course she didn't want anything to happen, she just felt that he saved her life after all, and he saved her life twice. It was too much for him to sit there and sleep for one night. Individuals are fine.

Just like the goshawk, there was no problem with two people sitting on it that day.

Yes, this bed is just like that goshawk, just like that day horse, only a person with a dirty mind would think of a bed so evil.

Li Zedao opened his eyes, and looked at Nangong Wan'er with surprise on his face: "Are you willing to give me the bed, and you sleep on the floor?"

The expression on Nangong Wan'er's face froze, as if she had been slashed by Lei, and she almost couldn't help but jumped out of the bed and slashed the damn bastard!

"Get out! Go to sleep!" Nangong Wan'er shouted in embarrassment, turned over very depressed, and stopped talking to Li Zedao.

"Liar!" Li Zedao muttered in a low voice, closing his eyes again.

Of course, for Nangong Wan'er, this was destined to be a sleepless night, after all, the strength displayed by Li Zedao really shocked her.

In addition, his disregard for her also made Nangong Wan'er quite depressed, and she seriously doubted her own charm.

Could it be that only a woman like my cousin could move his heart?

Or, does this guy like men? Disgusting.

Early the next morning, the two had breakfast at the inn, and bought two flying horses from the inn, and rode to Panlong City.

This was not the first time for Li Zedao to ride this Pegasus, but it still made him feel very exciting.

Pegasus's speed was extremely fast, in less than an hour, the two had already arrived at Panlong City.

Li Zedao now roughly understands,

The vast God Realm is divided into nine tribes, and each tribe has dozens of cities, large and small, and each city has many families or forces. These families or forces are not only the guardians of the city, but each other among competitors.

For example, Canghai City, the largest and most prosperous city in the Zhong tribe, has a population of tens of millions, and there are countless forces, large and small, in the city.

Among them, the four most powerful forces are Dongfang Family, Ximen Family, Nangong Family, and Beitang Family.

It is said that the four major families will have a competition every five years, and the family that wins in the end will become the lord of Canghai City for the next five years.

Now, the lord of Canghai City is Nangong Lie, the father of Nangong Meili.

Panlong City is not half as big as Canghai City, but there are also many forces distributed in it.

The most powerful forces are the Ghost Doctor Sect and the Shenyao Pavilion. Li Yuanbao, who entrusted Buzhou Academy to escort something to Black Wind City this time, is an elder-level figure in the Shenyao Pavilion.

The Changshengju pharmacy opened by Li Yuanbao is located at the southernmost part of the most prosperous street in Panlong City, and it is not difficult to find, so Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er who entered the city found this place very easily.

This is a large shop full of quaint flavors. There is a huge plaque hanging above the gate, with the words "Longevity House" engraved on it, and there are two tall statues at the door, which are quite unfamiliar to Li Zedao. The beast town house.

At the same time, there was a strong smell of medicinal herbs in the air. Not only was this smell not unpleasant, but it gave people a feeling of spiritual shock.

"This Changshengju is the pharmacy opened by the client, Li Yuanbao." Nangong Wan'er said, looking back at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded, jumped down immediately from that day, and said: "I don't know what he needs us to escort to Black Wind City. According to our previous investigation, this Li Yuanbao is one of the biggest forces in Panlong City." The elders of the Shenyao Pavilion must have many powerful subordinates, right? Why doesn't he go by himself instead entrusts us to the Buzhou Academy?"

"How do I know?" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a blank look, she felt that this guy talked too much nonsense.

Someone entrusted a task to the college, and paid a large commission fee. As a student of the bad college, since you have chosen this task, you only need to complete that task. How can there be so many reasons?

After finishing speaking, Nangong Wan'er strode into the Changsheng residence.

Li Zedao rubbed his nose, his face full of helplessness, it seemed that he was looking for a woman, in his heart, his performance last night was simply worse than that of a beast.

Li Zedao really didn't want to have anything to do with Nangong Wan'er, after all they could be said to be enemies.

In other words, Li Zedao is an enemy to everyone in God's Domain! The reason why he came to God's Realm was to find out if there were still people thinking about invading Mortal Realm, just to build a wall like Nu Wa in the past.

If not, then the entire Divine Realm will be completely polluted, so that they have no time to take care of the invasion of the Mortal Realm.

Of course, there is another option, which is to become the strongest in God's Domain and make everyone in God's Domain obey him, then the matter of invading Mortal Domain can naturally be easily resolved.

After walking in, Li Zedao was directly attracted by the tall chests of drawers around him. Judging from the number of drawers, there might not be less than a thousand.

At the same time, the non-disgusting smell of medicine in the air became even stronger.

From the book in Zangshu Pavilion, Li Zedao got some introductions about the medical industry in Shenyu.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can anyone not be knifed? Let alone such a dangerous place as God's Domain.

Therefore, in God's Domain, the strong are formidable, but the doctors have a higher status.

In other words, the status of a doctor in God's Domain is quite lofty. Even a super strong person would not dare to offend a doctor casually. After all, you are so powerful that you will inevitably get injured someday.

Doctors are also divided into three categories. One category is to prescribe medicines to treat diseases. This is also the most common type of doctors. These doctors are collectively referred to as doctors.

The other category is to study and refine various panaceas. The number of such doctors is relatively small, and such doctors are called alchemists.

There is another category, the soul craftsman! The number of such doctors is even smaller. It is said that in the entire God's Domain, there are currently less than ten people who can be called soul craftsmen!

Soul craftsmen are the most mysterious and powerful branch of doctors! Soulsmith doesn't heal your body, he heals the soul attached to your body!

As soon as he saw the word "soul craftsman", Li Zedao immediately thought of Guimaru and Shenwan. According to what the master said, this ghost pill and Shenwan were actually passed down from the realm of the gods to the realm of mortals. In other words, In the extremely distant ancient times, God's Domain had already started using people's souls as medicine.

In addition, Li Zedao also thought of the soul nail of Immortal Tianbao. It seems that such a soul nail should be made by a soul craftsman.

The guy in the blue robe saw the guest coming in, and immediately greeted him with a smiling face: "Are you two buying medicine or seeing a doctor?"

"We're looking for Li Yuanbao." Nangong Wan'er said straight to the point.

"Looking for our shopkeeper?" The guy's eyes froze slightly, with a smile still on his face, "Who are you? What do you want to find our shopkeeper?"

"Oh, we are students of Buzhou Academy. Your treasurer entrusted our academy to escort something to Black Wind City." Nangong Wan'er said simply, and took out a jade card to show her identity.

The words "Buzhou Academy" on this jade card are enough to prove Nangong Wan'er's identity. After all, this kind of jade card is actually made by a soul craftsman, and the price is expensive. It is really not affordable for ordinary people. Only the students of the poor colleges with deep pockets have a staff.

In addition, given the status of Buzhou Academy in God's Domain, especially in the Northern Tribe, no one dared to pretend to be a student of Buzhou Academy.

You can kill the students of Buzhou Academy. After all, the skills are not as good as others, and the students did not ask for help, so the Buzhou Academy will just pretend that nothing happened and will not help the students to avenge.

However, if you dare to pretend to be a student of the Bad Zhou Academy, then you are not far from death.

"It turned out to be two distinguished guests from Buzhou Academy. Please forgive me for being far away." The man immediately relaxed, thinking that these two people came here to ask for trouble.

"Our innkeeper just ordered before we left the house that the distinguished guests from the college will come soon, so I must entertain them well." The waiter said with a smile on his face.

"What? Is your shopkeeper here?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

"Oh, our shopkeeper has something to do, and he should be back soon according to the time." The clerk said, "Two distinguished guests, please come to the back hall to have tea first, and wait for a while."

Under the leadership of the staff, the two walked through the front hall which was transformed into a shop, and walked out through a door. For a while, Li Zedao felt a sense of enlightenment.

I saw a quiet and elegant small courtyard in front of me. The style of this small courtyard was similar to that of the Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens that Li Zedao had been to.

The size of the small courtyard is not small, and there are many unnamed flowers and plants planted by Li Zedao. Although the air is cold, there are a hundred flowers blooming, and the strong fragrance in the air is even more intoxicating.

"Well...the weather is so cold, why didn't these flowers and plants freeze to death?" Li Zedao couldn't help asking.

This is really contrary to common sense. According to Li Zedao's estimation, the temperature is at least twenty degrees below zero, but even if the flowers and plants are not frozen to death, they should have withered.

What's more, along the way, the flowers and plants outside are all withered.

Li Zedao thought of the unknown flower in the No. 50 courtyard where he lived, and that flower bloomed extremely coquettishly, it was really weird.

"Uh... That's because we watered the flowers and plants." The man looked at Li Zedao with a little surprise in his eyes. This is the most basic common sense, how could he not know?

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