The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2008 Soul Physique


What is this "spring water"? It must be some kind of special nourishment, right? This kind of nourishment can make these flowers, plants and trees live well in such severe cold weather.

And this kind of thing is obviously known to everyone in this place, no wonder this guy looks at him so strangely.

"That... still hurts in the head?" Nangong Wan'er asked in a low voice, and there was a trace of concern in her voice.

"Uh... a bit." Li Zedao touched his head.

"Go back and find a doctor to see if there are any sequelae." Nangong Wan'er said worriedly, "You are already so stupid. If your IQ and memory are deteriorating, it will be too pitiful."

"..." Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention.

Passing through this small courtyard is the huge back hall, which looks extremely magnificent.

The store clerk invited the two of them to check in with a respectful expression, and then left to work on his own.

Soon, servants brought fragrant tea and pastries that looked extremely delicate.

Li Zedao was not polite, he picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, sighing again, this God's Domain is definitely a foodie's paradise, if those foodies are lucky enough to come to this God's Domain, they will die of happiness.

Picking up the tea and taking a sip, Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he opened the lid of the cup to take a look, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, "Madan, is this the extinct Dahongpao that can't be bought even if you have money?" ?

So, those two solitary wild tea trees growing on a certain cliff in Wuyi Mountain actually came from God’s Domain?

But no matter what, at this moment, he could still taste the taste of his hometown. Li Zedao felt his nose sore and almost cried.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Li Zedao's strange expression, Nangong Wan'er frowned instantly, "Is there a problem with the tea?"

"No problem, it's's so delicious." Li Zedao said very touched.


Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao, feeling inexplicably distressed, she felt that Li Zedao was really pitiful,

This is obviously a very common kind of tea, but he is so amazed, one can imagine how difficult his previous life was.

"Then you drink more, I'll give you this cup too...I didn't take a sip." Nangong Wan'er pushed the untouched cup of tea in front of her to Li Zedao.

"It's okay if you drink it." Li Zedao smiled, picked up a piece of pastry, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it with relish.

"Get out!" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a blank look, but her heart was inexplicably sweet.

Being teased by Li Zedao with such words, she didn't even feel disgusted at all.

At this moment, a man who was as fat as a meatball and dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes walked in.

"Two distinguished guests, Mr. Li has something to go out, please forgive me for keeping you two waiting for a long time." The fat man said with a smile. The fat on his face was crowded together, and as a result, his eyes were so small that they almost became a line.

"Hello, Shopkeeper Li." Nangong Wan'er stood up and said.

Li Zedao quickly swallowed his mouthful of pastries and stood up.

When accepting the task, Nangong Wan'er had seen the portrait of the client, so she knew that the fat pig-like guy in front of her was the client, and also the shopkeeper of the Changshengju, one of the most powerful forces of the Panlongren. Li Yuanbao, the elder of the Medicine Pavilion.

Although this Li Yuanbao is not considered powerful, he is an alchemist of high rank, so his status in the Alchemy Pavilion is naturally quite high, and he has even become the shopkeeper of the Longevity Residence.

"My name is Nangong Wan'er, and this is my partner, Li Zedao." Nangong Wan'er said.

"Miss Nangong, Mr. Li, please take a seat." Li Yuanbao said very politely. He waited for Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er to sit back on the chairs again before he took his seat.

"It's this box that I'm going to bother you two to escort to Black Wind City this time." After some politeness, Li Yuanbao took out a black box and put it in front of Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er.

The box is about ten inches long, five inches short, and two inches high. It is locked with an extremely delicate copper lock. At the same time, a special red ink pad is firmly stuck between the lid and the box. , There is also a special imprint on the ink pad.

Li Zedao knew that this was the most basic means of keeping secrets.

Once the box is opened, the ink pad is bound to be destroyed. In this way, no one can open the box without anyone noticing and find out what's inside the box.

"Shopkeeper Li, you are too polite. This is our mission." Nangong Wan'er picked up the box without looking at it, and directly gave it to Li Zedao who was at the side.

"You put it away."

Li Zedao took it over, but he wasn't too curious about what was pretending here.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, they are couriers, and they just need to deliver the goods to customers safely.

"After arriving in Black Wind City, you go to the inn in the south of the city, find the owner of the inn, shopkeeper Sun Husun, and give him this box." Li Yuanbao said.

"Understood." Nangong Wan'er stood up and said, "Shopkeeper Li, before we leave, I have something to ask."

"Miss Nangong is too polite, please tell me." Li Yuanbao smiled.

Nangong Wan'er pointed to Li Zedao and said: "My classmate suffered a severe blow to the head two days ago, and these two days I have always had a splitting headache, and I have forgotten a lot of things. Shopkeeper Li is a very famous alchemist in Panlong City. , and trouble shopkeeper Li to help him take a look."

Li Zedao froze for a moment, feeling moved and apprehensive.

What was touching was that Nangong Wan'er cared so much about her, which made him feel a bit of warmth in another world.

What's disturbing is that his so-called headache and amnesia is just pretending. The most important thing is, will this Li Yuanbao see any clues?

"I see. I'll help Mr. Li check it out." Li Yuanbao said. For him, treating this so-called headache is a matter of convenience.

"Trouble shopkeeper Li." Nangong Wan'er bowed to express her thanks.

"Mr. Li, please extend your hand and let me take your pulse." Li Yuanbao looked at Li Zedao with a smile on his face and said.

"This..." Li Zedao hesitated for a while and stretched out his hand. Some things have to be faced sooner or later.

Big deal...

Li Zedao's heart was full of murderous intent.

If this Li Yuanbao is really so powerful, so powerful that it can be seen that he does not belong to the realm of the gods, but comes from the realm of mortals, then he can only kill people to silence him!

Even Nangong Wan'er must die!

Li Yuanbao's chubby hand rested on Li Zedao's pulse, and he began to feel his pulse calmly.

Li Zedao glanced at the cold light he put on the table with the corner of his eye, and if he found something wrong, he would kill him immediately.

"Huh?" Li Yuanbao was surprised, his thin eyes suddenly became bigger, and he looked at Li Zedao in amazement.

"What's the problem?" Nangong Wan'er's heart tightened inexplicably.

Li Zedao's heart twitched even more, and he wanted to go over with his hand, and drew out the sword.

"Wait, I'm checking." Li Yuanbao took a deep breath, then continued to cut his pulse calmly, then released his fingers from Li Zedao's wrist, looked at Li Zedao with hot eyes, and exclaimed, "If I didn't If you are wrong, Mr. Li, you have an extremely rare soul physique."

Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, the situation seemed to be different from what he thought, and what the hell was this soul constitution?

However, Nangong Wan'er's eyeballs almost rolled down from the eye sockets, and she said in a voiceless voice: "Soul physique? You say he has...soul physique? Is it true or not?"

Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao as if she had seen a ghost, and she couldn't find any words to describe her mood at this moment.

If she was surprised that Li Zedao won the first place, then she was shocked when he wiped the woman's neck with a crushing gesture.

But now, Li Yuanbao said that he had a soul constitution, which made her doubt life directly.

So, those teachers of Buzhou Academy fought hard to get him, not only because he was the number one, but also because of his soul physique?

"What... is the soul constitution?" Li Zedao asked weakly, at this moment he had a feeling of ignorance.

"Mr. Li doesn't know?" Li Yuanbao was surprised.

If you say you don’t know that you have a soul physique, that’s fine, but if you say you don’t know what a soul physique is... In other words, the students of the college should not be so ignorant, right?

"His head was hit hard, and he doesn't remember many things." Nangong Wan'er looked away from Li Zedao with great difficulty, and looked at Li Yuanbao, "Is his head okay?"

"Mr. Li's head has a blood clot, which was indeed caused by a heavy blow. This kind of injury will indeed cause memory loss. But it's not a hindrance, and it will heal on its own after a while." Li Yuanbao looked at Li Zedao with such burning eyes.

"Thank you, shopkeeper Li." Nangong Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Nangong, you're welcome." Li Yuanbao waved his hand, then looked at Li Zedao, bowed and said, "Mr. Li, if you leave Buzhou Academy in the future and come to me, I will treat you as a guest of honor. "

The words are full of wooing.


"I'm afraid I will disappoint shopkeeper Li's kindness. He is a member of our Nangong family." Nangong Wan'er said proudly.

"The Nangong family?"

"Canghai City, the Central Tribe, the Nangong family! He is the fiancé of Nangong Meili, the daughter of the family patriarch Nangong Lie." Nangong Wan'er pointed to Li Zedao and said.

Li Yuanbao's expression moved.

Although Canghai City is thousands of miles away from Panlong City, the four major forces in Canghai City are familiar to Li Yuanbao. One can imagine how huge the four major forces in Canghai City are.

"Li was so happy when he saw it. He has no other intentions. I would like to ask Miss Nangong and Mr. Li not to be offended." Li Yuanbao bowed to express his apology.

"Treasurer Li is out." Nangong Wan'er nodded, "Let's set off now and deliver this box to the shopkeeper Sun Husun ​​of an inn in Black Wind City."

"Excuse me, both of you." Li Yuanbao said politely.

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