The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2009 Shopkeeper Sun

"Oh, by the way, the contents of this box are too valuable, so after the two of you hand over the box to shopkeeper Sun, you must wait for him to inspect the goods before leaving...Of course, it's not that Li can't trust the two of you." , please don’t overthink it.” Li Yuanbao said again.

"It should be so." Nangong Wan'er said.

After personally sending Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er out of the Changsheng Residence, and watching them leave on the Pegasus, Li Yuanbao turned back to the Changsheng Residence.

Soon, Li Yuanbao came to a room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A deep and gloomy voice sounded.

Li Yuanbao pushed open the door and went in, looking at the thin old man sitting there with his eyes closed, he bent down and said, "Master."

"That thing was sent away by the student of the Buzhou Academy?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at Li Yuanbao. His eyes were so sharp, like two sharp swords, that Li Yuanbao felt uncomfortable all over.

"Yes, sect master." Li Yuanbao bowed and said, "However, there is an unexpected discovery."

"What discovery?"

"One of the students is a soul body." Li Yuanbao said.

The old man's expression moved: "The body of the soul... are you sure?"

"It's absolutely true." Li Yuanbao said, "Moreover, his identity is the son-in-law of Nangong Lie, the patriarch of the Nangong family of the Zhong tribe."

"The Nangong family..." The old man narrowed his eyes slightly.

Li Yuanbao said cautiously: "Master, are you going to terminate the plan? After all..."

The old man waved his hand: "Proceed according to the plan. Even if it is the soul body, if it cannot be used by me, it is better to get rid of it. As for the Nangong family... its power is strong, and it is limited to the Zhong tribe. After that, even if it can be used for me That kid came to this northern tribe to trouble the Shenyao Pavilion, so he can't suspect us ghost doctors."

"I see, sect master." Li Yuanbao said.

Everyone knows that Li Yuanbao is the elder of the Shenyao Pavilion, but only a few people know that his real identity is a nail planted by the Ghost Doctor Sect in the Shenyao Pavilion.

"Get rid of shopkeeper Sun. Although there are students from the bad college who will help you take the blame, there will still be people who will doubt it. So, be careful yourself. At that time, I don't need to teach you what to do, right?"

"Thank you for your concern, sect master. I know what to do." Li Yuanbao said.

The old man didn't say anything, and slowly closed his eyes.

Li Yuanbao sighed softly, it's a pity that such a good seedling is likely to die young.

Immediately bowed extremely respectfully, and then quietly left the room.


Li Zedao looked at Nangong Wan'er in astonishment.

After a brief explanation by Nangong Wan'er, he roughly understood what the so-called soul body is and what it's useful for.

To put it simply, only those who possess the body of a soul can become a soul craftsman!

In God's Domain, the reason why soul craftsmen are rare is precisely because there are too few people with soul bodies. Therefore, people with soul bodies will inevitably become the ones that all major forces win over and try their best to cultivate. object.

Of course, whether one can become a soul craftsman in the future depends on one's understanding.

In other words, it doesn't mean that you can become a soul craftsman if you have a soul body, it depends on your comprehension in pills.

But if you want to become a soul craftsman without a soul body, it is simply a dream.

That's why, in the Longevity Residence, Li Yuanbao would try to win over Li Zedao.

Once Li Zedao joins the force behind him and finally succeeds in becoming a soul craftsman, then it is not impossible for the force behind him to become the overlord of the entire northern tribe in one fell swoop.

"So I have such potential." Li Zedao exclaimed, he didn't know what words to use to praise himself.

"Hey, if a person is too good, it's really not a good thing. Like me, so good, so dazzling, can he still be a low-key undercover agent?" Li Zedao worried,

What should I do in my undercover career in the future?

"Yes, yes, you do have great potential." Nangong Wan'er rolled her eyes.

Seeing Li Zedao being so embarrassing, Nangong Wan'er had the urge to beat him up. He thought to himself that the reason why the uncle betrothed cousin Meili to him, did he already know that this Li Zedao is a soul body, and he has a chance to become a soul craftsman in the future?

But the rest of the family probably don't know about it yet, right? Otherwise, it is impossible for them to speak out against this marriage. After all, they know very well what a person with a soul body means to the family.

After more than an hour, the two returned to Qingmu Town again and found an inn to rest for a while. During this period, Li Zedao even spent some gold coins to inquire about the information about the inn in Heifeng City.

This Qingmu Town is a transfer station where fish and dragons are mixed together. Such a place is usually the intersection of various information. Every day, a lot of information is circulated from here, and a lot of information is circulated in from outside.

Therefore, it is only a matter of spending some gold coins to inquire about the news about the inn in the Black Wind City.

From Nangong Wan'er's point of view, Li Zedao's actions were quite redundant, but she didn't stop him, and let him do what she wanted.

After resting, the two set off towards Black Wind City in the southeast.

In the end, before the gate of the dark city was closed, the two entered the Heifeng City, and non-stop came to the Youjian Inn located in the south of the city.

Of course, they can only wait until tomorrow morning to leave the city. After all, depending on the time, the city gate is about to close now, so they can only stay in this black wind city tonight.

Compared with the inn in Qingmu Town, this inn is much larger in size and more grand.

At this time, there was a lot of people in the inn, obviously many people were eating inside.

After Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er walked in, the shop waiter immediately greeted him, and said with a smile on his face, "Two guests, please come inside, what do you want? The signature dish of the shop is..."

"No need, let's find shopkeeper Sun." Nangong Wan'er said.

"Looking for our shopkeeper? I don't know why the two of you are looking for our shopkeeper?" The waiter frowned, and his aura changed all of a sudden.

It seems that this is a master who kills without blinking an eye, not just a simple shop assistant.

Of course, shopkeeper Sun is not just the owner of an inn. In fact, this shopkeeper Sun is the leader of a powerful force entrenched in Black Wind City, the Black Beast Mercenary Group.

The mercenary group has a completely different lifestyle from those other forces. They usually do not compete with other forces for territory and resources. They provide employment tasks. As long as the other party's bid is high enough, they can be hired by anyone.

They are a group of real gangsters who want money but not life. For money, they dare to attack anyone.

"Shopkeeper Li Yuanbao from Longevity Residence in Panlong City entrusted us to bring something over to Shopkeeper Sun." Nangong Wan'er said flatly.

"Wait here, I'll ask." The waiter said, turned around and left quickly.

Not long after, he came back to Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er again, and said very politely: "You two are welcome, our shopkeeper Sun is here."

"Lead the way." Nangong Wan'er said.

Following behind the waiter, the two of them went up the stairs to the second floor, followed the corridor, and came to the room at the end.

Li Zedao scanned the surroundings intentionally or unintentionally with the corner of his eyes, and he clearly caught many experts hiding in the surrounding darkness.

The waiter knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice sounded full of air.

The waiter pushed open the door, turned around and made an invitation gesture to Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er: "You two, please, our shopkeeper Sun is waiting for you inside."

Nangong Wan'er strode in with a calm expression, and Li Zedao, the follower, hurriedly followed.

The rooms are large and grand.

A tall, rough-looking, middle-aged man was painting in front of the huge table.

He was painting a flower, a big red flower, a big red flower without any artistry at all, just like a child doodling at will. It seems that this middle-aged man really has no talent in painting.

This scene was undoubtedly a little discordant. After all, if such a person took a knife and cut off the head of a person over there, no one would feel discordant, and everyone would take it for granted.

But such a person picked up a brush and painted over there, which gave people an extremely uncoordinated feeling.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the small bowl of red paint on the table, and his pupils shrank slightly. The color and bloody smell are enough to prove that the bowl is actually filled with blood, that is to say, the shopkeeper Sun is painting with blood. With that big red flower!

Shopkeeper Sun looked up at Nangong Wan'er and Li Zedao who came in, grinned, showing his big yellow teeth, threw the paintbrush and said, "Are you two students from Buzhou College?"

"Exactly." Nangong Wan'er nodded. Li Yuanbao naturally got in touch with shopkeeper Sun, so knowing that they were students of Buzhou College, it was of course nothing.

Nangong Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao, Li Zedao quickly took off the bag that was carried on his back, opened it, took out the intact box inside, and handed it to Nangong Wan'er.

Nangong Wan'er took it, walked over, and gently put the box on the table: "This is the box that Li Yuanbao entrusted us to deliver to you, please check it, if there is no problem, our task And that's it."

Glancing at the bowl of red paint in front of her, she frowned slightly, and she also realized that it was simply a bowl of blood, a bowl of steaming blood.

It seems that the news about Sun Hu that Li Zedao inquired about in Qingmu Town is not exaggerated, this is really a complete pervert.

"Does my little sister have a girlfriend? If not, do you want to think about Brother Sun?" Shopkeeper Sun grinned, his pie face was full of evil.

"Bang!" The long sword was unsheathed.

Nangong Wan'er, holding a long sword in her hand, looked at shopkeeper Sun expressionlessly, and her whole body became murderous.

"Haha, don't be impulsive, I was just joking, I, Mr. Sun, don't have the guts to offend the students of the bad college casually." Shopkeeper Sun laughed.

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