The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2010 Take the blame

Nangong Wan'er didn't speak, but snorted coldly, sheathed her long sword, turned around and took a few steps back, and stood in front of Li Zedao. She didn't want to get too close to this pervert who painted with human blood.

Even, if he hadn't been the one who took over the box, Nangong Wan'er would have gone there with a sword and killed him first.

"Let me check, if there is no problem, you can leave."

With that said, Shopkeeper Sun picked up the wooden box, carefully checked that the red ink pad with special symbols on it had arrived, and found nothing wrong with it, so he took off the red "red" ink pad, and then He stretched out his hand and grabbed the brass lock, and pulled it lightly, and the brass lock broke immediately.

Shopkeeper Sun's eyes showed a very greedy look. Obviously, the things in this box moved his heart very much.

Then, he couldn't wait to open the box.

In the next second, something unexpected happened!

Only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard, and the box exploded, and liquids like "liquid" sprayed out, and white smoke billowed for a while, and the air was filled with a A pungent smell.

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er's expressions changed, and they retreated instinctively to avoid being affected by the splashing unknown liquid.

"Ah!" Shopkeeper Sun let out an extremely miserable scream, and his body backed up again and again, "My face... ah... my eyes..."

"Maybe it's poisonous, hold your breath." Nangong Wan'er hurriedly explained to Li Zedao, a rookie who just entered the rivers and lakes, while holding her breath, she took out a jade bottle from her bosom and poured out two detoxification pills , stuffed one of them into Li Zedao's mouth, and took one himself.

Feeling the body, there is no discomfort, and at the same time he was slightly relieved, and looked at shopkeeper Sun with a solemn expression.

Shopkeeper Sun had already fallen to the ground, rolling on the ground in pain. Looking at his face and hands, his skin was torn apart, and there were bursts of white smoke coming out of the wound.

Li Zedao's brows were tightly frowned. The pungent smell in the air, the white smoke, and the severely corroded wound on Shopkeeper Sun's body were so familiar to him.

Concentrated sulfuric acid! Yes, it's a lot like the smell of concentrated sulfuric acid!

It's just that there is such a thing as concentrated sulfuric acid in Shenyu?

Li Zedao suddenly thought that there are many alchemists in Shenyu,

The technology of refining various elixirs has developed to a very high level, so it is not impossible to unintentionally produce concentrated sulfuric acid.

Nangong Wan'er's small face had become extremely ugly, so she wanted to go over to check his injuries.

It seems that Li Zedao's previous suspicions were correct. There are indeed huge problems with this box, and there is even some ulterior conspiracy inside. Send this box.

If this shopkeeper Sun died, would he tell Li Ze not to be a murderer? Although it's okay to kill, the key point is that this is shopkeeper Sun's lair. With the strength of himself and Li Zedao, can he safely escape the pursuit of the black beast mercenary group? I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Therefore, Shopkeeper Sun must not die no matter what! He has to live to prove that he and Li Zedao are innocent!

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Li Zedao grabbed her wrist and said solemnly, "Don't touch him."

At this time, shopkeeper Sun's screams became weaker and weaker, and black blood even flowed out from his seven orifices. It is conceivable that the highly corrosive liquid was also mixed with Mixed with poison!

If Nangong Wan'er accidentally touched it, even just a little bit, her skin would be corroded, and then the poison would enter her body.

"But..." Nangong Wan'er was annoyed. This guy, how dare he grab his wrist? Isn't he afraid of chopping off his hand with his own sword?

"He's hopeless." Li Zedao said.

As soon as the words were finished, shopkeeper Sun's body stopped twitching. Less than two minutes ago, the leader of the bandits, who was holding a wolf hair stained with human blood and painted with big red flowers, turned into an ugly corpse in a blink of an eye.

Noisy voices came from outside the door.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Apparently, the members of the Black Beast Mercenary Group guarding outside had heard shopkeeper Sun's wailing sound like killing a pig, so they came to see what happened, but they didn't get the approval of shopkeeper Sun, so they didn't dare to enter casually.

"Get out of the window quickly." Li Zedao said in a low voice. This situation is equivalent to yellow mud falling in the crotch, which is either shit or shit.

After all, these bandits are not reasonable people at all, and they don't have the so-called brains. They only believe what they see with their eyes.

Nangong Wan'er nodded with an ugly face, expressing her agreement, feeling extremely aggrieved in her heart.

I thought it was just to help deliver a box, a fairly easy task, and I thought it was going out to play. But I didn't expect to become the murderer who killed the leader of the Black Beast Mercenary Group for no reason, and then he might be chased and killed by the Black Beast Mercenary Group all the way, and even if he was not careful, he might die unexpectedly.

When the two of them jumped down from the window, the door of the room was knocked open, and a group of men broke in. When they saw the horrific corpse of shopkeeper Sun on the ground, each of them froze. I couldn't believe what I saw with my own eyes.

"Leader..." one of the men roared, with great grief in his eyes, he strode forward and lifted the corpse up.

Another man flashed his figure and came to the wide open window, and immediately saw Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er on the Tianma.

"The murderer who killed the leader is over there..." The man roared in grief, with killing intent in his eyes, his figure flashed, and he jumped out of the window.

At the same time, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er, who got on the Tianma, had already ridden away on the Tianma.

" hand..."

The man supporting Shopkeeper Sun's corpse screamed, his palm seemed to catch a needle, and he let go of Shopkeeper Sun's corpse all at once. Looking at his hands, his skin was torn apart and white smoke was coming out, which was horrible.

"Be careful, there is poison on the corpse..."

"Quick, go after the murderer, don't let those two damned guys get away..."

"Let the brothers gather and search the whole city!"


In less than half an hour, the news that the leader of the Black Beast Mercenary Corps died tragically in his room spread throughout Heifeng City. The news was like a big stone hitting the calm water. , simply caused an uproar.

At the same time, the portraits of Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er were also drawn. Afterwards, the Black Beast Mercenary Corps dispatched the entire regiment, a group of ten people, and brought ghost dogs with strong sense of smell. A murderer who killed the leader.

Although the box delivered to shopkeeper Sun was blown to pieces, there were still fragments left, and the smell of Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er remained on the fragments.

The ghost dog's sense of smell is extremely powerful, so as long as these two people remain in Black Wind City, they are not afraid that they will not be caught.

Can these two people escape from Black Wind City? Impossible, because the gate of Black Wind City was closed at that time, and it was impossible for them to escape from the city.

That night, the entire Black Wind City was in an extremely restless state, and the shouts shook the sky.

No one can sleep well until the Black Beast Mercenary Group catches the murderer.

Those forces in the city who usually do not deal with the Black Beast Mercenary Group also opened their doors one after another, welcoming the Black Beast Mercenary Group members to enter and hunt them down.

After all, because the leader of the Black Beast Mercenary Group was killed at this time, the entire mercenary group was in an extremely irritable state, and everyone's eyes were red, with grief and extremely strong emotions in their eyes. Killing intent.

If they are not allowed to enter the search for the so-called face, this group of violent people will definitely think that the killer was hidden by you, and an extremely serious conflict will break out at that time.

It seems an extremely unwise choice to break out with this group of desperate people.

Instead of this, it is better to be more generous and open the door to welcome you in. In this way, the Black Beast Mercenary Group will owe them a favor instead.

Soon, a ghost dog in one of the teams smelled the smell of the two murderers, and a group of vicious spirits rushed over immediately, but what they finally found were two Pegasus. As for the two murderers, they hadn't known for a long time missing.


Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er did not escape from Black Wind City.

At this time, they were hiding in a room that was not too small. Judging from the huge stove in the room and the large amount of vegetables and meat on the stove, it seemed like a stove room.

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er were cats in a large water tank in the corner. This large water tank is usually used to store water, but after a crack appeared, it was discarded and thrown directly in the corner.

The water tank was not small, but it wasn't too big to be that exaggerated, so the two people sitting back to back at the bottom of the water tank naturally had their backs tightly pressed together.

Such intimate contact naturally made Nangong Wan'er extremely uncomfortable.

Her body was stiff, she didn't dare to move casually, her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and her face became hot, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't let Li Zedao get out of this big water tank, right?

"Are here?" Nangong Wan'er asked angrily.

The voice was very soft, but in this small and quiet space, it was enough for Li Zedao to hear.

"I don't know if An'an is safe, but I'm sure that there is no place in the whole Black Wind City that is safer than here." Li Zedao laughed, his voice was relaxed and contained a strong confidence that could not be refuted.

"How do you know?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

Even after beating her to death, Li Zedao would be so courageous that he would bring her back to Youjian Inn again!

Yes, this is exactly the stove room of an inn!

"Haven't you heard a word?" Li Zedao asked.

"What words?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Li Zedao said.

Nangong Wan'er thought about it, she had never heard of this before, after thinking about it, she suddenly realized that what Li Zedao said made sense! Ultimate Student in the City

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