The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2041 Scared to Pee

"That classmate, what are you doing?" Yang Canghai yelled loudly.

Shangguan Bowen, who was so hungry and thirsty, was immediately attracted by the roar, and in the next second, he rushed towards Yang Canghai without knowing his life or death!

The muscles on Yang Canghai's face trembled simply, as if he had been humiliated to death. Do you think you are a pretty girl? Do you think you are that monstrous teacher Shui Feiling?

When Shangguan Bowen's body was about to pounce on him, Yang Canghai slapped him casually, as if trying to drive away an annoying fly.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly hit Shangguan Bowen!

"Crack!" There was a muffled sound.

Shangguan Bowen's body flew upside down, and then landed heavily on the ground, with his mouth parted, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

This scene undoubtedly shocked the students on the side.

They all know that the teachers of Buzhou Academy are very strong, but most of them don't have a clear idea of ​​how strong they are.

But now seeing Yang Canghai raise his hand and shoot the maddened students away, such a celestial method naturally shocked them.

At the same time, Shangguan Bowen's body was like that earthworm, wriggling and rubbing on the ground plainly.

"Fuck, is he overly thirsty, fucking the floor?" Many students had such a thought that made their bodies tremble.

"Take him to the Medical Pavilion." Yang Canghai said, looking back at the servant in Yanwu Pavilion, but he was too lazy to look at Shangguan Bowen who was lying on the ground.


A day later, in the Medical Court.

Shangguan Bowen, who was lying on the bed, looked up with dull eyes, his spirit was so sluggish.

The test results came out, he was poisoned by a potent aphrodisiac named "I love a firewood" which is very famous in the Jianghu. *, unable to stop.

And the poison in Shangguan's blog post is extremely deep. According to the doctor, the poison he received is enough to make the two ferocious snow pythons go into heat.

Let alone people.

The doctor even patted Shangguan Bowen on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "It's not impossible to eat this kind of food, but... don't eat it like candy."

However, the reason why Shangguan Bowen is still in the medical cabinet is not because his body still has the effect of the "I love a piece of firewood", but because he has suffered serious internal injuries, and even his ribs are still intact. A few roots are short, so I have to stay for treatment.

These injuries were naturally caused when Yang Canghai slapped him flying.

Of course, Yang Canghai didn't need to take any responsibility, and even afterwards, Shangguan Bowen had to apologize to Yang Canghai and beg for the forgiveness of this incompetent famous teacher.

The Buzhou Academy has been established for ten thousand years, and such a "bad" incident has never happened before, so the academy is also quite concerned about this matter.

In addition, after Shangguan Bowen woke up, he immediately insisted that Li Zedao poisoned him. For this reason, the academy immediately asked people to investigate. The final result of the investigation was that there was no evidence to prove that this matter was related to Li Zedao. There are relationships.

Many eyewitnesses said that Shangguan Bowen took out a medicine bottle from his arms, took the medicine in it, and then started to go into heat!

Hearing this conclusion, Shangguan Bowen simply vomited three liters of blood, and he retorted that I was already in heat when I took the medicine, okay, but you don't know...

What made Shangguan Bowen vomit blood again was that the academy did not believe his rhetoric, and even made extremely serious criticisms of him.

But it seems that he may have taken the wrong medicine, and he is a member of the supervisory team after all, and he usually works very seriously, so there must be hard work without credit, so all his credits were deducted as a punishment.

And then it was over.

Thinking of how I did that kind of thing in front of so many people, and thinking that the more than 2,000 credits I had accumulated through hard work were gone, Shangguan Bowen wanted to die, and I wanted to let that Li Zedao die!

This matter has nothing to do with him? How can this be?

Thinking of Li Zedao's grinning face, Shangguan Bowen's sluggish eyes turned scarlet, and he sat up all of a sudden, with a ferocious face and trembling body.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his fingernails pierced his skin with blood. He let out an extremely vicious growl: "Li Zedao, wait, I will let you die..."

A beautiful woman in an ill-fitting college uniform walked in.

The woman is tall and tall, her skin is fat, her legs are slender and straight, her waist is like a willow, and her breasts are extremely plump. Under the school uniform, the fullness seems to be so full that she will tear her clothes, which is extremely attractive .

Looking at her chest, she also wears a badge of the supervision team.

The difference is that this badge is golden.

Among all the members of the supervisory team, there was only one person wearing a different golden badge, and that was the leader of the supervisory team, Gongshu Linglong.

In Buzhou Academy, Gongshu Linglong can be said to be an extremely dazzling existence.

Except for Li Zedao and the others who had just entered school, the other old students treated him as a monster without exception.

This person is not only extremely beautiful, but also extremely powerful. It is said that one foot has stepped into the spirit realm, but her identity is there, so no one has seen her fight with anyone, and does not know her true strength.

I just heard that once, a crazy snow python broke into the campus, but was slapped away by Gongshu Linglong who was passing by.

What is even more interesting is that she is also proficient in organ techniques.

She previously invented and produced a leisure and intellectual object called "Gongshu Rubik's Cube".

The core of this object is a cardan shaft, and a cube composed of twenty-six small squares.

The six squares in the center are fixed, and the eight corner squares can be rotated. Each square is inlaid with gemstones of different colors on three sides, and the twelve squares on the edge are inlaid with gemstones of different colors on both sides, and can also be rotated.

Afterwards, this object was even more popular in Buzhou Academy, no matter if it was a student, a teacher, or even a servant, almost everyone had one.

They were all trying to restore the Gongshu Rubik's Cube so that each side had the same color, but there was no doubt that they all failed in the end.

Oh, by the way, there is the Gongshu Rubik's Cube in the Artifact Pavilion. If you want to get such a magical leisure and puzzle thing, you only need to pay ten credits to get it.

"Gongshu team leader..." Seeing that it was Gongshu Linglong, Shangguan Bowen's eyes turned even redder, showing grievance and humiliation in his eyes.

Of course, I was also a little touched, knowing that such a shameful thing happened, those friends who were close friends before are now far away from him, not even a word of concern.

But now Gongshu Linglong came to visit her...

Shangguan Bowen's heart speeded up violently. Could it be that Gongshu Linglong fell in love with him?

can't you? Her eyes are so beautiful and bright, she is not blind at all...

Gongshu Linglong looked at Shangguan Bowen who looked like a wounded beast with a blank face, and said lightly: "You have lost all the face of the supervision team."

"It's all about Li Zedao. He is the one who harmed me. He is mean and shameless. He drugged me and made me lose my mind. If I do such a thing in front of so many people, I ask the team leader to make the decision for me." Shangguan Bowen burst into tears, really wronged.

"Is there any evidence?" Gongshu Linglong asked blankly.

"This..." Shangguan Bowen really didn't have any evidence to prove that this matter was done by Li Zedao, but who else could it be?

"Furthermore, the reason why I said that you have disgraced the supervision team is not just referring to this matter." Gongshu Linglong said again, "What is the responsibility of the supervision team? It is to help the college supervise those students and prevent them from doing too much. Something out of the ordinary came out, but you deliberately made things difficult for that Li Zedao by taking advantage of your position..."

"Team leader, I didn't..." Shangguan Bowen said anxiously.

"Whether there is, you know it in your heart." Gongshu Linglong said lightly, "I came here to inform you that from now on, you are no longer a member of the supervision team."

"What... what?" Shangguan Bowen's complexion changed drastically, his mind roared abnormally, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

He knew very well what it meant to be kicked out of the supervision team!

You know, since he was lucky enough to become a member of the supervision team three years ago, he has made things difficult for other students in the past three years. If his identity is deprived, he must not be challenged every day?

Shangguan Bowen was in a hurry, he rolled out of bed, knelt down in front of Gongshu Linglong and begged, "No, team leader, you can't do this..."

Gongshu Linglong turned around and left, too lazy to talk to Shangguan's blog post.

Shangguan Bowen's face became distorted and ferocious, his scarlet eyes revealed a vicious look, and he roared: "Gongshu Linglong, you can't do this, Gongshu Linglong..."

In front of him, that beautiful figure walked so indifferently, without any intention of responding.

"Gongshu Linglong, you are a bitch, a bitch ridden by thousands of people..." Shangguan Bowen's head became hot, and he simply forgot how terrifying this woman was. He roared viciously, "Don't think I don't know, you have slept with many people in the supervision team..."

Gongshu Linglong stopped and turned her head, staring blankly at the hideous and distorted face in front of her.

"Why, I'm wrong? Or, you also want to sleep with me..."

At this moment, Shangguan Bowen suddenly saw that Gongshu Linglong's extremely sexy eyes released colorful lights.

The eyes are actually glowing and full of colors, which is undoubtedly quite weird, so that Shangguan Bowen was completely stunned.

The next second, an extremely terrifying feeling suddenly surged in his heart, as if he was in an extremely terrifying environment, which made his complexion change drastically and his body tremble even more.

"I'll give you one day to drop out of school and leave the academy on your own, or you will be responsible for the consequences." Gongshu Linglong said indifferently, as if talking about something insignificant.

But Shangguan Bowen's body trembled violently, and his crotch became hot.

He was scared to pee!

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