The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2042 Assessment

The matter about Shangguan's blog post did not have much impact on Li Zedao.

Although Shangguan Bowen poured the dirty water on him, of course, he did pour it on the right person.

It's a pity that he couldn't produce any evidence to prove that this matter was related to Li Zedao. On the contrary, many students witnessed that it was Shangguan Bowen who didn't know what pills he took, which led to the beast.

In addition, Li Zedao did not leave any clues, so the academy couldn't find out that this matter was related to Li Zedao, so Li Zedao was not involved.

Even, some girls who had a crush on Li Zedao even defended Li Zedao. They felt that the members of the supervision team were too much. Brother Li was wrong to laugh, but the penalty of 700 credits is too heavy, right?

You know, there were two students fighting in private before, but each was fined 300 credits. Could it be that the consequences of laughing a few times are more serious than the consequences of fighting in private?

As for why Shangguan Bowen swallowed that medicine in public... who knows? Maybe he himself is quite boring! Perhaps, he is unwilling to be ordinary, and wants to become a blockbuster and become the most dazzling existence in the entire Buzhou Academy. He wants to be famous and crazy.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Shangguan Bowen did become famous overnight, became a man of the hour in Buzhou Academy, and became the object of everyone's talk, and the more he talked, the more exaggerated he became.

"Did you know? That Shangguan Bowen pinned a boy under him in public. I heard that boy couldn't bear such insults and committed suicide in public..."

"Did you know that Shangguan Bowen's thing is so miniature that you can hardly see it. One student even expressed affectionately in public that Shangguan Bowen is so small and can be displayed so proudly. Why should I feel inferior? Thank you Bowen Brother!"

"Exclusive news, don't tell others that I said it... The reason why Shangguan's blog post is like this is because he confessed to Gongshu Linglong, the leader of the supervision team, and was rejected, so he frantically smeared the supervision team's face."


Of course, what no one knew was that this influential figure was scared to pee by Gongshu Linglong when he was in the Medical Pavilion, and at this time he had already voluntarily dropped out of school and left Buzhou Academy.

However, Li Zedao's 700 credits were still deducted. According to the academy, although the punishment was too heavy, it was justified.

The words "reasonable and well-founded" naturally made Li Zedao extremely want to curse.

In terms of squeezing students, the college has reached a point of extreme shamelessness.

Fortunately, Li Zedao just got 800 credits, and he really doesn't value the credits so much now, a little is enough for him to go to the Library Pavilion to borrow some books to read, so he didn't bother to go to the college gate to hold a banner to protest.

"It really has nothing to do with you that Shangguan Bowen is crazy?" Nangong Wan'er stared at Li Zedao with big eyes, as if I knew everything, so don't lie to me.

Li Zedao counted, from yesterday to now, she has repeated this question ninety-nine times, and even despised herself hundreds of times with a cold face.

"I've said it all, it really has nothing to do with me." Li Zedao shrugged helplessly. How could he admit such a thing? It's not that Nangong Wan'er will tell if she admits it, but it's not good if the wall has ears.

After all, this matter is a bit big, even if the college has not pursued it, but what about the supervision team? The members of the supervision team did such a shocking thing, which is tantamount to tarnishing the face of the supervision team. Can the supervision team let themselves go?

impossible! They must have been spying on themselves.

"How could it have nothing to do with you? This is in line with your shameless and disgusting style of behavior." Nangong Wan'er said as a matter of course.

"Wan'er, you are smearing my character like this, so I just..." Seeing Nangong Wan'er's small hand on the hilt of the sword, Li Zedao, with a serious face,

Resolutely changed his face and changed his words, and said with a wry smile, "It's really not me. If it's really me, do you think the academy can't find out?"

Nangong Wan'er thought about it, yes, those teachers in the academy are not idiots, if this matter is really related to Li Zedao, it is impossible for them not to discover something.

"However, I'm afraid the supervision team will blame you for this?" Nangong Wan'er said with a little worry.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I don't grumble loudly, don't spit and litter, and don't argue with people in private, they can't control me." As for the supervision team, Li Zedao didn't take it seriously.

"That's true." Nangong Wan'er nodded. Although the supervision team has great power, they really can't control themselves if they don't make mistakes.

"Get ready, it's time to go to the Pill Pavilion." Li Zedao said.

A message surfaced on the Jade Card that students who signed up for the Pill Pavilion screening test had to arrive at the Pill Pavilion to register before the time limit, and those who arrived late would be automatically given up.

For this screening test, Li Zedao still attaches great importance to it. For this reason, he read "Compendium of Plants and Trees" over and over again.

Unlike Li Zedao, Gong Wan'er had already given up and didn't give up any hope, and she didn't even bother to go to the Pill Pavilion if it wasn't for going with Li Zedao.

"You seem very confident." Nangong Wan'er asked.

Li Zedao said proudly: "That's right, I have already reserved the first place."

"Shameless!" Nangong Wan'er scolded with a smile. Why is this guy so thick-skinned? It seems that the cousin dare not guarantee that she will be the first in this assessment, right?

But, why was he so cute when he was shameless?

If it wasn't really embarrassing, Nangong Wan'er wanted to shut his mouth again, and there was even more resentment in her heart. This guy is really a piece of wood, he doesn't know how to take the initiative, and I won't refuse you. At most... just a little struggle...

When the two walked out of the No. 50 courtyard where Li Zedao lived, it happened that Nangong Meili also came out of the No. 49 courtyard.

"Cousin." Nangong Wan'er hurriedly greeted her, but she couldn't help feeling guilty.

After all, my cousin has a marriage contract with Li Zedao, but now I get stuck with Li Zedao from time to time, and even gave him my first kiss.

Nangong Wan'er never thought of saying that she would fall in love with the man who had a marriage contract with her cousin, but this relationship was opposed by most of the clan. She was just curious occasionally. What does a man who becomes his brother-in-law look like?

Nangong Wan'er found herself in an awkward situation.

In the end, if Li Zedao can really marry his cousin and marry her, although this kind of thing is not a big deal in God's Domain, it is very common, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you must be good enough and strong enough. The two of them were betrothed to Li Zedao at the same time.

Although Li Zedao was excellent, he was not so outstanding that he could impress the people in the family, so if he wanted to marry the two of them at the same time, the family would naturally strongly oppose him.

Of course, if he can break through the Spirit Cloud Realm and enter the Spirit God Realm, or become an alchemist above rank six or even a soul craftsman, then he will naturally be honored by the family as a distinguished guest.

On the other hand, if Li Zedao broke off the engagement with Nangong Meili, and then she was with Li Zedao, the family would naturally strongly oppose it, and would even regard it as a shame.

After all, if Li Zedao proposed to terminate the engagement, it would be to disrespect the Nangong family; if Nangong Meili terminated the engagement, it would prove that this man is really trash.

In this way, how could the family betroth Nangong Wan'er to him?

"En." Nangong Meili nodded, as for Li Zedao, she simply ignored her.

Of course, Li Zedao has also become used to being ignored.

It had been several mornings, and the two appeared at the same place to watch the sunrise as if they had made an appointment. Of course, Li Zedao was not flirting with Nangong Meili, and Nangong Meili ignored Li Zedao and treated him as air.

After watching the sunrise, the two went home separately.

Nangong Meili took out a letter from her arms: "A letter from the family, this is a letter from your mother."

"Mother..." Nangong Wan'er looked happy, and trotted to the front to take the letter, and glanced at it as if she had found a treasure, but she didn't open it, but put it in her arms, planning to finish the exam Then read it carefully.

"Sister, are you also going to the Pill Pavilion to take the screening test?" Nangong Wan'er asked.


"My sister and I... That guy is about to go there too, let's go together." Nangong Wan'er pointed to Li Zedao and said.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao, nodded her head lightly, and said nothing.

Li Zedao's nose was sour, and he was almost moved to tears. Thank God, you finally noticed me.

When the three came to the entrance of the Shenyao Pavilion, they met another group of Tianjiao from the Central Tribe headed by Dongfang Lingqi.

A month ago, these arrogances gathered together and formed a group to come to Buzhou College. Later, probably because of Li Zedao, these arrogances are now divided into three small groups.

Nangong Meili is a group of her own and has always been alone. In the beginning, Dongfang Lingqi followed her buttocks, but now he doesn't.

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er belonged to the same group, and they had the closest relationship, so they only had to share the same bed.

The rest will naturally form a group by themselves. Of course, the relationship between this group may not be so strong.

For example, Dongfang Lingqi and Dongfang Xiaochu, although they are both members of the Dongfang family, actually dislike each other. If they hadn't cared about the family's face and were afraid of making outsiders laugh, they would have fought on the martial arts arena long ago.

At the moment, they just say hello to each other, not to mention indifference and enthusiasm, just face-saving.

Of course, Li Zedao was undoubtedly the focus. After all, he even vomited blood from Dongfang Xingchen with a single strike. That scene really irritated their nerves seriously.

They originally wanted to challenge Li Zedao, but now they prayed in their hearts that Li Zedao would never challenge them.

Soon, the other freshmen who signed up for this exam arrived one by one. Li Zedao had nothing to do and counted them, and there were a total of forty-seven people.

Among the fifty new students, forty-seven people signed up to participate. One can imagine how much temptation it brings to these new students to become the apprentice of a third-grade soul craftsman.

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