"Alchemy will produce a lot of impurities, and these impurities will inevitably have some toxicity, so this dense fog contains a lot of toxicity." Yao Lao laughed, "But after taking the Baijie Pill, the body is naturally fine. After that, Brother Li is in this place. After staying for a long time, the body will naturally adapt to this environment.”

Li Zedao was sincerely moved, and felt that the profession of alchemist was too fucking great, and he was using his life to make alchemy.

"In addition, every alchemist has his own alchemy room, and the Pill Pavilion will naturally prepare an alchemy room for you, Brother Li."

While talking, Yao Lao brought Li Zedao to a stone gate numbered fifty, stretched out his hand and pushed the stone gate, and led Li Zedao into it.

But it was an empty room of about ten square meters. There was a small window in the room, which was obviously used for exhaust.

There is a pill stove in the middle, and under the pill stove is a small stove, with charcoal piled beside it. This is no ordinary charcoal, this is spiritual charcoal specially used for alchemy.

"In the future, Brother Li can come here if he wants to make alchemy," Yao Lao said, looking back at Li Zedao who was looking at the room curiously.

"Thank you, Brother Yao, I understand." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

Yao Lao was very helpless, thinking that you should stop being so polite to me.

Thinking of Li Zedao's unceremonious begging for a few seventh-grade pills, Condensing Soul Pill, Yao Lao's heart began to tremble.

Although Condensing Soul Pill is a seventh-grade elixir, its refining difficulty is as high as refining an eighth-grade elixir. The raw materials required are also extremely complicated, and some of the herbs are extremely precious.

"Next, the old man will take you to the third floor to get acquainted." Yao Lao said, "The pill formulas of those pills collected in the Pill Pavilion and the skin, flesh and blood inner pills of various herbs and animals are stored there."

When he came to the third floor, Li Zedao was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the huge space is densely packed with cabinets with drawers one after another. The cabinets are very high and reach the top. At a glance, the number of drawers is probably around hundreds of thousands, and the drawers are naturally filled with various herbs, essence and blood inner pills of various beasts, etc.

The Buzhou Academy has been established for more than ten thousand years? Its heritage is naturally not to be underestimated. There are also all kinds of exotic flowers and plants that are rarely seen in thousands of years or even ten thousand years.

That's why, all major forces are willing to send their cultivated objects to Buzhou Academy,

The real purpose is naturally to obtain these things collected by Buzhou Academy.

Even, if it weren't for the fear of the terrible strength of Buzhou Academy, some forces that were ready to move in the dark would have joined forces to attack the top of Buzhou Mountain and looted all the precious things in the academy.

Through Yao Lao's introduction, Li Zedao is undoubtedly more familiar with the refining of elixir.

The so-called alchemy, to put it bluntly, is medicine.

According to the difficulty of refining the pills and the effects obtained, the pills are divided into "grades", and the alchemists who can refine several grades of pills are the few grades of alchemists.

For example, if you can refine a second-rank pill at most, then you can only be a second-rank alchemist.

To put it simply, a first-grade elixir needs more than a dozen kinds of herbs, and a second-grade elixir needs more than 20 kinds. By analogy, a ninth-grade elixir requires hundreds of raw materials, and there is no shortage of them. Various rare and hard-to-find raw materials.

As for those precious alchemy formulas, they were naturally invented by an experienced alchemist from ancient times to the present. Of course, all idiots know that inventing a pill is much more difficult than refining a pill.

And the same alchemy recipe has different effects without alchemist refining, just like the same dish, different chefs have different tastes.

The difference in effect here refers to the impurities contained in the pill.

It is three parts of the poison of the medicine, and the poison here refers to these impurities.

The essence and blood of the human body's internal organs and six internal organs cannot absorb these impurities, but they can be excreted from the body through breathing, exhalation, sweat and urine, etc. However, if there are too many impurities, the human body will naturally have no time to excrete them from the body, resulting in The result is naturally poisoning.

Therefore, according to the amount of impurities, each elixir is divided into six levels: low, medium, high, good, excellent, and extreme.

Impurities account for 80%, which is low-grade, and 60%, which can be regarded as medium-grade. As for more than 80%, it is not even counted as low-grade. It will kill people, so unless it is a last resort, this kind of elixir cannot be swallowed.

Every alchemist spends his whole life pursuing three things.

The first is naturally to refine a higher-grade elixir; the second is to refine a top-grade elixir without any impurities; the third is to invent a brand new elixir.

The three things he pursued were naturally more difficult than the other.

After leading Li Zedao to visit and explain, Yao Lao left on his own, while Li Zedao continued to stay on the third floor.

Li Zedao has no plans to start alchemy at present, after all, he knows very clearly where his shortcomings are.

Although with his super powerful memory and concentration, he has an extremely deep foundation, but he has no real confluence to get in touch with those real herbs, so he intends to make the most subtle observations of the herbs here.

Courtyard No. 50 is in front of the door.

Nangong Wan'er bit her lips slightly with her white teeth, and muttered depressingly: "It's getting dark, but this bastard hasn't come back yet, where did he go?"

But I was slightly worried in my heart. Like last time, I met some bad guys or even some powerful beasts, right?

Light footsteps came from behind.

Nangong Wan'er looked back, only to see a fairy-like figure appearing in front of her.

This is a very beautiful girl, especially her eyes that seem to be talking, white as snow, black as ink, without any impurities.

Gong Wan'er, who is also a woman, immediately felt the urge to worship after seeing such a face and noble temperament, and lost her confidence and pride as a beautiful woman.

"Sister" Nangong Wan'er hurriedly greeted her.

Nangong Meili nodded lightly, glanced at the closed courtyard behind Nangong Wan'er, and asked, "He hasn't come back yet?"

I thought that although the master confiscated him as a disciple, surely the Pill Pavilion would not let such a peerless genius go, right? There should be other arrangements for him.

If he can become a member of the Nangong family, it will definitely bring the Nangong family to a higher level, right?

Inexplicably, Nangong Meili's heart twitched slightly, and an unprecedented emotion emerged spontaneously.

It's like a breeze blowing on the face, very slight, but real.

Unknowingly, she stopped ignoring this marriage.

"He didn't come back. Sister, do you know where he went? Also, what's the result of this assessment? He should have become the third-grade soul craftsman and accepted him as a disciple?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

After seeing Nangong Meili, Nangong Wan'er suddenly thought that the reason Li Zedao hadn't come back until now must have been called away by the third-rank soul craftsman, to teach him the rules and start learning alchemy.

"I don't know where he went." Nangong Meili said, "But most likely, it should be in the pill pavilion."

Nangong Wan'er nodded, with a look of pride in her eyes: "He is indeed very powerful. He was accepted as a disciple by a third-rank soul craftsman, and he will definitely become a soul craftsman in the future."

Nangong Meili looked at Nangong Wan'er's eyes, the eyes were a little weird, and said: "It's not him, but me who became the disciple of Master Xuanming."

"Ah?" Nangong Wan'er was simply dumbfounded, she couldn't believe what she heard, and even three large and bold characters appeared in her mind, why?

Immediately, I realized that my reaction was so disrespectful to my cousin, it was too much, my pretty face blushed, and I looked so at a loss as I tried to explain something: "Sister, mine"

"I understand." Nangong Meili nodded.

Even after she heard the result, she couldn't accept it, let alone someone else.

He stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of No. 49 courtyard, and looked back at Nangong Wan'er: "Come in."

"Oh." Nangong Wan'er looked like a child who made a mistake, with her face full of embarrassment, she lowered her head and entered the courtyard belonging to Nangong Meili.

After closing the door, Nangong Meili looked at Nangong Wan'er and said, "In this assessment, Li Zedao is still number one, but I am the one who became the disciple of Master Xuanming."

Nangong Wan'er raised her head and looked at Nangong Meili with an embarrassed expression, as if hesitating to speak.

"It's not that I'm better than him, but my master said that he is not qualified to be Li Zedao's master." Nangong Meili explained.

She doesn't say anything, and she always doesn't bother to explain things, but now facing her sister, she is still willing to say more, in fact, it is mainly because of him.

Nangong Meili knew that her state of mind, which had always been quiet in the ancient well, was unknowingly affected by him.

"Ah?" Nangong Wan'er was dumbfounded again, she couldn't believe what she heard.

Is it necessary for my cousin to make such a joke with myself? It's not necessary, so it's true!

For a moment, Nangong Wan'er's heart was filled with a strange emotion.

The muscles on her face were tightly tensed, her chest was flushed, her body was trembling slightly, she wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, she wanted to stand on the edge of the cliff and scream.

If Li Zedao was in front of her now, she would still want to hug him fiercely and give her fragrant lips fiercely!

She wants everyone who bet on her to know that this excellent monster who can't find any words to describe him is the man she Nangong Wan'er likes

However, she couldn't get excited in front of her cousin, so she struggled to hold back.

"Laugh if you want to." Nangong Meili said.

"" Nangong Wan'er couldn't laugh anymore, her face was full of embarrassment.

"You really like him?" After a while of silence, Nangong Meili who looked up at the sunset in the sky suddenly asked.

This question was so sudden and so inexplicable that Nangong Wan'er was dumbfounded again, seriously wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.


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