The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2057 Soul Condensation Pill

Although it is normal for sisters to talk about this kind of topic.

But it's so weird that this kind of topic happened on Nangong Meili, not to mention, that man is still her fiancé.

"I like it! I like it very much!" After a long time, Nangong Wan'er looked at Nangong Meili bravely, and said after taking a deep breath.

She didn't hide her emotions, didn't want to hide them, and couldn't hide them.

Even an idiot would know that she likes Li Zedao, not to mention his monstrous cousin.

"Well, he is worthy of your liking." Nangong Meili's eyes still fell on the blood-red clouds in the sky, her face was expressionless, and she probably didn't even know what she was thinking at this moment.

"Then...sister, what about you? like him?" Nangong Wan'er hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously. She didn't know why she asked such a question, maybe it was because of curiosity.

She always felt that her cousin's attitude towards Li Zedao seemed to be different from others. Although her attitude was still indifferent, she was still willing to say a few more words to Li Zedao.

Of course, it was the first time to have such a conversation with Nangong Meili, so Nangong Wan'er was naturally quite awkward.

Normally, the two sisters rarely talked. When they met each other, they greeted each other politely, nodded at each other, and then... nothing more.

Nangong Meili glanced at Nangong Wan'er, and said, "I don't want to reject it."

Morning after morning, they appeared in the same place to watch the sunrise with a tacit understanding, and then returned to the freshmen's residence area and their respective courtyards after watching.

Occasionally they chatted a few words. Of course, Li Zedao was basically talking and she was listening. Most of the time, they were too lazy to listen, and they thought he was annoying, so they told him to shut up.

Nangong Meili knew very well that if the man sitting there watching the sunrise was not Li Zedao but someone else, she would have turned around and left long ago, looking for another place to watch the sunrise.

So it is not excluded.

Nangong Wan'er was silent, she knew that for a woman like her cousin, not rejecting her was basically tantamount to liking her.

That bastard is really attractive enough, any girl who gets close to him will inevitably be poisoned by him, even a girl like my cousin is no exception.


He is also worthy of your not rejection. " Nangong Wan'er said.

Nangong Meili was silent for a while and said, "Yes."


In the next few days, Li Zedao didn't leave the Pill Pavilion for a moment. He kept observing one herb after another, and then combined the knowledge in his mind bit by bit.

It wasn't until five days later that Yao Lao's appearance made Li Zedao wake up from what could be said to be a state of madness.

At this time, Li Zedao's hair was disheveled, his face was a little haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't look very energetic, but he had an extremely satisfied expression on his face.

"Brother Li's research spirit really makes me very admired." Yao Lao said sincerely with a full face of admiration.

Everyone knows the importance of the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the higher the floor that can be built, which means that your achievements are likely to be greater in the future.

However, the basics also mean boring and boring, which means that you can't see any results for a while, and you can't even see any hope.

So few people are willing to put such a lot of effort into this foundation, so-so, basically enough.

But Li Zedao was different. He was not in a hurry to refine alchemy. He silently studied the herbal medicines one after another, and studied various animal blood inner pills until he thoroughly studied them.

Yao Lao really understands why the pavilion master said that Li Zedao does not need anyone to guide him, because his concentration and self-requirement, as well as his comprehension, are so powerful that it makes people feel ashamed the point.

If such a person can't become the most dazzling existence in the end, who can?

"Where is it?" Li Zedao responded modestly, "I don't know why Brother Yao is looking for me?"

Li Zedao thought to himself that if the Soul Condensation Pill is refined, he should take it out quickly. If I am polite to you, I will be your grandson!

"The old man is planning to open the furnace to refine the elixir these two days, so come and get the spirit snake grass." Yao Lao pointed to the drawer behind Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao was leaning against the drawer before, holding a herb in his hand and studying it very seriously.

"That's it..." Li Zedao laughed and quickly moved away.

I'm so disappointed in my heart, I'm already prepared in my heart, why don't you hurry up and send the Ningshen Pill over? This dishonest old man!

Li Zedao decided to find a time to talk to this old man about how kind his other two big brothers, Lao Jian and Yang Canghai, were to him, so good that he would give him something good whenever he had it.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that a gentleman's belly should not be judged with the heart of a villain. The old man's memory is not good, maybe he forgot.

Li Zedao felt it was necessary to remind him.

"Um... I don't know what kind of elixir Brother Yao plans to refine? Cough cough... it can't be the Concentration Pill, right?" Li Zedao looked at Yao Lao anxiously.

"Ahem... that... uh... what the old man wants to refine is indeed the Concentration Pill." He really couldn't stand Li Zedao's eyes, Yao Lao could only say helplessly.

I regret this in my heart, if I knew it, I wouldn't have come to say hello.

Although Ningshen Pill is a seventh-grade elixir, it is extremely difficult to refine and consumes a lot of energy. The old medicine has no intention of refining it. I didn't expect this kid to be so shameless that he would still think about it.

Li Zedao was overjoyed: "Then thank you brother Yao first, you don't need to refine too much, just a few dozen pieces will do."

"..." Yao Lao felt that when he passed the second floor just now, he inhaled too much smoke and his body was extremely poisonous. Otherwise, why would he feel like his heart hurts so much that he is almost suffocating?

He thought it was a poisonous pill, and dozens of pills could be refined casually?

After taking some dragon tongue grass, Yao Lao talked with Li Zedao perfunctorily, and escaped from the third floor as if fleeing for his life.

While highly applauding the good quality of this old medicine brother's words and deeds, Li Zedao stretched himself and decided to go back and take a good rest.

There are still two days until the date of the appointment with Uncle Wuji. Although he is not afraid of him, if he does not have a good spirit, he may suffer a bit.

What's more, I haven't seen Nangong Wan'er for five days... She must think that she can't eat, can't sleep, and her little face is full of worry.

As a good man from Mortal Realm, Li Zedao felt that he should go to Nangong Wan'er immediately to relieve her pain of lovesickness.

After walking out of the pill pavilion, the sun was just right outside.

Feeling the gentle sunlight and breathing the fresh air, Li Zedao felt that the pill pavilion was really not a place for people to stay, especially on the second floor, where the thick smoke with a pungent smell could really poison people to death. .

Li Zedao didn't go back immediately, but went to the canteen to buy ingredients first, and then returned to the freshmen's residence area, but he didn't enter his No. 50 courtyard, but went directly to No. 41 courtyard.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised a mark that he thought was the most handsome, Li Zedao knocked on the door, and even licked his lips, ready to be kissed by force.

The door was quickly opened.

"Dear student Wan'er, I don't think I... Uh, why is it you?" Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili who appeared in front of him, and was slightly taken aback, really surprised.

Although the two are sisters, Li Zedao has never seen Nangong Meili visiting Nangong Wan'er.

Nangong Meili looked at Li Ze calmly and said, "Wan'er is injured..."

"What did you say?"

Before Nangong Meili could finish speaking, Li Zedao's face changed completely, and his figure flashed around her, and rushed into the house through the small courtyard.

Nangong Meili looked back from the back that disappeared from her sight at that moment, and after a moment of silence, she walked away from the courtyard and closed the door.

"Wan'er..." Li Zedao, who rushed into the room, saw Nangong Wan'er lying there at a glance, hurriedly came to the front, and asked anxiously.

"Li Zedao?" Seeing that it was Li Zedao, Nangong Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, and then a charming smile appeared on her pale face.

She even struggled to sit up, but her face changed slightly, and her eyes showed pain.

"Don't move around..." Li Zedao hurriedly supported her, letting her delicate body lean into his arms, and his heart ached even more.

Even Li Zedao didn't expect this girl to hold such a heavy weight in his heart.

Nangong Wan'er pressed her small face into Li Zedao's arms, listening to the strong heartbeat, with an unusually sweet smile on her face, she hummed softly, "I'm fine."

It's really strange, just leaning in his arms like this, the pain that I felt so painful even when I breathed it disappeared without a trace.

"The breath is messy, is it okay to have a serious internal injury?" After helping Nangong Wan'er to take the pulse, Li Zedao became murderous, "Who hurt you?"

"Mystery Fox..."

Feeling that the aura of this man has suddenly changed, it is no longer the kind of cheapness in the past, but has an extremely terrifying aura. Nangong Wan'er's eyes are even more brilliant, and she has an unprecedented sense of security in her heart.

"Which idiot is Mihu? Dare to hit you so hard, I'll challenge him!" Li Zedao said through gritted teeth. In his opinion, the reason why Nangong Wan'er was injured was because someone challenged her.

In Buzhou Academy, except for the members of the supervisory team and those feared masters, other students could not avoid being challenged.

Nangong Wan'er raised her head slightly, looked at Li Zedao with bewildering eyes, stretched out her small hand, gently stroked his face and said with a smile: "Idiot, don't you know which idiot Mihu is?"

Li Zedao's worry really benefited her greatly, her heart was warm and sweet.

"Mystery Fox... you mean the cunning beast Mystery Fox that lives in Buzhou Plain?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Have you gone to Buzhou Plain?"

"Hmm... ah, let me go, my cousin is here." Nangong Wan'er suddenly remembered something, her pretty face was flushed all of a sudden, and her limp little hand was on Li Zedao's chest, trying to push him away .

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