The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2061 why not sad

Nangong Meili said: "In this case, how did you get admitted to Buzhou College? So, I have to wonder if some forces that are hostile to the Nangong family used some means to make you pretend to be the real Li Zedao, trying to fight against you. The Nangong family did something unfavorable."

Nangong Meili shook her head lightly and said: "However, I quickly denied my own thoughts, because I can feel that your concern for Wan'er is not hypocritical. Besides, you never The relentless cultivation of you shows that you have a very close relationship with Buzhou Academy. In this way, the hostile force of the Nangong family has become the Buzhou Academy. This obviously does not make sense. After all, if the Nangong family is really If you offend Buzhou Academy, there is no need for Buzhou Academy to make such deliberate plans at all, just send strong men to crush the Nangong family."

Turning around, those big talking eyes fell on Li Zedao, and said, "So, do you have anything to say?"

"I really want to shut your mouth." Li Zedao said through gritted teeth.

"As you wish." Nangong Meili responded lightly.

"Block it with your lips!"


"...Really?" Li Zedao swallowed.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao expressionlessly: "It's fake."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to give himself a slap in the face, why did he forget that this woman is a liar after only a few seconds?

Li Zedao sat down on the big rock beside him and said, "I can tell you something, but you have to keep it secret, and you can't tell anyone without my consent."

"Naturally." Nangong Meili nodded.

"You can't tell Wan'er either."

"She's been suspicious for a long time."

"I'll find a time to explain it to her."

"I see, I won't tell anyone about it." Nangong Meili said, "Can you tell me now?"

" are a liar, I don't believe your words, why don't you swear?" Li Zedao felt that he was too smart to even think of such a way.

"...I swear." Nangong Meili twitched her lips.

"All right,

Then you swear that if you reveal half a word casually, you will be a virgin all your life. "

"...I swear, if I reveal half a word casually, I will be... a virgin all my life."

Although she felt that this kind of thing was extremely boring, Nangong Meili still made a serious oath. Even she herself couldn't figure out why she would do such a boring thing.

After a while of silence, Li Zedao said: "As you said, I am indeed not the Li Zedao you knew before. That Li Zedao is dead, and I continue to live through his body. Coincidentally, my name is also Li Zedao, so I didn’t lie to you, I really am Li Zedao! Besides, that Li Zedao’s death has nothing to do with me, I don’t know how he died, let alone how I continued through this body. alive."

Li Zedao considered his words and said: "In addition, I was indeed seriously injured before, and I did forget some things, but I didn't pretend to be stupid on purpose. As for my real identity, you don't need to know, you just need to know , as long as I don't have the slightest malice towards you, Wan'er, or the Nangong family."

"Living by **?" Nangong Meili frowned. She knew that the soul craftsman could indeed revive the lost soul with the help of another person's body through some secret techniques, presumably a certain soul craftsman used some kind of secret technique to resurrect him with the help of Li Zedao's body.

As for why it was that Li Zedao, it must be because his body met all the conditions for resurrecting the guy in front of him.

So this person, maybe as Wan'er predicted, he is the illegitimate son of the mysterious dean.

In this way, everything can be explained.

"I understand. According to the agreement, I will not disclose a single word." Nangong Meili said, although she still had many questions, she did not intend to continue asking.

After all, she is not someone who is too curious, as long as she is sure that he has no hostility towards the Nangong family, Wan'er, or herself.

As for his real identity, it really doesn't matter that much.

"You are still that Li Zedao." Nangong Meili said.

"Student Meili, why don't you feel sad?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"What are you sad about?" Nangong Meili was a little puzzled.

"Your fiancé is dead, isn't he?"


The muscles on Nangong Meili's face twitched, and she felt an urge to draw a sword and cut someone down.

She really wanted to ask him, why should I be sad when my fiancé died? I never regarded him as my fiancé, at best he was just a stranger who passed by by chance.

"Oh, student Meili, I didn't expect you to be such a heartless person." Li Zedao shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

The muscles on Nangong Meili's face twitched even more, and she turned to leave. If she didn't leave, she was really worried that she would not be able to resist drawing out her sword to kill someone.

Li Zedao looked away from her beautiful back, and continued to look into the distance, his eyes were already full of loneliness.

"Hey, if being outstanding is a crime, then I will at least be sentenced to life imprisonment! If being handsome is a crime, then it will be a death sentence." Li Zedao sighed heavily, this is worrying, I really don't know what to do.

But he was not in a hurry to go back, but sat there cross-legged, and after clearing his mind, he felt the aura of heaven and earth that was many times stronger than that of Mortal Realm.

He urgently needs to become stronger!

The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, and the law of the jungle are most vividly reflected in this place of the gods. In addition, after all, they come from the mortal realm, and they feel guilty after all. Even if they step into the fairy mirror, they can't bring much sense of security to Li Zedao, let alone At present, it is only the realm of Lingyun Realm.

I don't know how long it took, the body trembled violently, and it was even more painful after showing his face.

He felt an extremely fierce aura scurrying around his body crazily, and then that aura began to swell, and Li Zedao felt that his body was about to be exploded by that inexplicable aura.

Not too long later, the tearing pain flooded in like a flood, so painful that Li Zedao's eyes went black, and his body tilted and he lost consciousness.

Not too long later, Li Zedao slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw were the white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Cleverly, Li Zedao stood up.

Before he had time to think about it, a surprised voice came from behind him.

"It's you? Why are you here?"

Li Zedao stood up and looked back, only to see Gongshu Linglong staring at him sullenly.

"Dare to ask the leader of the Gongshu group, is this some forbidden area of ​​the college? You will be fined for credits here later?" Li Zedao curled his lips, "If this is the case, tell me, how many credits will be fined?"

Li Zedao was already in a depressed mood, but this Gongshu Linglong put on a bad face as soon as he arrived, and his tone was so harsh, so his tone was naturally not so friendly.

"You..." Gongshu Linglong was quite depressed, this guy is sick, and he didn't provoke him, why should he have such a bad attitude?

Biting her lip, she wanted to turn around and leave, but she didn't leave by accident. Instead, she took a few steps forward and said, "I have slept all day as agreed."

"Oh." Li Zedao nodded, turned around, continued to look into the distance, and ignored this woman.

There was even more doubt in the eyes, what happened to me just now? What's the matter with that inexplicable breath in the body?

Gradually, the doubt in Li Zedao's eyes turned into ecstasy.

If it wasn't for that annoying woman right behind him, worrying about being deducted hundreds of credits, he would want to laugh up to the sky and start worrying that he is really a genius.

"Bastard!" Gongshu Linglong looked at his back and cursed secretly, but still did not leave.

Even she herself didn't know why she didn't leave when his attitude was so indifferent, and why didn't she even kill him directly?

Immediately, a word that made her whole body tingle appeared in Gongshu Linglong's mind: "Bitch!"

Then, she thought, maybe this guy did it on purpose.

In the past, when those boys saw him, they were either respectful or fascinated...Of course, except for Mo Tianya's kind of freak who only sees cultivation in his eyes.

In Mo Tianya's eyes, there are no men and women, only those he wants to defeat.

He is like a crazy ghost dog, biting at you frantically, not knowing what it means to flinch.

From Gongshu Linglong's point of view, Li Zedao did the opposite. What he was playing was playing hard to get, deliberately trying to gain his own appetite.

Men are indeed hypocritical!

As a result, Gongshu Linglong's originally rather bad mood suddenly became much more comfortable.

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't know that Gongshu Linglong's inner world was so rich that even "playing hard to get" came out. He really didn't want to date her, even because she was too domineering and looked too much like her, so don't say it It's because I said a few more words to her, and I want to stay away from her.

Gongshu Linglong strolled forward, sat down on the big rock in Li Zedao, glanced at Li Zedao, looked into the distance and said: "I often come here, especially when I encounter problems or when I am in a bad mood, I look at the distance. In those towering mountains, my heart will be at peace."

This is of course explaining that I didn't come here because I saw you. I often come to this place, so don't let your imagination run wild.

Li Zedao thought to himself why you came here to be none of my business.

But at this time, because I was in a good mood, I still responded: "Do you still have bad moods?"

It is understandable to encounter difficulties. After all, this woman has studied the art of mechanics, and even the Rubik's Cube has been researched by her, so she naturally encounters difficulties.

But in a bad mood... Such a woman who makes women envious and makes men crazy, is in a bad mood?

After thinking about it, the very smart Li Zedao understood that the women from God's Realm would also come to the aunt, so she probably was in a bad mood in those few days.

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