The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2062 Crazy Woman

"I've been in a bad mood for the past few days." Gongshu Linglong gave Li Zedao a hard look, with a trace of resentment in his eyes. This look undoubtedly made Li Zedao's heart twitch slightly.

Once, she deliberately glanced at herself with such aggrieved eyes, and then simply made herself angry.

"It's my fault." Li Zedao admitted his mistake very sincerely, and then his face was full of worry, "Gongshu team leader, what should you do if you say I'm so good? Isn't this arousing people's envy? But Gongshu team leader, jealous After all, others are not desirable, if you have time to envy and envy over there, it is better to use that time to improve yourself, what do you think?"

"" The muscles on Gongshu Linglong's face twitched, and there was an urge to draw his sword to kill.

Who is jealous of you? Who do you think you are?

After taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, he asked, "Are you proficient in mechanics?"

Before Li Zedao opened his mouth, he said again: "You don't need to deny it, even if you deny it, I won't believe it."

Li Zedao yawned and said, "Whatever."

Why is this woman so self righteous? You are smart, but you are smarter than me?

Li Zedao suddenly thought that the Ghost Pill and the completely transformed Shenwan came from this God's Domain, so they should also belong to some kind of elixir, right?

Moreover, the raw materials of both Guiwan and Shenwan are souls, so these two kinds of pills can only be refined by soul craftsmen?

"You" Gongshu Linglong almost couldn't hold back and kicked this irritating bastard off the cliff.

Taking a few deep breaths, he adjusted his emotions and said, "It is impossible for someone who is not proficient in mechanics to solve my Gongshu Rubik's Cube, and, obviously, you have seen a musket! You even know how to use a musket!"

Gongshu Linglong stared at Li Zedao, and asked, "I'm curious, where did you see the musket? You know, it was the elders of our Gongshu family who spent a lot of effort to design and cast it." Those who come out are not the core figures of the Gongshu family, and they can't touch the musket at all!"

"According to the leader of Gongshu, which core figure in your Gongshu family am I colluding with?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Isn't it?" Gongshu Linglong asked back.

"You say yes." Li Zedao yawned and didn't bother to refute.

I thought to myself that this woman is too self-righteous, and people who are overly self-righteous usually make a mistake, that is, they always feel that they are right.

"Who is that person?" Gongshu Linglong's tone became hostile. A traitor appeared within the Gongshu family, and even leaked the family's core secrets, which was really hard for her to accept.

"Speak out, and I guarantee that the Gongshu family will not make things difficult for you." There was a hint of threat in Gongshu Linglong's eyes.

Li Zedao looked at Gongshu Linglong as if he was looking at an idiot.

"What do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Gongshu Linglong frowned and asked angrily.

"It means that you have big breasts and no brains, and your hair is long but your knowledge is short." Li Zedao glanced at Gongshu Linglong's full chest and shrugged his shoulders.

"You" Gongshu Linglong Haoxuan almost spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood. It was the first time she had heard such curse words that made people want to kill someone.

"What me?" Li Zedao said angrily, "Let's not say that I don't know anyone from the Gongshu family at all, and I don't even know where the so-called Gongshu family is located. ? Besides, even if there was any collusion, I would say so without paying attention to the spirit of the contract? Do you think I am that kind of villain?"

"You..." Gongshu Linglong's lungs were about to explode. How dare this damned guy belittle Gongshu's family like this? How dare he trample on the pride of Gongshu's family like this, really tired of working!

"What are you? Do you think it's great to invent a Gongshu Rubik's Cube? Do you think it's great to invent a musket? You think it's great to have a mechanism beast in your Gongshu family." Li Zedao curled his lips, thinking that if you knew There is a weapon in this world called * *, once it explodes, it can easily destroy everything in God's Domain, I'm afraid you will be scared to death alive!

Mechanism beast? It's not even a fart in front of *!

Gongshu Linglong's body was trembling, and the way he looked at Li Zedao was like looking at a dead person.

Such eyes reminded Li Zedao that she used to stare at him before.

In an instant, his heart felt as if he had been stabbed severely, his breathing almost stopped due to the pain, and his eyes turned scarlet.

He shouted angrily, "What are you looking at? Could it be that I'm wrong? It's as if only your Gongshu family has the strength to invent and forge muskets, and it's as if everyone else except your Gongshu family is a fool! A mountain is higher than a mountain! Just like me, I am better than you! Your Gongshu team leader is really a frog in the bottom of the well, ignorant! Too ignorant!"

"" Gongshu Linglong's body trembled even more. In all her life, she'd never seen anyone more annoying than this bastard.

"Oh, by the way, to be honest, there is no need to deduct credits, right?"


Gongshu Linglong's throat started to feel sweet, and he felt a feeling of hundreds of strange poisons in his body, and he wanted to kill this damned bastard!

"Li Zedao, you are courting death!" Gongshu Linglong roared in a low voice, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Li Zedao was stabbed in the heart again, and his eyes became even redder. Damn it, it wasn't her fault, why should she kill herself?

He curled his lips at the moment, and his tone was very contemptuous: "You speak as if you have the ability to kill me."

Of course, his mouth expressed disdain, but his body tensed up. If this woman really dared to mess around, Li Zedao didn't mind embarrassing her severely! Let her deeply understand what it's like to be spanked!

At this moment, Gongshu Linglong's sullen eyes released colorful lights.

The eyes are actually glowing, and they are in seven colors, which is undoubtedly quite weird, so that Li Zedao simply froze for a moment.

In the next second, an unprecedented sense of fear suddenly emerged from the deepest part of Li Zedao's heart. It seemed that Li Zedao's whole body froze, and he couldn't move for a while.

At the same time, the sword light flashed.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank suddenly, he clearly felt an unprecedented danger, but it was too late to escape.

Immediately, the sound of clothes being cut was heard, and the chest was suffocated!

Li Zedao's whole body has become extremely stiff, and his face is extremely ugly.

The extremely unbelievable eyes looked down slightly, only to see a sharp sword piercing his clothes abruptly and piercing his chest.

Looking at Gongshu Linglong, her little face, which was originally flushed from anger, was now completely pale, and her eyes were full of panic and bewilderment.

"You, want to kill me? Why do you kill me? Why?" Li Zedao said in a low voice, his whole body became murderous, like that wounded beast?

As if taken aback by the terrifying aura released from Li Zedao, Gongshu Linglong let go of the grip on the hilt of the sword, and the long sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Yes, the long sword fell to the ground, but the long sword did not stay in Li Zedao's body, in other words, it did not penetrate into Li Zedao's body.

The long sword pierced Li Zedao's clothes, but failed to pierce Li Zedao's skin. It wasn't that Gongshu Linglong was showing mercy, and it wasn't that the sword was too blunt, but that Li Zedao was wearing blood silk armor next to his body. The silk armor simply blocked the sharp sword edge.

Of course, Gongshu Linglong's cultivation is not enough, not because he is a strong person in the spiritual realm, otherwise, even with the blood silk armor, such a sharp sword would have pierced Li Zedao's heart long ago.

But even though he didn't pierce the flesh, it can be said that Li Zedao, who was defenseless, was severely injured by the fierce sword energy. His breath surged violently, and there was even a bloodstain overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

It was even more frightening, and cold sweat broke out on the back.

If it wasn't for wearing the blood silk armor, if it wasn't for this woman not being a strong person in the spiritual realm, otherwise I would have died at the hands of this woman for no reason.

Looking at this bewildered woman, the violence in Li Zedao's heart gradually calmed down.

He was very curious about how this woman's eyes could release colorful colors, but at that moment, he was shrouded in an unprecedented fear.

Just like encountering the dragon python in front of the water pool before, except for the fear in my heart, except that I almost peed my pants, I can't do anything.

Some kind of mysterious pupil technique?

"Who did I tell you to speak rudely? You deserve it!" Gongshu Linglong said angrily, feeling extremely helpless in her heart, and she was so grateful that she didn't dare to meet Li Zedao's eyes anymore.

Why can't I help myself? I didn't intend to kill him at all.

Fortunately, he was wearing blood silk armor next to his body, otherwise Gongshu Linglong would not have dared to imagine it.

"According to the regulations of Buzhou Academy, if you draw a sword and kill people at will, what punishment will you suffer? If you are discovered by a member of your supervision team, how many credits will you be deducted? As the leader of the supervision team, if you know the law and break the law, what punishment will you receive? Should it be heavier?" Li Zedao rubbed his aching chest and said.

"You..." Gongshu Linglong saw blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and really wanted to ask if you're okay, but after working hard for a long time, she couldn't say something similar to concern.

Li Zedao kicked over and kicked the sword that fell on the ground.

The sword was like a soccer ball that was kicked away, and fell off the cliff after slashing across the air with an extremely beautiful range.

"My sword you" Gongshu Linglong's complexion was even more ugly, and his chest heaved extremely violently. That was his favorite sword, how could he throw it off the cliff?

"Go away, don't disturb me watching the scenery." Li Zedao wiped away the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, then waved his hand, as if he was driving away an annoying fly, and then turned around, not talking to Mr. Shu Linglong.


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