The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2063 The Windy Willow Master

"Get out? He told himself to... get out?" Gongshu Linglong's small face turned blue and white, her white teeth bit her lip, and she was about to bleed from it. The red eyes were even more complicated. Feeling guilty and apologetic, he simply fed the dog.

"Li Zedao, you're an asshole!" Gongshu Linglong stamped her foot, turned and ran away.

"Damn it, crazy woman!" Li Zedao secretly rubbed his aching chest and cursed secretly.

After running a few steps forward, the more Gongshu Linglong thought about it, the angrier she became.

How could you just leave like this?

He stopped, turned around, and appeared in front of Li Zedao in a flash, raised his little foot and kicked Li Zedao fiercely, and fled in despair.


Yanwu Pavilion, a public area.

At this time, many people gathered around the competition stage to watch the excitement. At the same time, two teenagers who were extremely difficult to tell the winner from the appearance alone stood on both sides of the competition stage.

Of course, in their hearts, they are naturally more handsome than the other, and they both feel that they are not responsible for the beauty of the academy.

In the corner, Zhuge Zhuyun, Wolongshuang stood shoulder to shoulder, and Liu Qingfeng stood behind them.

Both Zhuge Zhuyun and Wolongshuang are famous handsome men, especially Zhuge Zhuyun, with a face like a crown jade, slender figure, and a suave appearance.

As for Liu Qingfeng, his appearance was plain and ordinary, and his body was even fatter like a round ball.

In addition, they were all dressed in the costumes of the teachers of the bad academy, so these three individuals standing together naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"There are quite a lot of people." Liu Qingfeng smacked his lips, and glanced at Li Zedao who was on the stage, his small eyes narrowed into a line showing a proud look.

Everyone, take a look, this is my favorite student, isn't he powerful? handsome or not? **No**?

Liu Qingfeng felt that the most intriguing moment in her life so far was the moment when Li Zedao chose him as the heartbeat teacher. At that moment, Liu Qingfeng felt that she was too fucking handsome and too fucking cool, Zhuge Zhuyun and Wolongshuang, these two idiots, are no different from ants in his eyes!

No, worse than ants!

"After all, it's the third strongest player on the cloud rankings against the most popular freshman recently.

There are naturally many people who follow, what's so strange? "Zhuge Zhuyun said contemptuously.

He was secretly stunned, it was the first time he had seen an ordinary contest between students attract so many people's attention.

In the past, it seemed that only when challenging the strong players in the cloud rankings could it attract such great attention, right?

Damn fat man! How can he have such a student?

Zhuge Zhuyun felt that this Li Zedao was good at everything, but his vision was not good enough.

The ancients said that a famous teacher produces a talented student. As the name suggests, there are famous teachers first, and then there are talented disciples! In other words, if a student's qualifications are good, but the teacher who guides him is not good enough, then the student will not achieve very good results in the end.

Zhuge Zhuyun has reason to believe that if Li Zedao chose himself as his teacher before, then he must be several times stronger than him now.

Even in the face of Taishu Wuji, who is third in the cloud list, it is enough to kill him in seconds, instead of being like now, he is very likely to lose.

I really sighed in my heart, a good seedling was delayed like this.

"That's right, fat people are rare and strange!" Wo Longshuang agreed. He was already unhappy seeing Liu Qingfeng, but ever since Li Zedao was robbed by him, he was even more unhappy seeing him, even worse than seeing Zhuge Zhuyun!

Losing to Zhuge Zhuyun is not ashamed, anyway, it's not like he hasn't lost before.

But losing to this fat man... Wolongshuang wanted to greet Liu Qingfeng's eighteen generations of ancestors.

"Stay away. Those who don't know think that I have a good relationship with you." Wo Longshuang waved his hand in disgust, as if he was waving away an annoying fly.

Liu Qingfeng smiled like a good old man who doesn't argue with others, and took a step back.

Feeling that they were still too close, he took another step back.

If a bad teacher like him gets too close to such ineffective teachers like Zhuge Zhuyun and Wo Longshuang, it will really hurt his face.

"Although Li Zedao's talent is excellent, he is still young after all. Naturally, he is not Taishu Wuji's opponent, so there is not much to watch in this competition. I think the winner will be determined soon." Zhuge Zhuyun said.

"Brother Zhuge, I don't agree with that." Wolongshuang continued to argue with Zhuge Zhuyun as always, only when he was attacking Liu Qingfeng, would he lower his body and forcefully form a united front with him.

"Even if that Uncle Wuji is your student, you can't belittle Li Zedao. Judging from the fluctuating aura on Li Zedao's body, it seems that he has already stepped into the spirit realm. In addition, this kid doesn't know how to deal with the sword master. The master has a very close relationship, and he was able to let the sword master teach the Leiqie sword art, and now he has mastered the first sword, so it is still unknown who will win and who will lose!"

"Yeah, I think so too." Liu Qingfeng nodded seriously. I feel that although Wolongshuang's teaching level is not good, what he said now is still very good.

"Fatty man, shut up!" Wo Longshuang turned his head and glanced at Liu Qingfeng rather unkindly, feeling uneasy in his heart, who has the same opinion as you? Who do you think you are? You're insulting me by saying that, you know?

"Fatty man, if you dare to speak again, I don't mind challenging you...uh..." Zhuge Zhuyun turned his head, and the muscles on his face twitched.

Where is the shadow of Liu Qingfeng.

"If you can't run away, the monk can't run away from the temple!" Zhuge Zhuyun sneered, his face full of disdain.


Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao on the stage with a nympho look on her face, and whispered to Nangong Meili beside her, "Sister, he can definitely defeat that little boy with ease."

Nangong Meili really wanted to say that Li Zedao also has the potential to be a good boy.

She nodded lightly at the moment to express her agreement, even though that uncle Wuji was ranked third on the cloud list, Nangong Meili did not think that Li Zedao would be defeated by him.


Gongshu Linglong was standing with several supervisors, and his eyes showing extremely complicated emotions fell on Li Zedao on the stage. His eyes were bloodshot, and his small face was even more emaciated. He looked so tired. I really felt sorry for him. .

"Sister Linglong, Brother Wuji can definitely defeat that damned guy easily." A girl behind said.

When he looked at Uncle Wuji, his eyes were full of nympho, but when he looked at Li Zedao, he was so disgusted, as if Li Zedao had done something heinous.

For the members of the supervision team, Shangguan Bowen is the stain that can never be washed away. He humiliated the members of the supervision team who had their eyes above the top, and they almost couldn't lift their heads.

And the bastard who made Shangguan's blog post a stain on the monitoring station was Li Zedao! Therefore, Li Zedao became the student that members of the supervisory team most wanted to deal with, not one of them!

Before, several members of the supervision team were secretly staring at Li Zedao, trying to catch him.

It's just that after Li Zedao stayed in the pill pavilion for five days, the members of the supervision team couldn't find Li Zedao at all, so the matter was left alone.

"I'm no longer the leader of the supervision team," Gongshu Linglong said.

"Ah? Sister Linglong, what do you mean by that?" The girl was full of surprise, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"I have already proposed to the academy to resign as the leader of the supervision team, and the academy has already agreed." Gongshu Linglong stared at Li Zedao on the stage, and said.

"Ah? Why?" The girl was simply dumbfounded.

Gongshu Linglong didn't respond, and stared fixedly at Li Zedao with her big beautiful eyes. The expression in her eyes was so complicated that she didn't know what she was thinking.


"That bastard, he's dead this time!" Dongfang Xingchen stared at Li Zedao viciously. Since losing to Li Zedao last time, he really couldn't bear that kind of blow, and he didn't have the face to face others, so he curled up in his courtyard all day long, living a life of drunken dreams.

He felt that watching Li Zedao being brutally abused by Taishu Wuji was far more important than his own face, so he came to Yanwu Pavilion with a cheeky face.

It's just that when someone's eyes fell on him, he felt quite uncomfortable all over his body. He felt like being stabbed by a needle, and he felt that the eyes that fell on him were extremely intense. The color of sarcasm.

The corners of the mouths of Dongfang Lingqi and Dongfang Xiaochu who were standing in front of Dongfang Xingchen all raised a hint of gloating without exception.

As the pride of Canghai City in the Central Tribe, Dongfang Lingqi and Dongfang Xiaochu are naturally extremely proud. Of course, they also have the capital to be proud.

Whether it is the strength of the family or their own cultivation, they are all worthy of the word "Tianjiao", and they all have enough sense of superiority in front of others.

But ever since the naked Li Zedao appeared in the Buzhou Plain, their sense of superiority disappeared.

In terms of strength, he is the number one among the freshmen, and he is the chosen one in the eyes of the teacher, and everyone wants him. Afterwards, he even defeated Dongfang Xingchen with a single sword, and also achieved such abnormal results in the assessment of the Pill Pavilion.

In terms of shamelessness, people dare to run naked in the snowdrifts with their buttocks naked!

Of course, it doesn't matter if pride is trampled on. After all, a mountain is higher than a mountain. They are not narrow-minded people, and they don't want to see that others are better than themselves.

But the woman they liked was robbed, and they absolutely couldn't accept anything they said.


On the competition stage, Liu Canghai stood between the two of them, scribbling a few words in the ink of routine, the rules that everyone has already heard.

"Are there any questions?" Yang Canghai asked, his eyes lingering on Li Zedao's face for a second longer.

Although he, brother Li, was spoiled by that bastard Juggernaut, he is so shameless and shameless, but after all, he is a brother, so I still worry about him.

The strength of the opponent Taishu Wuji this time should not be underestimated. I'm afraid he won't be able to win with such ease and style as he did against Dongfang Xingchen before.

Even, maybe you will suffer a little loss.

"No." Li Zedao and Uncle Wuji both shook their heads in response.

"The two weapons are swords?" Yang Canghai asked again.

"Yes." The two said at the same time.

"Aren't you wearing any armor or anything like that?" Yang Canghai glanced at Li Zedao and asked again.

"No." The two said again.

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