The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2068 Water Concubine Spirit

"I...have the courtyard door been closed?" Li Zedao swallowed again.

"'s closed."


"And then?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

Li Zedao felt a little embarrassed, and wanted to get up: "I'm going to drink a glass of water."

"Don't go." Nangong Wan'er tightly hooked Li Zedao's neck with both hands, a little depressed, this bastard who is not as good as a beast, has already been delivered to your mouth, but why don't you eat it? Do I still have to feed you?

Hey, just hello, who made me care about you so much?

"I... want me..." Nangong Wan'er said angrily, not daring to meet Li Zedao's eyes. The small face is like a peach blossom, obviously already emotional.

"Huh?" Li Zedao was dumbfounded. During this period of time, although the two were in love with each other, and they were constantly ambiguous, and it was common for them to sleep in each other's arms, they never broke through the last line of defense.

Now he naturally wants to, always feels weird.

But this little girl offered to propose... Isn't this happiness coming too suddenly? Li Zedao had to worry, was there some kind of conspiracy? Or, this little girl has taken some kind of powerful aphrodisiac again?

"Ah, what? You are a disciple, a beast is not as good as... lie down, or I will draw my sword..."

"Bang! Bang!"

Just then, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Like a frightened rabbit, Nangong Wan'er ran away with her red face covered.

Li Zedao looked down at his crotch, the muscles on his face were twitching violently, he really wanted to cry, but he really wanted to yell at which bastard came to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds.


According to the regulations of Buzhou Academy, after any student becomes a strong person in the spiritual realm, it means that you can graduate from the academy and leave. Of course, only a very small number of people can continue to stay and become teachers of Buzhou Academy.

Go, the initiative is in the hands of the students, you can leave if you want, no one will keep you. But the initiative to stay is in the hands of the school.

Early in the morning, Liu Qingfeng did not leave a message through Yuka,

Instead, he came to Li Zedao's courtyard in person, intending to take him to the assessment office to accept the assessment of the academy.

Before Liu Qingfeng asked him whether to leave or stay, Li Zedao said seriously that he was willing to contribute his own strength to Buzhou Academy, which moved Liu Qingfeng beyond belief.

Liu Qingfeng was moved by himself, he felt that he was so awesome that he taught such students who are both excellent in character and learning and dedicated to dedication.

But whether to go or stay, what Liu Qingfeng said doesn't matter, Li Zedao still has to go to the assessment office to accept the assessment.

At that moment, Liu Qingfeng briefly introduced to Li Zedao about the college's assessment.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, the so-called assessment is actually an interview.

What is assessed is not only your cultivation, but also your character. After all, people with bad conduct will only tarnish the word "teacher", and will only mislead students. They cannot become a role model for students.

Liu Qingfeng raised his big head slightly and looked at the white clouds in the sky, looking like I'm so damn good.

It is said that back then, he actually wanted to leave after he easily became a strong man in the spirit and god realm, but the college sincerely persuaded him to stay as a teacher, it was too kind to refuse, so he had to stay.

Li Zedao slowed down his pace a little and stayed away from Liu Qingfeng, so as not to be hurt by his spittle.

I understood even more in my heart why other teachers didn't like Liu Qingfeng, he really didn't have anything to like. I thought he should also be a related household, right? Otherwise, why can you stay as a teacher?

Li Zedao was not worried that he would not be able to stay, after all, he seemed to be a related family, and the relationship was as strong as it was.

After arriving at the assessment office, Li Zedao saw that Zhuge Zhuyun and his student Taishu Wuji were also there.

Uncle Wuji's Xiaobai's face was still pale, and his expression was sluggish. One could imagine that he suffered serious injuries in yesterday's martial arts competition.

Seeing it was Li Zedao, Taishu Wuji's face became even more ugly, and his throat began to feel sweet. That feeling is like accidentally eating a fly, it's really uncomfortable, and I can't wait to draw my sword to kill!

This despicable and shameless person!

"Brother Zhuge." Liu Qingfeng smiled and waved his hands, looking like a good old man.

"Hmph!" Zhuge Zhuyun snorted coldly with a haughty expression, and didn't bother to pay attention.

"Teacher Zhuge." Li Zedao bowed his hands and greeted respectfully.

"You don't need to be so polite. From now on, you and I may be colleagues, just call me Brother Zhuge." Facing Li Zedao, Zhuge Zhuyun didn't put on airs.

As the most handsome and outstanding teacher of Buzhou Academy, he naturally likes students with excellent character and academics like Li Zedao very much. What makes people heartbroken is that he actually resigned himself to depravity and chose Liu Qingfeng as his teacher.

Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. It can be seen that even if this kid shines now, his future cultivation will not be too high. Liu Qingfeng has already limited his upper limit.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Zhuyun couldn't help showing regret in his eyes.

"Brother Zhuge." Li Zedao was not polite, and simply changed his address.

Looking at Taishu Wuji with a smile, he greeted, "Brother Tai, is your injury better?"

"Healed already, don't worry about it!" Uncle Wuji responded coldly. Then turned around, with a look of disdain to talk to the villain.

Li Zedao smiled, and didn't take it seriously, a broad-minded person would not care too much about his defeated opponents.

Just at this moment, a woman in an ill-fitting college teacher's robe floated in.

This is a woman with an extremely delicate face. She is wearing an ordinary college teacher's attire, but she is full of temptation. Her slender and plump thigh hair, her slender waist like a water snake, and her exaggerated round buttocks, It is enough for everyone to see it, and they can't help but want to take another look, and they can't help but think of things like "beds" in their minds.

That delicate melon-seeded face is indescribably beautiful and delicate, and those eyes are even more charming, making one's heart beat faster and her mouth dry when she sees it.

Liu Qingfeng took a look at the woman, and quickly lowered her head, her face was flushed red, she looked so at a loss, she didn't know where to put her hands.

Zhuge Zhuyun tried his best to squeeze the most handsome smile on his face. Of course, judging from his different standing posture, he was also nervous.

As for Uncle Wuji, his performance was even worse, the muscles on his face simply became stiff, his eyes were straight, almost rolled out of their sockets.

In Taishu Wuji's view, Gongshu Linglong is not inferior to her in terms of beauty, but in terms of seductiveness to men, Gongshu Linglong's flattery can't match her...unless Gongshu Linglong takes off her clothes, and then winks and flirts The voice said something sweet... How is this possible?

But the woman didn't have to undress, and she didn't have to speak. She seems to be naturally charming, every move, every frown and smile is enough to make you want to stop.

"Who is this woman?" Li Zedao glanced at this woman curiously, but his eyes suddenly met the familiar woman.

The woman smiled charmingly, but Li Zedao's scalp felt slightly numb, as if being targeted by a poisonous snake, he quickly looked away.

This woman is very strong, and she is the kind that is too strong!

I thought this woman is also a teacher of Buzhou Academy?

Although Buzhou College does not require students to attend classes, students are free to do whatever they want, as long as they do not violate school rules, they can do whatever they want. But there are also some courses.

Such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, such as rites, music, art of war, etc. The reason why such courses are offered is naturally to add some fun to the boring practice.

Students of Buzhou College can go to the teaching office to study these courses at will.

Li Zedao had never attended any class, but Nangong Wan'er had taken a music class before.

The moment Li Zedao looked away, the woman's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

When other men saw her, none of them wanted to hug her to bed, but this little boy's eyes were so clear and bright, at least, the woman didn't catch any trace of obscenity.

He can't be...he hasn't grown up yet?

After such an idea appeared in her mind, the woman was amused by herself, and the smile on her face became even bigger, making Zhuge Zhuyun, Liu Qingfeng and Taishu Wuji's heartbeats all beat faster... Li Zedao was worried that they would have a heart attack and die like this.

Li Zedao felt quite contemptuous in his heart, isn't he just a woman? As for being so excited? It's really embarrassing for a man.

"Are you Li Zedao?" The woman looked at Li Zedao with charming eyes and asked with a smile.

"Looking for me?" Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, looked up at the woman and nodded.

The eyes of the other three also immediately fell on Li Zedao, especially Liu Qingfeng and Zhuge Zhuyun. They knew the identity of the woman, so they were very curious about why this woman came to Li Zedao.

I can't attract Li Zedao because of her excellence and handsomeness... Are you kidding me?

"Let's go with my sister." The woman hooked her hands towards Li Zedao, her voice full of charm.

"I don't know what orders you have for this teacher?" Li Zedao asked, his eyes were a little wary.

Do you think I'm stupid, if you tell me to go with you, I will go with you? In case you plan to plot against me, but I am not your opponent, what should I do then?

As a handsome guy, Li Zedao usually doesn't feel very safe, especially when he is alone with such a monster.

"What? Afraid that my sister will eat you?" The woman laughed coquettishly, and her little lilac tongue stuck out, gently licking those extremely alluring red lips, full of viciousness.

Zhuge Zhuyun, Liu Qingfeng and Grand Uncle Wuji felt that their bones were numb, and their hearts were filled with envy and hatred. Why could he be so molested by this evildoer? Is it because he is more shameless?

On the competition stage yesterday, Li Zedao simply vomited blood out of Taishu Wuji's anger. This made Liu Qingfeng and Zhuge Zhuyun realize that this seemingly polite guy is actually quite shameless.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and did not respond. I thought this is not nonsense? I want to eat myself when I look in the mirror, why don't you eat me?

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