The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2069 Immortal Pavilion

"Don't worry, little brother, sister promises not to eat you." The woman's smile is so charming, her voice is so seductive, every frown and smile seems to be seductive.

little brother? Li Zedao imagined a certain scene, which was shameful and evil.

"Sister, I'm here to pick you up to meet the dean and his old man." The woman smiled.

"Dean?" Li Zedao was taken aback. Could it be that Wan'er's guess is true? That Li Zedao is really the dean's illegitimate son? So there will be a bitter drama where father and son recognize each other in a while?

Li Zedao couldn't help but jump in shock, the situation in the secret channel seemed to be very bad.

If that Li Zedao was really the dean's illegitimate son, how could he not see that his illegitimate son had changed?

Then he thought, if the dean could have discovered something, he would have discovered it long ago, and his life would have been gone long ago.

Both Zhuge Zhuyun and Liu Qingfeng were moved, and they couldn't believe what they heard. In other words, Li Zedao's various performances have already "alarmed" the dean and his old man?

"Little brother, follow my sister obediently, don't make the dean wait too long." The woman cast a wink at Li Zedao and smiled coquettishly, then turned around and walked forward with her waist twisted.

"Brother Liu...Brother Liu..." Li Zedao knew that he had to go with her, but he didn't follow her immediately, but looked at Liu Qingfeng, intending to say goodbye to him.

Now that Zhuge Zhuyun has changed his name, he must also change his name for Liu Qingfeng, otherwise he will naturally make Zhuge Zhuyun unhappy, and Li Zedao will not do such offending things.

Liu Qingfeng looked back from the woman's back with great difficulty, wiped off the saliva from the corner of her mouth, cleared her throat and said, "Well... since it is the dean and the old man who is looking for you, you should hurry up and follow Concubine Shui Ling." Teacher, let's go, don't let the dean and his old man wait for a long time."

Li Zedao suddenly realized when he heard the words.

It turned out that she was the thundering Concubine Shui Ling. He had heard before that there was a painting teacher in the college named Shui Feiling, and every time she started a class, the teaching room was completely full, and some people even moved their own stools to the teaching room to attend her class.

Not only the students, but even some teachers went to listen to her lectures.

Li Zedao originally thought that the reason why this Concubine Shui Ling teacher was so popular was because she was a painter of Wu Daozi's level in Shenyu, and her paintings were worth tens of millions of gold.

Now look at... Ma Dan,

This is simply a group of guys with brains and sperm. They have no self-control at all. It's really embarrassing to a man.

"Then I'll go first." Li Zedao nodded, then bowed his hands politely to Zhuge Zhuyun, and then walked forward behind Shui Feiling.

Li Zedao didn't get too close to this stunner, but kept a certain distance.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he fell on the exaggeratedly large and sexy buttocks in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but tremble. I'm afraid that other than himself, no matter how powerful the man was, he would be seated by such a buttock, and the motor would start. I'm afraid there is no way to hold on for too long and surrender early, right?

Shui Feiling looked back and smiled charmingly, Li Zedao quickly lowered his head, looking like a pure and innocent little virgin.

"What a cute little brother." Concubine Shui said delicately, her gorgeous face was pretending to be a nympho, "I'm so cute that my sister wants to eat you now."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and lowered his head even lower.

You're eating me right now, don't just talk but don't practice, you liar!


Zhuge Zhuyun retracted his eyes reluctantly. When he looked at Liu Qingfeng, his face was full of anger. He stretched out his hand, put his arm around Liu Qingfeng's shoulder and said coldly: "Brother Liu, take a step!" say."

He really hated this shameless fat man, hated him for using such a despicable method to snatch such a student who even the dean paid attention to, really damn it!

Of course, he actually wanted to beat up Li Zedao more than Liu Qingfeng.

Why can he be teased by Concubine Shui Ling like that? Is he as handsome as he is? No! His cultivation level is higher than his own? nor! Is it because he is more shameless than himself?

Zhuge Zhuyun felt a little sadness in his heart, Shui Feiling actually likes shameless people? Isn't this difficult for the strong?

The muscles on Liu Qingfeng's face tugged, and he said with a smile: "That...Brother Zhuge..."

"Shut up!" Zhuge Zhuyun dragged Liu Qingfeng into the corner irresistibly.

After a long time, Taishu Wuji came back to his senses. While wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he looked around and saw that the surrounding was so empty that he was the only one left. He couldn't help feeling sad, and felt a feeling of being abandoned in his heart.


This is a low-key and inconspicuous courtyard not far from the Pill Pavilion. The attic is shrouded in mist all year round, but it gives people an ethereal and illusory feeling.

The mysterious dean, Daoist Changsheng, lives here.

The dean almost never shows up in front of everyone, and he doesn't manage some major and small affairs of the college, so let alone students, even some teachers of Buzhou College have never seen the real face of the dean.

That's why, when Liu Qingfeng and Zhuge Zhuyun heard that the dean was going to see Li Zedao, their expressions were so dumb.

Only then did they realize that Li Zedao was much better than they imagined, otherwise it would be impossible to alarm the dean. You must know that Mo Tianya, who currently ranks first in the Cloud Rankings, who kills the strong in the Spiritual Cloud Realm with the strength of the Spiritual Cloud Realm, does not have this kind of treatment.

Along the way, Shui Feiling teased Li Zedao without saying a word, "Little brother, you are so handsome, little brother, do you have a girlfriend? Little brother and sister like you so much, what should I do?"

Her various actions seem frivolous and exaggerated, but they don't give people a feeling of "doing", as if she should have such a reaction.

Li Zedao kept his head down in a shy manner and responded simply.

Although this water concubine Ling is a stunner, what kind of stunner has Li Zedao never seen? The coquettishness of Nintendo is not inferior to Shui Feiling, so Li Zedao has long been immune and is not moved by it at all.

"Little brother, that's it." Shui Feiling looked back at Li Zedao and smiled. This little boy is really cute when he pretends to be innocent.

"Okay, Sister Shui." Li Zedao nodded shyly.

Concubine Shuiling forced Li Zedao to call her sister, but Li Zedao could only compromise.

Shui Feiling walked over with a swaying posture, stretched out her soft little hand, and knocked on the door lightly.

The door was quickly opened, and a child in Tsing Yi appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"Sister Shui, you're here." The child looked at Concubine Shuiling with big eyes full of childlike innocence, and his immature face was full of joy.

"When did Xiaobao's mouth become so sweet? Do you want to eat my sister's candy again?" Shui Feiling pursed her lips and chuckled lightly, flicking the child's forehead with her fingers like peeling onions , and then strolled into the courtyard.

Seeing the child's big round eyes falling on him, Li Zedao nodded with a smile and walked into the quiet courtyard filled with smoke.

But in front of him there was a hut with the door slightly closed, behind the hut was a lush green bamboo forest, the bamboo forest was so deep that you couldn't see the end at a glance.

When Li Zedao was admiring the scenery of the courtyard, the child closed the door, stood in front of the teasing Concubine Shui, lowered his head in embarrassment, and said, "You can't hide anything from Sister Shui."

"Little brat." Shui Feiling giggled, as if she had conjured up a brocade bag in her hand.


"Thank you Sister Shui." The child's eyes lit up suddenly, and there was a trace of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, I couldn't wait to open it, took out a small piece of black thing from the bag, stuffed it into my mouth, smashed it, sucked it, that immature face was full of intoxication, just like Tasting the most delicious food in the world.

"Chocolate?" Li Zedao looked at the dark thing with a flicker of eyes. That color, that kind of sweet but not greasy fragrance, what is it if it is not chocolate?

There is such an "advanced" thing as chocolate in this place of God's Domain? And from the looks of it, this chocolate seems to be made by this Shui Fei Ling.

The child's big eyes glanced at Li Zedao and said vaguely: "The dean's grandfather is fishing in the back, let Sister Shui take this big brother there."

"Understood, quickly take it and share it with your little lover." Shui Feiling smiled.

The child lowered his head in embarrassment, his little face flushed, he was a little virgin who had just begun to love: "Sister Shui, Rourou and I are just good friends."

"It's a ghost to believe in you. Don't think that I don't know that you two are kissing secretly." Shui Feiling said with a smile, and reached out to pinch the child's fleshy little face.

"Sister Shui..." The child blushed, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Li Zedao at the side twitched slightly when he saw this, God's Domain is really a "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" place, such a young child is actually in love, and his parents don't care about it?

What's even more frightening is that, judging from the fluctuating aura on his body, this little kid is actually a quasi-spiritual god! In other words, if he hadn't broken through into the spirit realm, he might not even be able to beat this kid.

And this little kid might one day break through and become a real spiritual powerhouse after eating chocolate.

Li Zedao has always thought that he is a genius, but compared with this kid, Li Zedao is so ashamed that he can't lift his head.

After the child trotted into the hut, Shui Feiling turned her head and looked at Li Zedao with a charming smile, and the soft little hand stretched out in front of Li Zedao was gently holding a small piece of chocolate.

"Little brother, do you want to try it too?"

"Sister Shui, what is this?" Li Zedao reached out to take it with a curious expression on his face, and put it in his mouth without thinking. This taste is definitely chocolate.

Of course, this is the most original chocolate, unlike Mortal's chocolate, which has all kinds of flavors.

"This is a sweet that I accidentally discovered and made. I haven't thought of a name yet. You are very smart, little brother. Can you help my sister think of a name for this sweet?"

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