"Bang!" Long Yin unsheathed, and a sword shadow flashed across the dark forest.

Between breaths, Li Zedao's body was suddenly enveloped by a layer of blue light, and at the same time, his body rotated rapidly, as if turning into a spinning top.

In the next second, extremely fierce sword energy overflowed, and foul-smelling blood splashed everywhere!

A large number of blood bats were simply cut into countless small pieces by Li Zedao's sword energy.

However, the tragic death of the companion did not stimulate the other blood bats, and did not make them feel fear. As if seeing an enemy, they slammed into the blue circle of light one after another as if they were dead, but their strength was very different, so they were cut into several pieces at once.

The strange thing is that these blood bats did not attack and had retreated to the side to look at the lively Shuifeiling with interest, as if Shuifeiling was air, and as if there was something about Shuifeiling that made them feel scared, Don't dare to get too close at all.

Looking at the rapidly rotating circle of light, Shui Feiling's charming eyes were full of splendor, and she couldn't stop admiring her.

Even though she is quite proud, she can't help admiring that this little brother is really a monster. In less than two months, he has already mastered the second sword of the Leiqie Sword Art. This kind of cultivation talent is really enviable and hateful. It makes people feel so ashamed that they want to bump their heads to death. They really deserve to be a person who has the blood of Nuwa.

After two sticks of incense, there was no more blood bat in the dense forest.

Li Zedao's rapidly turning body stood still abruptly, and the blue light on his body gradually faded away.

At this time, he looked so terrifying, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

He was panting heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, obviously red-eyed.

His whole body was completely stained red by the stinky blood, even on his hair, his face and body, there were still a lot of flesh and blood that had been strangled into pieces from blood bats.

Looking at his surroundings, the corpses of blood bats piled up into mountains. The scene looked so terrifying and so heroic.

"Ugh..." Li Zedao twisted his stomach, opened his mouth, and vomited wildly.

He vomited heart-rendingly, he vomited out the elixir that he had hidden in his mouth beforehand, he vomited out the food he ate in the morning, he vomited out bile, he vomited out stomach acid, and in the end, he even almost ate his heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. Spit it out.

It's not that simple anymore.

It's fear, fear of killing, fear of death.

Shui Feiling witnessed all this with a smile all the time, and even breathed in the strong smell of blood in the air with a face full of intoxication.

"What a wonderful taste." Her little scarlet tongue stretched out, and gently licked her sexy red lips.

After a while, Li Zedao got a little familiar with the stench that he couldn't resist, and felt his body was extremely weak. If it wasn't for the bat corpses around him, he would have sat down on the ground long ago.

"It's really a crime, how did you kill so many? There are probably thousands of them?" Li Zedao stood up straight with great difficulty, really wishing he could go over with his sword and kill Shui Feiling, who was watching the excitement over there. up!

He knew that this woman didn't do this to kill him, she knew very clearly that those blood bats couldn't hurt him with her cultivation, she was doing it to disgust herself severely.

She is taking revenge! Revenge for seeing her body, but also her tail.

She did it!

Li Zedao was disgusting, really disgusting, never been so disgusting as now!

This kind of disgust is not only because the blood of this blood bat is too stinky, but also because of the killing! In the end, Li Zedao felt a little scared.

After all, he is not a murderer, and sometimes he can't bear to trample an ant on the ground to death, so this kind of killing will not bring him any pleasure, but will only make him extremely painful and disgusting.

"Little brother, you are so brave just now, my sister likes you so much, what should I do?" Shui Feiling said delicately, her eyes filled with water.

Li Zedao looked at Shui Feiling with a difficult smile, and carefully walked over the blood bat's corpse, his heart trembled violently again, what a crime, this damned fox!

"Sister Shui, are there pools and waterfalls around here? Brother, go and freshen up first." Li Zedao said with difficulty.

The blood bat's flesh sticking to his body really made him sick, and his stomach twisted for a while, and he began to want to vomit again.

"Little brother, do you know why my sister asked you to slaughter these blood bats?" Shui Feiling asked with a charming smile.

"Little brother is stupid, so I don't understand the meaning of Sister Shui's move." Li Zedao said with a forced smile.

Anyway, he really couldn't open his mouth to say something like "remove harm for the people", let alone say that it was because you wanted to take revenge on me.

"To cover up your aura," Shui Feiling said.

"Breath?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.

"Fire scorpions have extremely poor eyesight. Little brother, you are such a big living person standing in front of them, they may not be able to see your outline clearly. But their sense of smell is extremely terrifying. Once you and I walk out of this bloodwood forest, they will be able to see you." Immediately smell you and me, and even if you are lucky enough to enter that lair, you will be exposed immediately."

Concubine Shui Ling's watery eyeballs turned around on Li Zedao's body: "And now you are covered with blood bat flesh and blood... Oh, and there are internal organs, which can naturally completely cover up your smell."

"Ugh..." Li Zedao's expression changed drastically, his stomach twisted violently again, and he bent down and vomited violently.

Seeing this, Shui Feiling had a gloating smile on her face, and felt an indescribable comfort in her heart.

Damn little pervert, dare to break into my sister's courtyard without my sister's consent? Did you see your sister's body? Still always think my sister is a fool? I really should dig out your squinty eyeballs and peel off your skin that is thicker than the wall.

I even decided in my heart, I will draw the scene of my little brother vomiting wildly when I go back, and I will tell the words when the next class starts, and let the teachers and students who come to the class copy it!

Presumably when the little brother sees it, his expression will be very exciting, right?

Oh, by the way, he has to find a time to show his love to his little brother in front of his little lover.

But the little brother is really a beast, and the fiancée ate his sister-in-law before he got it.

Well, if Li Zedao knew that Concubine Shuiling was planning such ideas, he might draw his sword and fight her desperately.

After another full stick of incense, Li Zedao vomited out all the strength in his body, his legs softened, and he fell limply to the ground, panting heavily, filled with grief and indignation.

Thinking that I have picked countless flowers in the sea of ​​love, which of the women in the past was not fascinated by me and submissive to me?

Why is it so embarrassing to be bullied by a woman now?

Soon, Li Zedao figured out the answer to the question. It was because this woman was not even considered human, so how could she be fascinated by herself?

Li Zedao firmly believes that it is not because he is not charming enough!

"Little brother, my sister's heart hurts to death seeing you like this, hurry up and take this elixir, it will make you feel better." Shui Feiling looked so distressed, flicked her jade finger, and took a piece of medicine. The pill flicked towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't reach out to pick it up, after all, his hands are full of blood bats that haven't dried up yet.

He opened his mouth to catch the pill accurately, and Gulu swallowed it without thinking. Anyway, if Concubine Shui Ling really wanted to kill herself, she didn't need to use any poison at all, and she still needs her own help now. She sneaked into the lair of the fire scorpion and took out the fire pill.

The moment the elixir was taken, Li Zedao felt his chest was icy cold, most of the nausea and pantothenic acid disappeared immediately, and his strength recovered a lot.

"Thank you Sister Shui." Li Zedao stood up and bowed.

Since there is no way to cut off the woman's tail at once, the only option is to compromise.

To be a good brother like Li Zedao, you must be able to bend and stretch, be soft and hard, and be able to judge the situation and make the most correct choice.

What is the momentary honor and disgrace?

Li Zedao suddenly wanted to sing.

"He said that this little pain in the wind and rain is nothing, wipe away the tears, don't be afraid at least we still have dreams, he said that this little pain in the wind and rain is nothing, wipe away the tears, don't ask why..."

"Sister Shui means that fire scorpions won't attack blood bats?" Li Zedao asked. He really didn't expect this woman to let herself slaughter the blood bats with such deep meaning. In order to completely cover up the smell on her body, she had to Deceive those little fire scorpions in the lair.

As expected of a fox, he still has some brains.

"What do you think?" Concubine Shui smiled sweetly, just like the goblin who seduces the soul, "The blood bat knows the power of the fire scorpion, and the fire scorpion also knows that the blood bat is difficult to deal with, and there is really no conflict of interest. So don't provoke each other, and occasionally a blood bat flies into the lair of the fire scorpion, and the fire scorpion will not react."

"The last time my sister and I entered the fire scorpion's lair, I noticed a few blood bats perched on the top of the lair."

"So that's how it is." Li Zedao suddenly realized, and he couldn't help admiring, "Sister Shui is really as thin as silk."

"Little brother, the way you pat your sister's butt is so cute." Concubine Shui Lingjiao laughed, her charming and charming face was a little shy, Li Zedao felt so upset, as if I really patted you Ass like?

Speaking of which, what's so good about your ass? Such a big tail curled up there, it's too awkward!

"Little brother, let's collect blood bat corpses and flesh for my sister to smear on her body so as to cover up her...smell." Li Zedao said seriously.

He knew that Concubine Shui Ling would not smear the blood bat's flesh on her body, so saying that was just to vent her feelings.

"Little brother, are you sure it's the scent and not...the smell?" Concubine Shui Lingjiao laughed.

"Fragrance." Li Zedao lowered his head and said very embarrassedly.

"Little brother, my sister can still smell that cheap smell on you, let alone that damned fire scorpion, smear some more blood bat flesh." Shuifei Ling giggled and said, stretching out her little hand Take a random shot in the direction of Li Zedao.

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