The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2084 Fire Scorpion Lair

In an instant, Li Zedao felt a terrifying unintentional force suddenly sweeping over him, making his face change, and he couldn't resist it at all.

In the next second, he simply fell on top of the mountain of blood bat corpses, fell a piece of shit, and rolled twice.


After Li Zedao vomited out his strength again, Concubine Shuiling was in so much pain that she gave Li Zedao another elixir to restore his strength.

At this time, Li Zedao was extremely humble and cowardly, and he didn't dare to be mean and talk too much, he wanted to be as good as he could be.

"Little brother, do you know what a bitch is?" Concubine Shui Ling said with a giggle.

Li Zedao forced a smile and didn't dare to say anything.

Moving on, Shui Feiling also roughly described to Li Zedao some basic information about the Fire Scorpion's lair and the specific location of the Fire Flame Pill.

It's about his own life, so no matter how he rejects it, Li Zedao still keeps it in mind seriously.

Concubine Shuiling also gave Li Zedao a bag made of precious Tianshan ice silk, which was used to carry away the Huoyan Pill. After all, Huoyan Pill is of fire nature and has an extremely terrifying temperature. If you use an ordinary bag, you can easily get rid of it. It was ignited all at once.

However, if the Huoyan Pill is taken away, it will naturally alarm the dozen or so little fire scorpions in the cave who are not weaker than the low-rank powerhouses of the Spiritual God Realm.

How to get rid of them, Shui Feiling asked Li Zedao to figure out a way by himself.

He also smiled and giggled and said that you are so cute, little brother, those female scorpions inside who have never seen the world will naturally be fascinated by you and give the Huoyan Pill by yourself.

Li Zedao could only laugh apologetically and scold his mother in his heart!

This bloodwood forest is much bigger than Li Zedao imagined, so you have to be careful not to be cut by the sharp leaves that contain poison while walking, and you must also pay attention to the danger under your feet.

From time to time, you will come across a swamp with great suction. Li Zedao knows why the speed of the poisonous insects and beasts shuttling in this bloodwood forest is so fast. Entering that swamp will naturally be swallowed up.

After about a stick of incense, the two walked out of this depressing bloodwood forest.

Seeing that the front suddenly becomes empty,

It's just that weeds are still overgrown, full of poisonous miasma, and the valley is too deep to be exposed to sunlight, so it looks so humid, oppressive and gloomy.

Of course, for fire scorpions, this is the most suitable environment for them to live in.

"Little brother, that's the lair of the fire scorpion." Concubine Shui pointed forward with her spirit finger, her eyes serious.

Even for her, facing the absolutely formidable fire scorpion, she still had a real headache. If she hadn't had to get the Huoyan Pill, she really didn't want to provoke the already refined Fire Scorpion again.

Li Zedao looked in the direction pointed by Concubine Shui Ling, but he saw a cave with a gate more than two feet high on the mountain wall a few hundred meters away. I don't know the depth of the cave, but I can clearly feel a foul-smelling heat wave rolling out of the cave.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly, living in such a big cave, it seems that the figure of the fire scorpion is much bigger than he imagined.

I have to admire in my heart that God's Domain is really a place suitable for all things to grow. Everything can grow so big, such as those breasts, hips, and tail...

"Attention, that fire scorpion has already smelled my scent, and is about to rush out." The look in Concubine Shuiling's eyes became more serious, apparently noticing something.

The vigilance in Li Zedao's heart reached its peak in an instant, and his eyes were fixed on the hole.

"Little brother, act carefully as my sister said before."

After a pause, Shui Feiling added another sentence: "Give up if you really can't, your life is important."

Li Zedao took a different look at Shui Feiling's pretty face full of dignified colors, and seriously doubted whether his ears had heard it wrong.

At this moment, a series of such sharp voices came, as if they were about to pierce the eardrums of people, making Li Zedao feel uncomfortable with tinnitus, and he was really shocked. Is this the sound of the fire scorpion?

Just this voice, I'm afraid even those below the spiritual realm can't bear it, right?

It's no wonder that the mountain range of Buzhou Mountain is called one of the top ten evil places in the God's Domain. The blood bat and the fire scorpion alone are enough to make people drink a pot, let alone hide a lot more than the blood bat and fire scorpion. And cruel poisonous insects and beasts.

At this moment, a black shadow like a hill "whoosh!" came out of the cave all at once.

After Li Zedao saw the black shadow clearly, the hill-like black shadow had already moved in front of them, and a terrifying heat wave engulfed them, making Li Zedao's breathing stop abruptly, and a rash appeared on his forehead instantly. Sweating hot.

The eyeballs were even more rounded all of a sudden, and he gasped for several breaths, he couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

He had already imagined the fire scorpion very big in his mind, but he didn't expect that this monster was still a circle bigger than he imagined.

But I saw that the red fire scorpion was four to five meters high and eight or nine meters long. The raised tail was as thick as a person, and the sharp poisonous needle on the tail, which was as thick as Li Zedao's thigh, shone strangely. red light.

The beard and hair on his body are as thick as fingers, like caterpillars hanging upside down on it, it looks really scary and disgusting.

In front of such a behemoth, Li Zedao and Concubine Shuiling are so small, they are not as thick as a leg.

The poisonous needle on the fire scorpion's tail was wrapped in circles of dazzling red cyclones, which made Li Zedao feel the scorching heat hit his face, the terrifying heat seemed to burn the clothes on his body.

Obviously, the fire scorpion with an exceptionally sensitive sense of smell had already smelled Shui Feiling's scent early on, and had already recognized her as the reckless bastard who planned to steal its Huoyan Pill two days ago, so he didn't even hesitate to launch the fiercest attack directly .

Concubine Shui Ling's face was solemn, she shook her small hand, and there was already a whip as white as Shengxue in her palm, which was made of some kind of animal's fur.

At the same time, the whip was wrapped in circles of red and blue intertwined cyclones containing terrifying power, and Li Zedao was stunned when he saw it.

You must know that the strong in the spiritual realm can use the aura between the heaven and the earth for their own use with a wave of their hands, and the cyclone created by these strong in the spiritual realm is blue.

Powerful poisonous insects and beasts can also use the breath of heaven and earth for their own use. The difference is that the cyclones they create are red, just like the fire scorpion in front of them.

But the cyclone created by Concubine Shui Ling is red and blue intertwined... What does this mean?

So, she not only has the blood of beasts flowing, but also human blood?

Was she born of a human and a fox? A man with a female fox or a woman with a male fox? Or is it not a fox but a dog?

For a while, Li Zedao scratched his heart and lungs, really curious.

Just when Li Zedao was extremely curious, the fire scorpion took the lead in attacking, and a terrifying hot breath came over, making Li Zedao's breathing stagnate.

"Damn it!" Concubine Shuiling's face was already full of fierce murderous intent, her plump and graceful body leaped high, and ruthlessly lashed the whip towards the fiercely stabbing tail of the fire scorpion.

In an instant, two cyclones containing terrifying energy collided fiercely.

At the moment of the collision, the entire valley almost fell into an extremely strange dead silence!

Naturally, this is the calm before the storm!

Between breaths, a deafening air explosion exploded in mid-air, shaking the entire valley humming, as if the sky was falling apart.

The bursting airflow was like rows of sharp blades, flying in all directions.

For a while, weeds, sand and stones splashed everywhere, no less than a small storm.

And in the flying sand and rocks, two afterimages, one large and one small, intertwined together, the two terrifying cyclones continued to collide fiercely, the sound of air explosions continued, and they all looked like they would never die.

Concubine Shuiling was desperately trying to create time for Li Zedao to steal the Huoyan Pill, while Huo Scorpion was desperately angry that this damn fox was so reckless that he planned to steal his own Huoyan Pill.

Glancing for a few moments at the terrifying battle in the sky ahead, and feeling the gusts of fierce wind blowing towards his face, Li Zedao was startled and gasped for air, and he had already cast the question in his heart from a thousand miles away. .

With my current repairs, if I encounter this fire scorpion, I'm afraid I'll just run away, right? If he confronted him head-on, he might be shot into the sky with just one move.

I was worried that the more time was spent, the worse it would be for Concubine Shuiling. Once Concubine Shuiling was defeated, what should Huo Scorpion do to make trouble for him?

Although his body was full of the smell of blood bats at this time, who knew how long this bloody smell would last?

So it is important to seize the time to get down to business.

Li Zedao didn't hesitate at the moment, his figure turned into an afterimage, and quickly rushed to the cave in front of him.

In an instant, an indescribable heat wave and stench came from the cave, making Li Zedao's stomach twisted and uncomfortable.

Li Zedao's ability to withstand is extremely strong, but he still can't bear the stench wrapped in the heat wave.

I also know that this should be the smell released by the excrement of the fire scorpion. In addition, the fire scorpion itself is hot, and the excrement begins to ferment under the blessing of high temperature. The smell is even more indescribable.

Li Zedao cursed inwardly, isn't this damn bastard too unhygienic? If you want to shit, you go outside. Why are you shitting in the cave?

Gritting his teeth, Li Zedao looked like he was going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​flames, and his nerves were even more tense, raising his vigilance to the extreme, holding his breath as much as possible, and quietly entered the cave.

The heat wave in the cave was roiling, and the sword casting department of Lao Jian was nothing compared to this one. At the same time, the indescribable stench was even more intense, which really made Li Zedao's tears flow wildly. I can't keep my eyes open.

The smell came from the pile of excrement in the corner, Li Zedao glanced at it and couldn't spit it out.

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