Thinking of how he sang such an affectionate love song to such an absolutely safe-looking nun just now, Li Zedao felt that he should just hit his head on the tofu and die.

So, because time and space have completely changed, this is not the Antarctic room at all, but this little nun's room?

Li Zedao wanted to slap himself. Before he sneaked in, Yanhuang wanted to tell him the exact location of the nunnery in Antarctica. He immediately said that he knew it a long time ago. Yanhuang nodded in satisfaction. It's considered that you have a conscience to sneak into the nun. Um visits Antarctica...

Li Zedao resisted his disgust and took a step forward: "Well, little teacher..."

"What do you want to do?" Little Master Wangchen took two steps back like a frightened little rabbit, her little eyes were full of fear.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, thinking that you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror anyway, what can I do to you just because you look like that, how hungry and courageous I am, how big and how low my taste is? I'm just a lost lamb and I want to ask for a way, okay?

"Little teacher, that..."

"There are flower picking thieves, help..." Little Master Wangchen clutched his chest tightly with both hands, ran out while screaming at the top of his voice, looking as if he had been molested.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched even more. This little nun is sick. Even if she doesn't believe in her character, she should have confidence in her appearance.

There were noisy footsteps, and a dozen menacing nuns appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"Why are there flower pickers?"

"Where is the flower picker? Are you really brave enough to go to the nunnery to pick flowers? Isn't he afraid that the Bodhisattva's crime will attract a thunderbolt and kill him?"

"Junior Sister Wangchen, don't be afraid, hide behind the senior sister, Amitabha, even if there are flower pickers, the senior sister is willing to feed the wolf with her body, and will definitely protect you."

"This is the flower picker? He looks so handsome, but unfortunately, he seems to be blind..."

These nuns chattered as soon as they came up, and their eyeballs rolled around on Li Zedao, whose face muscles were twitching wildly. The fiery eyes of many nuns made Li Zedao's back feel cold, and his little heart trembled. Think this place is horrible.

Li Zedao quickly glanced over the group of nuns, but he didn't see Nanji's figure, and sighed softly in his heart,

What that bastard Li Zedao did was too beastly and seriously hurt that woman, no wonder she didn't want to show up.

"Senior sisters, be careful, this flower picker seems to have a mental problem." Little Master Wang Chen patted his shriveled chest with his small hands, and said fearfully.

Rao Li Zedao has a good temper, so he almost couldn't hold back his swearing. If you are a monk, you should be merciful, and you can't lie. Why do you mean to hurt me with your repeated vicious words?

Is it because I'm handsome?

A middle-aged nun nodded and stepped forward, staring at Li Zedao with an unkind expression, and asked, "Amitabha, is the benefactor insane?"

The possibility that this flower picker is crazy is too great. If he is not crazy, why would he come to this nunnery to pick flowers? And the flower that was picked was Wangchen... Could this eye be too blind? Even if he is old and pale, he is still a hundred times stronger than her.

No, there is really a flower hidden in the nunnery. Could it be that it came for Wangqing?

"...I'm not crazy, nor a flower picker." Li Zedao resisted the urge to light this dilapidated nunnery on fire, "I'm here to find Antarctica...forget it."

The space has changed, and the name of Antarctica is no longer Wangchen, but Wangqing.

"The benefactor's surname is Li Mingzedao?" The middle-aged nun frowned.

"Exactly." Li Zedao nodded.

It seems that this middle-aged nun knows something... oh no, these nuns know something.

Time and space have changed, and the nature of Antarctica has also changed? It is no longer the coldness before but has become a bit nagging? Otherwise, why do all these nuns know about it?

Well, if Li Zedao knew that when Yanhuang sent Antarctica to the Ganluan to accept the gradient, he cried to these nuns with snot and tears about the crimes of that beast named Li Zedao, how he hurt his daughter and caused her woman to think about it and want to become a monk If so, I'm afraid that Li Zedao will go to fight Yanhuang immediately.

Li Zedao felt so sore in his heart, because the coldness and cruelty of Antarctica was only aimed at himself, and she was so gentle to him.

"Amitabha, go back, Wangqing will never see you." The expression of the middle-aged nun has become quite disgusted. The monks were merciful, but when she saw this man surnamed Li, she really wanted to beat him up and help Wangqing out.

Do you think there are such cheap people in this world? How come such a lowly person has such a good skin? Bodhisattvas really don't open their eyes. Such a bitch should let his nose crooked, his eyes slanted and his head get sores, so that people will know that he is a wicked person at the first sight, so as not to be deceived by him.

The eyes of her other nuns looking at Li Zedao also became unkind. It turned out that it was this scumbag who messed around with other women outside while his wife was pregnant and killed his unborn child!

Some even rolled up their sleeves, waiting for the senior sister to give an order, and they were about to hit people.

"I know she doesn't want to see me, but I want to see her." Li Zedao said seriously, "And I must see her."

The frost on the middle-aged nun's face became even thicker, and she couldn't help but let her group of lovely junior sisters be brutal to Li Zedao, and said coldly: "Benefactor Li, please leave, we don't welcome you in Ganlu Temple."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Master, I'm not joking with you. Not only do I want to see her today, but I also have to take her away! I'll be in a hurry with anyone who dares to stop me!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like igniting a hornet's nest, and those nuns rolled up their sleeves and were about to step up and beat up Li Zedao.

"What a big tone, do you really think that our group of nuns are easy to bully?"

"Don't you know that our master was born in Emei, and is in charge of the Emei Nine Yang Kung Fu? She is also the vice president of the Huaxia Wushu Association?"

"Look at your slender arms and legs, poor nun can beat you to death with one hand!"

"Senior Sister, don't let him disturb our Buddhist holy land, and throw him out quickly."

"Amitabha, all junior sisters, please give Master Li out." The middle-aged nun put her hands on her back, looking like a nun who is a god outside the world.

A dozen or so nuns immediately moved forward in a murderous spirit, about to beat up Li Zedao before picking him up and throwing him out.

Li Zedao shook his hand, and there was an extra pistol in his hand.

"Wow!" These murderous nuns who stepped forward were taken aback, and retreated like frightened birds. How could they be as aggressive as before!

"A group of sluts, they insisted on forcing them into prostitution, forcing such a handsome and handsome young man to draw their guns." Li Zedao cursed secretly in his heart.

The middle-aged nun's complexion became even more ugly. It's alright to be disturbed by Buddhism Qingdi, but he still dared to shoot?

You, a big man, don't feel ashamed to take out guns on us weak girls?

"I said before, I'll be in a hurry with anyone who dares to stop me!" Li Zedao said murderously.

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged nun yelled angrily. In her opinion, Li Zedao was just trying to put on a show, and he would never dare to shoot.

He took a step forward and glared at Li Zedao, "Who are you scaring? If you are capable, you will shoot... ah..."

The middle-aged nun let out a shrill scream, her body was trembling, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead all of a sudden.

Because the cold muzzle of the gun was immediately pressed against her forehead.

"As you wish." Li Zedao's expression became gloomy, and he made a ferocious voice, his eyes were scarlet, and he seemed a little nervous. Taking Antarctica away was stopped before, making Antarctica finally killed by extinction.

Now, God is giving him another chance to take Antarctica away, so he really dares to be rude to anyone who dares to stop him, even if he kills all the nuns in this nunnery.

Coming to this space inexplicably, Li Zedao is really fearless, and he is dying once at worst.

"Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you."

"Ah... let go of my senior sister, or die..."

"I said he was crazy..."

"Hurry up, call the police..."

"Hurry up and find Wangqing, you have to bring her here..."


Seeing Li Zedao's murderous intent, these nuns seemed to be about to kill their senior sister with one shot, and all of them trembled in fright.

"What do you want to do?" An extremely corrupt voice came, and immediately a thin figure appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Antarctica has appeared!

Naturally, she had heard the movement a long time ago, but she forced herself not to show up. She didn't want to see this man again, because when she saw him, she was worried that she would be soft-hearted and chose to forgive him.

But now, she had to show up.

She knew him too well, he really didn't just talk casually when he said he was going to shoot!

In addition, my feeling is really right, even if he did such an excessive thing, but I can't hate him.

Even now how much she wants to throw herself into his arms, tell him how much she misses him, how much she misses his arms, his kind of skinless sweet talk, how much she misses his cooking, how much she wants to be with him During those passionate nights, I fought shamelessly until the neighbor knocked on the door in the middle of the night to make my voice quieter...

Li Zedao looked at this sickly but handsome little face, the sadness, reluctance, and hatred in her eyes, his heart was full of mixed emotions, he was extremely distressed but delighted.

In another space, she has no love for him, and all her love is acting on occasion, showing off her superb acting skills. She is like that extremely dedicated artist who can give everything for art, including her Body.

In other words, she loves him too much, for her sake, she can use her body to cater to and seduce another man.

After that, all she had left was hatred for him, the kind of hatred that wanted to peel off his skin, drink his blood, eat his flesh and chew his bones, leaving no room for it!

But now, she has hatred for herself, but it is a kind of hatred born of love, not to mention that there is still love in her eyes at this time.

Her love belongs to her, her whole person belongs to her, and only to herself!

Li Zedao was satisfied, extremely satisfied, quite satisfied.

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