The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2094: A Dream Comes From Your Heart

"I... want to sing for you." Li Zedao's throat squirmed, his voice was almost at a loss, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Yanhuang said, Nanji likes to hear you sing the most... Although you sing like ghosts crying and wolf howling, Nanji also has a problem with his ears.

Li Zedao didn't want to care about Yanhuang, this half-destroyed old man naturally didn't understand the kind of fun between young people.

"..." The corners of Anji's mouth twitched, and his eyes were red, this idiot.

Li Zedao's eyes focused on Nanji's face, and he sang, his voice choked and hoarse, full of affection: "I'm sorry baby, it's not that I miss you..."

"He... is so romantic and sensational..." A young nun like Mrs. Wangchen, who has no deep experience in the world, is simply attracted by Li Zedao's affectionate expression and that choked-up magnetic voice, and has long forgotten her previous past. How dangerous the situation was, that pockmarked face flushed.

"Hey, if my family could catch up to this nunnery that day and sing to me like this, I wouldn't stay here for ten years..." Another nun's heart was also touched, and her face was full of sadness. , sighed endlessly.

Li Zedao glanced at the nun out of the corner of his eye, thinking that the nun from your house would come here and sing for you.

The middle-aged nun wants to swear, Amitabha, can you put the gun down before singing? Do you know that poor nun almost scared me to pee?

Nanji's eyes are even better, covering his mouth with his little hand, big teardrops are falling down, this damned idiot, he can't let himself go?

It's fine if he doesn't let himself go, why didn't he come here until now?

Li Zedao also cried. The experience of the three dimensions, the inner torture day and night, the pain and self-blame that cannot be let go can be regarded as being released at this moment.

From now on, this woman will no longer be the thorn in the softest part of his heart, no longer his nightmare, but the woman he will protect for the rest of his life.

He will guard her side day and night, and accompany her all over the world. He will not provoke other women anymore, even if the other woman has Nangong Wan'er's innocence, Nangong Meili's beauty, and Shui Feiling's allure.

He doesn't want anyone, he just wants this woman.

"Idiot, why don't you shut up?" She shouted with a choked voice. This is the pure land of Buddhism,

How could such an ambiguous song be sung in such a place? This is blasphemy against the Bodhisattva.

Li Zedao quickly shut up.

"Don't let senior sister go quickly?" Nanji shouted again.

Li Zedao quickly put down the pistol, and the middle-aged nun's body softened. Fortunately, the nun on the side quickly supported her, otherwise she would have to sit on the ground.

"Senior Sister, I'm really sorry, this idiot is just joking with you." Nan Ji walked up to the middle-aged nun and bowed slightly to the middle-aged nun, then turned around, and stared fiercely at her big rabbit-like eyes with crystal clear teardrops. Li Zedao took a look.

Idiot, to make such a fuss in this Manlu Temple, how can I stay here in the future? Isn't this forcing yourself to leave...Asshole, why didn't you come over earlier? asshole! asshole!

Li Zedao's heart was numb, and he wished he could hug this body in his arms immediately, this look... so cute!

"Forget it, Senior Sister understands." The middle-aged nun calmed down and said quite generously, once again looking like a divine nun. Of course, I can't wait to slap this crazy person to death!

Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you, otherwise the disciple may not escape this catastrophe today.

"Young people's love is love, senior sister has seen a lot, Li benefactor made mistakes because of love, it is also excusable, the Bodhisattva will forgive him."

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your generosity. Still not apologizing?" Nanji glared at Li Zedao again.

Li Zedao's heart felt numb again, and he quickly looked at the middle-aged nun sincerely and said, "Master, I'm really sorry, I lost my composure."

"That's all!" The middle-aged nun said in a very elegant manner, secretly cursing in her heart that you knew you were wrong, but you should donate some incense money! You see, the wall is about to collapse, and the nunnery will leak when it rains.

"Senior Sister, I'll ask him to help the Bodhisattva reshape the golden body later. In addition, I will also renovate the temple... Is it okay?" Nanji glared at Li Zedao again, and his heart was naturally filled with joy, no matter how hard he glared, he couldn't get enough .

"No problem, of course no problem." Li Zedao quickly expressed his opinion. The card that Yanhuang gave him was enough to renovate this nunnery hundreds of times.

"Amitabha, thank you benefactor Li." The middle-aged nun looked at Li Zedao and immediately changed another face that looked so peaceful.

"Do not disturb the pure land of Buddhism, come out with me." Nanji said.

Li Zedao thought these nuns were light bulbs of several kilowatts, so he couldn't agree more with this statement, and said with a smile: "Yes, the place of Buddhism should not be disturbed."

So the group of nuns looked so gloomy that they really wanted to beat someone up. Who was the one who yelled and intended to hurt someone with a gun?

At present, Antarctica was in front, and Li Zedao followed closely behind. The two walked out of the dilapidated mountain gate of Ganluan, and walked towards the quiet mountain forest ahead.

From beginning to end, Antarctica moved forward step by step, and did not speak.

In fact, when he appeared, her resentment towards him had long since dissipated, and she felt a little apologetic in her heart.

Thinking about it carefully, it can't be all due to him, she is also at fault.

She was already grumpy, and her temper became even worse after she was pregnant, and she used domestic violence against him every now and then, but he was so tolerant and didn't even think about fighting back...Of course, he is not his opponent if he really fights That's it, after all, she ranks second in the dragon group, only Yanhuang, and Li Zedao barely ranks third.

She got angry at him for no reason that day and even shot him, and the bullet almost hit him in the body.

That was the time when he left, and that made the woman named Hera, who was hiding in the dark and ready to plan something, be targeted.

"This idiot...why doesn't he know how to take advantage of himself by holding his hand shamelessly like before?" Nan Ji bit his lips and cursed secretly.

Could it be that he despises himself because of the loss of hair... How dare he? court death!

Li Zedao naturally doesn't know what Nanji is thinking, but now he still has the opportunity to be so close to her, to accompany her for a walk in this exquisite and beautiful mountain forest, without being itched by her hatred, Li Zedao's heart is naturally extremely satisfaction.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Nanji suddenly stopped, looked back at Li Zedao, pointed to the grass in front of him, and said with surprise on his face: "Zedao, rabbit, I saw a rabbit running past..."

Li Zedao stared blankly at Antarctica, and even forgot to breathe.

this smile...

"Idiot, what are you looking at?" Nanji's eyes were a little obsessed, and his little face was slightly flushed.


Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly.

Between breaths, it was as if the scene was switched all of a sudden, and everything in front of him changed.

There are no mountains, no water, no forest paths, no warm sunshine, and no such pretty face in Antarctica that smiles so brightly and then is full of shyness.

Some only have the cold cave wall and a charming face full of inexplicable smiles.

Shui Fei Ling!

Li Zedao actually saw Concubine Shui Ling!

Li Zedao's pupils widened all of a sudden, his body suddenly became stiff, his mind roared abnormally, and there was a huge wave in his heart. He really couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

"Don't...don't be joking..." Li Zedao said with difficulty, his voice was trembling, tears were rolling in his eyes, he was really panicked.

Didn't you go back already? Even if the space has completely changed, the women who should be there are no longer there, but at least the women who should not be there are.

He is about to throw Antarctica on the emerald green lawn with water droplets among the green mountains and green waters, and then he will take her away from Ganluan. He also prepared a beautiful wig for her, almost Dress her up in a stylish outfit, then throw her on the ground again.

Afterwards, he will take her abroad to that medical institution for treatment, to cure the rare blood disease that can be cured but the cost is extremely high.

Then for the rest of his life, he and her will live happily together, and they will have several children.

But why did he come to this God's Domain again in the blink of an eye?

Li Zedao felt dizzy and dizzy, his eyes went black, and he almost fainted.

So it was all a dream? A very real dream?

Dreams come from the heart, so deep in my heart I have always fantasized about having a different ending with Antarctica, so that dream appeared?

Even because he hated Dongfang Ming so much, he tossed Dongfang Ming severely in the dream, and made him a monk even cut his chicken...

The ending naturally has infinite regrets, but it is still quite beautiful. Why did it come back again?

"Damn little brother, what the hell are you talking about? Why are you still crying? What? I'm so happy to see my sister after escaping death?" Shui Feiling put on a half-smile, and stretched out her soft hand to caress her. Touching Li Zedao's forehead, and helping him take his pulse, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The high fever has subsided, and the breath in the body has stabilized a lot, and it is finally all right.

In the past two days, Li Zedao's injuries suddenly worsened. The breath in his body was extremely chaotic and he had a high fever.

What made Shui Feiling even more dumbfounded was that he actually hummed that extremely defiled tune in his sleep.

Concubine Shui Ling wished she could kick him out of the cave. Damn little brother, why don't you let him sleep?

Li Zedao's mind is so strong, he has accepted the iron-like fact that it was just a dream in an instant, he quickly collected his mind, sat up, tried to squeeze out another tear, and said in a choked voice : "Sister Shui, I thought I would never see you again, sister."

"Really?" Concubine Shui smiled half-smile. The little brother is so cute when he is shameless, so cute that he wants to kill him!

Li Zedao carried the shameless to the end, nodded his head very seriously to express his happiness, and then asked, "Sister Shui, where is this place?"

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