The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2106 Can't believe it

"Then what do you think?" Gongshu Linglong glared at Li Zedao depressedly, her ears were burning, and she wanted to find a gap to slip in.

Although I have never grilled fish before, I don't think it is so difficult to grill fish. Who knew that it would become like this after grilling.

Even while grilling, I remembered that the fish must be processed before grilling, right? Scrape fish scales or something, or do you not need to deal with it? Forget it, it's almost ripe, so let's just leave it at that, it's not poisonous anyway, it won't kill you if you eat it.

"A few pieces of poisonous charcoal." Li Zedao said truthfully, "I'd better bake it myself."

Even if I am not a picky eater, I really do not have the courage to swallow this grilled fish.

"You... bastard, do you want to eat or not?" Gongshu Linglong was so angry, her eyes were red, she tried so hard to cook grilled fish for you, and even if she didn't appreciate it, she even taunted her, who is it?

If this grilled fish was made by Nangong Wan'er or that female teacher, I'm afraid you would have swallowed it as a delicacy, right? asshole!

"This..." Li Zedao hesitated, he was not picky about food, but he really didn't have the courage to take a bite of the grilled fish made by Gongshu Linglong.

Moreover, he is actually refusing! Refuse this woman to approach, but it seems...failed!

Seeing her aggrieved look, and remembering the pride and condescension she showed when he first saw her, Li Zedao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, more helpless.

"You said that I am so good that girls like me so much, what should I do? If I have the opportunity to return to God's Domain in the future, I will not be eunuched by sister Bei?" Li Zedao was very worried.

"Do you want to eat?" Gongshu Linglong asked stubbornly, staring at her closely, her eyes showed extreme grievance, tears were about to fall.

She felt that one should not favor the other like this, you can help that female teacher wash the belly bag, but you don't want to eat a bite of the grilled fish I made, why?

"Eat! How many people are waiting in line to drink your Gongshu Linglong's footwashing water, let alone eat the grilled fish you made yourself." Li Zedao grinned, and took the so-called grilled fish from Gongshu Linglong's hand, I took a bite directly on it, and started chewing.

Mouth full of bitter carbon ash!

But let alone, it has a different taste, and it's not so hard to swallow.

Only then did Gongshu Linglong burst into tears and cursed with a smile: "Bastard..."

"For the first time,

Not bad. "Li Zedao took another bite.

Gongshu Lingling lowered her head in embarrassment: "Okay, don't eat it, I know it's not good."

"The four words 'very bad' seem to be insufficient to describe the superb taste of this grilled fish." Li Zedao, who was trying to swallow the ashes, replied vaguely.


At this moment, a terrifying breath approached.

Li Zedao frowned, his body tensed, and Gongshu Linglong looked around vigilantly.

Immediately, a surprised voice came: "Brother Li?"

Li Zedao looked up, his eyes flashed, who was it not Yang Canghai who appeared in front of him?

"Brother Yang..." Li Zedao was overjoyed and hurried over to greet him.

I also want to know why Yang Canghai appeared in this place, so he came after Nadan Scorpion.

"Why are you here? Are you still injured? Who hurt you?" Yang Canghai became murderous, looking like a brother who dares to bully my brother and let me stand up to see if I don't hack you to death.

"Thank you, brother Yang, for your concern. I'm fine. Besides, the person who hurt me has already been killed by me." Li Zedao said with a moved face, thinking in his heart that brother Yang's acting skills are really bad. That expression is too exaggerated. How fake it is.

Look at the emotion on my face, how sincere and contagious it is.

"That's good." Yang Canghai nodded.

Glancing at Gongshu Linglong who was standing beside Li Zedao, she nodded and said hello, "Teacher Gongshu is here too."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the apron hanging on the bamboo pole, and his expression turned slightly weird. It seemed that the situation was more complicated than he had imagined.

This kid, really good luck, catch up with himself in the past, of course, he is not as popular as he was in the past.

Back then, the number of girls who recommended themselves as pillow seats could not have circled the college four or five times, right?

The number of girls who have a crush on Brother Li can only go around half a circle at most, and there can be no more.

As for the girl who has a crush on that old Juggernaut... Which woman is so blind that she would fall in love with that idiot?

"Master Yang." Gongshu Linglong made a slight bow, and she was shocked in her heart that Li Zedao and Yang Canghai, the master of the Yanwu Pavilion, had such a deep friendship, and they were called brothers. The brotherhood in their eyes was so sincere, which was really unexpected She expected it.

"Okay, Brother Li, you are busy, I have to go after that damned Pill Scorpion." Yang Canghai confessed, "If Brother Yang and Teacher Gongshu encounter him, don't get entangled with him. Besides, this place is a fierce place after all. , It’s okay during the day, but at night, there will be more poisonous insects and beasts infesting, so it’s okay to go back early.”

"Thank you, Brother Yang, for reminding me." Li Zedao said gratefully, "But Brother Yang, you don't need to chase after that Dan Scorpion."

"Why?" Yang Canghai was taken aback, could it be that Zhuge Zhuyun and the others had already killed the pill scorpion? If so, why didn't you send me a text message?

"Nadan Scorpion has been killed by my younger brother." Li Zedao blinked and said.

"..." Yang Canghai's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Dan Xiezi's body is over there." Li Zedao pointed to the front.

"Brother Li is really amazing..." Yang Canghai said with difficulty.

Sure enough, Pill Scorpion was lying there, breathless, already dead.

Thinking that all the top-ranking experts in the Lingyun Realm were dispatched, even because of the Pill Pavilion, even the Master Xuanming, who had already stepped into the fairy mirror of the Pill Pavilion, got up and chased the Pill Scorpion himself. , but he failed to stop Dan Xiezi and let him slip away.

But unexpectedly, in the end, the pill scorpion died in the hands of Li Zedao, who was only a mere low-level spiritual god... This kid really always brings surprises to people.

"It's just a fluke, little brother." Li Zedao said modestly.

"Brother Li is too modest." Yang Canghai said, if he was lucky enough to be able to kill a strong man at the peak of the Spiritual God Realm, then Dan Scorpion would have died long ago.

In my heart, I am very satisfied with the younger brother I recognize. He has amazing cultivation talent, which is nothing. The key is to be so humble, which is even more rare.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Yang, this is the precious pill formula found from Dan Xiezi." Li Zedao took out the small box containing the pill formula and handed it over. As for other things, they are naturally their own trophies and do not need to be handed over to the academy.

"Brother Li, wait a moment, I'll send them a text message." Yang Canghai nodded and took the box, and with a flash, he had already come to Dan Xiezi's body.

Seeing that his throat was bloody and bloody, he couldn't remember what kind of weapon it was injured for a while, but he didn't think much about it, and took out the jade card to send a message.

In less than a stick of incense, all the teachers who came to chase Dan Scorpion rushed over, including Zhuge Zhuyun and Wolongshuang who Li Zedao was very familiar with, and the master Xuanming of the Danyao Pavilion.

This was the first time Li Zedao saw this third-rank soul craftsman who personally admitted that he was not qualified to be his master. His short, fat body and chubby old face seriously subverted his image in Li Zedao's mind.

Li Zedao thought that the real Xuanming should be like the old Zhang Sanfeng described in the novel, with a fairy-like appearance, but he did not expect such a rather wretched-looking virtue.

When they learned that Dan Scorpion was actually killed by Li Zedao, their expressions were all moved. They looked at Li Zedao with such weird eyes and couldn't believe it, but the body of Dan Scorpion made them have to believe that this kid really killed him. up.

But it's hard to imagine that it doesn't mean it's unacceptable. After all, gutter overturning is not uncommon in God's Domain. Moreover, there is an even more perverted person in the academy who uses the spirit cloud level to kill the spirit god level powerhouse.

Wolongshuang and Zhuge Zhuyun even looked at each other, and they both understood each other's eyes, that is to go back and block that damned Liu Qingfeng in the corner and beat him hard.

"Brother Li won't go back together?" Yang Canghai asked.

"No, I came out with Concubine Shui Ling, and I will go back with her when the time comes," Li Zedao said.


Everyone's eyes fell on Li Zedao at once, and everyone's eyes were even more weird, and even showed unkindness.

It is hard for them to imagine that it is hard for them to kill the scheming Pill Scorpion with the cultivation base of the lower peak of the Spiritual God Realm. Now that Li Zedao came out with Shui Feiling, it is even more impressive. They couldn't think of it at all, and they couldn't accept it.

How could this kid be favored by Teacher Shuifeiling and be so lucky to come out with her?

Just because his face is whiter?

Yang Canghai, Zhuge Zhuyun and other famous teachers couldn't help but touch their own faces, or sneak out of the bronze mirror to take a look at their own faces when others are not paying attention. It seems that their own face is also very white. Then why didn't Concubine Shui Ling ask her to come out?

Gongshu Linglong's face froze even more, and his face was a little pale, so, the apron and the robe that this bastard washed belonged to that Concubine Shuiling?

Gongshu Linglong and Shui Feiling didn't have any intersections, if there were any intersections, it would be because both of them were extremely popular in Buzhou Academy.

Of course, Shui Feiling stabilized her head.

Gongshu Linglong only has a very high reputation among the students. In the eyes of the teacher, she is a very good student. She is the princess of the Gongshu family and the inventor of the educational toy Gongshu Rubik's Cube, that's all.

But Shui Feiling's popularity is unmatched, whether among the students or among the teachers.

Once, Gongshu Linglong and Shui Feiling met by chance, Gongshu Linglong bowed to greet her respectfully, Shui Feiling glanced at her indifferently and arrogantly, and asked, "You, Gongshu Linglong?"


"That's all." Shui Feiling said.


From then on, Concubine Shui Ling left an extremely bad impression on Gongshu Linglong.

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