Now that Li Zedao was entangled with this woman, she couldn't accept it for a while.

Of course, she also knew that her emotions were wrong and completely unreasonable. After all, she was not Li Zedao's friend, she was barely a friend, and she was not qualified to care who Li Zedao was with.



Feeling so many unkind eyes, Li Zedao felt very wronged in his heart. It's not my fault that I am handsome and attractive to women.

He could only pretend to cough, quite guilty, looked back at Gongshu Linglong and said, "Mr. Gongshu, you have gone back with many teachers. I will send you what you want later."

"What? Afraid I'll disturb you?" Gongshu Linglong bit her lip, her face full of grievances. Return the teacher? asshole!

"...That's right." Li Zedao was very helpless, how could this woman show such an expression? Isn't this to cause misunderstanding? Isn't this going to cause public outrage?

Sure enough, the other teachers looked at Li Zedao even more unkindly, and really wished they could beat this damn bastard up hard.

Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he was even more wronged. It's really not my fault for being handsome.

The reason why Li Zedao wanted Gongshu Linglong to leave with him was naturally his own considerations.

On the one hand, this place is not safe after all, and it is really not suitable to stay for a long time.

On the other hand, he is like a grandson in front of Concubine Shui Ling, if that kind of grandson's behavior falls into the eyes of this woman... Forget it, I'd better dig a hole and bury myself.

"I won't worry about the blood tree leaves, Mr. Li." Gongshu Linglong gritted her teeth, and her small face returned to her usual arrogance, and even snatched the charred fish from Li Zedao's hand, and threw it into it In the creek, turn around and leave quickly.

"This sick!" The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and his temper also came up. I am too lazy to say anything at the moment, what I like.

After another innocuous exchange of pleasantries, Master Xuan Ming, Yang Canghai and his party took the corpse of Dan Xiezi away, and the tranquility of the past was restored by the creek.

Li Zedao caught two fat fish from the stream, grilled them deliciously, and after a feast, he took off the dried clothes from the bamboo pole and put them on.

He put away Shui Feiling's clothes and folded them up.

Looking up at the other side of the day, I saw that the sun was about to set, and I saw that the sky was getting dark.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao decided to go back to the cave at the bottom of the valley for the night. After all, compared to the bottom of the valley that has been destroyed beyond recognition by Shuifeiling and Huoxie, there are undoubtedly more dangers hidden in other places.

In addition, rest at the entrance of the cave, in case any poisonous insects and beasts can't stop it, it is best to ask Shui Feiling who is healing in the cave for help as soon as possible.

Li Zedao felt that he was too fucking smart.

Soon, Li Zedao went down to the cave, put the washed clothes at the entrance of the cave, and lit a fire to deter the poisonous insects and beasts. Then he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to practice.

When Li Zedao opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning.

Climbing out of the valley with hands and feet, he came to the creek again in a flash, but his eyes were rounded all of a sudden, his mind was roaring violently, and there was a huge wave in his heart. He couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes. of.

But there was a two-meter-long skeleton of an unknown beast beside the creek. The skeleton was white, and there was no flesh and blood on it. However, there was still a strong smell of blood in the air that had not dissipated.

It is conceivable that this unknown beast came to this stream to drink water or enjoy the scenery last night, but it was attacked by some powerful thing, and the flesh and blood on its body was eaten to pieces. Everything was clean, and only the bones were left in the end.

Presumably, the short but extremely shrill cry of unknown beasts heard in the middle of the night last night should be made by this "Bone Brother" in front of him, right?

"It's too cruel. This place is too dangerous. If I hadn't been smart enough to run to the cave at the bottom of the valley, I'm afraid I would have been eaten into a pile of bones." Li Zedao swallowed a big mouthful of saliva rolling his throat, and clenched his hands tightly. Sword, vigilant to the surrounding movement, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Who knows if that horrible thing has gone back to sleep after eating the flesh and blood of this beast?

After a long time, except for the sound of the water flowing, there was no other strange sound around, and there was no trace of terrifying aura. Then Li Zedao felt relieved, walked around the white skeleton and came to the creek tremblingly. After washing his face with water, he walked around cautiously.

After a while, I found a thick but not tall tree. The trunk of this tree is quite suitable for making the bathtub.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, clenched the long sword in his hand, and cut down the tree directly, and cut off all the branches and leaves with a few more swords, and then bit by bit in the middle of the big tree trunk It was hollowed out, and soon, a simple bathtub was ready.

He dragged the tub to the creek, intending to fill the tub with clean water and transport it to the cave, but suddenly thought of seeing such a stream after Shui Feiling had healed, and said I was uncertain and changed my mind and planned to wash in this stream, so let's wait.

His eyes fell on the stream, and he saw the fish swimming freely in the water, and the charcoal-like grilled fish appeared in his mind, and he was a little worried, and he didn't know what it was. Did the woman return to Buzhou Academy with Yang Canghai and the others?

If you are really angry and stay in this deep mountain forest and continue to search for the blood tree, you may even spend the night here...

Glancing at the white skeleton on the side, the muscles on his face trembled, wouldn't it also turn into a white skeleton?

Li Zedao could only simply comfort himself. That woman is also a "science student" after all, and she is extremely good at tricks. , and there will be no danger.

After clearing up his mood, Li Zedao returned to the valley and collected a lot of blood tree leaves from the already messy blood tree forest.

Gongshu Linglong said that she would not bother, but Li Zedao also agreed to help her collect blood tree leaves. As for whether she wants to bring them back or not, that is her business.

If not, then stay by yourself.

Don't you just make continuous crossbows? It's like who doesn't know how to say it.

At Li Zedao's height, the principles of mechanism techniques studied by Gongshu Linglong and even Gongshu's family are simply too childish for him, who comes from the mortal realm where technology has developed to an unimaginable height. They are all the most basic, not too much technological content, nothing more than some mechanical principles.

Back in front of the cave, Li Zedao continued to practice, quietly waiting for Shuifeiling to heal his wounds, and then they left this ghost place together.

Another day passed, when Li Zedao was practicing the third sword of the Leiqie Jue under the cave, a charming and explicit laughter came from the cave beside him.

"Dear little brother, do you miss your sister?"

Li Zedao was shocked when he heard the words, and his sense of security doubled. When the long sword was sheathed, he appeared in front of the cave in a flash, his face was full of joy: "Sister Shui, have you finished healing?"

Of course, because there is a first-level defensive soul formation at the entrance of the cave, no matter how wide Li Zedao's eyes are, he can't see what's going on inside the cave, and he can't see Shui Feiling's dog tail...

I feel relieved for a while, my nose is sore and I am so moved that I can finally leave this ghost place.

Same as the night before, last night there were all kinds of horrible and sharp hissing sounds, and the screams were so frightening that Li Zedao's heart was about to jump out of his throat, and he wanted to rush into the cave to hide in the water Feiling's embrace for protection.

Fortunately, this valley is very deep, and it used to be the territory of the fire scorpion. Presumably, there are many poisonous insects and beasts who have seen the cruelty of the fire scorpion, especially

Knowing that the fire scorpion had already exploded, no poisonous insects or beasts came down to this valley.

At the same time, from time to time, I worry about Gongshu Linglong, and I don't know if she is still in the Buzhou Mountains or has gone back.

An unshielded Qianqian hand stretched out from the cave, and the jade finger hooked Li Zedao: "Little brother, give the clothes to sister...or do you like to see sister without clothes?"

Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he quickly picked up the clothes and put them in the hands of Concubine Shuiling. I thought that even if I like to watch you, you will not let me watch it for nothing, right?

From the way those teachers looked at me, I can tell that Shui Feiling usually treats them indifferently, she is never so coquettish and provocative, and she has never gone out with any of them to perform tasks However, it has always been a loner.

"Oh, I'm so handsome that girls like it, and I'm so talented. It's not my fault that I can be called an all-rounder." Li Zedao was very worried, because Shui Feiling, this time, is afraid that the males of the whole school will be killed. All the animals were offended.

After half a stick of incense, the graceful figure of Concubine Shuiling walked out of the cave and appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"Sister Shui, it's great that you're fine." Li Zedao was full of joy.

Concubine Shui Ling smiled charmingly, and lightly held her blue hair that was blown by the breeze with her bare hands. She was already charming and seductive, but this kind of delicate movement at this moment made her even more charming, which really made her Li Zedao's heart speeded up.

I thought to myself that since I haven't seen her for two days, this woman's "spirituality" seems to have deepened again. Fortunately, her own morality is not shallow, otherwise she would have been lying on the ground long ago.

"Little brother, is sister beautiful?" Concubine Shui looked at Li Zedao with big watery eyes, her cheeks were flushed, showing the intention of refusing to welcome, and she stretched out her hand, habitually lifting Li Zedao's chin.

Li Zedao thought to himself how correct it was to spur Gongshu Linglong away two days ago, if she saw that he was so manly in front of her but so servile in front of Concubine Shuiling...

She was afraid that she would pull out her musket and destroy herself desperately, and then fight with Concubine Shuiling for 300 rounds... No, she was tortured by Concubine Shuiling for 300 rounds, right?

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