The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2108 two requirements

Concubine Shuiling is not Li Zedao, she doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade, once Gongshu Linglong dares to provoke her, even if her expression is slightly wrong, Concubine Shuiling may kill her painfully.

Li Zedao felt more and more that it was right for Gongshu Linglong to leave early, but he began to worry again. That woman was also extremely proud. She was basically still wandering around in the Buzhou Mountains, right?

"Beautiful." Li Zedao habitually looked embarrassed to look at Shui Feiling's face.

Why are women so boring? Why do you always like to ask this kind of question?

"My sister is more beautiful when she doesn't wear clothes... Do you think so, little brother?"

Li Zedao was even more embarrassed, his forehead was almost stuck to his navel, but he didn't quite agree with Shui Feiling's words in his heart.

Not wearing clothes is not the most beautiful, your body with its own tail should wear sexy clothes to dress up as a cat, and then dance over there and sing in a loud voice Let's learn how to meow and let's meow meow meow Act like a spoiled child in front of you...

Li Zedao quickly dispelled some kind of image that appeared in his mind, otherwise the nosebleeds would spurt out uncontrollably.

Concubine Shuiling pursed her lips and smiled lightly, the little brother's dirty heart but innocent face is so cute.

"Sister Shui, don't you want to take a bath? I have already helped Sister Shui make a bathtub, but there is a clear stream above this valley, and Sister Shui can choose to bathe in that stream." Li Zedao said rather doggy .

"Then let's wash in that stream, but you can't take a peek, little brother." Shui Feiling winked at her.

Li Zedao quickly shook his head to express his daring, and muttered to himself why do I think you are reminding me to take a peek?

Going up the valley and coming to the stream, her eyes fell on the white skeleton, and Shui Feiling's eyes were a bit dignified.

"Sister Shui, what kind of beast's skeleton is that?" Li Zedao liked to show how ignorant he was in front of Concubine Shuiling...Of course, he really didn't know this time.

"Ghost cat." Shui Feiling said, "Although the ghost cat's attack power is not strong, its speed is extremely fast, like a ghost, and even the fire scorpion may not be able to catch up to him. After the ants, they still couldn't escape, and were gnawed down to nothing but bones."

"Red fire ants?" Li Zedao's eyes were moved.

This is an extremely terrifying ant. Its whole body is red like a flame. It is not small in size, as thick and thin as an adult's little finger. It lives in groups. It is said that there are tens of thousands of them in a group!

It usually migrates at night, without a fixed residence, and is used to finding prey in action. Of course, it doesn’t have to be at night. It’s possible that you may occasionally suffer from insomnia during the day and then a large group meet and go out for a walk.

Once a prey is entangled by them, it will be eaten into a skeleton in an instant.

In his mind, he fantasized about tens of thousands of red fire ants with the thickness of little fingers and long and short fingers pounced on him... Li Zedao trembled, his heart was terrified, and he wanted to leave this ghost place immediately.

"Hehe, little brother, don't be afraid, with my sister here, even if the red fire ants do appear, my sister will not let them eat you." Shui Feiling smiled.

"With an expert like Sister Shui, the red fire ants are nothing to worry about... What the hell!" Li Zedao's pupils widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

However, a red fire ant the size of a little finger drilled out from under the ghost cat's skeleton, followed by a second, and a third... During breathing, the skeleton was densely packed with red fire ants!

It turned out that after the red fire ant ate the flesh and blood of the ghost cat, it dug soil and built a nest directly under the ghost cat's skeleton to rest. It was supposed to be digested, and now that it was finished digesting, it came out to continue looking for food.

As if smelling delicious food, this large group of red fire ants rushed towards Li Zedao as fast as lightning.

Li Zedao's scalp was so numb, his little heart was trembling, he rushed to the stream in a blink of an eye, stood on the water, swallowed wildly, and secretly called out luck.

The red fire ant is very afraid of two things, namely water and fire. Now that there is this stream, the red fire ant can't help it.

Sure enough, the red fire ants didn't dare to approach the stream at all, and seemed unwilling to let the food near their mouths run away like this, so a large group wandered by the stream.

At the same time, Concubine Shuiling, who had kept saying that she wanted to protect Li Zedao's safety, was giggling, watching Li Zedao's embarrassment with great interest.

Moreover, the red fire ants seemed to be afraid of the smell of Shui Feiling, and they didn't even dare to get close to her.

Li Zedao had seen this situation once before, and when he was attacked by the blood bat, none of the blood bats attacked Concubine Shuiling.

It can be seen from this that those weaker poisonous insects and beasts are very afraid of a certain aura of Shui Feiling, and tyrannical beasts like the fire scorpion are not afraid of it.

"Bang!" The long sword was unsheathed.

Li Zedao struck the water with a sword.

"Wow!" The water splashed and hit the red fire ant on the bank.

The large group of red fire ants immediately went into chaos, many of them were washed into the creek by the current and died in an instant, while the rest were very afraid, and soon scattered and walked quietly, not daring to linger in the slightest.

Li Zedao's hanging heart finally fell, and he breathed a sigh of relief, only feeling that his entire back was soaked.

"Little brother, you are so brave, you didn't pee in fear of those red fire ants." Shui Feiling held her heart with both hands, looking like a nympho.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and he said seriously: "Sister Shui is mighty, before you even make a move, the group of red fire ants were scared away by your amazing aura."

"Little brother, it seems even more shameless not to see you for two days." Concubine Shui said with a giggle.

"To each other." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Concubine Shuiling smiled charmingly, and took off her clothes in front of Li Zedao. The charming look in her eyes was undoubtedly revealed: "Little brother, do you take a bath together?"

As soon as Li Zedao's breath froze, he almost couldn't continue to stand on the water, so he quickly moved away from him.

Shui Feiling's charming laughter came from behind.

"Fairy!" Li Zedao was so depressed that his teeth itched, and he felt insulted to death. This woman didn't think of herself as a man.

While Concubine Shuiling was taking a bath, Li Zedao naturally turned into a flower protector and patrolled around, lest any uninvited guests approach and disturb Concubine Shuiling's bath.

After Shui Feiling took a bath, she even followed her instructions, took the Tianshan ice silk bag containing the Huoyan pills and descended into the valley, and put all the Huoyan pills from the little fire scorpions collected earlier into the bag Luckily, the bag is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to hold it.

Of course, the inner alchemy of those little fire scorpions is useless to Concubine Shui Ling, she only needs the inner alchemy of the big fire scorpion, and let Li Zedao take it away after returning home, and then use it to refine pills.

Before taking a bath, Shui Feiling took out her jade card and contacted the lower academy, asking the academy to send a goshawk over. After everything was ready, the goshawk sent by the academy had already appeared above Li Zedao's head.

"Little brother, let's go back to the academy." Shui Feiling's figure flashed, and she was already standing firmly on the goshawk's back.

"Finally we can go back." Li Zedao was so moved that he almost cried, and quickly slid onto Goshawk's back, standing behind Shui Feiling.

This trip to the deep mountains was too dangerous, and he almost died here forever. Of course, it is not without gains. The biggest gain is undoubtedly the higher level of cultivation and the inexplicable two-day daydream, so it can be regarded as completely letting go of the burden of Antarctica.

From now on, she will no longer be his nightmare, no longer the thorn in his chest, but a memory.

The goshawk spread its wings, and its huge body soared into the air.

"Little brother, if it weren't for your help, my sister wouldn't be able to get the Huoyan Pill so easily. After you go back, how should my sister reward you?" Shui Feiling looked back and smiled, exhaling like blue, "Will you... The ass is up for you to see enough?"

That kind of explicit style made Li Zedao's calf go limp, and he almost lost his footing and fell off Goshawk's back.

"It's my honor to be able to help Sister Shui." Li Zedao said, not daring to sneak a glance at Shui Feiling's perky buttocks.

"However, my little brother has two requests, and I hope Sister Shui will agree." When he said "two", Li Zedao's tone accelerated and became vague.

"Let's hear it." Shui Fei Ling Lilac stuck out her small tongue and licked her lips lightly. Her voice was charming and charming, and her big watery eyes sparkled even more. "My sister will agree to everything, even if you really ask her Tilt your ass so that you can see enough of this request."

"...Little brother may have to leave the academy for a while, please allow Sister Shui to take care of Wan'er." Li Zedao struggled to resist the fatal temptation brought by Shui Feiling.

Hearing the words, Concubine Shui Ling's smile became even hotter, she stretched her finger over Li Zedao's face, and smacked her red lips, "Dear little brother, you're going too far, you're asking for two oh."

I can't wait to slap this damned guy to death, how dare I let my sister take care of your little lover? What are you as a sister? Your nanny or bodyguard?

Li Zedao's eyes were quite innocent, and he said weakly: "The little brother said just now that he has two requests."

"..." The corner of Shui Feiling's mouth twitched, it seemed that he did say that he had two requests just now. Damn little brother, how dare you set your sister up?

But Concubine Shuiling is so proud, she naturally disdains to break her promise, and said with a smile that is not a smile: "Little brother, sister promises to you, but only in Buzhou Academy, anyone who wants to trouble her, wants to challenge her What, you have to go through my sister first, but if you leave Buzhou Academy, then it has nothing to do with my sister. In addition, my sister will only give you a half-month deadline, if you have not returned to the academy after that deadline... My sister promises to make you want to *stop it!"

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