When she said the words "*can't stop", Shui Feiling smiled charmingly, her voice was whiny, like a kitten in heat.

Li Zedao shuddered, feeling that his bones were about to crumble, and hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Thank you Sister Shui."

I am so worried, it seems impossible to find the King of Myriad Gu whose whereabouts are unknown in the huge and dangerous Zhen tribe in half a month, right?

It seems that at that time, I can only bite the bullet and taste Sister Shui's so-called sex.

At this moment, sharp shouts came from bottom to top, but there was a dense forest below, and there was no way to spy on the ground. Naturally, I didn't know what kind of beast it was. Judging from this movement, there may be a lot of them.

"Sister Shui, what kind of poisonous insects and beasts are making this sound?" Li Zedao asked with a trembling heart. Why are the beasts in this place so cruel? Listening to this terrifying voice, its strength seems to be no lower than that of the little fire scorpion.

Shui Feiling glanced down, and lightly patted the goshawk's wings, and the goshawk immediately stopped flying forward and stagnated in mid-air.

"This is the voice of the Ice Spirit Ape." Shui Feiling glanced down, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Ice Spirit Ape?" Li Ze said clearly. During this period of time, I have read a lot of books, and I know most of the poisonous insects and beasts in God's Domain, but after all, I have little experience, so all I know is superficial information.

This ice spirit ape is considered a beast with high spiritual intelligence. It is about the same size as a human being. Its whole body is white and its movements are extremely agile.

The number of each group of ice spirit apes is about a hundred, led by an ice spirit ape king. The strength of this ice spirit ape king is quite terrifying, enough to compete with the strong in the late stage of the spirit god state!

"Listen to this news, today is the big day for the Ice Spirit Ape King, and the group of Ice Spirit Apes under him are offering blessings to the Ice Spirit Ape King." up.

"Uh..." Li Zedao simply twitched his mouth. He really didn't expect that the Ice Spirit Ape's intelligence was so high that he even had a wedding ceremony.

It was even more unbelievable that Shui Feiling could hear the meaning contained in this voice.

But remembering that she is not an ordinary woman, she is a woman with a tail, a woman who even blood bats and red fire ants will detour when they see her, but I feel relieved.

Everyone has something to say,

Beasts have animal language, and she has the blood of beasts in her body, so it is reasonable and reasonable to be able to understand the words of the ice spirit ape.

Concubine Shui Ling raised her brows, and the smile on her face became even bigger, full of playfulness: "Besides, the one married by the Ice Spirit Ape King turned out to be a human being... Hehe, this is an anecdote, sister, I I'm a little curious, what kind of woman actually makes the Ice Spirit Ape King estrous and wants to have a bridal chamber with him."

"Uh..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth simply twitched, his eyes were rounded, his mind roared, and there was a huge wave in his heart. He really couldn't believe what he heard.

It's fine for the Ice Spirit Ape King to hold a wedding, but the one he married is actually a human woman...

Could it be that such a thing as a human-beast fusion is normal in God's Domain? terrible!

Wait...a human woman? Could it be Gongshu Linglong?

Li Zedao simply felt a rather bad feeling in his heart.

Based on his understanding of Gongshu Linglong, I'm afraid she didn't leave this dangerous place and return to the academy, and she won't be caught by the Ice Spirit Ape King as a bride after turning around, right?

"Sister Shui, I want to go down and have a look." The muscles on Li Zedao's face became stiff.

Concubine Shui Ling glanced at Li Zedao with her charming eyes, and smiled, "Why? Little brother, is he going to peek at how the Fire Spirit Ape King and his bride are going to have a bridal chamber? Good or bad little brother, giggle. But I don't think so." I know, that woman's small body can't stand the fire spirit ape king several times."

"...A female teacher from our Buzhou College is also in this Buzhou Mountain at this time, and I am worried that it might be her." Hearing the word "bridal chamber", Li Zedao turned pale.

Ma Dan, if the damn Ice Spirit Ape King really gave Gongshu Linglong to him... Li Zedao's hand hidden in his sleeve was already clenched into a fist, and a terrifying murderous aura surged from his body.

I must cut off that thing of yours and feed it to the dogs!

His heart was full of regret, he knew that he would not have provoked Gongshu Linglong to go away two days ago.

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Shui Feiling raised her brows, seeing that Li Zedao's face became ugly, her eyes showed anxiety, and she smiled playfully again, "Little brother, does that female teacher grow up?" Looks good? Could it be your friend, little brother, too?"

"...No, they are good friends." Li Zedao said.

I blame myself for being so charming that anyone who sees a beautiful girl with him will think that girl is his girlfriend.

"Little brother, tell my sister honestly, how many friends do you have? You little pervert spends all day messing around outside, so you're not afraid that your sister will be jealous?" Shui Feiling looked quite jealous.

"Sister Shui, after all, she is a teacher of Buzhou Academy. She is in trouble, so we can't ignore it, can't we?" Li Zedao didn't have time to talk to Shui Feiling over there, so he went straight to the topic.

Concubine Shuiling giggled, and her tone was very playful: "Let's not say that my sister didn't see anything, little brother, you are not sure if that woman is the female teacher of the bad school you mentioned. I'm talking, it's not good What about the teachers in the college? No, the college doesn’t have a school rule that stipulates that you have to help when you meet a student or a teacher in an accident. On the contrary, the college doesn’t encourage bravery unless you’re sure you won’t get into any trouble. .”

"So..." Concubine Shui brushed Li Zedaolai's face with her hands in a teasing manner, "Unless my sister is in a good mood, the life and death of the other party has nothing to do with my sister. Coincidentally, my sister's current mood...is not so OK."

The heartless little brother, in front of his sister, still thinks about other girls? You are humiliating my sister's charm.

Concubine Shui patted the goshawk's back with her spiritual hand, and the goshawk spread its wings and continued to soar forward.

"Sister Shui, you go back to the academy first, I still want to go and have a look, otherwise I will feel uneasy." Li Zedao bowed. He didn't blame Concubine Shuiling for her indifference, after all, this matter had nothing to do with her.

Besides, in God's Domain, which is full of barbarism, there is no such thing as law, morality and civilization at all, and it is indeed not appropriate to meddle in other people's business.

Zhi is that he naturally can't pass the hurdle in his heart, so he decides to go and find out.

Of course, if the woman that the Ice Spirit Ape King wants to marry is not Gongshu Linglong, then Li Zedao will also choose to turn around and leave. He will not put himself on the opposite side of a large group of ice spirit apes in order to save a woman, even if the other party It's really not Zhou's teacher.

Putting himself in a dangerous place just for the sake of strangers, Li Zedao would not do such a thing, at least he would not do it when he was in God's Domain, he was not that great.

He just wants to work hard to protect the people around him, the people he cares about, and himself, that's all.

"It's up to you." Concubine Shui smiled brightly, and didn't stop Li Zedao, she knew she couldn't stop him unless she beat him to the ground. But in that way, she is likely to lose a hypocritical but cute little brother.

The reason why this little brother compromised was not only because of his lack of strength, but more importantly, his various actions had not broken through his bottom line. On the contrary, his boring heart was extremely beneficial.

Now it's not worthwhile to completely anger him because of a woman!

Li Zedao stopped talking nonsense, bowed again, then turned around and jumped up. After a few breaths, he was already standing on the top of the tree, and then disappeared from Shui Feiling's sight.

"Friend? Little brother, you're dishonest." Shui Feiling withdrew her gaze, and the corners of her mouth curled up in an inexplicable way.

"However, what a cute little brother, he is much better than those sanctimonious hypocrites." Shui Feiling muttered again.

The goshawk spread its wings, and it turned into a black spot between breaths, and finally disappeared into the sky.

On the other side, while paying attention to the movement around him, Li Zedao was as nimble as an ape, moving towards the towering tree little by little.

The closer it was to the ground, the louder the ice spirit ape's cheers became. It was conceivable that the nest of that group of ice spirit apes was not too far from this big tree.

Just as it was about to hit the ground, a strange, green snake with the thickness of a thumb suddenly jumped out, and its sharp fangs hit Li Zedao's neck.

With a flash of sword light, the snake was simply split into two sides and fell to the ground, but the two halves of the corpse wriggled desperately on the ground, and the snake's head jumped up high, and continued to pounce on Li Zedao.

"How come the vitality of the poisonous insects and beasts in this ghost place is so strong?" Li Zedao's heart trembled, and another sword passed, directly cutting the snake's head into several sections, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The strange thing is that these several pieces of snake meat are still wriggling, and of course, they have lost their ability to attack.

"It's disgusting." Li Zedao was having trouble with his scalp, swallowing wildly, not daring to take another look.

Raising his head, his eyes fell in the direction of the source of the sound, but the lush trees in front of him naturally blocked his sight.

Li Zedao clenched the long sword in his hand, and while he was vigilant about the movement around him, he quickly swept forward.

After less than half a stick of incense, Li Zedao walked through the jungle, and his sight in front of him became wider, but he saw a clear stream flowing quietly in front of him, meandering forward.

But there was a small valley opposite the creek, and the noisy and sharp ape sound came from that valley.

The mouth of the valley is not wide, and there are lush branches stretching out on both sides, so it is impossible to see the movement in the valley, but you can clearly see a few ice spirit apes on the tree trunks, obviously Stand guard over there.

"These bastards have really high IQs, and they can even keep watch." Li Zedao cursed secretly,

Thinking that the bride in the valley might be Gongshu Linglong, her heart trembled again, like an ant on a hot pot.

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