The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2110 Ice Spirit Ape King

"What should I do?" Li Zedao scratched his hair irritably.

The mouth of the valley was guarded by the Ice Spirit Ape, so it was basically impossible to sneak in without anyone noticing.

The Ice Spirit Ape is not a fire scorpion. It is highly myopic and can just pretend to be aura. Its round eyes allow it to see things in the distance so clearly that it doesn't need a telescope at all.

"Break in?"

No, no, this approach is too reckless and too stupid, after all, you haven't even confirmed whether the bride in the valley is Gongshu Linglong or not.

Li Zedao continued to grab his hair impatiently, looking bewildered.

At this moment, her eyes accidentally fell on the blooming flowers by the stream, and her eyes lit up instantly.

"Isn't this ten days drunk?"

The flowers produced by this kind of ten day drunkenness seem to be delicate and charming, and they are fragrant, but they contain a certain degree of toxicity, especially when they are roasted by fire, the fragrance will be more intense and the toxicity will increase dramatically.

If you hear it too much, you will fall into a coma for several days, and your face will remain flushed, as if you were drunk, hence the name.

Li Zedao was familiar with almost all the herbs in the third floor of the pill pavilion before, and then added a little ten day's drunkenness when refining the hallucinogenic pill, so he was familiar with it.

Feel the direction of the wind again, the wind is blowing towards the valley!

"This should work." Li Zedao's eyes became brighter, and he immediately took out a Baijie Pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Stretching out his hand, he tore down dozens of ten-day-drunken plants in one go, and then walked across the creek like a ghost, and came behind a big tree near the mouth of the valley.

On the big wedding day of the Ice Spirit Ape King, the Ice Spirit Ape who was not in the valley to celebrate together but stood guard on the big tree at the entrance of the valley is naturally the kind with a low status, low status means its cultivation and vigilance They were not that high, and the ice spirit apes in the valley were cheering and celebrating, so they were naturally absent-minded. This can be seen from the fact that these ice spirit apes kept turning their heads towards the direction of the valley.

What's more, Li Zedao's cultivation base is there, and his speed is extremely fast, so he is so close to Taniguchi, but he still hasn't been discovered by the ice spirit ape.

However, if he continued to approach, his figure would be exposed, and he might attract all the ice spirit apes in the valley.

Li Zedao took out a few ten-day drunkenness plants, took out a fire pocket and lit a small dry branch, and held his breath to roast the ten-day drunken flowers.

In an instant, a more intense floral fragrance wafted away. Even though Li Zedao had already taken Baijie Dan and was holding his breath at this time, he still felt dizzy, as if he had drunk too much.

He thought to himself that the effect of the Ten Days' Drunkenness medicine was so overbearing, it should be enough to stun those Ice Spirit Apes who were in charge of sentry.

At the same time, the invisible but strong fragrance is accompanied by the invisible wind, and the fragrance is wafting to the mouth of the valley bit by bit.

Li Zedao didn't imagine that such a little scent could fascinate all the ice spirit apes in the valley, it's unrealistic, but it's enough to fascinate the few who are watching outside.

In this way, one can sneak into the valley smoothly through the mouth of the valley to find out. If the bride is not Gongshu Linglong, then she will just wave her sleeves and leave without taking a cloud.

In less than a stick of incense, the Ice Spirit Ape guarded by the lush tree branches at the mouth of the valley began to yawn drowsily, and even one almost fell off the tree trunk when it dozed off.

After a while, these ice spirit apes lay down on the tree trunk one after another, unconscious.

Seeing this, Li Zedao was not in a hurry, but continued to roast the ten-day drunk.

Half a stick of incense time passed, and after confirming that the ice spirit apes had completely passed out, Li Zedao blew out the flames on the wooden sticks in his hand, took the remaining ten day drunk, and left the big tree while feeling the movement around him Skimmed to the mouth of the valley.

Hearing the movement still coming from the valley, and smelling the strong smell of urine in the air, Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly.

The number of ice spirit apes in this valley is probably around a hundred, right? Not to mention that there is the Ice Spirit Ape King whose strength is terrifying enough to fight against Shui Feiling and the big fire scorpion. If he really fights, he must not be torn into pieces?

Exhaling a few breaths secretly to stabilize his mind, Li Zedao took out another Baijie Pill and swallowed it.

The ten-day drunken smell around Taniguchi is very strong, if you don't take a elixir, you may be poisoned.

Then he quietly stepped forward, passed through the mouth of the valley, and came into the valley.

Hiding behind a big rock, Li Zedao poked his head out quietly and looked forward, his eyeballs were simply rounded, and his mind roared violently.

But at the end of the valley was a huge natural stone platform, surrounded by ice spirit apes that kept cheering one after another.

Some sat on the large or small stones around the situation, some jumped up and down, and some even twisted their waists over there as if they were doing some kind of dance.

And on that stone platform, sitting impressively was an ice spirit ape that was taller than ordinary ice spirit apes.

The fur of this Ice Spirit Ape is like the white snow, without the slightest impurity, as if covered with a layer of snow-white armor, and there is a fierce aura permeating the body, that kind of cruel and dangerous smell, which is similar to that of the fire. Compared with the scorpion, it is not too much to show off.

Not to mention that compared with the Fire Scorpion, the Ice Spirit Ape King possesses more spirituality and more or less brains, instead of only possessing animal nature, so it is naturally more difficult to deal with.

At the same time, beside the big hairy feet of the Ice Spirit Ape King lay a woman with such a gloomy, miserable and pale complexion, who was it not Gongshu Linglong?

Li Zedao's little heart twitched violently a few times, but now it's all over, and the most worrying thing still happened.

There was a puddle of blood on the corner of Gongshu Linglong's mouth, and she was so depressed that she was obviously seriously injured.

With disheveled hair and torn clothes, the whole person looks so distressed. He has long lost the brilliance of being the inventor of the Gongshu Rubik's Cube, the leader of the academy's supervision team, and the second strongest person on the cloud list.

At the same time, in front of the Bingling Ape King, there are still many rare and exotic fruits that can only be found in the deep mountains. Any of these rare and exotic fruits can be worth a lot of gold coins, but here is the Bingling Ape King. The after-dinner fruit of the Ape King.

"This idiot woman, let you go but pretended not to leave, is it okay now? Was she captured by this damned Ice Spirit Ape King as a bride?" Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back and rushed out to point at this woman. The ass of an idiot woman is a crazy shot.

Women, it really is impossible not to discipline them well! The more pleasant you are to her, the more willful she will be to push her nose and face...

Thinking of the cruelty of Concubine Shuiling, Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he felt that his idea of ​​disciplining women was too dangerous.

The Ice Spirit Ape King grabbed the rare fruit in front of him, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it, then stood up, with his legs slightly open, and raised his hands, the aura of majesty on his body increased sharply, with a majestic look on his face. look!

Li Zedao glanced at its crotch, the flesh on his face twitched violently, a feeling of inferiority arose spontaneously, and he remembered what Shui Feiling said just now, she said that human women cannot withstand ice Several tosses by the Spirit Ape King...

From Li Zedao's point of view, Concubine Shuiling's words were too conservative, and she didn't need to do this many times. I'm afraid she couldn't bear it even once?

The Ice Spirit Ape King is so huge, I'm afraid the old woman who sucks mice from sixty walls can't hold it, right? Not to mention an innocent little girl like Gongshu Linglong.

"Roar..." The Ice Spirit Ape King roared towards the surroundings, his big hands like iron palms clenched into fists and beat its furry chest vigorously, the sound was like hitting a drum head hard.

The huge sound resounded through the entire valley, and it seemed that the entire valley was vibrated, and the leaves on the big trees in the valley fell one after another.

"Roar... ouch..."

The hundred or so Ice Spirit Apes surrounding them also screamed excitedly, and fists the size of casserole smashed into their chests one after another.

For a moment, the noisy voice echoed in the valley, shaking Li Zedao's eardrums and his heart trembling. If the bride was not Gongshu Linglong, he would have escaped far away.

"What should I do? Keep trying to bake Ten Day Drunk and try to charm as many ice spirit apes as possible?"

So far, it seems that there is only such a way.

More importantly, the emotions of this group of ice spirit apes are so excited now, and their attention is on the stone platform, so there is no need to worry too much about being discovered, so maybe they can successfully fascinate this group of ice spirit apes. fall.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, and while paying attention to concealment, he took out the torch again and planned to light the stick again, and continue to roast the remaining ten day drunken flowers.

But at this moment, the Ice Spirit Ape King on the stone platform pressed down with his big hands, and let out a roar that shook the world. The sound was so loud that the entire valley shook, and the leaves on the trees fell to the ground.

After the roar, all the ice spirit apes on the stone platform shut up, stopped beating their chests, and looked at the ice spirit ape king on the stage seriously. For a moment, the whole valley fell into an inexplicable dead silence.

Li Zedao quickly poked his head out and glanced over, wondering what the hell are these damn monkeys doing? Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?

Li Zedao's heart skipped a beat, thinking they wouldn't have noticed someone sneaking in, right?

At this moment, Li Zedao found that the Ice Spirit Ape King lowered his head, condescendingly looking down at the motionless Gongshu Linglong at his feet, and grinning with such an ugly and terrifying smile.

The big hairy hand even stretched out, gently stroking Gongshu Linglong's small face, as if stroking the sexy face of a lover.

Gongshu Linglong closed her humiliated and desperate eyes, and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

Li Zedao's brain roared, and an extremely bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

The big hand of the Ice Spirit Ape King moved down and grabbed Gongshu Linglong's robe.

There was only a crisp sound of "Hiss!", and the robe was torn apart by it, revealing the white shoulders and the pink apron.

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