"What kind of expression is that on your boy?" The little turtle hummed dissatisfied, "Master Turtle likes you, you should have an expression of being flattered."

"..." Li Zedao's body trembled violently, his face was abnormally stiff, and he really felt insulted to death.

What honor is there to be liked by a turtle?

"Oh, Mr. Gui's sexual orientation is normal. Mr. Turtle is actually a mother." As if worried about Li Zedao's overthinking, the little turtle added another sentence.


Li Zedao really couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment. If it wasn't for the strange appearance of the tortoise, he might not be able to beat it, and Li Zedao would have passed by with a sword.

"However, since you can find this place, it proves that you are destined to be with that boy Baili Jianyu, and I will give you the things that boy temporarily stored with Mr. Turtle." The little turtle said again.

"Things?" Li Zedao was confused, and immediately thought of the key point.

So, before Baili Jianyu died, he gave the pair of pupils dug out to this mysterious and weird little turtle for safekeeping? Just now the little turtle heard the poisonous oath he made, so he showed up?

"Thank you, senior." Li Zedao bowed quickly with his eyes bright, and said politely.

For the sake of getting the golden pupil, Li Zedao decided not to curse the little turtle in his heart.

I couldn't help being excited, the powerful golden pupil was about to be obtained, but I didn't know if the choice of the bloodline master would be successful. Of course, if he failed, Li Zedao would not have too much regret. After all, with the preciousness of this pupil film, he can naturally exchange for all kinds of geniuses, treasure gods, weapons and sharp blades he needs.

Even if you don't mind the trouble, you can return the golden pupils to the Baili family, and let this powerful force owe you a big favor.

"Senior what? I want to call you Master Turtle!" The little turtle corrected dissatisfiedly with its bulging eyeballs.

Senior is such an idiot, how can it be compared to the title of "Grand Turtle"?

"Uh... Mr. Turtle." Li Zedao babbled and squeezed out these two words with some difficulty.

I wonder in my heart, aren't you the mother? Why call yourself Mr. Turtle? You should call yourself a turtle mother.

"Boy, what did you say your name was when you swore just now? Li Zedao?" asked the little turtle.

"The younger generation, Li Zedao, is a teacher of Buzhou Academy." Li Zedao nodded.

The reason why he moved out of Buzhou Academy was because he wanted to use the name of Buzhou Academy to shock this little turtle.

This handsome guy is a teacher of Buzhou Academy, so don't mess around, otherwise the strong people of Buzhou Academy won't let you go. 【~! iQi Literature ~\u0026 Fastest update]

"Not Zhou Academy? No wonder." The little tortoise's eyes showed inexplicable emotions, but he fell into silence. He raised his forty-five and looked up at a fluorescent stone on the top of the cave, wondering what he was thinking.

There was surprise in Li Zedao's eyes. It seems that this little tortoise with some abnormal nerves seems to have a relationship with Buzhou Academy, otherwise he would not have shown such an expression.

"Xiao Daozi, who is the dean of Buzhou Academy?" After a long time, the little turtle spoke again.

"Ah?" Li Zedao was stunned again, Xiaodaozi?

"Ah, what? Mr. Turtle asked you something." The little turtle gave Li Zedao a dissatisfied look. Not to mention, there is a bit of charm in those big round eyes.

It seems that this is indeed a female turtle.

Li Zedao said with difficulty: "That little Daoist is..."

"Grand Turtle's pet name for you, do you like it?" The little turtle had an expression that you should be flattered.

"..." Li Zedao felt that his blood was surging, and a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out at any moment.

I like your sister! What kind of shit name is this? Why is it so similar to the eunuch's name?

Li Zedao was filled with grief and indignation, thinking that it would not be a problem for him to walk sideways when he was in the Mortal Realm, but why did he live so uselessly and become a grandson when he arrived in the God Realm?

In the college, Shui Feiling was used as a slave and molested at will, but in this cave, she was humiliated by such a turtle, but she couldn't resist, and she had to accept it with a smiling face. There was no dignity at all.

Is it because I am so handsome and so good that God can't stand it anymore and wants to punish me like this?

If this is the case, Li Zedao felt a little more balanced.

"Hey, it's really not very good to be a person. For example, I am so good that even God can't stand it." Li Zedao was very worried.

"Xiao Daozi, Mr. Turtle asked you something. Who is the dean of Buzhou Academy?" Seeing Li Zedao's idiot face, the little tortoise muttered in displeasure.

If it weren't for your kid being a descendant of Nuwa, and even practicing the "Leiqie Sword Art", it can be considered that he has a close relationship with Master Gui, and Master Gui would have slapped him long ago.

"Master Changsheng." Li Zedao said weakly.

Xiaodaozi? Whatever you want, people are knives and I'm fish and meat, when it's time to compromise, you have to compromise, when it's time to accept your fate, you have to accept your fate... Unless, you don't want to die.

"So it's that kid." The little turtle curled his lips in disdain.

Li Zedao was a little dizzy, the world-renowned dean of Buzhou Academy turned into that kid in the eyes of this tortoise? It seems that the origin of this little turtle is a little scary, and he looks very familiar with the dean.

"Buzhou Academy is really getting more and more regressed, so a fool with such a deep city can become the dean." The little turtle was very disdainful.

Li Zedao was even more dizzy. Someone actually said that the dean of Buzhou Academy is an idiot? But thinking about it carefully, the dean and his old man seem to be really stupid to catch dragon pythons with a bamboo pole without a hook.

"Well, the dean is an old man who is a strong spirit mirror..." Li Zedao said cautiously.

"Lingxianjing? Is it amazing? Do you believe that Master Gui could slap a strong Lingxianjing to death?" The little turtle glared at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled. He didn't doubt the little turtle's words, but he also understood the point of the words.

Back then, the little tortoise was supposed to be quite awesome, but he didn't know what happened to hide in this kind of place.

But no matter what, at least he still has the cultivation base of the Spirit Immortal Mirror, right? Slapping the current self to death with a tortoise's paw is naturally relaxing and enjoyable.

"This is the pupil film that the golden pupils have evolved into. Take it." The little turtle was very disgusted, as if the golden pupils were garbage.

It stretched out its tortoise claw, but saw that there were two films as thin as cicada's wings, as clear as crystal, and emitting a mysterious faint golden light on the tortoise claw.

"This is the pupillary membrane?" Li Zedao's eyeballs suddenly widened when he saw the film that looked like two contact lenses, full of curiosity and excitement.

"Isn't it the pupil membrane? What's there to be excited about?" The little tortoise glanced at Li Zedao contemptuously again, "How amazing the pupil technique is, it's nothing more than a spiritual technique after all. What's the matter?"

Li Zedao could only laugh apologetically, thinking that the phrase "poverty limits your imagination" is appropriate for him.

In his own eyes, the pupil membranes that seem so precious are no different from garbage in the eyes of the little turtle. This is equivalent to the fact that the poor are reluctant to drink more milk, but the rich use milk to take a bath.

The little tortoise patted Li Zedao with its claws, and the two pupils floated lightly towards Li Zedao, and Li Zedao quickly reached out to catch it. The pupil membranes are quite light, as if catching two falling snowflakes.

"Okay, Mr. Gui has completed his commitment to that kid, Mr. Gui is going to sleep now." The little turtle yawned.

Before Li Zedao could react, its body retracted completely into the turtle shell, and between breaths, the turtle shell floated back to the water surface, and then

After sinking, the water surface quickly returned to calm without any ripples.

Li Zedao swallowed his saliva looking at the surface of the water, and once again felt that this can only speak human words. The awesome-looking little turtle is too mysterious and weird, although there is no way to capture any aura fluctuations from it, giving people I feel like this is a fairly ordinary tortoise, a casual slap can kill a dozen, but if it shows its full strength, maybe a single slap can slap itself to death, right?

"Forget it, don't care about this turtle."

Li Zedao looked back from the water surface and landed on the pupil in his hand, his eyes showed excitement. If he can succeed in choosing the master of the bloodline and get this golden pupil, his cultivation will be improved to a higher level.

Even in the end, if all the seventh floors can be awakened, even against a strong man like the headmaster, I'm afraid they won't be shy at all, right?

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao didn't immediately put the pupils in his eyes, not because he was afraid of failure in choosing the master of the bloodline, his mentality was not that bad.

Mainly according to what Gongshu Linglong said, if one is lucky enough to be able to choose the master of the bloodline successfully, then it will be a relatively long and extremely painful process. The pain is no less than the suffering of the soul nail, so it is best to find a safe place .

This cave seems to be quite safe, but Li Zedao is worried about Gongshu Linglong who is left alone outside, besides, he has been in this pool for too long. Gongshu Linglong will be worried, maybe he will go down to the bottom of the pool to search .

Therefore, Li Zedao planned to go out to meet Gongshu Linglong first, go to this cave together, and then try to see if the bloodline selection can be successful.

At that moment, Li Zedao took out a brocade bag and carefully put away the two extremely precious pupil membranes.

With a "plop", he plunged into the icy cold sink.


"You bastard, why haven't you come out yet?"

In the sky above the valley, Gongshu Linglong, who was standing on the back of the goshawk, stared intently at the strangely cold water pool below, his pretty face was full of worry.

As time went by, the indescribable worry in his heart naturally increased, which really made Gongshu Linglong extremely uncomfortable.

Bei Chi bit his lip, thinking that he was waiting for a stick of incense, and if Li Zedao hadn't landed yet, he would go down and have a look.

At this moment, a ghostly figure entered the valley and appeared in Gongshu Linglong's line of sight.

This is a short and thin man with a hump on his back and an extremely ugly appearance.

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