The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2128 Strange Speed

The man had many scars all over his body, some of which were even dripping with blood. It is conceivable that this man had experienced a fierce battle before.

At this moment, the man was even more out of breath, and white mist was continuously sprayed out of his nostrils, like a beast that was injured and in a state of mania.

Gongshu Linglong's pupils shrank slightly, revealing an expression of surprise.

Mo Tianya? Why is he here?

The person who came was Mo Tianya, who was No. 1 on the Cloud Ranking of Buzhou Academy, and who had killed the strong in the Spiritual Cloud Realm with his cultivation in the Spirit Cloud Realm.

In fact, Gongshu Linglong and Mo Tianya were not familiar at all. The only time they met was on the competition stage. With just one move, Gongshu Linglong's neck was tightly strangled by Mo Tianya's dry and cold hand. For a moment, Gongshu Linglong even thought that she was about to be killed by this terrifying man.

Just when Gongshu Linglong was thinking about whether to take the initiative to say hello to Mo Tianya, Mo Tianya stopped and looked up, and glanced at Gongshu Linglong above his head.

Gongshu Linglong's pupils shrank again.

What kind of eyes are these? The pupils were scarlet red, exuding an extremely hot and irritable aura, so that Gongshu Linglong's eyes met those of Gongshu Linglong's, and his scalp immediately went numb.

"Why does Mo Tianya look different from the previous battle?" Gongshu Linglong's heart trembled, instinctively feeling the danger.

Before, Mo Tianya was withdrawn and cold, abnormally cold, like a body without a soul.

And now Mo Tianya gives people the feeling that it is a beast, a beast that is in estrus

Gongshu Linglong clearly captured the extremely hot desire contained in those small scarlet eyes, what this kind of desire represented, Gongshu Linglong couldn't be more clear.

Even Gongshu Linglong saw a large amount of transparent liquid seeping from the corner of Mo Tianya's mouth and dripping on the ground.

Mo Tianya just stared at Gongshu Linglong, and even stuck out his scarlet tongue, licking off the transparent liquid from the corner of his mouth.

Gongshu Linglong's scalp became even more numb, her breathing became short of breath, and an extremely bad feeling surged in her heart.

Mo Tianya looks very wrong!

At this moment, Gongshu Linglong's eyes blurred, and Mo Tianya who was standing there disappeared!

between breaths,

There was a cold and terrifying aura coming from behind, and this cold and terrifying aura was so familiar.

Mo Tianya, who was still standing there, soared into the air at a speed that Gongshu Linglong couldn't catch. He was at the same height as the goshawk, and his withered claws went straight for Gongshu Linglong.

Gongshu Linglong's expression changed drastically, before he had time to think about it, his body flashed, and he quickly slid down from the goshawk's back, barely dodging the sharp grab, and felt that his back was soaked all of a sudden.

"Damn Mo Tianya? Does he know what he's doing? Is he crazy?"

While breathing, Mo Tianya's withered hand patted heavily on the back of the goshawk that couldn't dodge.

"Boom!" Goshawk's huge body exploded openly, blood and flesh splattered and fell to the ground one after another, as if a blood rain had fallen, the scene was bloody and terrifying.

Seeing this, Gongshu Linglong, who was already standing on the top of a big tree, felt his mind roar violently, his chest heaved violently, and his face became pale and ugly.

Mo Tianya, what happened? Lost your mind with some kind of poison? Or, like the previous Dan Scorpion, he intends to defect to the bad academy?

"Bang!" The long sword was unsheathed.

Gongshu Linglong tightly grasped the long sword in her hand, and stared at Mo Tianya who was standing there in the air with a pretty face. The sword was wrapped in circles of blue light circles.

With his left hand, he clenched the crossbow tightly and pointed it at Mo Tianya.

At this moment, Mo Tianya's body was covered with the blood of the goshawk, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all. He even stuck out his tongue and licked the blood around the corner of his mouth heavily. He looked like he just got up from hell. The bloodthirsty goblins of the .

"This pervert!" Gongshu Linglong's face was even more ugly, and his eyes showed seriousness.

Although Mo Tianya's cultivation was only in the quasi-spiritual realm, perhaps because the spiritual skills he practiced were too weird, the terrifying aura released from his body actually brought great pressure to Gongshu Linglong, who was already a strong man in the spiritual realm. .

In other words, even though she had already entered the spirit realm, Gongshu Linglong still didn't think she was Mo Tianya's opponent.

Especially the other party's speed was so fast that it could almost be described by words like "incredible", which really made Gongshu Linglong feel powerless.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and his colorful pupils were useless.

Not to mention that the colorful pupils seemed to have no effect on him at all.

As a matter of fact, Gongshu Linglong had used the Pupil Technique when they were fighting on the martial arts arena, but Mo Tianya was not affected by it at all, and she lost with one move.

At this moment, a fierce murderous intent suddenly descended.

Gongshu Linglong blinked, and saw Mo Tianya appearing in front of her, and that withered hand grabbed her.

Gongshu Linglong gritted her teeth, and fiercely met the long sword in her hand, which was wrapped in circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy.

At the same time, more than a dozen crossbow arrows made of blood tree leaves were shot out, directly attacking Mo Tianya's body.

"Shh! Shh! Shh..." The sound of piercing the sky was endless.

Gongshu Linglong's body tensed up, her face turned pale, and she secretly thought something was wrong.

Because, her sword actually pierced through! The dozens of crossbow bolts she fired were also shot empty.

Mo Tianya didn't fight head-on at all, he just disappeared in front of Gongshu Linglong at a speed that Gongshu Linglong couldn't keep up with, so that all of Gongshu Linglong's ultimate moves fell through.

While breathing, a dry hand seemed to appear out of nowhere, and it grabbed Gongshu Linglong's neck all at once, and lifted her body up extremely violently.

For a moment, Gongshu Linglong only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and her body seemed to be frozen by the ice from the previous year, and she was unable to move, let alone raise the sword in her hand to fight back.

Mo Tianya raised his head and stared at the pretty face full of fear. The scarlet eyes once again showed extreme longing. The viscous liquid kept flowing out from the corner of his mouth. He was short of breath and bursts of white smoke Squirting out, the throat is wriggling non-stop, obviously extremely hungry and thirsty.

Immediately, he stretched out his other hand, little by little, towards Gongshu Linglong's plump chest that rose and fell violently.

Seeing this, Gongshu Linglong was so sad and indignant that she almost fainted.

Why is it that I am so unlucky to always encounter such crap? It was the Ice Spirit Ape King before, but now it is Mo Tianya.

At this moment, a long sword came through the air, slashing fiercely at Mo Tianya's blood-stained hands.

This sword came suddenly, without warning, as if it appeared out of thin air, but it was as fast as lightning.

In between breaths, Mo Tianya's hand pinching Gongshu Linglong's throat simply loosened and retracted, and the hand that reached out to Gongshu Linglong's full chest also retracted as quickly as lightning, and his figure was even more like a ghost, and he retreated a few feet , dodging the sword extremely dangerously.

In this flash of lightning, if he hadn't retracted his hand so simply, such as first crushing Gongshu Linglong's neck and then retracting, or retreating with Gongshu Linglong, then his hand would be caught in the future before he retracted. Cut off with one sword, there is no room for luck.

Mo Tianya raised his head slightly, his scarlet eyes looked at the long sword that almost cut off his arm.

This is a plain-looking sword, but the blade is actually wet, with water still dripping from it, as if it has just been fished out of the water.

But the circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy included on the sword should not be underestimated.

At that moment, his scarlet but calm eyes moved upwards, and finally looked up to the front.

But not far away, a man was standing there with his whole body wet, his handsome face was gloomy and fierce, and he looked at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

As for the prey he planned to hunt, that is, the woman, the woman he wanted to crush under his body after taking a look at it before, was held in his arms.

Although he was born with a handicap and an ugly face, it doesn't mean that Mo Tianya is not a man, it's just that he suppressed that desire to death.

But now, he couldn't restrain himself.

He vaguely remembered that there was a cold pond in this valley, which should be able to temporarily suppress the hotness in his body, but what he never expected was that Gongshu Linglong, the woman he once dreamed of, was also there.

So without hesitation, he directly attacked her.

He didn't want to kill her, he just wanted to get her, to get her body, and he didn't care about any consequences.

Mo Tianya's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, so that his eyes became even smaller.

The woman he wanted was now being embraced by another man, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

It has nothing to do with jealousy, it is an instinctive reaction of a good man to see another man who is not as good as himself.

She was more handsome than him, so why did Gongshu Linglong throw herself into his arms?

Yes, in Mo Tianya's eyes, he is quite outstanding, including his appearance...he never thinks that he is ugly, on the contrary he thinks that he is quite attractive, otherwise why do so many people usually look at him after seeing him? Can't move your eyes?

"Li Zedao?" Mo Tianya said, his voice was sharp and hoarse, as if his throat was blocked by a handful of sand. He recognized the man in front of him only because this man's recent limelight was so great that he didn't even know him.

Of course, in his eyes, Li Zedao is just a clown who likes to make noise and win favors. Although he does have some strength, he is far from being so good that he can shake the world and make ghosts cry.

Li Zedao ignored Mo Tianya, but looked at Gongshu Linglong in his arms, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he came out early, otherwise Gongshu Linglong would be bullied by this damn guy.

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao blamed himself very much.

"It's okay... bastard, I'm going to be worried to death after going down for so long." Gongshu Linglong wanted to bite Li Zedao hard, feeling very wronged, and inexplicably wanted to cry.

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