The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2134 Thunder Cut Sword Art

Li Zedao bowed, and said gratefully again: "Thank you, Mr. Gui, for saving your life."

"Thank you, Mr. Gui saved you because Mr. Gui's claws were itchy, and because Mr. Gui has a heart for beauty and always hates ugly things, especially ugly men. Mr. Turtle hates the most. Otherwise, Mr. Turtle would be too lazy to do it." The little tortoise rolled his eyes, quite dissatisfied with Li Zedao's thank you.

Do you know who Turtle is? Still need a thank you from you little brat?

Li Zedao twitched slightly, knowing that the tortoise's temper was very weird, so he could only laugh apologetically.

"Of course, it can't be all your fault. The level of spiritual skill that that ugly monster has cultivated is not too low, and he has practiced it to a great extent. His speed is not lower than that of a top-ranked powerhouse in the spiritual realm. Even if you take ghost pills, you are only a mere spiritual god It is understandable that he cannot keep up with his speed because he has not practiced any speed-enhancing spiritual skills." The little turtle said again.

Li Zedao felt a lot more at ease, the damn tortoise finally said something human, especially the words "that ugly monster" sounded so comfortable.

Li Zedao doesn't think he is a man who must get revenge, but this time Gongshu Linglong was almost violated, which can be regarded as touching his inverse scales, and his handsome face was almost ruined, it would be wrong if he didn't get back It was possible, so in his heart he had already included Mo Tianya in his list of people who must be killed.

Now there is another person on this list, and it is Baili Qingmu who killed Baili Jianyu, with the little turtle watching over him, it would be even more difficult for Li Zedao to break his oath.

Li Zedao was worried about this.

The enemy who killed Baili Jianyu also returned to Baili. If he thought about it with his butt, he knew that it was an internal struggle within the Baili family that caused Baili Jianyu to fall here.

According to Gongshu Linglong, the Baili family is one of the most powerful forces in God's Domain. The members of the family have special bloodlines and golden pupils. The name of the family is naturally fleeing or surrendering to the other party, let alone troublesome members of the Baili family.

This Baili Qingmu has the ability to hunt down and kill the genius in the family who thought that the pupil technique was fully awakened, and his status in the family can be imagined.

In this way, how could he be killed to avenge Baili Jianyu?

Forget it, take one step at a time, maybe in a few days the tortoise will get tired of it, pat its ass and leave.

"Dare to ask Mr. Gui, what kind of powerful spiritual skill that Mo Tianya has practiced, with such terrifying speed." Li Zedao asked.

A thousand-year king and an 80,000-year tortoise, this tortoise must have lived for a long time so awesome, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an encyclopedia.

Li Zedao is a child with a strong desire for knowledge, which can be seen from his desire to study Shuifeiling's tail, so naturally he will not let go of such an opportunity to increase knowledge at this time.

The little tortoise glanced at Li Zedao, with disdain in his big eyes: "It's nothing special, it's nothing more than a mid-level heavenly skill "like maggots attached to the bone". Let your speed become extremely fast, and practice to the extreme, even if your cultivation is at the quasi-spiritual state, your speed is no less than that of an ordinary spirit mirror cultivation base."

Like maggots attached to bones? Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly. If the name was really appropriate, then Mo Tianya's speed really gave people a feeling that he was like a maggot attached to his bone like a shadow, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he shook it.

"The ancients said that if one's cultivation is not enough, spiritual skills can be used to make up for it. That ugly monster's cultivation is not very good,

On the contrary, I have practiced this like a maggot to the bone, so it is normal that you can't keep up with his speed, Xiao Daozi. "The little turtle said, "Of course, you are still too weak. If you have practiced to the fourth sword in the Leiqie Sword Art, plus your cultivation base, oh, and you have also taken ghost pills, no matter how fast the ugly monster is, Your sword is enough to kill him. "

The little tortoise pouted, quite disdainful: "How fast can he be as fast as thunder?"

Li Zedao subconsciously said: "Master Gui knows the Leiqie sword art?"

Immediately, I realized that what I asked was nonsense, how could this turtle not know the Leiqie Sword Art?

"Nonsense!" The little turtle looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot. He raised his head slightly and looked at the blue sky. There was an inexplicable emotion in his round eyes, which obviously touched something on his mind. up.

"Xiao Daozi, Master Gui won't let you know that the Leiqie Sword Art was created by Master Gui!" After a moment of silence, the little turtle glanced at Li Zedao with a proud expression on his face.

"Uh..." Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Gongshu Linglong's brain was also roaring violently, she couldn't believe it was true, but the tortoise's claw could pick up a sword?

"The Leiqie Sword Art was created by you, Mr. Gui?" Li Zedao spoke with difficulty, his eyes revealing an extremely strong sense of disbelief.

The day-level high-grade spiritual skill "Leiqie Sword Art" taught by Lao Jian was actually created by a turtle?

Li Zedao didn't feel that the tortoise was joking with him, after all there was no need for that, but it was too unimaginable.

In this way, what is the relationship between the old sword and this little turtle? Could it be Little Turtle's apprentice?

"Xiao Daozi, showing such a skeptical expression will make Mr. Gui not in a pretty mood. When Mr. Gui is not in a good mood, he wants to shoot people." The little turtle gave Li Zedao a very unhappy look.

Li Zedao quickly changed another expression, his face full of admiration, he was so excited: "Master Gui, I am so excited, every time I practice the Leiqie Sword Art, I always think about what kind of big man it is!" Only those who can create such a powerful sword art..."

Seeing that Li Zedao catered so well, Gongshu Linglong was very distressed, and really wanted to draw his sword and chop up this damned little turtle.

Immediately, he was moved by Li Zedao's spirit of being able to bend and stretch.

What can be regarded as a real strong? It's not those who are brave and eager to win in everything, but people like Li Zedao who can judge the situation and show weakness in time.

Showing weakness is a kind of heart, a kind of virtue... Anyway, Gongshu Linglong can't wait to use all kinds of praise words to express her love for Li Zedao.

"Xiao Daozi, has anyone ever told you that you are so cheap when you have no skin and no face to flatter you?" The little turtle interrupted Li Zedao's words with a look of disgust, as if he heard some disgusting nonsense.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and he could only reveal an awkward but polite smile.

It seems that although this tortoise is quite conceited, it is different from Shui Feiling. It doesn't like others to flatter it, so it needs to change its strategy when facing it in the future.

"Besides, Xiaodaozi, little girl, you are not allowed to mention the existence of Mr. Turtle to anyone, or else don't blame Mr. Turtle for slapping you to death." The aura on the little turtle changed instantly.

In an instant, Li Zedao and Gongshu Linglong's bodies stopped, their breathing stopped, and their minds trembled.

Since he was intimidated by the strong aura suddenly erupted by the little turtle, his body seemed to be pressed down by a mountain for a while, and he lost the ability to move for a short time.

I was really terrified in my heart, this little tortoise was really strong enough, just a breath of a strong man released could easily deter a strong man in the spiritual realm.

At that moment, the two nodded repeatedly, expressing their understanding.

Of course, even if the little tortoise doesn't emphasize it, Li Zedao will not say it casually. In his opinion, the little tortoise has undoubtedly become his strongest hole card.

When his own life is seriously threatened, will the little turtle stand by and watch? It should be less cold-blooded, right? This is equivalent to no matter what kind of opponent you encounter in the future, you will have the power to fight.

For a moment, Li Zedao felt heroic in his heart, with loneliness in his eyes.

"Hey, although God's Domain is big, you can't find an opponent. It's lonely." Li Zedao was very emotional.

Immediately, I felt that my thinking was wrong, I still had an opponent, and my biggest opponent was myself! Only by surpassing yourself can you be qualified to surpass others.

"It's good to understand." The little turtle snorted coldly, and the strong aura on his body was all restrained.

Immediately afterwards, its head, limbs, and small tail were all retracted into the glittering golden shell, and then, the golden shell became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a fingernail size, floated to the stunned Li Zedao.

Gongshu Linglong's eyes were also wide open, and her mind was roaring violently. It can be said that the shrinking of the little turtle simply overturned her previous cognition.

She knows that there are some spiritual skills that can make people curl up their bones, but no matter how they curl up, they can't be so small, can they?

"Xiao Daozi, Mr. Turtle wants to sleep on your body. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb Mr. Turtle. If you disturb Mr. Turtle, be careful that Mr. Turtle beats you! If Mr. Turtle has something to do, he will come out to find you!" The little turtle's voice was extremely small from that It came out of the beetle shell.

Immediately with a "whoosh", it slipped in from the gap in the clothes on Li Zedao's chest, and disappeared, at least Li Zedao couldn't feel its existence.

"Uh..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say, he could only look at Gongshu Linglong showing such a helpless wry smile.

"Let's contact the academy to send a goshawk over." Gongshu Linglong gave Li Zedao an angry look. This bastard, who still looks reluctant, is entangled by such a weird turtle. I don't know how many people will die with envy.

Immediately, I was worried and resentful, with this little turtle around, how could I have no shame in making out with the bastard?

Gongshu Linglong's big eyes looking at Li Zedao revealed distressed expressions. It seems that during this period of time, he can only be wronged by the bastard, but his demand is so great that he is afraid that he will be overwhelmed.

At that moment, Gongshu Linglong took out her jade card and contacted the Lower Academy, asking to send a goshawk over.

At the same time, the little tortoise that had already been hidden in Li Zedao's arms poked its head out, its face full of intoxication and enjoyment.

"What a delicious breath of heaven."

The little turtle smacked its mouth quickly, as if it wanted to taste something delicious.

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