At this moment, the neighing of goshawks came, but one after another came out of the goshawk pavilion, and then lined up at the gate, which looked so magnificent.

"Okay, two people and one goshawk, let's divide it up by ourselves, let's go." Shuifei Lingyu said loudly with a wave of her hand.

Immediately, he followed Immortal Changsheng onto the back of one of the goshawks.

While breathing, the goshawk spread its wings and left first.

"Student Meili, let's go." Li Zedao said weakly, all the murderous aura on his body was restrained.

That's all, since that's the case, I can only try my best to save my own life, and of course I have to find a way to prevent Nangong Meili from being too seriously injured after meeting a strong enemy.

The only good thing is that a solution has been found. As for whether it can help Nangong Meili, it depends on how Nangong Meili uses that thing, and it depends on the student from Yingzhou College who is about to fight him. With the same strength and mentality as Mo Tianya, Li Zedao felt that Nangong Meili didn't need to be on stage at all, and could escape the battle.

If the opponent is strong, but sees Nangong Meili's beauty and tries to tease her rival, then he is not far from death.

As for Concubine Shui Ling... Li Zedao thought about it, and gave her one of those things too, maybe it would have a miraculous effect.

Before Nangong Meili could say anything, Mu Xingkong ran over meanly. He ignored Li Zedao who was beside him, looked at Nangong Meili affectionately, and said in a magnetic voice, "Meili, let's go together. There are many things I want to tell you."

It has to be said that this Mu Xingkong is quite handsome, especially after showing such eyes, he might be able to fascinate many girls.

Li Zedao almost kicked this boy who didn't know how to respect his teacher away.

"How dare you try to court the teacher's fiancée in front of the teacher? It's really treasonous! How can the sacred and corrupt college allow the existence of such a morally corrupt student?" Li Zedao was indignant.

I thought that if I had the ability, I would have fired you now, kid.

"I'm with Master Li." Nangong Meili glanced at Mu Xingkong and said calmly.

If it were someone else, she wouldn't even be lazy to talk to each other, completely treating the other party as air, but after all, Mu Xingkong is the grandson of Master Xuan Ming, so it's really hard to just ignore it.

Mu Xingkong's complexion suddenly became ugly. It was really embarrassing to be rejected in person.

She glanced at Li Zedao with contempt and threat, feeling uncomfortable. What is the relationship between Meili and this teacher who came out of nowhere?

"Master Li is a teacher after all, it's not good for you to follow him as a student..." Mu Xingkong said.

After saying this, he felt guilty for a while, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong for a while. After all, there is no rule in the college that students should not be too close to the teacher, and even the distance between teachers and students is negative. The college doesn't care either.

"Student, what's wrong with this?" Li Zedao asked with a gentle smile.

"Mr. Li, I don't have any other intentions. I just think that Meili is too close to you... Oh, it will only hurt Meili." Mu Xingkong felt that he was too fucking smart to think of such a thing. A set of rhetoric.

The smile on Li Zedao's face became even hotter. Isn't this kid too arrogant?

Nangong Meili frowned, and naturally felt that what Mu Xingkong said was too much and too boring, how could he harm herself?

But he's really pretty. With Wan'er, she provoked that public loser Linglong again, and flirted with that water concubine...

"It's just that he is different from his father and the others." Nangong Meili thought to herself.

"Why did I hurt classmate Meili?" Li Zedao was taken aback,

Suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, you must also think that I am too handsome, teacher, so Meili will be deeply attracted by me and cause you to lose weight day by day, right?"

Mu Xingkong's body trembled, the muscles on his face became stiff, and he felt that his whole body was not well.

How can there be such a shameless guy?

Nangong Meili's body was also shocked. She knew that this guy had a thick skin, but she never thought that his skin was much thicker than she imagined.

"I really don't know how a shameless person like you can become a teacher of Buzhou Academy." Mu Xingkong sneered.

Li Zedao was too lazy to say anything, stretched out his hand, and hugged Nangong Meili's slender waist.

The fragrance in his arms made Li Zedao's heart tremble slightly, and he almost couldn't bear it.

Nangong Meili's body stiffened altogether, and she frowned slightly, but she didn't struggle, but let him hug her in her arms like this.

There was an unprecedented feeling in my heart, a bit of panic, a bit of nervousness, and more of an unprecedented joy.

But Mu Xingkong's eyeballs were rounded all of a sudden, and then his face was full of anger, his eyes were scarlet, as if he was about to spew fire.

This damn bastard, dare to touch the woman he likes? What made Mu Xingkong even more jealous was that Nangong Meili didn't react at all when she was violated in this way, but accepted it frankly.

At that moment, Mu Xingkong's head became hot, and he pointed at Li Zedao and yelled loudly: "As a teacher of Buzhou Academy, you actually flirt with girls like this?"

The accusation was so loud that it immediately reached the ears of the surrounding teachers and students who hadn't had time to get on Goshawk's back.

Everyone looked up, only to see Mu Xingkong pointing at Li Zedao's nose and yelling accusations: "You are so morally corrupt, how can you be qualified to be a teacher? Are you not afraid of being swept out by Buzhou Academy?"

The faces of those teachers and students turned weird, and then there was extremely strong sympathy in their eyes. With Li Zedao's shamelessness, how could he let Mu Xingkong go so easily? Must not torture him to death?

Even though, Mu Xingkong is the grandson of Master Xuanming.

After all, even Daoist Xuanming might not be able to do anything to Li Zedao, right? You know, I heard that Li Zedao blew up the pill pavilion, but Master Xuanming didn't even fart.

Wo Longshuang felt so at ease, he couldn't agree more with Mu Xingkong's words.

This damn kid is indeed morally corrupt, he is not qualified to be a teacher of the Irregular Academy at all.

At the moment, I silently cheered up Mu Xingkong in my heart, hit him, hit him...

Immortal Xuanming, who was already on the back of the goshawk, and the goshawk had already soared up, heard the sound, looked down, his eyes widened, his head roared, and he almost passed out.

This kid, does he know what he's doing?

"Molesting?" Li Zedao sneered, "Well, so what if I molested classmate Meili? It's none of your business? Is classmate Meili someone?"

"She's me...huh! As a student of Buzhou College and a seventh-rank alchemist, I naturally have the responsibility to find out such a morally corrupt teacher like you." Mu Xingkong said in a haughty manner.

"Seventh-rank alchemist is amazing? More importantly, I am a teacher and you are a student! You are so dictating to me, why don't you set the rules of the academy?" Li Zedao sneered.

A mere seventh-rank alchemist dares to gossip in front of this handsome guy? Do you believe that I can blow you up with just one potion of medicine?

"Molesting students, threatening to force students to submit, you deserve to be called a teacher? You really are a disgrace to the bad academy!" Mu Xingkong said indignantly.

If it wasn't for you being a strong person in the spiritual realm, I would have chopped off your dirty hand with a single sword.

"For molesting your sister, I need to force the girls to submit? Besides, do you know who Meili is mine? Is she my fiancée? What's wrong with me molesting my fiancée?" Li Zedao sneered.

"The fiancée is amazing...a fiancée?" Mu Xingkong's eyes widened, and he really couldn't believe what he heard.

"This Master Li is indeed my fiancé." Nangong Meili added expressionlessly, with strange emotions spreading in her heart.

"..." Mu Xingkong's face turned pale and ugly, and he felt like he had been stabbed severely by a knife in his chest.

How could such a good Chinese cabbage be overwhelmed by a pig?

"Forget it, since you are about to represent the academy against the alchemist of Yingzhou Academy, the teacher won't bother with you so much... Just break off the finger pointing at my nose." Li Ze said His smile turned cold.

"You... are really arrogant. It seems that you not only don't want to stay in Buzhou Academy, you want to die!" Mu Xing roared in a panic.

This Tianjiao who has always encountered setbacks, relying on his grandfather as the master of the Danyao Pavilion, is in a state of mind at this time.

"Within three breaths, if you haven't broken that finger, I'll cut off your whole arm!" The smile on Li Zedao's face faded, and his voice became extremely cold.

"Hehe, really? I really want to see if you die first or you cut off my arm first!" Mu Xingkong sneered, and felt that what the other party said was no different from flattery.

He had already seen his grandfather jump off the back of the goshawk, so he was worried that he would be bullied.

With grandpa around, does this kid dare to touch him? Even knowing that he is the grandson of Daoist Xuan Ming for a while, wouldn't he lose his courage?

Li Zedao seemed not to have heard Mu Xingkong's words, but counted seriously: "One breath...two breaths...three..."

Before the "breath" could be said, "Crack!" The sound of bone breaking sounded.

Seeing that Master Xuanming had appeared in front of Mu Xingkong at some point, he even grabbed Mu Xingkong's finger and snapped it off.

After all, he was at the top of the Lingyun Realm, so just breaking a finger wouldn't make Mu Xingkong scream in pain.

Not to mention, the sudden change made him completely stupid, forgetting the pain.

At this moment, Mu Xingkong's face was as white as paper, his eyes were rounded, his mind was roaring violently, and there was an unprecedented huge wave in his heart. He couldn't believe that the scene that was happening before him was real!

Grandpa, he actually broke his own finger?

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