After driving away from the villa where Katsuta Taro lived, Li Zedao slowly stopped the car on the side of the road, then looked back at the corpse behind him, stretched out his hand, scratched his face, and The obviously dirty mask on his face was removed, revealing a bloody face with a collapsed nose bridge.

This is an island man in his thirties, without breathing, he is already a dead body without any temperature.

On the way to find Taro Katsuta by car, because the main road is now full of angry crowds protesting, and some people are burning tires and cars there to express their dissatisfaction, so Li Zedao had to shuttle in those narrow alleys .

On the way through a certain alley, Li Zedao accidentally saw a scene that made him angry.

An island man forced a girl under his body, and while laughing like a beast, he also frantically tried to tear the girl's clothes. The girl cried and resisted. The island man simply gave the girl A few slaps made the girl dizzy.

Li Zedao was angry, because listening to the voice, the person who was pressed down by the man from the island country was a Chinese.

So he jumped out of the car very simply, rushed to him, and punched the island man on the bridge of the nose, directly breaking his nose bone, and his body flew out very simply, heavily After the one fell to the ground, the one twitched a few times and died.

Afterwards, Li Zedao hugged the girl who was almost raped, and now she had passed out with a pig's face, and after thinking about it, she threw the body in the trunk, and then took a while to drive back to the car. Qingyun Building, handed over the unlucky girl to He Xiaoyang, and set off again.

When he was about to arrive at Katsuta Taro's villa, Li Zedao got out of the car, lifted the body of the islander from his back, threw it on the back seat, and then took out the mask and put it on him.

This mask is specially customized according to Li Zedao's face shape, so it is naturally inappropriate for this islander to wear it, and his nose has collapsed, which is even more inappropriate, but this guy has already turned into a corpse, so don't move it It can't fall off under the circumstances, and Li Zedao smeared blood and mud on the surface of the mask again, so at first glance, there is really no flaw, and it is enough to fool Katsuta Taro.

Sure enough, Katsuta Taro didn't take a second look at the corpse after he glanced at it. Who would be so bored and keep staring at a corpse?

At that moment, Li Zedao simply cleaned up the dirty mask and put it in his arms, then jumped out of the car, opened the car door, casually lifted the corpse, threw it on the ground, and then jumped out of the car again. drive away.


Zhou Qian slowly opened her eyes, and then she saw a pair of familiar smiling eyes staring at her gently.

Zhou Qian stared blankly at these familiar eyes and this familiar handsome face, and then laughed at herself: "Oh, I'm dreaming again, I dreamed about you again, Brother Zedao, although... it's so real Well, but dreams are dreams, just like the previous few times, I finally mustered up the courage to reach out to touch your face, and then you disappeared..."

Then, her eyes turned red and she cried, "Brother Ze Dao... I... I'm scared, really scared... I... I woke up and found that I was in a very strange place... The doors and windows are closed , I couldn’t get out... Then a fierce-looking black man appeared, he smiled ugly and told me, you stay here obediently, your brother Zedao will come to you soon... and then I'm not afraid anymore... I have no appetite,

But try to eat more every day, and then wait for you to come to me and take me away...I...I miss my mother...I miss my father, I miss Zhou Yan, and...I miss you...I don’t cry It's... It's not easy for you to appear in my dream, crying, you should laugh at me..."

"Crying is a girl's right, so I won't laugh at you." Li Zedao said softly, his heart was full of guilt, after all, he was the one who got her involved.

"I don't believe it, you will definitely laugh at me... Hey, how can you talk?" Zhou Qian was slightly stunned, a little unbelievable, "Brother Zedao didn't talk when he appeared in my dreams before. "

"Because you're not dreaming." Li Zedao said softly.

"..." Zhou Qian's eyes widened slightly.

"Don't believe it?" Li Zedao said, then lowered his head, and his lips gently touched the lips of this pitifully weak girl.

Zhou Qian felt the heat of the other party's lips, her eyes widened, she had long forgotten to keep crying, and she felt dizzy.

"Really... not dreaming... Brother Ze Dao kissed me..." Then, Zhou Qian became even more dizzy, and her face turned red all of a sudden, as if she was drunk.

Li Zedao stopped his movements, raised his head to look at the stupid blushing face and said with a smile, "Believe it now? You are not dreaming, I have already brought you out of that place."

"Ze...Brother Zedao..." Zhou Qian stared blankly at this thoughtful face, but still couldn't react.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. Wearing a bathrobe and slippers, a pink-looking shadow trotted in, then came to the bedside, and patted Li Zedao on the back: "Daddy!" Fool, let's play, this genius girl wants to talk to little sister Zhou Qian."

"..." Li Zedao was so depressed that he wanted to shoot his shadow to death. What was she doing in such a touching and ambiguous moment? Afraid that the room is too dark to use as a light bulb? I should have known to lock the door.

Thinking of all kinds of bad behaviors of the shadow, Li Zedao suddenly felt that if he really wanted to lock the door, the little witch would definitely find a button* and blow it up.

Seeing the discharge watch on her dangling wrist, Li Zedao decisively stepped aside.

Zhou Qian was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the shadow, and then she saw the big bright eyes of this girl who was so tender that she could drip water staring at her, and she panicked when she saw it. Look away.

"Hee hee, little sister, hello, this talented girl is a shadow, and from now on, she will be your older sister. If some big fool dares to bully you, come and tell this talented girl, I will electrocute him!" Shadow stared fiercely and provocatively at Li Zedao who was rubbing his nose and smiling wryly.

So Zhou Qian, who was so dizzy and didn't even know what happened at all, now understood a little bit. The certain fool this pink girl was talking about should be Brother Zedao, right?

Then she whispered, "Ze...Brother Dao won't bully me..."

Then, Nanji, who was dressed in a black leather jacket and pants, walked in with great strides. She looked at Zhou Qian softly and said, "Are you awake? Well, I'm fine."

Then he looked at the shadow and said with a dark face: "Come with me, don't make trouble."

"Is there any trouble?" Shadow muttered aggrievedly, "Isn't it because she is too young, and I can't bear to see her being tortured by a certain animal?"

Nanji's face turned darker, Li Zedao was also speechless, and Zhou Qian's little face was even redder. If it wasn't for her shyness and nervousness, she would have pulled the quilt over her head.

"You don't need to worry about that." Nanji said angrily, "Besides, you are not much older than her."

"Yeah, the beautiful girl who is a genius today doesn't want to see the tragedy that happened to me happen again to sister Zhou hurts." Ying Yingyu couldn't stop thinking about it, and added, "Oh, after It's all very cool... But she is definitely not a big fool's opponent, as her older sister, this genius girl is willing to help by definition."

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, and seemed to be looking forward to it again.

Nanji's face turned even darker, without further ado, he lifted the shadow up and strode out of the room.

So Li Zedao and Zhou Qian were left in the huge room again, but they were no longer confused and ambiguous as before, and more embarrassing.

And now, Zhou Qian is 100% sure that she is not dreaming. When she was sleeping, Li Zedao appeared and took her away from the place where she felt no depression and no fear.

Thinking of Ze Dao's brother kissing herself, and what the talented girl said, Zhou Qian felt even more shy, her face was hot, her heart was beating at a terrifying speed, as if she was about to As if jumping out of his throat, his eyes moved to the other side, not daring to make any eye contact with Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked at this face, smiled and said: "The one who can choke to death is Shadow, a girl who likes chewing gum and is very narcissistic. Of course, although she is a little confused in some aspects, but in some aspects Convenient but very genius... The one who came in from behind is Antarctica, she looks cold and hard to get in touch with, but after a long time you know her, she has a very hot heart."

Zhou Qian gave a soft "hmm", if Li Zedao hadn't had a keen ear, I'm afraid she wouldn't have heard it well.

"You were brought to the island country by the bad guys. Neither your parents nor Zhou Yan knew about it, because I told them that I brought you to the island country for a tour. Don't reveal your secrets later." Li Zedao smiled, Said again.

"Island country?" Zhou Qian was stunned for a moment, then mustered up her courage, faced Li Zedao with shy eyes and nervous eyes, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Brother Zedao, this is... an island country?"

"Island DJ City." Li Zedao said, "Let's leave in these two days, and soon, you will be able to see your parents, and Zhou Yan."

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