"Damn bitch, how dare you spit blood!" Yi Yaochi's face turned from white to blue, from blue to purple, and then from purple to white, his body trembled violently, and he forced himself to kill without drawing his sword.

She really didn't expect that this bitch's mouth could be so vicious.

How dare you say that you are skittish? How dare you call yourself ugly?

"Bloody spitting?" Shui Feiling said lightly, "I heard that when your son was born, Baili Wuchang confessed to his relatives with a blood drop, and this incident caused a lot of trouble, and everyone in the world knows about it. "

"Bitch, how dare you maliciously slander my Baili family? Do you want to die?" Yi Yaochi was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, but he couldn't do anything, he was extremely aggrieved.

"Bitch, if you maliciously slander me, it is tantamount to maliciously slandering me at Buzhou Academy. I'm afraid you want to die too?" Shui Feiling sneered.

"Malicious slander? Do you dare to swear in the name of your cheap mother that you don't have the blood of the mystery fox in your body, and don't you have a fluffy tail growing behind your butt?" Yiyaochi finally found a chance to fight back, and let out a soft breath .

The corner of Shui Feiling's mouth curled up so coldly, and she said loudly, "Why don't you dare? I swear in the name of my mother, I don't have the blood of the mysterious fox on my body, and I don't have a tail behind my buttocks. There is a half-truth, which taught my mother's soul to be restless...Old lady, are you satisfied with this?"

old lady? Yiyaochi felt like a thunderbolt.

At first he was stunned, and then he was almost mad.

I have black and beautiful hair, I still maintain a beautiful figure, pink skin, and my eyes can fascinate a lot of men... How can this extremely humble woman call herself an old lady?

What made her never expect was that this bitch was so vicious, and for the sake of his own reputation, he cursed her lowly mother like this.

When the others heard the words, they all gasped again and again.

This woman looks a little ugly, a little old...Of course, the old and ugly here are mainly compared with Shui Feiling, so the conclusion can be drawn.

If you don't compare it with Shui Feiling, she is quite interesting.

It has to be said that the damage caused by the comparison is huge.

Standing with Concubine Shuiling, Yiyaochi is indeed qualified to be an old lady.

But no matter what, she is also the matriarch of the Baili family, and she even called the matriarch of the Baili family the old lady, and even uttered evil words. This is not only humiliating Yiyaochi, but also the Baili family. In humiliating Yingzhou College.

As a result, the faces of the teachers and students of Yingzhou College became extremely ugly, and they wished to immediately fight with Concubine Shuiling for three hundred rounds to protect the honor of the family.

At the same time, the teachers of Buzhou College headed by Master Xuanming were struck by the name Shui Feiling, and at the same time, they also became murderous, with an extremely strong fighting spirit in their eyes. match.

For a moment, two terrifying invisible auras collided fiercely, making an air explosion sound.

"Old lady, do you dare to swear on the reputation of the ancestor of your Baili family that you have never had sex with any other man except Baili Wuchang?" Shui Feiling giggled.

"..." Yi Yaochi felt that she was going crazy.

Even if she had ten guts, she would never dare to swear on the reputation of her ancestors, but if she didn't swear, wouldn't it be true that she had sex with other men?

This woman is really vicious!

at this time,

Su Caiman's voice came: "Clan mother, come quickly and take a look, the bone-eating beast seems to have found something."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes were immediately attracted.

But saw the bone-eating beast creaking under a big tree at the entrance of the valley, obviously found something.

"Bitch, let you live for a while!"

Yiyao Chi hurried down the steps, glared at Shui Feiling fiercely with murderous eyes, turned around, and left quickly.

Shui Feiling's mocking eyes quickly turned cold, looking at Yiyaochi's back was like looking at a dead person.

"Let's go, little brother, let's see if the damn bitch and the others really find that skeleton, if they do find it..."

Concubine Shui Ling became murderous, her voice was cold and piercing: "Then... kill her first, then rape her, then kill her and continue to rape..."

"Oh, I'll leave it to you, little brother." Concubine Shuiling changed the subject and gave Li Zedao a blank look.


The eyes that were originally murderous in the breath were full of autumn water, which was soul-stirring.

"..." Li Zedao had a feeling of being seriously insulted.

"It's cheaper for you." Shui Feiling said again.


"Why, you don't want to?" Shui Feiling giggled.

"My little brother doesn't like the old lady." Li Zedao said helplessly.

Concubine Shui Ling was overjoyed all of a sudden, and then her face was covered with a nervous smile: "My sister is over two hundred years old, and my sister is also an old lady."

"Sister Shui, if you are an old lady, then Linglong and the others are also old ladies." Li Zedao said quickly.

"You can talk." Concubine Shui gave Li Zedao a blank look, and walked forward.

Li Zedao smiled and hurriedly followed.

Li Zedao naturally knew that what the bone-eater discovered was definitely not the skeleton of Baili Jianyu. Sure enough, what Jing Wuwei dug up in the end was only the skeleton of an ice spirit ape.

Apparently which ice spirit ape died, and was buried under the big tree by his companions afterwards.

Li Zedao was secretly worried. According to this speed, it might not take too long for the skeleton buried by him to be discovered by the bone-eating beast.

At that time, they will definitely find that the skeleton has just been buried, and they will even know that the golden pupil has been taken away.

Although I hid the golden pupil well, but who knows if it will be exposed?

The search continues.

Yiyaochi has learned that Concubine Shuiling has a strong mouth and a vicious heart, so she doesn't come here to make trouble, so she takes out another bone-eating beast and goes into the valley to search.

As for Concubine Shuiling, she sat there with a comfortable expression, and instructed Li Zedao to go over and deal with the corpses of those beasts on the ground who were frightened to death by the muffled roar of the Kun beast, and see what can be eaten in a stew pot. She wants to drink and eat meat .

It's as if she came here for an outing at all, not to find the skeleton and fight to the death with Yingzhou College.

Li Zedao picked up local materials, and quickly helped to cook a pot of delicious broth. Now, he can only accompany Shui Feiling in such a "nonsense".

As for Concubine Shui Ling, she took out a wine gourd that she carried with her, unplugged it, and began to drink and eat meat.

Smelling the rich aroma of wine and meat in the air, all the people in Buzhou College, except for Changsheng Daoist who kept his eyes closed all the time, showed strange expressions in their eyes.

As for the ugly expressions of the teachers and students of Yingzhou College, they thought this woman was too conceited, and they didn't take Yingzhou College seriously at all.

At the same time, Wolongshuang, who had been "looking for" the skeleton, felt quite sad and desolate in his heart, and he felt like a big fool.

Feeling a lot of sympathetic or mocking eyes on him, he was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword and cut Li Zedao into pieces and stew.

The day passed like this, the sky quickly turned gray, and a blood-red waning moon appeared in the sky.

The Buzhou Mountains in the dark night are even more terrifying. From time to time, there are various hisses of poisonous insects and beasts that sound so ear-piercing and terrifying.

It's just that the Kun beast kept releasing terrifying coercion, so those poisonous insects and beasts didn't have the courage to approach this area at all.

Although there were two bone-eating beasts searching for it, Yingzhou College still searched to no avail.

The bone-eating beast found many bones, but they were all bones of poisonous insects and beasts, not Baili Jianyu's bones at all.

Soon, another night passed.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the valley in the morning, one of the bone-eating beasts in front of a big rock in the northwest corner of the valley made a "cheep-cheep-cheep" sound, apparently discovering something again.

When Su Caiman heard the words, she flicked her body and appeared in front of the big rock.

Of course, because I have failed too many times, I don't have any hope in my heart, I just think it's the skeleton of some poisonous beast again.

Not far away, when Li Zedao saw this, his pupils shrank slightly, and his heart felt bitter. The skeleton was found after all!

Su Caiman glanced at the big rock, stretched out her hand and slapped it lightly on the big rock.

There was only a muffled sound of "啪!", and the big rock didn't shatter, but was slapped flying.

Looking at the ground that was pressed by the big rock, Su Caiman raised her eyebrows slightly. There seems to be something wrong with this place.

The soil here is very new and fluffy, obviously just been turned over.

If there are bones under here, someone must have buried them in this place not long ago.

Su Caiman looked up at Jing Wuwei, and shouted, "Mr. Jing, come here and dig this place up."

Jing Wuwei gave Su Caiman a blank look, and within a breath, his figure suddenly appeared beside Su Caiman.

"So fast!" Li Zedao's heart trembled when he saw this!

This is naturally the practice of some extremely powerful spiritual skill that can increase the speed, and it has been cultivated to great success.

Even Concubine Shui Ling's eyes revealed a trace of solemnity.

In terms of cultivation, this Jing Wuwei is naturally not as good as him, but his speed is still higher than his own. If he meets him, even if he succeeds in killing him in the end, it will take a lot of energy.

Jing Wuwei's eyes, like the eyes of a dead man, fell on the ground, and he stretched out his hand, as if inserting into tofu, and immediately inserted into the soil, and began to dig.

For a while, many people's eyes were also attracted.

Of course, they didn't have too much hope in their hearts. After all, dozens of skeletons had been dug up before and after, and without exception, they were all bones of poisonous insects and beasts. Presumably this time is no exception.

After a few breaths, Jing Wuwei stretched out his hand from the soil, but saw something extra in his hand!


That was a skull!

Almost everyone's eyes widened at once, and their spirits were shaken.

Concubine Shuiling's pupils shrank slightly, and she rushed towards Jing Wuwei in a flash, planning to grab it.

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