Of course, it wasn't really snatching, she just... Well, just take it and take a look.

This duel is not so much about finding the bones, but rather about deciding who owns the pupil membrane formed by the golden pupil.

And once the pupil membrane is formed, it will be inside the skull if nothing unexpected happens.

She is fast, but Yiyaochi is obviously faster!

This woman had appeared in front of Jing Wuwei a long time ago, and even snatched the skeleton from his hand, looking at Shui Feiling with a vicious glint in her eyes.

"What? It's not yet confirmed whether this is the skeleton of Baili Jianyu from our Baili family. You are just a coquettish fox and can't wait to do it?"

Shui Feiling sneered: "Old lady, I just couldn't wait to confirm the identity of this skeleton and kill you early, then throw the corpse in the wilderness, let those poisonous insects and beasts rape your corpse, and then continue to kill you." , kill and rape and continue to kill."

"..." Yi Yaochi was so angry that her face turned green and her nose was crooked.

After living for so long, it was the first time someone dared to talk to her like this.

If there wasn't a damned old man on the Kun beast above, she would have killed someone long ago.

The others gasped a few times when they heard the words, and felt that this Shui Feiling's mouth was really sharp.

"Originally, I wanted to leave the matter of raping you to my cute little brother, but he said he didn't like old ladies." Shui Feiling pointed to Li Zedao who was beside her and giggled.

"..." Li Zedao had the feeling of being shot while lying down.

Feeling the murderous look in Yiyaochi's eyes, Li Zedao couldn't cry even if he wanted to.

If the person Yiyaochi wanted to kill the most was Shui Feiling, then the person she wanted to kill second was probably herself.

"Old lady, I heard that you are going to be raped, are you already excited?" Shui Feiling blinked her big eyes.

"You..." Yiyao Chi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Finally, he managed to restrain himself from launching the fiercest attack on Concubine Shuiling, but looked back at Jing Wuwei and shouted: "What are you still doing? Keep digging!"

At the same time, Yi Yaochi glanced at the skull in his hand seemingly unintentionally, frowned, and then casually put the skull on the ground.

Seeing this, Concubine Shui already knew that there was no pupil membrane in the skull, so she smiled coldly and didn't bother to stare at the skull.

It seems that although there is a skeleton buried here, it does not seem to be the skeleton of Baili Jianyu.

Of course, not necessarily, who knows if the pupil membrane rolled down from the skull?


Therefore, she focused on Jing Wuwei, and once she found out that he had dug out something extraordinary, she would immediately... oh, take it over and have a look.

Li Zedao turned his attention to Su Caiman.

At this point, in order to avoid further exposure, the best way is to do it immediately.

At the same time, Wo Longshuang, who was silently greeting Li Zedao's family members while looking for the so-called bones, also rushed over, staring at Jing Wuwei with rather unkind eyes.

For a moment, the surrounding atmosphere became a little chilly.

Soon, Jing Wuwei dug out many bones, and every time he threw out a piece, he pieced it together.

Everyone's pupils were also widened, staring at the skeleton, but extremely strong doubts filled their hearts.

It seems that this skeleton is completely different from the skeletons found before. The skeletons of the poisonous insects and beasts discovered before are relatively complete, but this skeleton seems to be completely broken into pieces, even including the sternum. Small pieces, seemingly completely crushed.

It seems that the deceased suffered extremely serious injuries during his lifetime, and all the bones on his body were broken, or perhaps, this skeleton was buried in this place later.

After about a stick of incense, there was a skeleton pieced together from several bones on the ground.

It can be clearly seen that the palms and soles of this skeleton are missing thumbs, so it should be Baili Jianyu who was born with limbs and limbs without a doubt!

For a while, the atmosphere became depressing, because the discovery of the bones meant that the two sides were about to fight to the death!

Yiyaochi frowned even more.

Judging from the traces, the skeleton was undoubtedly buried here later, and not for a long time. But no trace of the golden pupil was found, so someone went there first and buried the skeleton here?

"Is the identity confirmed now?" Shui Feiling sneered.

"This is Jian Yu's skeleton." Yi Yaochi glanced at Shui Feiling with murderous eyes, and had no choice but to speak.

"Since this is the skeleton of Baili Jianyu, then old lady, you can go to die!"

Shui Feiling shouted angrily, and her whole body became murderous.

In fact, she didn't care so much about whether there was a pupillary membrane. It was good to have it. After all, after getting it, she could disgust the Baili family and stimulate their nerves.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't, anyway, her ultimate goal is to kill this woman! She had been waiting for this day for too long, and she couldn't wait to do it.

Of course, whether she can be killed in the end is one thing, at least, she has to vent! Vent her full of resentment!

Before Shui Feiling could finish her sentence, Li Zedao, who had already drawn out his long sword, could not wait to stab Su Caiman with his sword.

This is Li Zedao's little trick.

If you do it immediately, who has time to wonder if the bones were buried in this place not long ago?

Su Caiman frowned, and drew his sword to meet him.

The two fought fast, and they turned into two afterimages, one black and one white.

At the same time, Concubine Shui Ling's whip had already come out, and she lashed towards Yiyao Chi fiercely.

"Bitch, are you looking for death?" Yi Yaochi didn't care about the pupils anymore, and just wanted to kill Concubine Shuiling to vent her hatred.

With a flick of his hand, there was already a dagger in his hand.

In an instant, the dagger was surrounded by circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying power.

At this moment, her pupils shrank violently, and her mind was in a daze.

Because, Shui Feiling's whip contained a terrifying blue cyclone, not a red and blue cyclone.

how so? Wasn't that lowly brothel woman pregnant with a mystery fox?

Before she had time to think about it, she clenched the short sword in her hand and ruthlessly met Shui Feiling's whip.

The battle begins!

All eyes on Kun Beast were attracted, and most of them focused on Yiyaochi and Shuifeiling.

After all, the victory or defeat of these two masters at the peak of the acquired spiritual realm is related to the victory or defeat of the two colleges. Whoever wins means that which side has the upper hand in this duel.

The few people who knew the existence of the golden pupil naturally had abnormal thoughts, wondering where the pupil membrane was.

In an instant, two cyclones containing terrifying energy collided fiercely.

At the moment of impact, the entire space almost fell into an extremely strange dead silence, of course, this is the kind of tranquility when the storm is approaching.

Immediately, a deafening air explosion exploded in mid-air, shaking the entire valley to humming, as if the sky was falling apart.

Immediately afterwards, the blasted air flow was like rows of sharp blades, flying towards all directions.

For a while, weeds, sand and stones splashed everywhere, no less than a small storm.

And between the flying sand and rocks, two afterimages, one black and one white, are completely intertwined, and even because of the excessive speed, it is impossible to tell who is black and who is white.

The two terrifying cyclones continued to collide ferociously, and the sound of air explosions continued, and they all looked like they would never die.

On the other hand, the air explosions produced by Li Zedao and Su Caiman are not as good as Shui Feiling and Su Caiman, but they are also extremely intense. The two are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other.

"Brother Jing, shall we start too?" Wo Longshuang looked at the expressionless Jing Wuwei, but the murderous aura on his body was restrained, and he even grinned.

Jing Wuwei looked at Wolongshuang blankly, without any response.

Wo Longshuang didn't care either, he knew before that this guy was dumb and speechless.

Smiling, he pointed to Li Zedao who had turned into an afterimage, and said, "Shui Feiling seems to care about that damned little boy, so as long as he is under control, it should be enough to make Shui Feiling fall into the trap."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jing Wuwei's body disappeared in place strangely, without a trace.

For Li Zedao, Su Caiman's threat to him is not too great. Although this woman is strong, she is just like him. If she uses a unique trick, such as using the golden pupil, Li Zedao thinks that she should be able to take her down. right.

It's a pity that the golden pupil cannot be used at will.

At this moment, Li Zedao's body froze suddenly, and the whole person stood there abruptly.

Li Zedao's complexion changed drastically, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe it was true.

At some point, Jing Wuwei appeared behind Li Zedao, and even his two withered hands clasped his wrists at once, making him unable to move at once.

At this moment, the sword light flashed.

The long sword in Su Caiman's hand slashed fiercely across Li Zedao's chest, and directly cut through the clothes on Li Zedao's body. Even if Li Zedao was not wearing blood silk armor next to his body, he might have been disembowelled.

Su Caiman's sword didn't show any mercy at all, so this sword still cut through the solid blood silk armor after all. Although it didn't open his belly, it also cut Li Zedao's flesh, and the blood kept flowing for a while. It came out and dyed the white robe on Li Zedao's body red.

The sudden great change made the expressions of the teachers at the Buzhou Academy on Kunshou very ugly, and they couldn't believe that this scene was real.

Wolongshuang, who was supposed to face Jing Wuwei, not only did not take the initiative to attack Jing Wuwei, but said that, and then let Jing Wuwei go to control Li Zedao.

With Jing Wuwei's speed that even surpasses the average peak-level spiritual powerhouse, plus his cultivation, he can control Li Zedao, who is not at the peak of the low-level spiritual world, and has a bit of a sneak attack. Since it succeeded all at once.

So, Wolongshuang is a traitor planted by Yingzhou Academy in Buzhou Academy?

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