The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2170 humble man

"Damn it!" Master Xuanming's face turned blue, looking at Wolongshuang as if he was looking at a dead person, he wished he could jump down immediately and slap this damned traitor to death.

Doubts welled up in my heart. You must know that there are not many candidates with peak cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm, so why did you choose this traitor by such a coincidence?

Could it be that the long-lived old thief had doubts about this Wolongshuang for a long time but couldn't produce evidence, so he was selected as a duel member so that he could jump out on his own?

If so, is it too risky to do so?

Glancing at the still-closed-eyed Immortal Changsheng, Immortal Xuanming wanted to go crazy, and almost couldn't hold back his kick and kicked him off the Kun beast.

This is all troublesome, how can he turn a deaf ear to it?

Your pretentiousness will make us feel quite chilled, okay?

Li Zedao glanced at his chest, looked up at the masked woman in front of him, and said with some surprise: "I thought you wouldn't do it."

Li Zedao was very angry. Not only did this woman not stop when he was completely controlled, she even slashed at her with a sword. Do you want to show some face? Is there any dignity of the strong?

"Bang!" The long sword was sheathed.

Su Caiman looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, and said coldly: "I told you to wash your body long ago, lest I dirty my sword when I kill you, so why should I not?" Do it?"

"Despicable villain!" Li Zedao expressed contempt, "If we fight openly, I will definitely defeat you."

This time, Su Caiman directly ignored Li Zedao. People who fail always like to have a mouthful. She has seen too many people like this, and she has long been used to it.

Instead, he looked at Jing Wuwei and said, "Teacher Jing, this Li Zedao is quite shameless, and don't forget that he might have that weird poisonous pill on him, so it would be better to break his hand."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face trembled. How could this woman be so vicious?

Jing Wuwei didn't say a word to respond, but he exerted a little force on his hands that firmly grasped Li Zedao's wrists.

"Crack!" The terrifying sound of bone breaking sounded.

Both of Li Zedao's wrists were pinched to pieces, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground at once, and his face turned pale at the same time.

The pain is not too painful, after all, he has experienced the horrible experience of being eaten one by one, and even experienced the torture of the soul nail that is said to be unbearable even by the magic mirror. When Hitomi's bloodline chose the master, he experienced that indescribable pain again.

Therefore, the pain caused by the disembowelment and the crushed wrist was really nothing to him.

It's just that I feel extremely aggrieved in my heart, knowing that there may be something wrong with Wolongshuang, but in the end he still gave me a slap in the face.

Su Caiman nodded in satisfaction. In this way, even if he had that strange poison hidden in his body, he would not be able to detonate it.

Looking up, I saw a cyclone full of terrifying energy overflowing in the mid-air in front of me, and the sound of air explosions continued. The clan mother was fighting that water concubine spirit.

Looking at this kind of battle situation, the strength of these two people is equal, and neither can do anything to the other for a while.

"Boom!" There was another deafening air explosion, and two figures, one black and one white, flew upside down.

Immediately, the two changed from moving to still.

Shui Feiling stood on the top of that big tree, and Yiyao Chi stood on the top of another big tree,

The faces of both of them turned pale, and there was a fine red bloodshot at the corner of their mouths. It is conceivable that after the head-to-head battle within less than half a stick of incense, both of them were injured.

Seeing that Li Zedao fell into the other party's hands, while Wo Longshuang walked up to Jing Wuwei and stood with him, staring at him with a sneer on his face, Shui Feiling's pale face was a little ugly again, her eyes There was an extremely terrifying murderous aura coming out.

Wolong cream? Damn it!

Yiyao Chi smiled, with a sarcastic smile: "It seems that you, a damn bitch, care about your little lover a lot."

Shui Feiling was silent.

Because of anger, worry, and injury, my chest felt extremely tight, and I felt like I wanted to cough.

But she knew that she must not cough, once she coughed, she would definitely spit out congested blood, and if she spit out congested blood, she would definitely be ridiculed by the vicious slut Yiyaochi.

It is even more true that I am really worried about the safety of my little brother now, which will only make me more passive and put my little brother in greater danger.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, or I'll cut off your sweetheart's flesh piece by piece!" Yiyaochi was extremely proud, with a look of winning.

Concubine Shuiling still didn't speak, her expression kept changing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


Yiyaochi glanced at Wolongshuang who was standing there.

Wo Longshuang nodded to express his understanding, and looked at Li Zedao with ferocious eyes, more gloating.

He had long seen this guy quite unhappy, and now that he had the opportunity to torture him, it made him feel quite comfortable.

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off Li Zedao's thigh.

Li Zedao's already pale face turned pale again, and his body couldn't help shivering because of the pain.

Although this kind of pain is not comparable to the pain caused by the punishment of the soul nail, it still hurts after all.

On Kun Beast, the teachers and students of Yingzhou College didn't have much expression on their faces, as if they had expected the scene that was happening.

As for the teachers of Buzhou Academy headed by Master Xuan Ming, their eyes were about to burst into flames.

If Li Zedao was injured by people from Yingzhou College, they might not be so angry, but he was injured by Wolongshuang...

They only felt that their skins were hot, and they really had a feeling of being severely slapped in the face.

This time, it can be regarded as being severely slapped by Yingzhou College.

Concubine Shuiling's face darkened again, but her heart felt as if she had been stabbed severely by a sword.

"Bitch, if you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, your little lover will continue to suffer..." Yiyaochi made a voice like a villain.

"Old lady, are you...too naive?" At this moment Shui Feiling smiled, a very disdainful smile, her voice was not loud, but it did not contain any human emotions.

"To me, that's just a lowly man, just looking for one after death."

Yiyaochi narrowed her eyes and gave Wolongshuang a look.

Wo Longshuang swung the long sword again, cutting off a large piece of flesh from Li Zedao's other thigh.

Li Zedao's body trembled even more violently, bead-sized beads of sweat kept coming out of his forehead, blurring his eyes, making it almost impossible for him to see clearly what was in front of him.

Concubine Shui Ling still kept that disdainful smile, and even seemed to be lively with interest.

"Gouging out his two eyes!" Yi Yaochi squeezed out these words through gritted teeth.

She really didn't believe that this damn bitch would completely ignore the life and death of that little boy.

The sarcasm on Shui Feiling's face remained unchanged, but her heart began to tremble violently, the pain was so severe that it seemed that she was about to stop breathing.

But she knew very clearly that she couldn't show any true emotions, otherwise, not only would she not be able to save her little brother, it would only make him die faster.

She firmly remembered what Li Zedao said before.

Li Zedao told her that even if he falls into the hands of Yingzhou College, don't pay attention to him, just watch him coldly.

So, her performance now is so ruthless.

"Damn little brother, if you just die like this..."

Concubine Shui Ling gritted her silver teeth secretly: "Sister just stay with you!"

Of course, these people must be killed before they die! Especially the traitor Wolongshuang, Shui Feiling wanted to chop him up and feed him to the dogs.

An extremely cruel smile appeared in Wolongshuang's eyes, and he raised his long sword, trying to dig out these annoying eyes that had previously ignored his existence.

"Wait..." Li Zedao made a voice that seemed to be struggling to death, "Don't kill me, I know where the golden pupil's pupils are..."

As soon as Li Zedao said this, all those eyes, knowing or not, all fell on him without exception, and there was a look of extreme surprise in their eyes.

Even Shui Feiling's mouth twitched a few times, damned little brother, does he know what he's talking about?

Still, he's so shameless, so does he say that to delay time or is there some other purpose?

"Boy, are you trying to delay time? Do you think someone will come to save you?" Yiyao Chi sneered, "Now, except for your Sister Shui who can save you, the others are even the strong ones in the Fairy Mirror. Not you, let alone anyone else."

The spirit fairy mirror expert is naturally referring to the Immortal Immortal. According to the regulations, he is indeed not allowed to make a move, and the teachers of the bad academy on the Kun beast are naturally also not allowed to make a move.

In addition, even if someone entered this place by mistake and saw the Kun beast in mid-air and the powerful formation, they would quickly hide away, let alone save someone.

"Unfortunately, your Sister Shui is too cruel, she has no intention of saving you at all. Boy, how about I spare your life if you insult that bitch severely?" Yi Yaochi's eyes were vicious He glanced at Shui Feiling.

"I really know where the pupil of the golden pupil is, because I buried the skeleton on the ground there." Li Zedao said.

Yiyaochi sneered endlessly: "Boy, are you really going to think I'm a fool? If that's the case, then I can only goug out your eyes first."

"My old man, Baili Jianyu, died here today, leaving behind a pair of golden pupils to give to those who are destined. I hope that after getting these pupils, I will avenge my old man!"

Li Zedao said anxiously: "If you want to get the golden pupils of this old man, you have to promise me one thing, and that is to swear a poisonous oath that you must kill Bailiqing... Mu..."

Before he could utter the word "wood", Li Zedao felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a rather delicate hand was firmly stuck on his throat, making his breathing stagnant all of a sudden, let alone saying anything. Words are gone.

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