The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2194 Breakthrough

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The little turtle floating there had a gloating look on his face. Damn Xiaodaozi, your sister dares to be so white-eyed. See if Master Turtle hates you to death.

It made Li Zedao even more disgusted that he doubted that the things in life were yet to come!

His body was uncontrollable, he continued to move forward, and just like that, the fist-sized snake gall was squeezed into his mouth bit by bit.

"oh oh……"

Li Zedao's eyeballs were staring round and turned white, his expression was extremely painful, and big big eyeballs slipped from his eyes.

After the whole snake gallbladder entered his mouth, Li Zedao bit down without any control.


This is the sound of upper and lower teeth clenching together fiercely.

In an instant, as if time froze and everything stood still... At least Li Zedao felt this way in his heart, he felt that he had lost his breath, and his brain completely lost the ability to think.

Immediately, an extremely strange taste filled his entire mouth, and then swept his soul.

Immediately, the snake gall rushed down his throat as if it had turned into a frightened mouse.

"Uh... vomit..."

Li Zedao's mind roared violently, his body shook like a sieve, and immediately his eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Zedao sat up cleverly.

His mind was still stuck in the scene before he passed out, his mouth opened uncontrollably, and then he stuffed the snake gall into his mouth uncontrollably and bit it down...

"Ouch..." Li Zedao clutched his stomach and began to vomit wildly. He vomited out acid, bile, and even vomited out all his internal organs.

After spitting and spitting, I realized that I was on the trunk of a big tree, surrounded by the dense poisonous miasma, it was difficult to distinguish the direction, and the silence was terrifying.

" coming out?" Li Zedao held his twisted stomach and stood up with difficulty.

Immediately, his pupils widened, his scalp became numb, and he gasped several times.

But he saw a big snake with a length of tens of feet floating on the turbid water in front of him. The big snake's belly was facing the sky, and it was clearly visible that there was a big bloody hole in the belly.

The muddy water on the side was even more reddened by the stinky blood.

"This is the shadow python that swallowed itself in one gulp, and then the little turtle crushed its stomach with its claws, and the snake gall was swallowed by itself in one gulp... vomit..."

Li Zedao was so sick that he started to vomit again.

"Xiao Daozi, are you finished? If you continue to vomit, be careful that Master Turtle will let you eat all the vomit!" The little turtle floating there scolded impatiently.

Li Zedao's little heart simply trembled, knowing that the little turtle was not joking with him.

Forcibly swallowing the acid that was about to be spit out, he looked up at the little turtle floating in front of him, his eyes were quite wronged, but his heart was filled with murderous aura, wishing to kill this damned turtle and make soup to drink .

"What are you looking at? Are you wronged? Wronged your sister! The typical one who wants to be cute when you get cheap is you shameless trash like Xiaodaozi." The little turtle pouted angrily, and the words he said were as usual Makes you want to vomit blood.

"I bought a watch last year!" Li Zedao cursed inwardly.

"Take a good look yourself and see if your cultivation has risen to a higher level."

"Huh?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

Quickly mobilized the aura in his body, his eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of astonishment.

He found that his cultivation had broken through again, and what was even more shocking was that he had broken through two levels in succession, and now he had entered the top-rank cultivation of the Spiritual God Realm!

It's just that even if he has an extremely terrifying talent, he shouldn't be able to improve his cultivation so quickly. What's going on here?

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Zedao's unbelievable eyes fell on the corpse of the shadow python, could it be... because he swallowed the gall of the shadow python alive?

How can this be?

Li Zedao has never heard that the snake gall of swallowing the shadow python, that is, the inner alchemy of the shadow python, can improve one's own cultivation.

"It... because of the snake gall of the shadow python?" Li Zedao asked with difficulty.

Except for this reason, he really couldn't find any reason.

If it was really because of the snake gall, Li Zedao felt that he was about to die of shame, because just now because the little turtle forced him to swallow the snake gall, he kept greeting the little turtle's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

Li Zedao felt that he was indeed as described by the little turtle, he was a white-eyed wolf.

"Nonsense, then what do you think is the reason why you broke through again so quickly? Just because you are ugly? Just because you are quite trash? Just because you are an ungrateful white-eyed wolf." The little turtle was angry scolded.

"..." Li Zedao felt that even if it was the snake gall that made his cultivation breakthrough, he was not ashamed at all.

Can't it be because I'm handsome? Because my cultivation talent is outrageously high? Because I value love and righteousness, especially when facing beautiful girls...

Li Zedao was quite angry when his personality was insulted in this way.

But remembering that this is a turtle, it is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior to be angry with a turtle, so the depression naturally faded a lot.

"As for why the inner alchemy of the shadow python will improve your cultivation level...don't ask Mr. Gui why, such a question is too stupid, Mr. Gui is too lazy to answer you."

Therefore, Li Zedao had to swallow the question he was about to blurt back into his stomach.

"Xiao Daozi, although you are trash, you must know that the snake gall is the inner alchemy of the shadow python, where it stores its spiritual energy..."


Li Zedao discovered that apart from slandering his own reputation, the tortoise's favorite thing to do was to slap itself on the turtle's face.

But he also nodded cooperatively, expressing that he understood.

"When the shadow python dies, the aura contained in this inner alchemy will disappear instantly, and then this is an ordinary inner alchemy that can be used to refine various elixirs."

"However, when the shadow python is still alive, this inner alchemy is full of rich spiritual energy. If you swallow it in one gulp, Xiao Daozi, it is equivalent to swallowing the rich spiritual energy contained in the inner alchemy. After that, Mr. Gui I am helping you to guide you to swallow the spiritual energy, so that the spiritual energy will not explode your body all at once, but will merge with the original spiritual energy in your body, and then you will break through like this."

"Xiao Daozi, do you understand now?" The little turtle rolled his eyes at Li Zedao.

How can there be such stupid garbage? It's so stupid to not understand such a superficial truth.

Li Zedao took a few breaths, and there is such an operation?

Therefore, in order to obtain a large amount of aura in this way to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, first of all, the poisonous beast must be alive, and second, it must swallow its core while it is still alive.

At this time, I still need a super strong person to help guide me, otherwise my body will be blown up by the huge aura...

It seems that this breakthrough method is extremely difficult to replicate. After all, no one would be foolishly swallowed by poisonous insects and beasts... Unless he has a heaven-defying horcrux like a golden cover, he would have been digested when he was swallowed. And then it turned into a piece of shit.

And this poisonous beast is big enough, you have to make sure it swallows you whole instead of swallowing you in small bites.

In addition, poisonous insects such as fire scorpions have their inner cores located in the brain. Even if it is big enough and you have a golden shield, you may not be able to reach its brain and swallow its inner alchemy in one go, right?

The main reason is that the inner alchemy of the fire scorpion is much larger than the gallbladder of the shadow python, it is as big as a basketball, and it also has an extremely terrifying temperature, making it impossible to bite.

So, no matter how you look at it, although this breakthrough method sounds simple and attractive, it has great limitations.

"Thank you, Mr. Turtle." Li Zedao bowed with gratitude.

This is a heartfelt gratitude. If it wasn't for the little turtle, he would have broken through the mid-level cultivation of the Spiritual God Realm and entered the upper-level cultivation of the Spiritual God Realm. I don't know when he would get it.

"Your sister's Xiaodaozi, Mr. Turtle doesn't need your rubbish gratitude." The little turtle tilted his head, his expression quite disdainful.

"..." Seeing that it has saved his life many times, and now it has greatly improved his cultivation, Li Zedao decided not to care about this little tortoise who may have entered menopause for many years.

Immediately, Li Zedao suddenly remembered that Nangong Meili and Shuifeiling should have witnessed the scene where they were swallowed by the shadow python, and they were very anxious. Who knows if these two women will make any drastic moves? ?

Frantically searching for the whereabouts of the shadow python, so that he got lost somewhere and encountered any danger.

Even Concubine Shuiling, with her temperament, would she even blame Nangong Meili for her death and kill her?

"Master Turtle, where are we now? You must know the exact location of my Sister Shui and the others, right?" Li Zedao was so anxious that he was about to cry.

The little tortoise glanced at Li Zedao, yawned gracefully, and the tortoise pointed forward: "You two friends are about ten feet away from here, don't worry, they are both alive and well. "

"Thank you, Mr. Turtle." Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to rush towards the direction the little turtle pointed.

"Xiao Daozi, without Mr. Gui to help you guide the direction, you will definitely lose your way if you don't get five feet away." The little turtle said angrily.

But I don't understand it in my heart. How can this shameless white-eyed wolf ghost have so many ideas? First, it was the modification of the musket, and then it refined the poison pill that would explode when touched, and now it is the device that can always point in the same direction...

In time, if he becomes a soul craftsman and starts refining soul pills and horcruxes, won't the things he makes be more powerful?

The little turtle couldn't help but began to look forward to what kind of height he would reach in the future.

"Besides, what are you in a hurry for? This place is surrounded by those damn little snakes. Other poisonous insects and beasts have no guts to come here, so they are quite safe." I was expecting, but my attitude was as bad as ever.

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