The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2195 Golden Cover

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Li Zedao's body was rigidly fixed there, and he looked back at the little turtle with hot and humble eyes.

In any case, he couldn't wait to get back to those two women.

"Your sister's Xiaodaozi, if you look at Mr. Turtle with such eyes, be careful that Mr. Turtle will slap you to death." The little turtle simply had goosebumps all over his body.

Not to mention the slightest advantage in this kid, especially the look in his eyes, it's really disgusting... It's so disgusting, the little turtle wants to spit out the breakfast he ate a few days ago.

"What are you in a hurry for, Mr. Gui, I haven't finished talking yet." The little turtle pouted.

Li Zedao had no choice but to hold back his temper and wait for the little turtle to finish speaking.

"This is for you." The little turtle clapped its paws,

Immediately, a small ball the size of a ping-pong ball with a mysterious golden yellow surface slowly floated in front of Li Zedao.

"Master Turtle, is this... a pill?" Li Zedao widened his eyes and reached out to take the ball.

Immediately, his body couldn't help shivering.

cold! The ball unexpectedly released a rather strange coldness, and the surrounding temperature also dropped suddenly, giving people a sinister feeling.

Li Zedao is very familiar with this kind of weird coldness, and this kind of coldness can only be released when a large number of ghosts are integrated.

So, this is a soul pill?

"Elixir, your sister." The little tortoise rolled his eyes, decisively feeling that he was insulted to death. Have you ever seen such a high-quality elixir?

"It's the golden shield."

"Ah?" Li Zedao gasped, his hands trembled, and the ball almost fell out of his hands.

"This... is this the golden cover?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't speak fluently.

"Your sister's Xiaodao, isn't it just a golden cover? What's so great about it?" The little turtle curled its lips in disdain.

"Give it to me?" Li Zedao swallowed.

What really made his heart tremble was not only because this little golden ball was the most precious golden cover in the world,

It was the little turtle who actually covered him with gold.

He looked at the little tortoise suspiciously, asking if this damned tortoise is so generous? There will be no conspiracy, right?

"Your sister's Xiaodaozi, what is that expression on your face? How dare you doubt Master Turtle's words? Do you believe that Master Turtle made you kneel down and lick the garbage you spit out?" The little turtle stared.

Li Zedao was startled, and quickly smiled with him: "I'm just too excited...By the way, Mr. Gui, how do you use this golden cover?"

"The golden cover is a god-level Horcrux." The little turtle said, "Any Horcruxes above the eighth rank can be called god-level Horcruxes. God-level Horcruxes not only have extremely terrifying power, they even have Spirituality."


"It means that god-level Horcruxes are quite proud. They will choose their own masters, and those garbage are not worthy of being their masters." The little turtle also knew that this shameless guy was quite stupid, so he explained a little more impatiently.

"Uh... Master Gui means that I am qualified to be the owner of this golden cover?"

The little turtle rolled his eyes: "How does Mr. Turtle know? Mr. Turtle just wants you to try it out to see if you can become the owner of this golden cover. If you can't, return it to Mr. Turtle."

"...Mr. Turtle, what should I do?"

"It's very simple, put it on your chest, let it feel your heartbeat, your soul, and finally if it inhabits your soul, it shows that it wants you to be its master, otherwise it proves that you are too It’s rubbish, even the golden hood despises you, so hurry up and return it to Mr. Gui, and then Xiaodaozi, you can draw your sword and commit suicide.”

Li Zedao directly ignored the vicious words of the little turtle, and hurriedly put the little ball on his chest as he said.

After a few breaths, I saw that the small ball began to emit a strange golden light, and then the light became more and more intense, and then gradually dimmed.

And as the light disappeared completely, Li Zedao was surprised to find that the small ball had disappeared, but Li Zedao clearly felt its existence.

So... it has already merged with his own soul? It is willing to be his master?

The little turtle's eyes widened slightly, and its beak violently pulled.

In fact, it took out the golden cover with an attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, this shameless guy was successfully recognized by the golden cover.

In time, this kid will most likely become a more powerful character than Mr. Gui and those old monsters.

It seems that there is no need to doubt now, he is the person that Panlong predicted!

"Mr. Turtle, I... succeeded?" Li Zedao's eyes revealed an unconcealable ecstasy.

"Xiao Daozi, Mr. Turtle admits that you are not such a rubbish, oh, but if you are not so rubbish, you are still rubbish." The little turtle curled his lips.

After getting this supreme treasure, Li Zedao was so excited that he didn't bother to argue with the little turtle: "Master Turtle, how should I use this golden cover?"

"Master Turtle, take back what you just said." The little turtle wanted to vomit blood.


"You're not that trashy, you're pretty trashy."



Concubine Shui Ling stood up, her eyes full of great grief and hatred stared at Nangong Meili who was expressionless like a wood carving, took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Get up!"

Nangong Meili looked up at Concubine Shuiling, she was still silent, but she also stood up.

"I really wanted to kill you just now!" Shui Feiling said.

"Me too." Nangong Meili said, her voice became hoarse, one can imagine how much grief and self-blame she was bearing in her heart at this time.

"I really want to kill myself."

Shui Feiling's heart twitched, and she suddenly realized that this woman's liking for her little brother was no less than her own, and her grief was no less than her own.

"I know, next you will go to find that snake and avenge him. I won't go, I want to move on to find Gu God." Nangong Meili said again.

Concubine Shuiling was silent. She knew that the reason why this woman chose to move on was because she wanted to die.

Without looking for the Gu God, she couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart, after all, the Gu God was related to her mother's life.

Therefore, she chose to continue searching for the Gu God by herself, which means that she is ready to die, after all, the hidden dangers ahead are simply not something that a mere low-level cultivation base in the Spiritual God Realm can handle. Yes, it's not even something that a strong man at the top of the Spiritual God Realm can handle!

"Find that snake first to avenge my little brother, and then go to find Gu God." Shui Feiling took a deep breath and said.

"Huh?" The expression on Nangong Meili's face froze.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to help my little brother accomplish what he wants to do... What's your expression?" Shui Feiling frowned.

At this moment, Nangong Meili's eyeballs actually widened, and she looked like a ghost. Immediately, her shoulders trembled violently, and immediately after, big tears fell from her pupils.

"Even if I am willing to accompany you to find the Gu God, you don't have to be so moved, right?"

"Sister Shui, classmate Meili..."

Just then, a familiar voice came from behind.

Shui Feiling's body froze, the expression on her face was completely frozen, and her ears were buzzing.

Her stiffened body turned around with difficulty, only to see Li Zedao standing there at some point, staring at them with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Little...little brother?" Shui Feiling muttered to herself.

"I'm dreaming...I must be dreaming..." Shui Feiling was extremely messy.

She just stared at Li Zedao in a daze, watched Nangong Meili jump into Li Zedao's arms at some point in a daze, and watched their lips jammed together in a daze.

"Damn it! Adultery-husband-fornication-wife!" Concubine Shui was quick-witted, her face became quite ugly, and she rushed over in a flash.

"Let go of him! Let me do it!" She shouted angrily, but tears were flying.

She violently separated the two people, and then threw herself heavily into Li Zedao's arms, about to gag him heavily.

Suddenly thought of something, when her lips were less than one centimeter away from Li Zedao's lips, she stopped there abruptly.

"Little brother, first wipe off the woman's saliva on your mouth, rinse your mouth well and wash your mouth clean, sister is kissing you." Shui Feiling said.

As a proud and noble woman with a cleanliness obsession, Shui Feiling would never allow herself to eat other women's saliva.


After two sticks of incense, the emotions of the two women gradually returned to calm, and their eyes fell on Li Zedao in unison.

Li Zedao was stared at by Concubine Shuiling and Nangong Meili's eyes, giving him the feeling that these two women are two tigers, ready to pounce on him at any time and tear his clothes off.

It is even more emotional that Nangong Meili has such an unrestrained side, even more unrestrained than Shui Feiling, and she even occupied her lips all at once.

Li Zedao felt that his lips were already swollen.

"Little brother, what's going on here? We clearly saw you being swallowed by that shadow python!" Shui Feiling asked rather incomprehensibly.

Li Zedao was not dead, so she was naturally very happy, but his sudden appearance just now really irritated her nerves seriously.

You must know that even with her cultivation level, even with that old man's cultivation base, after being swallowed alive by that terrifying shadow python, there is no life or death, and there is absolutely no way to cut open the shadow python The belly then comes out.

At most, they escaped in time before being swallowed alive.

"I was indeed swallowed by the shadow python." Li Zedao nodded truthfully.

This kind of thing happened in front of them, so he couldn't open his eyes and tell nonsense.

In fact, on the way back just now, he had been thinking about how to explain this matter. He couldn't give the little turtle a confession, could he?

Fortunately, the little turtle gave him the golden hood, and the golden hood was willing to be its master.

With the golden cover, this matter can naturally be explained very reasonably.


"Little brother, don't tell my sister that Shadow Python sneezed and spewed you out, or that Shadow Python farted and collapsed you." Shui Feiling's voice was full of threats. .


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