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♂? WwW.630xiaoshuo.,,

Shui Feiling felt resentful in her heart.

This damned little brother is always dishonest and hides some things from her, especially the fact that there are women waiting for him to go back in other places, which made her deflated in front of Nangong Meili, which made her Quite upset.

Seeing that his eyes were flickering now, it was obvious that he still wanted to hide something, Shui Feiling wanted to show his whip and beat him severely.

Li Zedao was almost choked to death by Shui Feiling's words, and Nangong Meili's expression turned weird.

Dear lady, why did you say such vulgar words?

"Thanks to this, even though I was swallowed by the shadow python, I didn't suffer any harm." Li Zedao said, putting his hands on his chest, his mind moved.

Immediately, a mysterious golden light began to release from his chest.

"What's this?"

Concubine Shuiling and Nangong Meili's eyes were attracted to them all at once, their faces full of surprise.

Soon, they saw a small golden ball shining with Li Zedao appearing out of thin air, appearing in Li Zedao's hands. At the same time, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees suddenly, giving people a feeling Eerie feeling.

"This is……"

Nangong Meili had a puzzled expression, but Shui Feiling's pupils widened all of a sudden, and there was a huge wave in her heart that had never been seen before, and she couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes.

"This... is this the golden cover of the ninth-grade Horcrux?" Shui Feiling exclaimed.

She was well-informed, so she recognized right away that it was the golden mask!

Of course, this was the first time she had seen the real golden shield at such a close distance. She had seen it in an ancient book in the past.

"Golden cover?" Nangong Meili gasped for several breaths when she heard that, her face was full of emotion.

"This is indeed a golden cover." Li Zedao nodded.

With another movement of the mind, the golden light circle released by the small ball suddenly became larger between breaths, and then the golden light circle wrapped Li Zedao's whole body in it.

Seeing this, Shui Feiling's breathing stopped immediately, and she couldn't find any words to describe her mood at this moment.

She never expected that the golden cover of the ninth-grade Horcrux, one of the most treasured treasures in the world, would be in the hands of her little brother.

To be honest, the ups and downs of my mood at this time are no less than when I saw Li Zedao swallowed by the soul python, and then saw him appearing in front of me safe and sound.

Li Zedao's thoughts moved again, the circle of light disappeared, and immediately the golden cover disappeared without a trace.

"Little brother, where did you get this golden cover? Don't tell your sister that you picked it up by accident!" After a long time, Shui Feiling opened her mouth with difficulty, and her breathing became short of breath.

She knew very clearly that there was no such god-level Horcrux as the Golden Mask in Buzhou Academy, and the old man didn't have it either!

"It was a gift from a senior." Li Zedao knew that Concubine Shuiling would definitely ask such a question, so he had already thought about the answer.

Of course, he didn't lie, the little turtle was indeed a certain senior, although it didn't look like it at all.

"Senior? What senior?" Shui Feiling frowned.

Could it be that group of people who can't see the light? Seeing that the little brother is so talented, he will definitely become a big shot above all the powerhouses in God's Domain in the future, so they have already contacted the little brother and covered him with gold, so that he has enough means of self-protection?

And what are they plotting at this time?

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I don't know who he is."

"Don't know or don't want to say?" Shui Feiling took a deep breath and frowned even more.

If the little brother actually secretly had surreptitious contact with that group of people, trying to figure out something, what should he do?

Even if he offends a behemoth like the Baili family, it may not be a dead end for him. After all, there is Buzhou Academy behind him, and the old man is backing him up.

At most, the Baili family would send out some killers, and they would never dare to reveal it, and the ancestor of the Baili family who was at the same level as the Immortal Changsheng would not do it.

However, if the little brother really colludes with those shady people secretly, then he will completely stand on the opposite side of the entire God Realm, and even his most vulnerable academy will be his enemy!

No matter what, Shui Feiling didn't want to see that scene happen.

Li Zedao didn't know that Concubine Shuiling had thought this matter so complicated and dangerous, so she said innocently, "I really don't know."

He really didn't know the true origin of the mysterious little turtle.

Concubine Shui took a deep breath, stared fixedly at Li Zedao's eyes, and said with a serious face, "Little brother, tell my sister honestly, is there a secret collusion with those people? They gave you the golden cover?"

"Ah? What group of people?" Li Zedao was in a daze, unable to understand what Shui Feiling was talking about.

"Did you already know that you are pregnant with Nuwa's blood? Have you already contacted them?" Concubine Shui Lingbei bit her lips, and the look in her eyes became more serious.

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he understood.

No wonder this woman has such an expression.

Nangong Meili didn't care, anyway, even if Li Zedao stood on the opposite side of the entire God Realm, she would naturally stand with him and fight side by side without hesitation.

Now he said dumbfoundedly, "Sister Shui, I thought too much. I didn't know that I had Nuwa's blood until I told me a few days ago. I had never contacted that group of people before. Besides, this golden pupil is also the most recent I only got it from that senior, otherwise I would have revealed my golden shield long ago when I confronted that fire scorpion head-on in that valley."

Concubine Shui was stunned for a moment, thinking about it carefully.

"I really don't know who that senior is. I met him in the Buzhou Mountains before. I only know that he seems to have a great relationship with our Buzhou Academy. In fact, the reason why I was able to find the golden pupil and The success of choosing the master of the bloodline is also due to that senior."

"There is such a thing?" Shui Feiling frowned and nodded slightly.

Seeing Li Zedao's sincerity, coupled with the old man's vigilance, if the real little brother is plotting something secretly with those people, he will definitely find out something. I'm afraid he would have killed him long ago instead of letting him become stronger step by step.

But if the other party wasn't from that group of shady people, who could it be? What is the purpose of treating the little brother like this?

The simplest behavioral analysis is ultimately nothing more than two words, that is, interests.

That senior first let the little brother get the golden pupils, and even later gave him the golden mask, one of the most treasured treasures in the world... What kind of benefits does he want to get from the little brother?

"Sister Shui, don't you see any changes in me?" There was no way to explain the so-called senior's matter, Li Zedao quickly changed the subject, and even with a thought, he released an extremely strong breath .

Both Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili's pupils widened at once, their minds roared violently, and there was a huge wave in their hearts that was 10,000 times stronger than when they saw Li Zedao with the golden cover just now.

"...A top-rank cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm?" Shui Feiling's voice trembled, her eyeballs almost popping out of their sockets.

He vaguely remembered that less than five days ago, his cultivation base had just broken through and entered the mid-level cultivation base of the Spiritual God Realm.

It's only been five days now, how come his cultivation base has been upgraded two levels in a row to enter the top-rank cultivation base of the Spiritual God Realm?

Nangong Meili was speechless at all, she looked at Li Zedao as if she had seen a ghost.

First, it was swallowed by the shadow python, but nothing happened, and then it revealed the golden cover of the most precious treasure in the world, and now it is a top-grade cultivation base of the Spiritual God Realm...

If this guy has any amazing moves, let's show them all together, and treat it as an early New Year's Eve.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly, and briefly explained how he swallowed the snake gall when he was in the belly of the shadow python.

As a result, Nangong Meili and Shui Feiling were extremely speechless, and they didn't know what words to use to describe their mood at this moment.

It is said that a person's luck can really go against the sky? Such a big pie fell from the sky, and then the pie hit his head hard.

I felt that the shadow python was really pitiful, it found the delicacy as before and swallowed it in one gulp, but it didn't expect to encounter such a monster like the little brother, but its inner alchemy was swallowed in one gulp.

If God's Domain had an annual ranking list of the top ten tragic poisonous insects and beasts, then the shadow python would probably be ranked first.

With a bitter face, Li Zedao said rather disgustingly, "Sister Shui, student Meili, you all don't know how superb the inner alchemy of Shadow Python is... No, I want to vomit again..."

Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili both looked angry, wishing to beat up this guy who was obviously pretending again.

Since Li Zedao is safe and sound, and it can even be said that he has gained a lot, he must continue to move forward.

Li Zedao originally wanted to ask whether he could use the golden shield to continue his journey to the depths of the lost forest, but he realized that he was thinking too much. After all, he needed a lot of spiritual energy to control the golden shield, and now was not the time to consume excessive spiritual energy.

Besides, the golden cover can't make the speed faster, so it's not as real as rowing.

Fortunately, when it was attacked by the shadow python, the canoe was not crushed by the shadow python, and it was floating there quietly at this moment.

It's just that the two paddles and the simple compass have long since disappeared.

However, Li Zedao is a cautious person, so he made some preparations when he went out, so naturally there were extra wires and small bowls, and soon a simple compass was made again.

Immediately after, Li Zedao made two more oars, and the three of them skimmed onto the canoe, looked at the direction, and the canoe continued to move slowly through the big trees one after another.

After driving for a distance of about tens of feet, the surrounding area was still covered by a dense poisonous miasma, and it was difficult to distinguish the direction, but gradually there was the sound of some kind of poisonous insects and beasts, and it was no longer as quiet as before. horrible.

It is conceivable that they have already left the shadow python's territory.

The hearts of the three of them were raised all of a sudden, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

Because leaving the shadow python's territory means that new dangers are coming.


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