The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2197 Strange Bird

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In the next half a day, poisonous insects and water beasts attacked from time to time, but none of them were powerful characters, so they were easily dealt with by the three of them.

"It seems that the most terrifying part of this Lost Forest is the poisonous miasma that can completely disorient the direction, the millipede mosquitoes that specialize in sucking flying birds, and the shadow python. Apart from these three, there seems to be no other scary things in the world. It's time." Li Zedao couldn't help muttering.

Concubine Shuiling and Nangong Meili nodded slightly in agreement.

As long as you look for the direction, as long as you don't encounter the shadow python, it seems that you can pass through this forest relatively easily.

Of course, Shuifeiling and Nangong Meili also understood very clearly that this is so easy with a compass, if there is no compass, I am afraid that they would have started circling by now, or even circling to death. I can't get out of this lost forest.

Therefore, the tense nerves of the three of them relaxed a little, but they still didn't dare to be too careless.

"Actually, I've been wondering if the reason why my mother was cursed is because she is a Gu person?" Nangong Meili asked suddenly.

"What? You said your mother is a Gu person? From the Gu border deep in the mountain surrounded by this lost forest?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

Concubine Shuiling was also a little surprised, she didn't expect this woman to have the blood of the mysterious Gu people, but she didn't know if she had the ability to refine and use Gu poison.

"That's what she told me. She said that she came from Gujiang and was a native Gu person. She escaped from Gujiang for some reason, and then came to the Middle Tribe. That's when I met my father and wanted to love. Others She didn't go into details, but told me repeatedly not to enter the Gu border no matter what."

Nangong Meili shook her head and said, "Probably because Gu Jiang is too dangerous?"

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. It seems that this possibility is not impossible. It is very likely that the curse on her mother was cast by the Gu, and its purpose was to punish her for fleeing the Gu territory without permission.

Concubine Shuiling glanced at Nangong Meili and said, "Did your mother tell you anything else about Gu Jiang?"

Knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and winning every battle, it would be great to know more about the inside story of that Gu Jiang.

Even a person with her level of cultivation, facing that unknown area and the group of Gu people who have been rumored to be quite evil,

She is also fuzzy.

Besides, Concubine Shuiling is proud of her pride, but she doesn't feel that she is invincible at all. She knows very well that there are many people stronger than her in the vast God Realm.

Nangong Meili shook her head slightly: "No. But I can feel the contradiction in her heart."

"What contradiction?" Li Zedao asked.

"Missing but resisting."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. It seems that Nangong Meili's mother had to flee Gujiang for some reason, but she still missed her hometown.

"When you arrive in Gujiang, you can naturally find the answers to your questions." Shui Feiling said.

The tone of these words was a little vague, as if she was comforting Nangong Meili, but also seemed to dislike her for talking too much and should shut up.

"However, I'd really like to see what that saintess from Gujiang looks like, if she's half as good-looking as me." Shui Feiling giggled.

Gu Jiang not only has legends about Gu gods, but also legends about saints.

It is said that the Holy Maiden was given to Gu Jiang by the Gu God, and she is also the leader of the Gu people. To put it bluntly, the Holy Maiden is actually the spokesperson appointed by the Gu God to lead the Gu people in Gu Jiang instead of the Gu God.

It's just that the existence of the Gu God is actually two things to say, so the candidates for the saint are actually appointed before the death of the previous saint.

How, exactly, is not clear.

"It's definitely not as good as Sister Shui's case." Li Zedao was quite a dog, and hurried over to flatter him.

Concubine Shui gave Li Zedao a white look with a smile, and parted her red lips: "Little brother, the way you try to flatter is so cute."

Li Zedao lowered his head in embarrassment, how could this be flattery? This is clearly the words of the heart.

"It's cuter to pretend to be innocent." Nangong Meili replied with a blank expression.

So Li Zedao felt even more embarrassed.

Shui Feiling giggled, and for the first time felt that this woman was not as annoying as she thought, at least she was quite sincere.

In this way, the canoe floated on the water for nearly three days and three nights. Finally, the suffocating poisonous miasma seemed to dissipate a little. Mountains that look so hazy.

Naturally, there have been many dangers in the past three days. For example, a huge crocodile-like creature suddenly appeared in the water, opened its mouth wide, and showed its sharp fangs, biting fiercely at Li Zedao and the others. But she was sent flying by Concubine Shuiling with a whip.

It's also like a black shadow suddenly jumping down from the tree with lightning speed, but the black shadow was cut in half by Li Zedao, who was already a top-level cultivation of the Spiritual God Realm.

In short, compared with the shadow python, these poisonous insects and beasts are simply too weak.

Of course, these poisonous insects and beasts are still a huge threat to people like Nangong Meili who are cultivated in the low-level spiritual realm.

"It seems that I'm going out." Shui Feiling frowned and looked into the distance, her brows raised slightly.

"It should be soon." Li Zedao felt a little emotional.

I thought to myself that the desolate mountains in front should be the legendary Gu Border.

It is also a forest of lost ways and vast mountains, no wonder it is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter the Gu territory.

Looking at the hazy mountains, Nangong Meili let out a soft breath, only feeling that her heart beat a little faster.

She had dreamed many times of being able to reach this territory that is difficult for outsiders to enter, and find the Gu God to save her mother, and now her wish is half fulfilled.

It can only be decided whether or not he can get Gu God in the end, he really can only resign himself to fate.

In fact, Gu Gods have always existed in legends, maybe there really were Gu Gods a long time ago, but whether there are Gu Gods now, even those Gu people, I'm afraid they can't be sure.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao and Shui Feiling, her eyes showing gratitude.

If it weren't for the company of these two people, it would be impossible for her to get so close to this place by herself.

The canoe continued to move forward, but at this moment, the surroundings suddenly became silent, and fell into an extremely strange dead silence.

The hearts of the three of them trembled slightly, and extreme solemnity appeared in their eyes.

They encountered this strange dead silence once when they entered the Lost Forest a few days ago. That time they entered the territory of the shadow python, but this time, they also want to know what kind of territory is the territory of terrifying poisonous insects and beasts , and maybe even which one of the ten fierce beasts.

At this moment, the other party was hiding in some corner, staring at them with his ferocious eyes, ready to launch the most severe attack.

"Be careful... especially you, little brother, don't fool people into their mouths, even if you have a golden mask, it won't work." Shui Feiling specifically explained to Li Zedao.

The scene a few days ago almost scared her out of her soul. She didn't want to experience such a thing again.

Nangong Meili nodded in agreement.

Li Zedao was speechless, he said everything, it was an accident that couldn't be smaller...

At this moment, Concubine Shuiling frowned slightly: "Listen carefully, there is movement."

Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he also heard the voice, as if someone was humming some tune, but the voice was faint but shrill, which immediately reminded Li Zedao of some terrifying scenes in ghost movies.

The pale female ghost seemed to make a similar sound...

"What the hell is this?" Li Zedao only felt his scalp go numb.

"It doesn't matter, let's show the golden cover first." Li Zedao thought to himself.

With the golden cover, he is not afraid of any attack from ghosts.

With a thought, Li Zedao was immediately enveloped by the mysterious golden mask.

"Sister Shui, classmate Meili, give me your hands." Li Zedao said.

Damn little brother, is this going to hug the big quilt and share the same bed? Concubine Shuiling cursed secretly, but also stretched out her Qianqiansu hand, and grabbed Li Zedao's hand.

As soon as their hands touched, the golden cover that originally only covered Li Zedao immediately expanded, and the transparent light cover also covered Shui Feiling.

Nangong Meili, who turned her back to Li Zedao, did not extend her hand to hold Li Zedao's hand.

"Student Meili..." Li Zedao thought that Nangong Meili was being embarrassed.

"I...can't move..." Nangong Meili wanted to remind Li Zedao, but she couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, her complexion became extremely ugly, and she was horrified to find that an extremely powerful aura locked on her!

The so-called breath lock, although it sounds unimaginable, is a real state.

Just like when a rabbit meets a goshawk, like when Nangong Meili meets that strong man hiding in the dark, there is no room for resistance at all.

Now the other party seemed to know that Nangong Meili's cultivation was the weakest among the three, so he directly locked her action with his breath.

"Student Meili..."

Before Li Zedao could react, Nangong Meili's body seemed to be thrown out by an invisible hand, and she soared into the air uncontrollably, and then fell into a sharp claw that appeared in midair among!

It is more accurate to say that a huge bird suddenly appeared in the sky, but it was not a bird to be precise.

The bird was about the same size as the Ziyun Eagle, and its feathers were strangely blood red. What was even more strange was that its head was not that of a bird, but that of a snake! And there are disgusting horns on the head.

At this time, Nangong Meili's delicate body was firmly grasped by its sharp claws.

"Damn it!" Shui Feiling cursed with a very ugly face, threw off Li Zedao's hand, and the whip in her hand was wrapped in an extremely terrifying blue cyclone, and it was whipped fiercely towards the top of her head.

Li Zedao looked at the unknown monster, his eyes were shattered, and he also rose into the air, slashing out with a fierce sword, intending to cut off her bird's legs first.

However, it was too late. After the strange bird succeeded, it flew high quickly and soared towards the hazy mountains in front, leaving only the terrifying and sharp voice, like the cry of a female ghost, lingering in my ears.

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