The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 805 Parents' Meeting

For Li Zedao, he had asked Li Dahai to come to the school many times before to attend parent-teacher meetings, but this time it was the first time for him to come here as a parent, which naturally felt a little fresh.

After arriving at the school, under the leadership of Zhou Qian, they went down to the corridor outside the classroom of the class. At this time, there were already many people gathered here, including students and parents. The students were all dressed in school uniforms, but the parents' clothes were very different .

There are big bellies wearing golden watches and handbags in their hands who look calm and relaxed, and they look like big bosses; There are women, and there are women whose faces are engraved with the traces of the years and the spine is inaudible.

When Li Zedao was secretly feeling the vicissitudes of life, a crisp voice sounded: "Xiaoqian."

Looking back, he saw a fat girl running towards Zhou Qian who was standing in front of him while beckoning.

"Su Li." Zhou Qian also waved to her, then whispered to Li Zedao, "Brother Zedao, she is my deskmate Su Li."

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile and didn't say much.

Su Li ran to her out of breath. It was conceivable that she was a girl with a hot personality. She immediately grabbed Zhou Qian's little hand and said, "Xiaoqian, I haven't seen you for two days. You really miss me. You said you didn't?" Who will explain it to me when I can't do my homework... I heard that you asked for leave because something happened at home, is it all right now?"

"It's all right now." Zhou Qian said with a soft smile, "Next week at the latest, I can go back to school."

"Hee hee, that's good... Eh, who is this handsome guy?" Su Li looked at Li Zedao who was standing behind Zhou Qian, "Your boyfriend."

"No... no, he is my brother... who came to help me with the parent-teacher meeting." Zhou Qian blushed and explained in a low voice.

"Ah, so your brother looks like this, he's quite handsome." Su Li said in a low voice, "Do you have a girlfriend? You don't want to be an outsider, please introduce me?"


"Hello guy, I'm Su Li, Zhou Qian's deskmate." Before Zhou Qian could say anything, Su Li extended her chubby little hand to Li Zedao generously.

"Hi, I'm Xiaoqian's elder brother." Li Zedao smiled slightly, and shook hands with her, "In the future, we will have to trouble you to take care of Xiaoqian at school."

"Our... home..." Zhou Qian's face turned redder,

My heart is very sweet.

"That's necessary." Su Li said very righteously, "Zhou Qian and I are good friends. Last time someone said bad things about her, I just scolded her to death, hehe."

Li Zedao knew that what Su Li was referring to was the last time Zhou Qian was maliciously slandered and went after Wu Dong, so he smiled and said, "Thank you then."

"Hee hee, you're being polite, just introduce me to some handsome guys who are as handsome as you." Su Li said with a smile, "It's better to be more handsome than you."

"Well, it's a bit difficult." Li Zedao said with some embarrassment, "I really haven't seen anyone who is more handsome than me or as handsome as me."

"Haha, Xiaoqian, your brother is too stinky." Su Li laughed loudly.

Zhou Qian smiled and looked at Li Zedao shyly. She felt that Brother Zedao was telling the truth. She had never seen any boy as handsome as Brother Zedao. In her heart, Brother Zedao was the most handsome.

"Brother Zedao, you go in too." Seeing those parents walking into the classroom one by one, Zhou Qian whispered, then pointed to the place in the classroom near the window and said, "My place is right there."

"That's right, the fierce-looking bald uncle next to the seat is my father." Su Li said, "Don't look at my father's fierce appearance, but he is actually a very tender man. Handsome guy, you don't have to be afraid."

Li Zedao already had a dumbfounding expression on his face, did he look scared?

"Then I'll go in." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and smiled, then followed several parents into the classroom.

At the same time, two figures, a man and a woman, went up the stairs and stood at the head of the stairs.

"It's that little girl." The man's eyes stared at Zhou Qian who was standing there pretty, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little strangely, "She looks so pure, I really feel pity for her."

The woman's expression was a little painful, she glanced at the man, and said in a vicious tone: "You really deserve to go to hell."

The man sneered: "That's after death, I only care about the present... I want her, the son is for you, so it's settled? If you don't help, it doesn't matter, how much I love my son , I will definitely fight for custody with you, and the court will definitely award the child to me."

The woman's face turned pale in an instant, and then she took a deep breath and said, "I can help you, but please don't disturb our mother and child's life in the future, otherwise, not only will I not help you, but I will also call the police Telephone."

"Call the police? I'm so scared, don't forget, I have a lot of beautiful photos of you in my hand, if these photos appear on your school's forum... tsk tsk..." The man looked at the woman, and the picture Her face was full of lust, "It will definitely cause a sensation, right?"

The woman was so angry that her body trembled slightly, her tears fell down involuntarily, and she said bitterly: "Zhang Heng, you are so poisonous! Why did I fall in love with you so blindly?"

Zhang Heng sneered: "Because I was rich back then, you thought you were pure? Ambitious? Ambitious? You are nothing more than a green tea whore who takes off your pants when you see money... ok Now, stop talking nonsense, do your things well, and I won’t be too unfeeling for the sake of you making me happy. I will threaten you with those photos, and I can even delete all the photos."

"I hope you can keep your word, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost." The woman stared at the devil viciously.

Zhang Heng simply filtered out this kind of non-technical threat, smiled coldly, turned around and went downstairs slowly.

The woman looked at Zhou Qian with complicated eyes, and then a chubby little face appeared in her mind. Then, as if she had made a major decision, she took a deep breath and took out the bag from her bag. He took out his mobile phone, made a call and went out...

The purpose of holding parent-teacher meetings is nothing more than to accurately and timely inform parents of the teaching situation, changes, schedules, etc. of the students or the school. Especially in the third year of senior high school, it is normal to hold a parent-teacher meeting once a month.

First, the head teacher of Zhou Qian's class gave a very official speech. He talked eloquently for more than ten minutes, introducing the situation of the class, summarizing the questions of the latest monthly exam, and praising the students who did the job in this monthly exam. those students with excellent grades.

The parents of the students who were praised by the class teacher naturally smiled from ear to ear, and their faces were full of complacency.

Immediately afterwards, the student representatives spoke, thanking the party, thanking the people, thanking the teachers, thanking the parents... another ten minutes of spittle flying all over the place, and after hearing Li Zedao yawning again and again, he almost fell asleep.

Then it was the parent representative who spoke, and thank you again and again. The whole process was extremely boring.

After the parents finished their speeches, those so-called outstanding students came to the stage to share their learning experience. Zhou Qian was in the top three in the class, and she was also named and praised just now, but because of her personality, she didn't come to the stage to share.

After these students finished sharing their learning experience, another half hour passed, and the whole parent meeting had been held for a full hour and a half, and then the head teacher briefly summed it up. This so-called parent meeting ended perfectly up.

"Having this kind of parent meeting is really a waste of time." Li Zedao stood up helplessly, yawned and stretched, and then followed the parents slowly out of the classroom and came to the corridor.

I scanned around, but didn't see Zhou Qian. Where did this little girl go?

"Handsome guy..." Li Zedao was patted on the back.

Li Zedao looked back, but saw Zhou Qian's tablemate Su Li was looking at him with a smile, and said with a smile: "It's you... By the way, Xiaoqian is not with you?"

"No, just after you went in, I went to the bathroom, and Xiaoqian didn't know where to go when I came back." Su Li shook her head and said, "I called her, but the phone was turned off..."

"Shut down?" Li Zedao frowned for an instant. He quickly took out his phone and called Zhou Qian. Sure enough, there was the sound of the phone being turned off.

Su Li looked at Li Zedao, with a little shyness between her brows: "Hee hee, handsome"

"I'm going to find Xiaoqian, goodbye." Li Zedao looked away from the phone screen to look at Su Li and said simply, then turned and left.

"Uh...what's your phone number..." Su Li looked at Li Zedao's back disappearing in the corridor with fascination, and muttered to herself, "You are so handsome and manly, you can even walk with such style Yes, um, I must ask Xiaoqian for the phone number of her handsome brother..."


Li Zedao went downstairs quickly, looked at the phone screen again, and then quickly walked towards the school gate. After arriving at the school gate, he looked left and right, but he didn't see Zhou Qian's figure, and then glanced at the screen again The location of Zhou Qian's mobile phone was located on the Internet, and then his gaze fell on a trash can not far away, and then he walked over quickly with a thump in his heart.

Immediately, she tore off the lid of the trash can without being too dirty, and her brows were already furrowed. Zhou Qian's pink mobile phone was lying quietly in the trash can.

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