Li Zedao's face was extremely ugly, and he reached in and took out the mobile phone from the trash can.

how so? I just entered the classroom and held a parent-teacher meeting and Zhou Qian disappeared? Who did it? Is it the same person who seriously injured Zhou's father and Zhou's mother? Zhang Heng? If it was really him, how did he do it? After all, there are so many people in the school, how easy is it to kidnap someone quietly like this? He is just an ordinary person with corrupt morals, and he is not a master like himself, unless...

Thinking about it, Li Zedao tried to turn on Zhou Qian's cell phone. Fortunately, the cell phone was just turned off and was not damaged. However, during the boot process, a call came in. When he took out the cell phone and looked, it was Zhou Yan's call , and immediately picked it up.

"Boss, what did you do? Didn't you say you would take good care of Xiaoqian? Damn she was kidnapped, do you know that?" Zhou Yan growled like an angry wolf.

"I know." Li Zedao's face was extremely gloomy, and he answered very simply.

"I know..." Zhou Yan almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He wanted to strangle Li Zedao to death. His parents were seriously injured in a car accident, and his sister was kidnapped again for no reason. Believe it or not, I don't recognize you as the boss anymore?

"Xiaoqian's phone has a password, do you know what the password is?" Li Zeda asked.

"...Boss..." Zhou Yan growled, who would be in the mood to break the code at this time?

"Password..." Li Zedao said again.

"Password, your sister..." Zhou Yan scolded, "You actually lost my sister, I will never end with you."

"Zhou Yan, let me tell you, Xiaoqian is not only your sister, she is also my sister, and I am no less worried about her than you are!" Li Zedao's tone was full of murderous intent, "If you want to Rescue Xiaoqian, then tell me the password, if you don't know, get lost!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, I'm sorry...the password is Xiaoqian's birthday must rescue Xiaoqian."

"0505..." Li Zedao entered these four numbers, and sure enough, the screen lock was unlocked, and then asked, "Did the kidnapper call you?" His head was hot, so Li Zedao didn't want to argue with him.

"My dad's cell phone is here. His cell phone rang just now. It was a man who called. He said that Xiaoqian was in his hands. If he wanted to kill her, he had to prepare three million yuan, otherwise he would tear up the ticket." " Zhou Yan said with a sad face,

One tragedy after another happened, so that his extremely strong heart could hardly bear it anymore, "I dare not let my parents know about this."

"Well, don't let them know. Also, send me the phone number that called your father's phone." Li Zedao stared at Zhou Qian's phone screen, his tone extremely serious.

"Boss, I'll send it to you right now." Zhou Yan said quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao's cell phone vibrated, and a text message came in, which was sent by Zhou Yan. Li Zedao glanced at the content of the text message, frowned and shook his head. The kidnapper was cautious and used Call the public phone on the side of the road.

Fortunately, there is still a useful number. In the call log of Zhou Qian's mobile phone, at around 2:30 in the afternoon, a mobile phone that did not exist in Zhou Qian's phone book called in. The call lasted forty-five seconds, and Counting the time, it was 2:30 in the afternoon when I had just entered the classroom.

Who is making this call?

Li Zedao looked at this number with murderous eyes, and then dialed it with his mobile phone. As he expected, the mobile phone number was turned off, but the location of the mobile phone was located. It is conceivable that the owner of the mobile phone should be in the car.

At that moment, Li Zedao ran quickly to the Mercedes-Benz SUV he parked at the school gate, got into the car and started the car quickly, and soon, the car was chasing the location of the mobile phone like an angry beast , roaring and chasing after him.

The chaser actually went straight to the Wanhe community. At the same time, the mobile phone was also in a static state, which meant that the owner of the mobile phone lived in this community.

At that moment, Li Zedao got out of the car, came to a building with a faint murderous look on his face, looked up at the closed windows on the third floor of the building, then walked towards the entrance of the unit, and quickly went up to the third floor. Upstairs, then put the phone in his pocket, and knocked on the door with a vicious look on his face.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice soon came from inside.

Then Li Zedao had a feeling of being spied on, he knew that the woman inside was staring at him through the cat's eyes, but it didn't matter, if the people inside didn't open the door, he could just open the door and go in.

At this moment, the door opened with a "creak!", followed by a pleasantly surprised voice: "It's you, classmate Li Zedao..."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, how could it be her?

Qin Xiangjun, this sexy and good-looking woman who had a double-sided relationship before, last time his son was taken away by traffickers in this community, and he helped him get the child back. Li Zedao still remembers the girl whose nickname is Xiao Bao's pink boy likes to be hugged because he is handsome.

"I also want to ask you and classmate Qianqian to have a meal sometime. Thank you very much... Hey, how did you know that I live here?" Qin Xiangjun asked curiously. Although the outstanding boy and girl sent him and Xiaobao back to the community last time, he never told them which building he lived on.

And what's going on with his expression now? There was no kindness like the one we met before, but a trace of violence, as if provoked by something.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Xiangjun asked a little cautiously, stared at by the other party's unfriendly eyes, Qin Xiangjun only felt uncomfortable all over, and even subconsciously wanted to take a step back and close the door quickly.

"I remember you are the biology teacher of the No. 1 Middle School, teaching senior three?" Li Zedao asked in a cold tone.

"Yes..." Qin Xiangjun's heart beat wildly involuntarily. What does this boy want to do?

"So, Zhou Qian is your student?" Li Zedao stared at the other party's pretty face full of nervousness but still extremely charming.

"Zhou Qian?" Qin Xiangjun's face turned pale for an instant, and then forced a smile on his face and said, "There is indeed a girl named Zhou Qian in the class I teach, she is very quiet. The girl...she..."

"She's my sister." Li Zedao said expressionlessly.


"When I entered the classroom for the parent-teacher meeting in the afternoon, when I came out, Xiaoqian didn't know where to go. I called her, but the phone was turned off...Does Teacher Qin know where she is?" Li Zedao's eyes were strange. He stared at the other party, but his tone was extremely cold.

Qin Xiangjun's heart trembled violently, but he tried his best to calm himself down and said, "I...well, will I go out to play somewhere? I didn't stay at school for too long in the afternoon, so..."


Li Zedao slapped her across the face very simply, and knocked her to the ground.

"It seems that you can't talk to me well." Li Zedao shook his head and walked in, looked down at the woman who was stunned by his slap, and said coldly, "This makes me very angry... Where is Xiaoqian?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Qin Xiangjun covered his face that was already red and swollen like a steamed bun, and shook his head desperately, his eyes were blurred by tears. It is impossible to imagine that she has also become the target of beating.

Li Zedao grabbed her by the throat very simply, and lifted her from the ground with one hand.

"What I hate the most now is that someone is planning on people around me. Whoever dares to do something to someone I care about is my life and death enemy. Tell me, where is Xiaoqian?" Li Zedao said in a nasty voice.

With the exertion of his arm, Qin Xiangjun's breathing became more and more difficult, her face was pale, her pupils were wide open, and she was almost suffocating. Subconsciously, her hands desperately slapped Li Zedao's arm, and even pinched and grabbed it with her nails... ...which made Li Zedao very angry.

With his other hand he grabbed both of her arms, making her unable to move.

"Uncle...hug...hug..." A babyish voice sounded.

Li Zedao looked up, but saw the little boy whom he had met before was sitting on a thick cushion on the ground, playing with a car.

This little guy obviously recognized Li Zedao, and he obviously didn't know what happened. He didn't know that his mother was about to be strangled to death by the murderer, so he giggled at the murderer, and then clumsily He got up, spread his legs and was about to trot towards Li Zedao.

"..." Qin Xiangjun's throat was desperate, and his eyes were full of panic. She was afraid of death, but she was even more afraid of this demon killing her son.

Li Zedao let go of his hand, and Qin Xiangjun fell heavily on the ground, gasping for breath. When he saw Li Zedao walking towards his son, panic was already in his eyes, and he screamed: "No...don't...don't hurt him, don't..."

"Tell me, where is Xiaoqian?" Li Zedao turned his head and smiled strangely. There was no warmth in his voice. He looked like a demon that had come out of hell, and then he continued to walk towards Xiaobao.

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