The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 807 I Sell Insurance

"No...don't..." Qin Xiangjun was even more terrified when he saw that the killing god seemed to be attacking his son. In the next second, he didn't know where the strength came from, and his body, which had already softened from fright, suddenly moved forward. Jumping forward, he immediately hugged Li Zedao's calf, crying and begging, "Don''ll tell you...I'll tell you everything..."

"Hug, uncle... Mom is crying, shy, hehe..." The child smiled childishly, trotting towards Li Ze with staggering steps.

"Xiaobao, let's go... let's go... Huh... let's go..." Qin Xiangjun made a heart-piercing voice.

"Hee hee... Uncle Hug..." Xiaobao smiled childishly, which formed a very sharp contrast to Qin Xiangjun's despair.

It's good to be a child, don't understand anything, be carefree! Li Zedao stretched out his arms and hugged this cute little boy while feeling emotional in his heart. At the same time, his eyes accidentally swept across a photo placed in the wine cabinet, and his eyes narrowed.

"No...don't...give me back Xiaobao...give me back..." Qin Xiangjun begged bitterly, "I beg you, please..."

"Give Zhou Qian back to me." Li Zedao gave her a condescending look, without any pity in his eyes.

Poor people must have something to hate. This Qin Xiangjun really has nothing to sympathize with. When she called Zhou Qian as a biology teacher to lure her out, she thought about what Zhou Qian would face next. a situation?

Thinking of that delicate girl might be in a very frightening situation now, and even that the person who kidnapped her might be doing something beastly to her, Li Zedao felt violent in his heart again, wishing to be cruel Kick the instigator a few feet.

"I... I really don't know... where she is..." Qin Xiangjun cried, his tearful face was full of guilt and self-blame, "I... I just gave that girl a teacher as a teacher. The kid called and told her to come and lie down...then he took her...I don't know where that scum is going to take her...please give me back my little treasure please ..."

"Get up." Li Zedao said coldly.

Qin Xiangjun quickly got up from the ground, looking at Xiaobao who was being held by Li Zedao, his eyes were full of pleading: "Please, don't hurt him...don't..."

Xiao Bao giggled: "Mom is crying... shame... shame..."

"Xiaobao..." Qin Xiangjun wanted to snatch his child back, but he didn't have the slightest courage in his heart.

"Teacher Qin,

I'm not as miserable as you think. Li Zedao shook his head and said, then handed the child over.

"Xiaobao...Xiaobao..." Qin Xiangjun quickly took it, and hugged his child tightly in his arms. The next second, his legs went limp, and he sat on the ground holding the child like this. While gasping for breath, he looked at Li Zedao with fear in his eyes.

"Is the scumbag you mentioned called Zhang Heng?" Li Zedao asked coldly, "Is he your husband? Xiaobao's father?"

Qin Xiangjun's eyes widened suddenly: "You... how do you know?"

"Give me his phone number." Li Zedao said coldly without answering Qin Xiangjun's question.


"Hurry up, I'm not discussing with you!" Li Zedao roared in a low voice, and in the next second he kicked a chair hard, kicking the chair apart very simply, and let out a sound. "Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Qin Xiangjun was really taken aback, and the son in her arms was even more frightened by the muffled sound. After a few seconds of silence, he began to cry "Wow...".

Fearing that the devil would do something ruthless again, Qin Xiangjun hurriedly read Zhang Heng's phone number.

Li Zedao took out his mobile phone, pressed the series of numbers that Qin Xiangjun read, and then dialed out. After a while, the phone was picked up, and a man's slightly vigilant voice came: "Who is it?"

"Mr. Zhang Heng Zhang? Oh, I'm Xiao Li, the account manager of Pacific Insurance Company. We met last time." Li Zedao said casually.

While comforting his son in a low voice, Qin Xiangjun looked at Li Zedao in horror, wondering when did he become an insurance buyer? In this way, Zhang Heng's whereabouts can be found out?

"What's selling insurance? I don't know, don't bother me anymore, damn it, there are advertisements coming in every day, are you annoying?" The man muttered annoyedly, and then hung up the phone.

Li Zedao glanced at the phone screen, then put the phone in his pocket casually, then looked at Qin Xiangjun expressionlessly, and said in an extremely cold voice: "You'd better pray that Xiaoqian is okay, otherwise... buried with you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zedao ignored Qin Xiangjun's reaction after hearing this, but quickly left the house and went downstairs, jumped into the car and galloped towards the location of Zhang Heng's mobile phone that the mobile phone had located. and go.

Li Zedao was also very familiar with the located location, which was the Nalingdou community where Zhou Yan's family lived. It seemed that Zhang Heng had brought Xiaoqian to his house in this community.

The car turned into the Lingdou Community and stopped in the parking lot in front of a unit. Li Zedao got out of the car with a blank expression, strode into the unit, went up to the third floor, and came to the door of a house. It was getting colder, and I listened to the movement coming from inside, then while squinting my eyes, I took out a paper clip, straightened it, and quietly put it into the keyhole.

In the house, on the sofa in the living room, two white bodies are tightly entangled together. With a long moan of a woman "Oh...", her body trembled a few times, and this battle is considered to be a battle. Time to come to an end.

"Damn ghost, you are getting more and more capable." The woman with heavy makeup glanced at Zhang Heng, her eyes full of spring.

"I'm already very capable." Zhang Heng smiled and climbed up from the woman's body, "But you are more capable... Then you kicked the accelerator and almost knocked those two guys into vegetative people. Your driving skills are too good. .”

The woman giggled and said, "I'm still not as good as you, and brought back all the other's are you going to deal with her?"

"I called Zhou Haiyang, but he didn't answer the call, maybe his son?" Zhang Heng sneered, "I said that the little girl named Zhou Qian is in my hands. One million! Zhou Haiyang and his wife are lying in bed now. I don’t know how much money will be spent on medical expenses. Where can I pay the ransom? The only life-saving straw is to mortgage the supermarket or house. Haiyang said it, remember to call me if you want to sell it, just wait, he will call me soon and beg me to buy the supermarket quickly.”

"Insidious enough." The woman winked at Zhou Haiyang, "What if they call the police?"

"Call the police?" Zhang Heng's face was full of disdain, "The police are all porridge drinkers. Look, you've been bumping into people for three days. The police just didn't find out."

The woman giggled, smiled, her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked like a ghost.

"What are you doing? What the hell?" Seeing that the woman's expression suddenly changed, Zhang Heng followed his gaze in a daze, and then his eyes widened.

I saw a man who didn't know when he appeared there, staring at them with strange eyes.

"Ah..." The woman exclaimed, and quickly grabbed a pillow to try to block the spring light she leaked.

Zhang Heng is also like a frightened rabbit, grabbing a pillow to block the important part of his crotch, then staring at the uninhibited guest who came out of nowhere with a look of panic, swallowing Saliva: "You... who are you?"

"Guess." Li Zedao grinned like a devil.

"..." If it wasn't for the lack of clothes, Zhang Heng would have wanted to beat this kid to death. He was not taller than himself, and not as strong as himself. Isn't beating him just like playing?

"I heard some things that should not be heard by you." Li Zedao said, and then pointed to the woman with heavy makeup who looked like an old lady, "You hit two people with your car?"

Then he pointed to Zhang Heng: "And you, kidnapped a girl?"

Both Zhang Heng and the woman's faces changed wildly. This kind of secret thing was found out, so what's the matter?

"You...what do you think?" Zhang Heng was a little scared. If this kid went out and talked nonsense, he would have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

"you guess."

"..." The other party's answer made Zhang Heng's heart, liver, lungs and kidneys ache.

At that moment, Zhang Heng exhaled fiercely, and didn't care about the dew point or not. He stood up, looked at Li Zedao with cold eyes and said, "It seems that I have to make you unable to open your mouth..."

A muffled sound of "Bang!" interrupted Zhang Heng's words. In the next second, Zhang Heng's face turned pale to the extreme, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and then he opened his mouth, "Ah..." A scream burst out of his mouth, and then, he tightly covered his crotch with both hands, rolling over and over on the ground, wailing, obviously in extreme pain.

"That thing of yours is too ugly, and you are shaking your head at me, seriously insulting my eyes, can't see it!" Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, and looked at Zhang Heng, who was rolling and crying on the ground, with cold eyes , just when Zhang Heng said harsh words and planned to fight back, he simply landed on the opponent's crotch. Then he bent down slightly and reached out with his hand, he had already grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

The woman looked at the god of death in horror, then removed the pillow covering her body, and said in a trembling voice: "Don't...kill me...I...I promise you everything...promise you..."

"Get out!" Li Zedao felt insulted, and then slammed Zhang Heng in his hand towards the woman.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the heads of the two bodies smashed together, very simply, and both of them fainted.

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