"This...can't be done?" Zhao Qiang was stunned. It's impossible to take off his pants and shoot in front of so many people in this place. Let alone whether he will be taken away by the police, more importantly, In this kind of place, the thing can't respond at all. The most important thing is that half a Coke bottle has to be pulled out, and it has to be the two-liter kind, which is one liter...According to the normal one time, about five milliliters Forget it... Zhao Qiang thinks he can be killed.

"Why can't this work?" Jia Qianqian blinked her eyes and said, "Our boss often does this kind of thing in public, and half a bottle is easy for him."

"..." Li Zedao's heart ran wildly past millions of grass mud horses, this female hooligan, this is revenge!

"This..." Zhao Qiang secretly glanced at Li Zedao, is this guy really that perverted? Dare to do such a thing in public? Return half a bottle at a time... Is he a dinosaur?

"Let me tell you, sir, are you okay? Say yes if you can, and say no if you can't." Jia Qianqian became a little impatient, and suddenly raised her voice to question.

"No." Uncontrollably, these two words came out of Zhao Qiang's mouth.

"Damn it!" Jia Qianqian was furious, pointing at Zhao Qiang's nose and scolding, "No? No, you want to talk to beautiful women like others? No, you still want to poach someone's corner? No, why do you provoke my old lady? You don't want to let it go It’s okay to soak your urine and act according to your own virtue, and trick your old lady to go to the toilet with you... You look like a dog, but it turns out that you have a silver-like wax gun head, it’s really shameful.”


Those who were waiting to pick up their luggage were all dumbfounded at this scene. They didn't know what happened, but they vaguely heard the man say that he couldn't do it... Oh, there is no word "self", and then this Biao The fierce beauty immediately went into a rage.

So, looking at Zhao Qiang's expression was a bit playful.

"Get out, I'm so angry when I see your old lady." Jia Qianqian scolded fiercely, feeling relieved for a while, as if she was scolding that bastard Li Zedao.

"Stinky bitch, are you done yet?" Zhao Qiang growled sullenly, his IQ was low, and he already knew that she was kicked by this bitch.

"Slap!" Jia Qianqian slapped Zhao Qiang across the face, and cursed at Zhao Qiang's face, "Damn it, you're scolding once!" Just kidding, I don't know how many hooligans were kicked by her. Rolling and howling on the ground, let alone this silver-like wax gun head, playing with you to death every minute!

Zhao Qiang was already dumbfounded, although he could tell that this beauty was of the tough and domineering type,

But I didn't expect that he would be so tough, and he was slapped on the face without any warning. He grew up so big, when did he get slapped in the face?

At the moment, I just feel my head is hot, and I can't care about the strange mocking expressions around me, and I want to slap Jia Qianqian's face with a backhand, so I can save some face for a while.

But his hand was stagnant in mid-air, and he couldn't get down no matter what.

"Don't hit the woman." Li Zedao came to him at some point, grabbed Zhao Qiang's wrist and said with a smile.

Seeing that Li Zedao had finally stood up to help her out, Jia Qianqian's heart trembled slightly, and a strange feeling flashed in her heart. When she heard his words, she couldn't help being contemptuous, and she Stop hitting women? I don't know who slapped her hard.

"Unless that woman is not pumping." Li Zedao added, and he winked at Jia Qianqian with a half-smile, and while speaking, he conveniently grabbed Zhao Qiang's raised other hand.

"..." Jia Qianqian had the urge to bite Li Zedao to death, you're the one who deserves it!

"Let go!" Zhao Qiang roared in a low voice. Originally, he planned to cause this kid a little trouble after getting off the plane, but now he felt that he was not looking for a little trouble, but a lot of trouble!

"This is Suzhou and Hangzhou. I am also number one in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Mr. Hua is my elder brother. Do you believe that I let you be hacked to death as soon as you leave the airport?"

"I don't believe it." Li Zedao shook his head, and said kindly, "Oh, a friendly reminder, you peed your pants." Then he let go of this guy's arms...he doesn't have the kind of guy who likes to grab men That bad habit of hands.

"Your mother..." Zhao Qiang's forehead was twitching with veins, and he was about to attack Li Zedao, but suddenly felt his crotch was hot, and subconsciously looked down, dumbfounded.

I saw that the light-colored trousers he was wearing seemed to be drenched in water, and suddenly a large piece was wet, the crotch was extremely hot, and water droplets began to drip from the top.

He really peed his pants!

"Damn, look, some of them wet their pants..."

"Your sister, pee slowly, I forgot to turn on my phone..."


"You..." Zhao Qiang raised his head, his face was extremely embarrassed, he glanced at Li Zedao viciously, then turned around and fled quickly, saying that he didn't have the nerve to continue to be treated like a monkey here.

Jia Qianqian stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, with a look of astonishment on her face, she knew very clearly that this bastard must have done it, otherwise, even though that guy was brain-dead but not cerebral palsy, how could he do such a thing like peeing in the street? What about the embarrassment? Just how did he do it?

"Don't worship me, don't thank me, just don't make trouble for me." Li Zedao looked at Jia Qianqian and said speechlessly.

That Zhao Qiang dared to utter such cruel words, and said that flowers always come from my elder brother. This so-called Huazong is probably Huashulin, that is to say, this Zhao Qiang is from Huashulin, but Huashulin The underground kings here must have quite a few younger brothers, and if they secretly play tricks, it will be a headache.

In addition, they came to help the seekers, not to grab the territory, so Li Zedao didn't want to take the lead when the other party didn't provoke him.

"Who asked you to help? Old lady... I'll get him done in minutes!" Jia Qianqian curled her lips.

Li Zedao shrugged helplessly and said nothing, and walked towards Wu Xin.

Jia Qianqian looked at Li Zedao's back, bit her lip slightly, and followed quickly.

"Are you okay?" Wu Xin and Sister Jing asked Jia Qianqian with concern.

Jia Qianqian simply explained the man's background, saying that the reason why he changed places with Mr. Li on the plane was because he couldn't bear the harassment from that guy, but he didn't expect that guy to catch up after getting off the plane. She also made such an extremely excessive request, but she was so angry that she fought back.

Sister Jing scolded that wretched guy with a face full of righteous indignation, saying that you only slapped him too little, if it were her, he would have to slap him at least twice.

Li Zedao looked at Sister Jing's old face, and thought that you would never have the chance to slap someone else's face, and he didn't bother to expose Jia Qianqian's half-truth and half-false lie. At this moment, the suitcases were also there. The transmission of the conveyor belt appeared in front of everyone.

Li Zedao recognized the three suitcases, and lifted them off the conveyor belt one by one, then looked at Wu Xin and said, "Let's go...is the hotel booked?"

"Of course, the Ruihao Central Hotel is close to the city center. It's not too high-end, but it's not too bad." Wu Xin said with a slight smile, "I'll meet Xiaolu tomorrow."

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile and said, "Then let's go."

A group of four people pushed the surnamed Li and slowly left the airport hall and went outside. It was already dark outside at this time, and they got into a taxi immediately.

The taxi driver was a young guy, and immediately helped to stuff three suitcases into the trunk, then got into the car and asked Li Zedao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Where are we going?"

"Come on... casually wander around, come to travel, and want to see the night view of Suzhou and Hangzhou." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao, and didn't say much, she knew that Li Zedao had his own intentions and plans when he said this.

"Okay." The driver grinned, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped forward.

"How many of you are here to travel? Haven't booked a hotel yet?" The driver chatted with Li Zedao familiarly, "How about I recommend it for you..."

Li Zedao knew that these taxi drivers cooperated with certain hotels and hotels, and they got a commission for sending guests there to check in. Just as he was about to decline, the driver's cell phone rang.

The driver glanced at the caller number, opened his eyes slightly, and didn't care about talking to Li Zedao, so he quickly pressed the Bluetooth headset in his ear, and then said respectfully, "Brother Dafa...is it ...This...I see...Okay Brother Dafa...You are busy..."

While making the phone call, the driver secretly glanced at Li Zedao several times from the corner of his eye, and saw that this guy was enjoying the scenery outside the car in a leisurely manner. There is a wart mark, this guy dared to offend Brother Qiang, he really wanted to die! And those two beauties who will be done later... Tsk tsk Brother Dafa and Brother Qiang probably will let them fuck again.

After hanging up the phone, the driver continued to chat with Li Zedao as if he was okay: "That...brother, how is it? May I recommend a hotel for you?"

Li Zedao looked back at him and said with a slight smile, "No, thank you, just park here."

"Stop?" The driver was taken aback.

"Yes, we are going to get off." Li Zedao nodded and said.

"Well... oh, parking is not allowed here, and the traffic police will come to trouble me if I stop here." The driver said, and then kicked down the accelerator again, and the car started to shuttle through the traffic even more quickly.

"Really?" Li Zedao smiled strangely, "But if you don't stop, I will trouble you."


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