The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 817 The Stomach Can Talk

Before the driver could react, Li Zedao had already punched him on the forehead, knocking him out quite simply. At that moment, the driver's head was tilted to one side, his hands were hanging down feebly, and the car The steering wheel also lost control in an instant, and the whole car swayed left and right while driving at high speed.

The vehicles driving in front of the taxi saw that the car seemed to be out of control, and dodged one after another.

Except for Wu Xin who had full trust in Li Zedao, both Jia Qianqian and Sister Jing turned pale with fright, and screamed involuntarily as if being molested.

They didn't know why Li Zedao suddenly knocked out the taxi driver with such a heavy hand, but they could clearly feel the car shaking left and right, and they could even more clearly see that this car Seeing that he was about to hit the guardrail and rush into the green belt.

The next second, the car turned a strange corner, and the wheels slid past the guardrail very dangerously. The car body only slightly scraped and slammed, but it didn't hit it, and then continued to move smoothly as if nothing happened. drive forward.

But at some point, Li Zedao sat heavily on the driver's body, skillfully operating the car, with a calm expression on his face, as if nothing had happened.

"Bastard, you're sick..." Jia Qianqian glared at Li Zedao angrily after realizing it, and cursed out of breath, completely forgetting that this bastard is the big boss of the group.

The scene just now almost scared her courage. She thought that the car was about to hit the guardrail so hard, and then the car rolled into the air, and finally there was a loud "bang!" There will be a fire and an explosion, and then she, a big beauty, will be blown into a pair of pieces of meat and completely say goodbye to this beautiful world... Isn't the plot of the movie all like this?

"I'm not sick, I'm healthy." Li Zedao looked relaxed and freehand. If I wasn't so smart, you chick would be taken to a place full of scum by this driver and become a tool for those scumbags to vent up.

While stepping on the brakes to slow down, he turned the steering wheel, and the car left the main road and turned into a relatively remote path on the right.

" are sick! Brain is sick! Why did you knock the driver out? Just to show off your so-called superb driving skills?" Jia Qianqian was furious. The big beauty was scared to death?

But it is undeniable that this bastard's driving skills are really not good enough, he is so handsome... Jia Qianqian cursed inwardly, shit, now is not the time to be a nympho!

"You really guessed right." Li Zedao glanced at Jia Qianqian through the rearview mirror,

He grinned and said, "How is it? My driving skills are very good, right? Don't worship me."

"It's're an idiot who admires you." Jia Qianqian was impatient, and remembered that she had a real-life PK with Li Zedao, and then suddenly remembered that she couldn't say it now, her face was already full of embarrassment Looking back at Wu Xin who was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, she explained in embarrassment: "Mr. Wu... I didn't talk about you... I was talking about myself... I mean Yes... If I worship him, I'm a fool..."

Wu Xin looked at him a little funny and said: "Haha, I understand... But Qianqian, you misunderstood him, he knocked the driver unconscious with a punch not to show his driving skills...Of course, his driving skills are indeed Very well...he did it on purpose."

A woman's sixth sense told her that it would be a matter of time before Jia Qianqian became one of them, so Wu Xin simply changed her name.

"Mr. Wu, I..." Jia Qianqian was still embarrassed.

Wu Xin smiled ambiguously and said, "Don't call me President Wu anymore. After reading your resume, I'm a few months older than you... If you don't mind, just call me Sister Xin."

"This..." Jia Qianqian's eyes widened slightly, and she remembered what Boss Wu said to her on the plane. She and the women behind her were very willing to be sisters with her.

"Why? Don't want to?" Wu Xin blinked.

"This...Of course I do...Sister Xin." Jia Qianqian glanced at Li Zedao, said hurriedly while her heart fluttered, and then her face became hot inexplicably. She naturally knew what it meant to change the name of President Wu.

Li Zedao slowly stopped the car under a big tree beside the road, then got away from the unlucky driver and sat back in the co-pilot's seat, then looked back at the man in the back seat who was looking at him eagerly. The three of them simply explained with a glance: "This driver is in the same group as the wretched screenwriter who met at the airport who pissed in public..."

Jia Mingqian was taken aback and asked, "How do you know?"

"Guess." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, but his tone was beyond doubt.

"..." Jia Qianqian had an urge to bite someone, but then her eyes became suspicious. Li Zedao ripped off the driver's headset, which had passed out, and then picked up the driver's mobile phone. He grabbed the thumb of the driver's hand again, used his fingerprint to unlock the phone, and then operated the phone with his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Jia Qianqian asked curiously with her eyes wide open. Is this guy greedy and wants to take other people's mobile phones as his own?

"Don't talk yet." Li Zedao took a look at her and ordered.

"..." Seeing his serious expression, Jia Qianqian opened her mouth, but didn't say a single word. She glared at him and closed her mouth, as if she was a chatterbox. The bastard.

Li Zedao clicked on the phone screen a few times, found the call record from the phone, and at the same time dialed the number with a slightly weird angle of his mouth, not long after, a man's slightly hoarse voice came. , this sound is the same as what Li Zedao heard from the Bluetooth headset before.

"What's wrong?" the man asked.

Li Zedao put the microphone on his stomach, and imitated the driver's voice in ventriloquism: "Ah, Brother Dafa, I'm fine, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally pressed it..."

Except for Wu Xin, Jia Qianqian and Sister Jing's eyes widened in an instant, with extremely horrified expressions, and even those big eyes fell on the driver. He lowered his head and was so dizzy that he could not move Dizzy, how could his voice still echo in this car?

"Damn it, concentrate on it." Brother Dafa's displeased voice came over, "Hurry up, bring those four sluts to the entrance to the south, Brother Qiang is waiting there, Mom Yes, those who dare to play tricks on Brother Qiang, let me see if I will skin them... Oh, I will skin the men, and naturally hand over the women to Brother Qiang... They didn't find any clues, did they?"

The entrance to the south? Sure enough, it's playing black, and it still looks good, but where is this place?

Immediately, he continued to use ventriloquist to imitate Brother Dafa's voice and said, "No... I'll be there in a while."

"Well, be careful, the speed is getting faster." Brother Dafa said in a majestic tone, and then hung up the phone very simply.

Li Zedao cleared the fingerprints that had been stored in his hand for unlocking, so that he would not have to unlock the lock next time. He couldn't just chop off the driver's finger and take it away, right? He is not such a bloody person!

After finishing this, he turned off the mobile phone that might be needed later and put it in his pocket, then looked back at the three women and said, "Get out of the car, let's change cars... Uh, what are you doing?" Looking at me like that?"

But Jia Qianqian and Sister Jing's mouths were wide open, and their eyes were staring at him. Although Jia Qianqian's temper was not very good, she was considered a beauty anyway, and she looked at her, but Sister Jing's Eyes... Can you imagine a woman who is forty years old staring at you with sixty-year-old eyes? Anyway, Li Zedao had goosebumps all over his body.

"Just stomach talking?" Jia Qianqian swallowed, and asked with great difficulty, not only shocked but also terrified.

Li Zedao knocked out the driver with a punch and shocked her. Li Zedao was able to drive the car so calmly in that situation, which also shocked her, but the sum of the previous two shocks is not as good as it is now. What a shock this time... His stomach can talk?

The driver's voice suddenly sounded just now, and Jia Qianqian was full of doubts. After all, the driver passed out, didn't he? But she soon discovered that Li Zedao put the phone on her belly, and the sound came from his belly.

This guy, is he a descendant of Duan Yu's father, Duan Yanqing who can talk with his stomach?

"My stomach can indeed talk, oh, don't worship me." Li Zedao said with a very mysterious smile.

"Go, who will believe... Shameless, who worships you?" Jia Qianqian rolled her eyes, if Wu Xin was not on the side, Jia Qianqian would have wanted to use violence against Li Zedao, this bastard who likes to pretend. She couldn't believe that this bastard could talk in his stomach, he must have used some high-tech products.

"Okay, let's get out of the car and go to the hotel to eat and rest early. I'll be busy tomorrow." Li Zedao said, opened the door first and got out of the car, then walked around to the trunk and took out the three suitcases.

Sister Jing was mature and prudent, fearing that things would become serious, she glanced at the unconscious driver in the car and asked, "Young Master Li, what about that driver? Didn't... die... oh... are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Sister Jing, I'm not going to kill him. He can't die. At most, he just slept for two days and then woke up with dizziness for two days." Li Zedao laughed.

Sister Jing's heart is full of helplessness, she has been in a coma for two days and wakes up for another two days, is this a light move? At the moment, he asked with some concern: "Then what should he do if he calls the police?" After all, the founder of Tiandao Foundation was taken away by the police because of malicious wounding, which would have a great impact on the foundation's reputation.

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