The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 818: The Chance to Fuck

"No." Li Ze said with a sly smile. The gangster was bullied and called the police? Isn't that ridiculous? How do you come out to hang out afterwards? Besides, if you really want to play for nothing, with the resources he has now, how can these hooligans beat him?

Seeing such an expression in Jia Qianqian's eyes, she felt like a devil, but her eyes were slightly insane. This annoying, but, too handsome Talented!

"Besides, his cell phone is in my pocket, how can he call the police without it?" Li Zedao said jokingly with a chuckle.

Sister Jing was speechless, could she call the police without a mobile phone? He won't borrow it? He wouldn't drive himself to the police station to call the police? But seeing that the young and ridiculously big boss didn't seem to be worried about this matter at all, sister Jing didn't say much.

The next group of four people pushed the surnamed Li box forward a few steps, and then stopped a taxi. This time, Li Zedao didn't beat around the bush with the driver, but directly said the name of the hotel he was going to stay in. , and then the taxi quickly came to Ruihao Central Hotel, which is close to the city center.

After paying the money and getting out of the car, Li Zedao pointed to a restaurant in front of the hotel and said, "Are you hungry? Go to that restaurant first?"

Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian were indeed hungry, and they had no objection, and Sister Jing would not refute the boss's intentions. The four of them pushed their surname Li into the restaurant, and then sat down in front of a seat led by the waiter. When he got down, while ordering food, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang.

I found out that it was Zhou Xiaolu calling, and I picked it up immediately. Li Zedao only knew that Zhou Xiaolu had endorsed a certain product of a certain company, so he went to Suzhou and Hangzhou in advance to shoot an advertisement for the product. As for which company and what product he was endorsing, Li Zedao was not too sure.

"Brother-in-law..." Zhou Xiaolu's joyful voice came through the phone, "Are you and Xinxin here?"

"I just arrived at the hotel." Li Zedao smiled, "I wanted to say that I will contact you tomorrow morning to meet up."

"Which hotel are you staying at? I'll find you?" Zhou Xiaolu asked.

Li Zedao pondered and said: "Xiao Lu, you'd better not come out. After all, you are a very popular star with countless fans. If you come out by then, if you are recognized, you will cause some trouble. We will go find you tomorrow morning. you."

"Then... alright." There was a trace of regret in Zhou Xiaolu's voice. Having not seen her brother-in-law for a few days, Zhou Xiaolu just felt empty-hearted, as if she had lost something most important, and she just wanted to see him quickly.

Of course,

She also knows that her brother-in-law is telling the truth. If she goes out with her current popularity, if she is recognized, she will really be surrounded by three layers of inner and outer layers. At that time, let alone chatting with her brother-in-law, even Enron's escape is probably not a small problem.

"Then I'll wait for you at the hotel. I'm staying at the Disson Hotel, which is a few steps away from the beautiful and pleasant West Lake. We can go to the West Lake together when we finish our business." Zhou Xiaolu said a little excitedly.

"That's okay, go after finishing the business." Li Zedao said with a smile, although he is a bitch in terms of tourism and has no interest, but Li Zedao has long heard of the beautiful scenery by the West Lake that makes people linger. Exquisite, I also heard that there are ten scenic spots of the West Lake, and the Leifeng Pagoda that suppressed my childhood dream lover, Sister White Snake, is also there, so it’s good to go and meet.


In Suzhou and Hangzhou, especially the gangsters know such a place as Huahua Bar. This Huahua Bar may not be the most luxurious bar in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but it is definitely the safest bar in Suzhou and Hangzhou, just because they all know that, This bar was opened by Hua Wuque, the son of Wang Shulin, the underground king of Suhang, so even those who drink too much and want to make trouble have to weigh it first.

At this time, the deafening metal music was playing in the bar, and on the stage, several enchanting dancers were frantically twisting their waists following the rhythm. The things they wore were not enough for others to wear. The fabric of the clothes, but the figures and faces of these dancers are quite good, at least in the dim light, these people look very sexy, beautiful and attractive.

Zhao Qiang took a sip of the red wine, moved his greedy little eyes away from the dancer, looked at a man with a fierce appearance and a sturdy figure sitting in front of him, and said very displeasedly: "Dafa, why is your little brother still Didn't bring anyone?"

"Brother Qiang, you are waiting, the time is coming soon." Dafa smiled and said, this guy is the son of the boss's uncle's cousin's concubine, in short, he has a close relationship with the boss, so he really can't offend him ah.

"I'm making a phone call to ask." Dafa said.

"Go." While Zhao Qiang waved his hand, the other hand did not forget to grab the chest of the alluring woman who was clinging to his arms, and he groaned in his heart, damn it , Is it cushioned with silicone, or why is it so big?

If someone who has deep research on the entertainment industry and has sharp eyes sees this scene, he will definitely find that this woman is a third-rate actress in the industry, and occasionally appears in some online dramas and variety shows, such as the very popular before. This woman is one of the twenty-four female guests on the stage of the blind date show "If You Are Sincere".

"Brother Qiang, you are so annoying." The woman twitched and said coquettishly, "It hurts me...Didn't you say last time that you want her to be the number one female in your upcoming web drama? What? In the end, it was Xiao Sao, that Sao Fox, who became the number one female?"

Zhao Qiang kneaded the woman's chest vigorously, and said with a smile: "Because Xiaosao's coquettish fox is more coquettish than you."

"Ah, brother Qiang, you're so annoying." The woman's voice was so tender, her body was like a snake, wrapped around Zhao Qiang's body, and she whispered in his ear, "I... will definitely be better than her!" It's coquettish...don't believe it, tonight..." As she spoke, the woman gently licked Zhao Qiang's earlobe with her delicate tongue.

Zhao Qiang's body straightened all of a sudden, and the movements of his hands became even harder.

Dafa is no stranger to such things as Zhao Qiang eating tofu from little beauties in public. Anyway, he often does this kind of thing, so he took out his phone and called his brother who drove a taxi. After the notification sound of "the phone you dialed has been turned off" came from inside, the thick eyebrows were slightly raised, and the face full of flesh added a little bit of fear.

"Damn, what the hell is Xiao Gao doing?" Da Fa muttered depressedly with a cigarette in his mouth, and made another call, telling the younger brother on the other end to let them find the taxi driver Xiao Gao After hanging up the phone, I was about to tell Zhao Qiang about this, but I saw a man walking towards this side unsteadily, his eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly spit out the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and then faced the man Zhao Qiang, who wanted to push her under the ground immediately, said the little star, "Brother Qiang, Shao Ma is here."

"Young Master Ma, you're here..." Dafa greeted him, seeing the man nodding and bowing, his originally fierce face was already full of smiles, but it looked even more scary.

"Young Master Ma..." Zhao Qiang hurriedly pushed away the little beauty who made him angry, then stood up and greeted her. I feel uncomfortable, so the standing posture is quite weird.

Ma Shao is dressed in fashionable clothes, and there is a shining silver earring on his ear. He glanced at Zhao Qiang's crotch and scolded with a smile: "Brother Qiang, are you fooling those big-chested and brainless idiots again?" , If you say you’re going to sleep with me, I’ll let you be the heroine or number two?”

The little star was stabbed in the chest, but that face had just the right amount of charming smile. She knew that this young, handsome and cool Young Master Ma had extraordinary background. If he fell in love with him, it would be better than being with this strong brother It's too much, it's a pity, she was very disappointed that this young master just took a look at her, and then regarded her as air.

Zhao Qiang smiled awkwardly and said, "Young Master Ma was joking."

"Let's all sit down." Young Master Ma sat down on the sofa, then signaled Dafa and Zhao Qiang to sit down too.

Seeing the little star sitting down next to Zhao Qiang, those peach blossom eyes secretly looked at him from time to time, like a little virgin who just saw a handsome guy in love, Young Master Ma narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the little star He smiled and said, "Miss, I'll give you a chance."

The little star's eyes lit up instantly, and he hurriedly asked: "Young Master Ma, what chance?" He was secretly proud, his charm was indeed invincible, and taking down this little kid was not just a matter of eyes?

"Opportunity to get lost!" The smile on Young Master Ma's face grew even wider.

"Get lost?" Little Star thought he had heard wrong.

"Get out of my sight within a minute, otherwise..." Young Master Ma's face was full of weird smiles, "I'll have someone throw you out."

The little beauty's heart trembled, her face had already faded, she stood up quickly and was about to leave.

"Wait." Young Master Ma stopped her, then shook his head and said regretfully, "Sure enough, you are a big-breasted and brainless idiot who can't understand what I'm saying."

"Brother Ma..." Little Star was a little dazed, and could only keep a smile on her face. She really didn't understand what Shao Ma meant by saying this.

"Slap!" Zhao Qiang shot, he stood up abruptly, and slapped fiercely on the face of the woman who had to die on her belly before.

The little star was dumbfounded: "Qiang..."


Zhao Qiang slapped him again, and scolded loudly with disgust on his face: "Are you fucking deaf? Your brain is trapped by the door, right? You can't even understand what Ma Shao said? Can you hear it with a roll? If you don't get out, I will really turn you into a bitch, do you believe it or not?"

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