The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 830 Enlightenment

Li Zedao sighed softly and said, "It means... your decision just now was within my expectations, and I can understand your choice." Li Zedao said, "Now you also know how awesome I am , I know the purpose of my coming to Suzhou and Hangzhou, I can give you another chance, and the agreement between us is still valid."

In my heart, I couldn't help but praised myself several times. How can a person be so kind? If it were an ordinary person who was cheated like this, I'm afraid they would just pat their ass and leave now, right?

Gao Niu's red and swollen eyes were already bleeding and tears came out, he was very sad, crying like a child, and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you...Thank you..."

"You don't have to thank me." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "Because you have to fight for it all by yourself."

"I know... Don't worry, I will work hard to return the toilet brush to him." Gao Niu struggled to stand up and gritted his teeth. He thought that even if he lost his life, he would "return" the toilet brush to Young Master Ma, but...Gao Niu's heart was already filled with sorrow, and with his ability, even if he really took his life, it seemed that he would Can't do it?

"Your efforts are in vain." Li Zedao waved his hands and said embarrassingly.

"..." Gao Niu was a little depressed. Although it was the truth, it would be embarrassing for you to say it out of shame, okay?

At the moment, he said with a little embarrassment: "Young Master Li...I..."

"I'll get someone to help you." Li Zedao looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a strange way, "What you have to do now is to get the toilet ready first."



Li Zedao and Wu Xin stopped a taxi and went back to the hotel, washed up and changed into clean clothes, then left the hotel, went to the mall to buy some fruit, and then took a taxi to Jia Qianqian to check in When I came to the ward in the hospital, I saw the pervert standing there with his hands in his pockets, as if he didn't pay attention to two hundred and five.

However, Li Zedao noticed that every time a little nurse or a patient's female family member passes by, the pervert's evil eyes will always light up. If the woman is more beautiful, there will be a trace of transparent water flowing from the corner of her mouth. liquid.

Li Zedao felt that he was a failure. There were two people who called him the boss, Zhou Yan and the pervert. Both of them had been hanging around for so long, but they were not influenced by his innocent quality. They were still so wretched. Failed, really failed.

While feeling sad in his heart, Li Zedao blamed himself a little,

The reason why the pervert is like this is because he has no women around him, and he doesn't know if sister Jing is an old maid? Otherwise, in terms of appearance, she and the pervert are a natural match!

Li Zedao has made up his mind, investigate Sister Jing when he has time, and then help her make connections with the pervert.

"Boss, sister-in-law." Seeing the boss approaching, the pervert quickly wiped the transparent liquid from the corner of his mouth, greeted him with a smile and said loudly.

Wu Xin looked at him and nodded with a smile. She had a deep impression of Li Zedao's younger brother. After all, when he was stabbed several times before, she and Li Zedao helped to bandage him.

Li Zedao looked at the pervert with surprise and said, "Your voice is a bit loud...why do you feel like you are helping someone?"

The pervert was shocked, he had already acted so cryptically, and the boss could still see it? The sister-in-law inside really asked herself to stay at the door, and when the boss came over, she would remind her aloud.

But the pervert naturally couldn't admit it, so he hurriedly said, "Ahem... no, it's just that my throat was a little uncomfortable just now..."

Li Zedao didn't bother to expose his lies, so he nodded and said, "Is there no one to harass him?"

The pervert glanced at a man wearing a peaked cap at the end of the corridor from the corner of his eye and whispered, "No, but that idiot has been there for a long time, I really think I can't see it? Boss, do you want me to go..."

As he spoke, the pervert made a "click" movement.

"No need, it's just a little shrimp." Li Zedao said without even looking at the man, then pushed open the door of the ward, and walked in with Wu Xin.

Sister Jing, who was sitting by the bed, saw Li Zedao and Wu Xin coming in, stood up and greeted them: "Young Master Li, Mr. Wu."

"Is Qianqian asleep? Is there anything serious?" Wu Xin nodded and asked in a low voice. Seeing that Jia Qianqian covered her head on the hospital bed, she couldn't see her face, nor was she alive at all, so Wu Xin thought she was asleep, so she didn't dare to make too much noise.

But Wu Xin soon discovered that things were not what she thought, because the quilt shook slightly, in other words, the person inside the quilt was pretending to be asleep.

"This... seems to be falling asleep." Sister Jing said against her conscience. A minute ago, she and Qianqian were chatting without saying a word, but after hearing the noise from outside, Jia Qianqian immediately covered her head and pretended to be asleep.

Sister Jing could understand Jia Qianqian's way of doing this. If something more embarrassing than farting in public or even peeing her pants happened to her, she would not just pretend to be asleep, but just pretend to be dizzy! And it's the kind of dizziness that can't wake up!

"Acupuncture by Li Shao and another infusion, there is no serious problem." Sister Jing said, "I should be able to go through the discharge procedures in the afternoon."

Wu Xin nodded and said, "That's good..."

Meimou glanced at Li Zedao, then looked at Sister Jing and said, "Sister Jing, it's already noon, haven't you eaten yet? Let's go to the cafeteria and have some porridge for Qianqian."

"Zedao, just stay here and take care of Qianqian." Wu Xin looked at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao knew that Wu Xin wanted to give herself and Jia Qianqian some space, and also hoped that she could enlighten Jia Qianqian, she couldn't spend her whole life covering her head with a quilt and not seeing people, could she? Immediately, he glanced at the quilt, nodded and said, "Go... By the way, I also called the pervert."

"Understood." Wu Xin nodded with a slight smile, and then left the ward with Sister Jing.

Li Zedao looked at Jia Qianqian who was curled up there with some amusement, then put the fruit he brought on the table beside him, sat down on the chair, then reached out to pick up a big apple and a fruit knife, and peeled it Here comes the skin.

Under the quilt, Jia Qianqian felt that she was suffocated to death and could not breathe, so she could only open her mouth wide and pant gently. Although she didn't see Li Zedao, she knew that although the bastard was silent, he was just sitting there, and he must be smiling, very meanly.

Now she has no face to face Wu Xin, and even more face to Li Zedao. When she thinks that she has pulled up her pants, Jia Qianqian has the urge to beat up Li Zedao violently, and wants to beat him until all the shit comes out. He didn't have the nerve to laugh at himself in the future.

"Okay, if you keep covering it, you might get prickly heat." Li Zedao looked at the slightly trembling quilt and said a little funny. Don't you just have diarrhea? Don't you just pull it on your pants? What's the big deal?

In this point, you have to learn from Ma Renjie, his crotch was pulled up, his little nipple was scalded by boiling water, he took off his pants with Yang Baishu in the ward happily, but was bumped into by a lot of people, and Chrysanthemum was brushed with a toilet I was stabbed... You see, Ma Renjie is still in a lively mood now.

Li Zedao decided to talk to Jia Qianqian about Ma Renjie, and told her that it was no big deal for her to pull up her crotch. Compared with classmate Ma, she was really nothing.

Jia Qianqian under the quilt almost lifted the quilt and yelled, your sister, you have heat rash?

But she still held back alive, because she fell asleep now, she didn't wake up! Hmph, want to trick my wife? Is your old lady's IQ on the same level as those little kids in kindergarten?

Li Zedao continued to peel the apples. He is also a master at peeling apples, and his movements are very skilled. The whole peel is connected into one piece and dragged in the air for a long time, which looks very beautiful.

"Isn't it just pulled on the crotch? It's no big deal, really." Li Zedao comforted.

"..." Jia Qianqian's sweaty red face in the quilt was already dark, and the anger in her stomach burst out all of a sudden, she was biting her silver teeth tightly, This bastard bastard is really the one who can't open the pot. Look at Sister Jing, how understanding she is. From the beginning to the end, she didn't mention a word at all.

"I often did this kind of thing when I was a child." Li Zedao said.

"..." Jia Qianqian's eyes went dark, she just felt that she was about to faint, the spicy next door, this bitch, who didn't do this kind of thing when she was a child? But is it now a child? Was it when I was a child?

Li Ze said "Crack!" He took a big bite of the apple, chewed the crisp and sweet flesh, and continued to persuade him earnestly: "The most important thing is that I didn't dislike you when I helped you clean up, so you can't dislike it even more. You're on your own, don't overthink it."

Who despises themselves? Who can't think about it? Why can't you think about it? Jia Qianqian was so angry that she was dying, and then her eyes widened as if thinking of something.

Wait, he said, 'I didn't dislike you when I cleaned up for you'... He cleaned up for himself?

Jia Qianqian felt dizzy for a moment, and then kicked away the quilt covering her body, and she jumped up from the bed.

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao was really taken aback, and then continued to bite the big apple in his hand.

"" Jia Qianqian pointed at Li Zedao, her eyes were horrified, her face was pale, and she couldn't speak fluently, "You helped me... clean up?"

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