The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 831 You are the only one who suffers anyway

"What do you think?" Li Zedao said casually, "You're welcome, you really are welcome, who made my idol Lei Feng?"

"It's not... President Wu?" Jia Qianqian's eyes widened, her face turned pale, and her body trembled even more.

"Do you think she can bear it?" Li Zedao shook his head and said, "You can't bear yourself, let alone her... Why did Sister Jing ask Ying to help you buy clothes? That's because she already vomited ...One couldn't bear it, and the other ran away, so I had to come."

"..." Jia Qianqian was so ashamed and indignant that she was furious. She gave Li Zedao a fierce look in her eyes, then pulled the quilt violently, and covered her face firmly.

There was no cry, her body didn't tremble, and her face was covered by a quilt, so Li Zedao couldn't see her face that should have a gloomy expression or an expression of shame...Jia Qianqian is like a sculpture Like a sculpture with its face covered, motionless.

Li Zedao felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart when he looked at it. Jia Qianqian made him feel that strange dead still feeling when the storm is approaching.

Either break out in silence, or die in heavy! Li Zedao believed that with Jia Qianqian's character, he would not seek death and life, so...

While Li Zedao stared at this motionless delicate body vigilantly, he stood up quietly, intending to leave the room that seemed to be about to storm in the next second.

At this moment, Jia Qianqian removed the quilt covering her face, raised her head, the expression on her face was very calm, and there was no special color in her eyes, as if nothing had happened .

"Are you... all right?" Li Zedao had the urge to turn around and leave. He knew that this little girl was going to explode.

"It's okay." Jia Qianqian said in a very flat tone, "I just... want to kill you."


"Go to hell." Jia Qianqian continued very flatly. The next second, the whole person's aura suddenly changed, and that beautiful pretty face became a little distorted due to excessive anger. Like a furious little leopard, it jumped up from the bed and rushed towards Li Zedao.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Jia Qianqian's entire body slammed into Li Zedao's body, and then the two bodies stuck together tightly... To be precise, it was Li Zedao who was ready to catch her Otherwise, Jia Qianqian would have fallen to the ground long ago.

At that moment, her two legs tightly clamped Li Zedao's waist,

Arms wrapped around each other's necks, their cheeks were so close, Jia Qianqian could smell the burning smell of Li Zedao's breath.

Then the monstrous shame and anger in her heart disappeared without a trace for some reason, and was replaced by panic, the kind of panic that she had never seen before... She was a little puzzled, she obviously wanted to kick her all at once. If he killed him, how could it end up hanging on him? Is your action wrong?

Then she noticed that Li Zedao's face was approaching her little by little.

"You...what do you want to do..." Jia Qianqian has never experienced such a formation before, she turned her face away and wanted to dodge, and felt that her little heart was beating wildly at a speed of 180, and she might be at any time. popped out of the throat.

"I just want to tell you that it's time for you to lose weight." Li Zedao said.

"...My sister, if my mother loses weight, she will turn into a pile of to death." Jia Qianqian pushed forward, and her sexy lips fiercely imprinted on Li Zedao's lips , and then sucked hard like a baby sucking.

"Grandma, is being an old lady a casual person? You've seen me all and want to pat my ass and leave? There's no way... Forget it, whoever is cheap is cheap, so I'll make it cheap for you." Jia Qianqian said inwardly.

At the same time, his heart is full of sweetness and touch. If he is willing to clean up for himself, it proves that he has his own in his heart.

It wasn't until Jia Qianqian kissed her so hard that she couldn't breathe that her lips left Li Zedao's, and she whispered with a little dodging eyes: "I... let me go... I'll come down..."

Li Zedao's heart is full of helplessness, please, I'm just supporting your buttocks, you can go down by yourself at any time, okay? Besides, what's the matter with you forcefully kissing me while I'm not paying attention? If you have the ability, you take advantage of my unpreparedness and push me down to the ground for Chacha OO.

"Actually, let go of your hands and feet, and you can come down." Li Zedao reminded him kindly.

"...don't let go." Jia Qianqian's shy face turned dark again, and she said through gritted teeth, this bastard, if he doesn't expose his lies, he will die.

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "If you don't let him go, you won't let him go. If you have the ability, you can stay like this for the rest of your life."

"Stay forever, stay forever, who is afraid of whom?" Jia Qianqian snorted coldly, then realized something, looked at Li Zedao in a daze, and tears fell from her eyes.

"Bastard, bastard." She laughed and shed tears, and then her lips pressed hard on Li Zedao's again, tightly, with all her strength, as if she was afraid of losing something, as precious as life.


"Aren't you a man? You obviously like my old lady, why don't you say it? Mental?" Jia Qianqian stared at Li Zedao with spring in her eyes, but her tone was pretending to be contemptuous.

When she said this, she had already jumped off Li Zedao's body... The main reason was that she didn't recover much of her strength at all because of diarrhea, so her arms were held between her legs, and her breathing was not smooth. Jia Qianqian felt that her body was more comfortable after she came down and gnawed on a big apple that Li Zedao helped her peel. The sweet and juicy pulp entered her stomach.

"It's impossible for me to say." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"Why?" Jia Qianqian was a little puzzled, "Afraid that I will reject you? Or are you embarrassed? You don't seem to have such a thin skin, do you?"

"None." Li Zedao shook his head and said embarrassedly, "Because I have always been chased."

"..." Jia Qianqian almost smashed this shameless person to death with the apple in his hand.

"However, the responsibility for the embarrassment that happened to you this time lies with me." Li Zedao felt somewhat apologetic.

Jia Qianqian's eyes widened, and she said after a while, "Bastard, you didn't just look at my body and put laxatives in my food just to see me make a fool of yourself, or even to help me clean up." Bar?"


Jia Qianqian now knows that the reason why she suffered so badly was because she took some kind of laxative. Before, Sister Jing asked her if she was constipated, and said that even if she was really constipated, she had to take laxatives, and the dose had to be controlled. This made Jia Qianqian depressed.

He felt a little embarrassed as he spoke, and he didn't dare to meet Li Zedao's eyes, so he whispered: " doesn't need to be so troublesome, just say what you want to see..."

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face, is he that kind of person? If I want to look at a girl's body, I still have to use such obscene means? Please, just one look is enough, okay?

Immediately said angrily: "You think too much, I mean, a guy who is quite capable in Suzhou and Hangzhou, in order to disgust me, let people tamper with the coffee we drank in the morning, of course, only you It was drugged in the cup of coffee he drank."

"Wh...what?" Jia Qianqian's eyes widened, and she gritted her teeth and cursed, "Damn it, who did it? See if I don't buy a catty of laxatives and stuff them into his mouth and chrysanthemum..."

Seeing Li Zedao looking at him with a dull expression, Jia Qianqian smiled and said, "That... I know, lady, lady..."

"Forget it, lady has nothing to do with you." Li Zedao waved his hands and said with a smile, "You'd better be your little sister."

"...Get out!" Jia Qianqian scolded angrily, and then remembered the scene when she saw Li Zedao for the first time. At that time, he was trapped in a casino, and the hooligan gave him two choices, either let him pay off his debts at night or send money over.

Without hesitation, Jia Qianqian chose to dial the number of her extremely bitter and resentful father. She didn't expect him to send money over, because she knew that he would never come over. She just wanted to ruthlessly kill or be killed. Just scold him a few words, that's all.

It's just that the phone was taken away by those hooligans as soon as she called, and what she didn't expect was that he came and brought him with him.

Afterwards, his beating movements were so handsome that any woman would be attracted to him, and Jia Qianqian was attracted to him just like that.

After that, God arranged for them to meet again. Of course, the process of meeting each time was not very good, but Jia Qianqian found that she was falling little by little, and she would think of him when eating. , I think of him when I sleep, and I hear him when I go to the toilet...I think about him all the time.

"Miss Jia Qianqian, I know I'm handsome, but I have a thin skin. If you look at me like that, I'll blush." ​​Li Zedao said.

"Shameless, bastard!" Jia Qianqian spat, but her eyes were fixed on Li Zedao, and she didn't move away.

Li Zedao smiled and briefly said about Ma Renjie. Jia Qianqian understood after hearing this. No wonder Li Zedao specially told him not to run around casually before he set off, because he was afraid of being caught by the forces in Suzhou and Hangzhou. It's not a small thing that someone with the surname Ma is thinking about it, and the editor I wrote on the plane has something to do with the surname Ma, this...

"It's all my fault." Jia Qianqian said embarrassingly, "If I provoke that shitty editor on the fly, wouldn't we not be noticed?"

"You don't have to blame yourself." Li Zedao looked at her a little funny and said, "Anyway, you are the only one who suffers."


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