Ma Renjie was in a bad mood all morning, because the younger brothers under him reported that one of the women who was with the third child was pulled on the crotch in public in the restaurant... Oh, those younger brothers watched from afar So they didn't see it, but they smelled that strange smell, and even saw the woman Li Zedao picked up and rushed out to the hospital.

Ma Renjie felt that the only regret was that he wasn't there, otherwise he would have laughed out loud, and at the same time he had a hypocritical face of surprise when he met the third child, saying that you had arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou but didn't call me Yes, do you still think that I am a brother, and still say that what happened to the younger siblings? Pull the crotch up?

And the reason why people secretly give laxatives to one of the women instead of directly giving laxatives to Li Zedao is because Ma Renjie intends to play a game of cat and mouse. Naturally, Ma Renjie is a cat and Li Zedao is a pitiful Little mouse, Ma Renjie wanted to play with the two little beauties beside him and the aunt who looked like the third child's mother first, which made him burnt out, and finally stabbed him to death with... oh, no, several knives !

How could it be possible to eliminate the monstrous hatred in his heart with just a knife? He was supposed to be crazy about Phoenix University, to become the most popular boy in Phoenix University, and to become a man of the hour in Phoenix University. A girl's object of ridicule.

When it was approaching noon, Ma Renjie's mood was slightly spoiled because Dafa hadn't called him yet! He has already told Dafa that every two hours, he has to report the latest whereabouts of Li Zedao to him, even if he has been sitting on the toilet for the past two hours and has diarrhea, he has to report!

But when is this, the boy Dafa didn't call in a daze, he just... doesn't want to do it anymore?

Ma Renjie had no choice but to put down his body and was very unhappy to call Dafa himself, but it was not Dafa who answered the phone, but a younger brother named Xiao Gao from Dafa. Ma Renjie could recognize his voice, and he could even say Very impressed with the sound of his voice, because he himself poked a toilet brush up this kid's ass last night.

This little Gao faltered and said that Brother Dafa was beaten and sent to the hospital and is now bandaging the wound.

I remember my uncle once said earnestly that if you want your little brother to work for you, you have to pay equal attention to kindness and power. You can scold them severely, but you also have to give them some sweet dates when the time is right.

Ma Renjie wrote down this very seriously, so when he heard that Dafa had entered the hospital, he secretly cursed "Damn you" in his heart, and rushed over immediately.

When he saw Ma Renjie walking in, Brother Dafa, whose face was bandaged like a mummy's, struggled to sit up from the hospital bed and said cautiously, "Young Master Li..."

The voice is hoarse and windy,

Because Li Zedao's stick went down, not only broke the bridge of his nose, but almost knocked out half of his teeth.

"You don't need to get up, just lie's okay, right?" Looking at this unbearable face, Ma Renjie's scalp felt slightly numb. It's not like hitting someone in the face, especially those who come out to mess around. They are all trying to save face, who is so ruthless, just like this, smashing the face of such a handsome guy who is far less handsome than himself?

"It's nothing serious... Thank you, Young Master Ma, for your concern." Dafa quickly replied. He wasn't moved, but he was a little nervous, because this time he went to surround that kid on his own initiative when he received Gao Niu's call, and Ma Renjie didn't know it.

Brother Dafa knew very well that Young Master Ma was secretly tripping up that frightened kid, such as having someone secretly watch him around the clock, and letting someone secretly pour laxatives into their breakfast ... These things were all arranged by Young Master Ma, so I don't know if my assertion this time will affect Young Master Ma's plan.

If it really affected him, would Young Master Ma get so annoyed that he would find a toilet brush and stab it hard into his ass... Isn't that kid Xiao Gao a living example?

Thinking of the cruel torture that Xiao Gao suffered last night, Brother Dafa felt that his chrysanthemum was chilly, as if there was an air-conditioning blowing there.

Ma Renjie nodded and said in a serious tone: "I'm relieved that there is nothing serious... What happened? Who did it? How dare someone in Suzhou and Hangzhou dare to hit you so hard?"

It’s okay to be bullied by the third child in Fenghuang City. After all, people who are not familiar with the place there will inevitably capsize in the gutter, but now they are in Suzhou and Hangzhou. His uncle Huashulin is the underground king of Suzhou and Hangzhou. On the surface, he is still a listed company. The boss is also a well-known philanthropist who takes both black and white. They usually bully others. When did you get bullied like this?

Although he wasn't the one who had his face smashed and his teeth knocked out, Ma Renjie also felt that his face was hot and shameless when his younger brother was beaten.

Of course, Ma Renjie never imagined that Dafa was beaten by Li Zedao. After all, although he asked Dafa to keep an eye on Li Zedao, these younger brothers did all these things. Dafa just sat there and made phone calls. that is it.

"This..." Dafa's face, which was tightly wrapped in gauze, was already full of embarrassment.

"Did you bring any thugs with you?" Ma Renjie asked again.

"..." Brother Dafa got a knife in his chest, the pain was so painful that he almost suffocated. Although he is very shameless, he usually doesn't blush when he teases little beauties and bullies honest people, but now he really has the nerve to say that he not only brought thugs, but also brought more than 20 people, but he was stunned by someone. All the sticks fell down.

Except for him, the eldest brother who was concussed and disfigured and was arranged to recuperate in this independent ward, the other 20-something younger brothers were temporarily staying in the outpatient clinic with their wounds bandaged.

Seeing Dafa's strange eyes, Ma Renjie frowned slightly and asked, "Why? Is it convenient to say?"

Brother Dafa's forehead was already covered with cold sweat. He knew that Ma Renjie was getting impatient, so he quickly said, "'s not, Young Master Ma..."

Brother Dafa hesitated, and it was very difficult to explain the matter in a simple way. Of course, Brother Dafa simply made some changes. For example, he originally wanted to beat the boy when he brought someone there. Then I gave Ma Shao a surprise. At this time, it was replaced by him because Xiao Gao was beaten by that kid, and the younger brother was chased and beaten. The boss naturally had to come forward.

What I didn't expect was that that kid was so good at beating, he just took care of all the 20 or so people with just one iron rod.

"Young Master Ma, that's how things are..." Brother Dafa felt so ashamed that he wanted to die, he didn't even dare to meet Ma Renjie's eyes.

It's not like I didn't take people to fight before, although I was hacked before, but the first time I was so useless, there was only one person... Oh, there was a woman next to him, but they originally wanted to capture that woman When the hostage threatened to tie the boy's hands and feet, who knew that the boy would never give them such a chance.

"So that's how it is." Ma Renjie's eyes were already narrowed into a line.

"I... Shao Ma... I was afraid that he would run away, so I didn't have time to call you... So..." Brother Dafa suppressed the severe pain and forced a meaningful smile on his face, but he didn't Just forget, his face was wrapped in thick gauze, even if he smiled Ma Renjie couldn't see it.

"Don't worry, I understand." Ma Shao nodded and said, stretched out his hand, and gently patted Dafa's shoulder to express his comfort. Even an all-rounder of civil and military skills like myself was almost played to death by the violent madman of the third child, let alone a big fat turtle.

"Thank you, Young Master Ma, thank you Young Master Ma." Dafa was a little moved, thinking that Young Master Ma was easy to talk to.

"You said that all of you in your twenties have been beaten up?" Ma Renjie asked, feeling powerless in his heart. Third brother, third child, why are you so good at beating up? How can I get revenge on you for being so capable of beating you? Are you so unkind to not let your revengeful family members know?

Dafa was ashamed for a while, nodded and said: "Young Master Ma, I suspect that kid is a special soldier, or he has a black belt in Taekwondo or some ancient martial" Anyway, help him first That kid wears a few high hats, so it won't be too embarrassing if it spreads like this?

"So you think... I can't beat him?" Ma Renjie looked at Dafa and interrupted his words with a smile.

Cold sweat broke out on Dafa's forehead in an instant, and he said quickly: "No, no, killing that kid with Ma Shao's ability is no different from killing a pug..."

"He's not a pug." Ma Renjie shook his head, corrected Dafa's words, then grabbed the chair next to the head of the bed, looked at Dafa and said again, "He's really not a pug."

If he was a pug, what was he? Worse than a pug? Isn't that insulting?

"Young Master Ma..." Dafa felt that something was wrong with Ma Renjie's expression, and he smiled like a madman. Such a smile made him a little timid.

"Ah..." screamed loudly, because Ma Renjie had already unceremoniously raised the chair in his hand and smashed it towards his head, so frightened that he quickly covered his head with his hands, After all, his scarred face can't bear other injuries now.

"Li Zedao, I'll fuck your whole family..." With a sinister smile on his face, Ma Renjie greeted Da Dao again and again with the chair in his hand, exhausting all his strength.

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