At the door of the ward, Gao Niu walked up to a tough-looking man standing there, and said cautiously: "Brother Hu, I'll go to the bathroom."

Brother Hu is one of Dafa's most trusted younger brothers. This time when Brother Dafa took someone to find Li Zedao's troubles, Brother Hu didn't follow because someone was making trouble in the scene he was watching. In the small organization, Brother Hu's status is much higher than Gao Niu's. Gao Niu is the bottom kind of gangster, so he is naturally polite when speaking to him.

Brother Hu glared at him, and cursed with a stern look on his face: "Paralyzed, just go or just say a fart? I can still make you pull on the crotch?"

Because the boss took someone to kill someone because he received a call from this kid, which caused him to be injured, and it even caused the boss to be punished by Young Master Ma afterward... One arm was abruptly broken by Young Master Ma , so Brother Hu is not only unhappy seeing Gao Niu now, but also decided, when the boss's injury is better, he will help this kid loosen his bones!

"Okay..." Gao Niu said with a small smile on his wounded face.

When he turned around and walked forward, Brother Hu kicked his ass so hard that he staggered so much that he almost sat on the ground like this, and Brother Hu scolded him from behind. : "Paralyzed."

Gao Niu didn't look back, and continued to walk forward despite the severe pain brought by the chrysanthemum, but there was a trace of hatred in those hematomatous eyes.

After reaching the end of the corridor, Gao Niu didn't go into the bathroom, but turned a corner, pushed open the fire door at the top of the stairs, and walked out.

Because everyone used the elevator to go up and down the stairs, there were very few people coming up and down the stairs, and it seemed extremely quiet.

"Young Master Li..." Gao Niu looked at the young man sitting on the stairs in awe and playing with a mobile phone in his hand and greeted him.

Li Zedao looked away from the phone, looked at Gao Niu, nodded and said, "Ma Renjie came over at noon and broke an arm and a leg of that brother Dafa?"

The reason why Li Zedao knew about this was naturally because Gao Niu had secretly told him on the phone before.

Gao Niu nodded with lingering fear and said, "Yes, Young Master Li..." He recalled the scene where Ma Renjie was beaten up by someone and then stabbed into his ass with a toilet brush, and he didn't know what to do. Except for the broken arm and leg, has that place been violated? If so... that is really something worth celebrating.

Li Zedao chuckled and said, "That guy seems to be more perverted than before.


"It's very perverted." Gao Niu muttered in his heart.

"The big screenwriter Zhao Qiang is in the ward right now?" Li Zedao asked again, he had secretly noticed that the screenwriter Zhao Qiang he met at the airport had walked into the ward, presumably to visit Brother Dafa.

"Yes, Young Master Li, Brother Qiang...Zhao Qiang is inside now." Gao Niu quickly replied.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Although you promised me that you would return the toilet brush to Ma Renjie, I'm afraid even you don't believe it?"

"..." Gao Niu looked embarrassed. Can't Li Shao show some sympathy for others?

"After all, in your capacity, it is very difficult to get close to Ma Renjie, let alone poke a toilet brush into his ass." Li Zedao said, "So, I told you before, I I will find some helpers for you... What do you think of Zhao Qiang and Brother Dafa?"

"Brother Zhao Qiang and Dafa...what...what?" Gao Niu had a weird look on his face that you were joking with me internationally. After all, how could Zhao Qiang and Dafa help him to stab Ma Renjie's ass? At that time, it will only be him who stabs Gao Niu, right?

Li Zedao stood up from the steps, only then did Gao Niu realize that there was a bag under his buttocks.

Li Zedao picked up the bag and opened it, took out a doctor's white coat from inside, and put it on his body in front of Gao Niu, then looked at Gao Niu who was looking at him with dull eyes and asked :"How about it?"

"" Gao Niu was a little confused, thinking that Li Shao's occupation is a doctor?

Li Zedao looked helpless, no wonder this kid is still a punk after so long, these days he has to rely on brains or fists, neither of which can be done by flattering you as a military adviser, this kid is fine, as long as he has no brains Brains and fists are not as hard as others, and you can't flatter a horse... When I ask you how you are, you can say that you are handsome or something, can't you?

"Young Master Li is... a doctor?" Gao Niu asked.

"..." Li Zedao had already lost interest in talking to him, and immediately took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses without lenses from his pocket, put them on the bridge of his nose, and looked even more calm and handsome, and then said : "I'm going to help that big fat brother see a doctor, and you just pretend that you don't know anything."

"Seeing a doctor...uh..." Gao Niu's face was full of bewilderment, he didn't know what Li Zedao was talking about under pressure, and then he saw Li Zedao opened the door of the corridor and strode away.


Li Zedao walked towards Brother Dafa's ward with a calm expression as if he was really a doctor in this hospital. Along the way, he inevitably encountered a few nurses and the like, and those nurses saw this super doctor. After the handsome guy, they discussed over there one after another while their hearts were moved. Is this super handsome doctor with a fresh face new here? Who knows or something.

After arriving at the door of the ward, Brother Hu who was standing there opened his eyes, stopped Li Zedao's body with his big hands and said, "What are you doing?"

"Routine examination of the patient's body." Li Zedao said calmly.

"Didn't the doctor just leave after the examination?" Brother Hu asked.

"The patient is an important person, so we dare not neglect it, so we have to check it several times." Li Zedao threw a small flattery over him.

Brother Hu thinks about it too, his boss is an important person, how can he not check it a few times? This kid is telling the truth. Immediately said: "So it is like this, wait a moment, I will tell our boss."

Speaking of which, Brother Hu pushed open the door and went in, nodded to Zhao Qiang who was sitting there, then looked at Brother Dafa who was lying there extremely listless, and said: "Brother Dafa, the doctor is here to check your body."

"Damn it, didn't you just finish the inspection?" Brother Dafa cursed weakly.

"The doctor said that you are an important patient, and they dare not neglect you." Brother Hu said quickly.

"Then... let him come in." Brother Dafa said, who made us important patients?

Brother Hu nodded and left the ward, looked at Li Zedao and said, "My elder brother let you in... By the way, be gentle during the examination. If my elder brother hurts, I will let you look good."

Li Zedao nodded pretending to be panicked and said, "Don't worry, I will be very careful."

After Li Zedao walked in, he closed and locked the door of the ward, and then turned his head to look at Dafa and Zhao Qiang who was lying on the hospital bed and sitting there with a faint smile.

Dafa's gaze on Zhao Qiang also fell on the doctor who came in. At first they thought this doctor was too young. Wasn't Dafa an important patient? Since it is an important patient, shouldn't a doctor with better medical skills be brought over? How do you get the interns to come over?

But soon, a strange feeling filled their hearts again, that is, this young doctor looked familiar, as if he had seen him there before.

"Why, you don't recognize me?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"You are?" Zhao Qiang asked, always feeling that this kid is familiar, but he just can't remember.

"So? Do you recognize who I am?" Li Zedao took off the eyes on the bridge of his nose.

"..." Zhao Qiang's face instantly darkened.

After Dafa brother experienced that horrible and bloody scene, he had long been terrified of this seemingly harmless boy, so after he suddenly recognized Li Zedao, he behaved even more unbearably, and almost passed away like this. He rolled down on the bed, but the wound was involved, and he cried out in pain.

He even opened his mouth and shouted: "Little Tiger...Little Tiger..."

Then Brother Dafa had an extremely horrified expression on his face, because he found that although his mouth was wide open, he couldn't make any sound, as if something was firmly stuck in his throat like.

Zhao Qiang didn't pay attention to Brother Dafa's terrified expression, he stared at Li Zedao firmly, and asked in a bad tone: "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Qiang only knew that Brother Dafa was beaten up and sent to the hospital, and he also knew that Brother Dafa offended Young Master Ma so he was punished by Master Ma, but he really didn't know that Brother Dafa was beaten by this boy .

This bastard is a bit evil, as if he can use magic. He didn't know what to do to him at the airport, and he made him pee his pants in public. Moreover, Young Master Ma seems to have a grudge against this kid, and he is planning to kill him He, I didn't expect him to appear here, is he a doctor here?

What are you kidding? The only explanation is that he slipped in disguised as a doctor... Is he seeking revenge on the two of them because he was raped by Young Master Ma?

So Zhao Qiang's eyes were full of vigilance, if this kid dared to act recklessly, he would call someone to come in and hack him to death!

"Come and visit the wounded." Li Zedao said, then walked up to him, and sat down on the chair as if he was familiar with himself.

"Visiting the wounded?" Zhao Qiang was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Brother Dafa, and the muscles on his face twitched instantly. Brother Dafa opened his mouth wide, his pupils became bigger, and his body trembled violently, as if seeing a ghost. generally.

"Brother Dafa, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Qiang asked.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just that I can't make a sound for some reason." Li Zedao said, "It will be fine in a while."

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