The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 857 Worse than a Dog

Seeing him like this, Hua Shulin almost couldn't hold back and spit out a mouthful of blood, wanting to call him a slut but afraid that all the sluts in the world would come over to protest.

After counting it again, the number of zeros on the check is exactly seven, which makes Li Zedao more and less depressed. Why don't you write one more? why? why? I won’t blame you if you write one more, right?

Immediately, Li Zedao put the check in his pocket, and his attitude became better: "Mr. Hua, then you should hurry up and send Renjie to the hospital. If he loses too much blood, he will die like this..."

While Hua Shulin was so angry with this kid in his heart, he quickly asked his subordinates to carry Ma Renjie into the car first, picked up his severed hand and rushed him to the hospital, then looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Young Master Li, then I Let's go to the hospital first, let's find a time to have a good chat another day... Oh, by the way, Li Shao, what should we do with these four people? Let me take them away?"

Hua Shulin glanced at the four so-called mercenaries hired by his idiot nephew at a high price, and his anger surged in his heart. He just couldn't get angry, so he just used these people as a way to vent his anger.

"Oh, I'll just take care of these people, Xiao Huang needs them." Li Zedao laughed.

"Xiao Huang?"

"Oh, Xiao Huang is a male dog raised by my little brother, and it has entered the estrus period these two days." Li Zedao simply explained.

"..." Hua Shulin ran away, it turned out that the black games I played before were compared with this guy's, they are not worthy of carrying shoes!

As soon as Huashulin's convoy left, a black shadow jumped out from the dilapidated Banpo Village, and then quickly came to Li Zedao, with a dog's tail blooming on that face and said: "Boss."

"Why did you go?" Li Zedao frowned slightly as he looked at the pervert. This guy just said he was going to pee, but it turned out he had been gone for so long. Li Zedao thought he was bitten by some poisonous snake or something And then passed out.

"What's behind it?" Li Zedao had already seen the pervert carrying a dirty, bulging bag, so he didn't know what it was.

"Little Huang." The pervert said, "Oh, I just got the name."

"...You went into the village to steal dogs?" Li Zedao had two thick black lines appearing on his forehead, his tone suddenly became cold, he wished he could slap the pervert to death, please, steal dogs these days Thieves are the most hated scum, especially those who love dogs, okay? If caught, he might be beaten to death!

this idiot,

I said that to scare these mercenaries, damn it, did you really steal the dog?

Speaking of which, Li Zedao couldn't help but glanced at the entrance of the village. He was really afraid to see a lot of villagers chasing out toilet brushes and the like with hoes and brooms.

Seeing that the boss had lost his temper, the pervert hurriedly explained with some grievances: "Boss, I didn't steal it." Are you kidding me, he is also a well-known killer anyway, okay? How could it be possible to be a dog thief? Isn't this insulting him?

"Didn't it be stolen?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"No, I bought it from a family." The pervert looked like his heart was bleeding, if it wasn't for the boss, you wanted to have a human-dog fight, would I have to go so hard to find such a dog?

"It cost me two thousand yuan. Damn, how dare you ask for two thousand for such a dog? But because their family is so poor... I just bargained and finally gave it a thousand..."


"The owner of the dog saw that the dog kept barking and refused to go with me, so he knocked him unconscious with a stick, and even gave me such a bag to take him away," the pervert said.

"..." Li Zedao suddenly felt a little sad in his heart. It is undeniable that in many cases, some human behaviors are really worse than a dog.

"However, Boss, although he is a native dog, he has been in heat recently, so, hehe..." The pervert glanced at the four mercenaries, and the smiles on his faces could be as wretched as they were, and as wicked as they could be.

And when the four mercenaries heard their conversation, they were sweating profusely and almost fainted. The dog is here, and the medicine is ready. Does that mean... Damn, start What joke?

"Take them away." Li Zedao waved his hands in a somewhat dispirited manner, "Don't blame Xiao Huang, let it be so refreshing."

"...Understood, boss." The pervert had a cold look on his face.

"Wait..." Crow hurriedly shouted with horror on his face, "Please believe that the three brothers I and I will follow you to the death. If we violate our vows, we will be beaten to death by a dog..." also……"

"I made it very clear just now, what you said is bullshit in my opinion." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"I...then what do you think?" Crow felt physically and mentally exhausted, thinking that he was not so tired when he was shuttling through the hail of bullets, "What should we brothers do to trust us?"

"You are really willing to be my little brother...'s little brother?" Li Zedao pointed to the pervert and said, "You can only become his little brother."

"Yes." Crow saw that the pervert's tone softened a bit, and quickly expressed his opinion. As long as he doesn't get lucky by a male dog, even being the younger brother of this wretched guy is not too difficult to accept.

"I didn't force you? Are you willing?" Li Zedao asked.

"...No." Crow said against his conscience.

"In that case... I still don't believe you." Li Zedao said.

"..." If possible, the crow would die with this guy.

"However, I can give you a chance." Li Zedao said, and then he took out a medicine jar and threw it to the pervert, "Feed them to eat."

"Boss, what is this? Aphrodisiac? Start now?" The pervert took the medicine jar and his eyes lit up.

Li Zedao had a black line on his face: "You think too much, this is a very domineering poison, you have to take the antidote I provided once a month, otherwise you will die of poison...Of course, you guys You don't have to believe it."

Li Zedao looked at the crow and laughed sinisterly. Naturally, he said the last sentence to the crow.

"My brother and I are willing to take this poison." The crow said with a deep breath.

Li Zedao nodded, and then walked over to untie the sealed acupuncture points on their bodies. The four of them simply moved their already numb legs and feet, looked at Li Zedao with horrified eyes, and then walked obediently The pervert took a poison in front of him, and the four of them looked at each other, and then they all swallowed the poison into their mouths and into their stomachs.

Soon, they felt extremely severe abdominal cramps, and they were foaming at the mouth, and it took a long time for them to return to normal.

"From now on, these people are your little brothers." Li Zedao said looking at the pervert.

"Okay, boss." The pervert smiled openly, giving off the feeling of a villain.

"Train them well. Although the equipment is good, their personal ability is too poor." Li Zedao added.

"..." The four members of the crow mercenary group felt like they were being insulted to death, but their lives were pinched by the other party, so they could only bear such insults silently.

Li Zedao glanced at the four brothers and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that you are not convinced by what I say?"

"No, old... Young Master Li." Crow said hastily, because he was his younger brother's younger brother, so naturally he couldn't address him as the boss. He just listened to the conversation between him and the people who just arrived, so Crow called him that directly.

"The four of us brothers will definitely receive training from the boss."

Li Zedao said with a faint smile: "I know that you are not convinced, so I will give you a chance. The four of your brothers will go up together and beat me with all your means...Of course, I will not use some means to make you I can’t move, dare to try it? As long as you can hit me, I will give you the antidote immediately, and I won’t embarrass you anymore.”

The dead brothers looked at each other, then the crow nodded and said, "Okay, I hope you can abide by your words."

"Don't worry, do you need me to use your character as a guarantee?" Li Zedao smiled.

"...No need, we trust you." Crow said depressedly, you can't say that your character is not good, can you?

At that moment, Crow let out a deep breath, and gave the other three brothers a look, and then the four of them bullied him, surrounding Li Zedao in the middle.

The pervert on the side looked at these four people with pitying expressions on their faces. They are really idiots. It’s enough to be my little brother obediently. Why do you want to provoke him...

Well, this so-called battle is over in an instant, and the perverts haven't come to express more sympathy for them, and they haven't seen how the boss made a move. These four people are already lying on the ground and can't get up.

"This dog is useless, send it back." Li Zedao said looking at the pervert.

"This... dog meat is also good." A trace of transparent liquid slowly dripped from the corner of the pervert's mouth.

"If you really dare to stew it, I will stew you." Li Zedao said.

"...I'll send it back right away." The pervert said with a righteous face, "Boss, you know that the people I hate the most in my life are those who eat dog meat. You said that dogs are so cute and loyal. Yes, how can those people talk about it..."

Li Zedao was too lazy to listen to this shameless guy's nonsense, so he interrupted him immediately and said: "After sending it back, remember to ask for the money back, and beat up the dog's owner."

"Why?" The pervert asked in a daze.

"Because he is worse than a dog." Li Zedao said flatly, he could accept the dog owner selling the dog, but he couldn't accept his last blow, the dog just couldn't bear him, that's all.


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