Jia Qianqian looked at the check in Li Zedao's hand with an Arabic numeral 5 at the beginning and several "0"s on the back, her eyes widened, and she grabbed the check.

"One, two, three..." Jia Qianqian counted the number of "0"s behind.

"Don't worry, that's right, I've already counted it several times." Li Zedao said with a chuckle, and then leaned back comfortably. Anyone who gets such a huge sum of money will not be in a bad mood.

Of course, Li Zedao’s money is not to be squandered and enjoyed by himself, but to be deposited into the love account of the Tiandao Foundation so that he can help more patients who need help in the future. Of course, the objects of help in the later period are not only those who People who have uremia and have no money to treat it, no matter what disease you have, as long as you have no ability to treat it, you can seek help from Tiandao Foundation.

Suddenly Li Zedao had a thought in his heart, and at the same time, he heard Jia Qianqian from the side say in an incredible voice: "It's really...50 million? Oh my god, sister Xin, hurry up and hold her." I, my wife is about to faint."

Then Jia Qianqian's head tilted, and it was already soft enough to be in Wu Xin's arms who was sitting next to her.

When she was fishing for a few hundred dollars of living expenses, gambling, cheating, and sometimes even thinking about selling her flesh and blood, she never thought that the money could come so quickly, let alone that there was Then one day she would have a chance to get a check of 50 million.

Sure enough, there is no way to compare people. The same people, some people can't earn thousands of dollars in a year, but some people just "threat" others, 50 million There you have it.

"Isn't it only 50 million?" Li Zedao felt a little regretful, why only 50 million? A big philanthropist like Huashulin, you only asked him for 50 million, isn't that looking down on him?

"Pretentious!" Jia Qianqian got up from Li Zedao's arms and looked at him with contempt and said, "Isn't it just fifty million? Humph, what else is my mother going to say, isn't it just one thousand yuan? No Do you know who asks my mother for debts every day?"

Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly: "Didn't I not know you at that time?"

"Now?" Jia Qianqian stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, as if filled with water, and her tone softened all of a sudden.

"We still have to pay it back." Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

"You...Go to hell...I'm going to bite you to death." Jia Qianqian got angry, jumped up from her chair and was about to rush towards Li Zedao, but sadly, Jia Qianqian forgot that she was sitting in the car at this time up, so she didn't stand up at all,

Her head hit the roof of the car hard, and while she grinned her teeth in pain, her body became even more unstable and threw herself forward.

"Bang!" She fell to her knees on the carpeted floor of the RV, and her head... Well, because she jumped at Li Zedao, she was buried under Li Zedao's crotch.

Seeing this situation, Wu Xin inexplicably recalled the scene when she was with Li Zedao, and then her little face flushed slightly. The reaction of Zhou Xiaolu, who was still a virgin, was even more unbearable when she saw this situation. Yes, the little hand even covered his little face all of a sudden, not daring to let out the air casually.

As for the assistant Xiao Wu, his eyes widened and he quickly closed them as if he saw something scary. The next second, he even took out the earphones from his pocket and hurriedly stuffed them into his ears.

Li Zedao looked at Jia Qianqian in surprise and said, "Well...Actually, we can come back to the hotel..."

"Damn, my head..." Jia Qianqian cried out in pain. On the one hand, after hitting her head like this, it really hurts. On the other hand, she has realized where her head is buried now, and she is already embarrassed She is shy again, so she is so painful that she wants to get away with it.

But Li Zedao's words made her even more embarrassed, and her head became hotter, so she suddenly opened her mouth.

"Ah..." Li Zedao screamed, this woman... She actually bit her own... Can I use a bite on that place?

"Ah... Qianqian, let go... no, shut up... no... um, let go... you'll bite Ze Dao badly..." Seeing this, Wu Xin was angry, funny and shy, Hurry up and try to pull Jia Qianqian away.

But Zhou Xiaolu's big eyes looked at this scene in astonishment through the gaps between her fingers, and she didn't know whether she should quickly take off her little hand to stop Jia Qianqian's embarrassing behavior.

Jia Qianqian's biting that thing was actually a temporary brain fever, but now she has a feeling that she is riding a tiger. Compared with the embarrassment caused by the incident of her having a stomachache and stretching on her crotch, this kind of thing happened , seems to be more than worse, right? If it's just her and Li Zedao, that's the way it is. Anyway, it's not like Jia Qianqian hasn't seen that kind of film, so it's acceptable, but the location is wrong, and there are a few people around.

Wu Xin and Zhou Xiaolu are better off, after all, they are sisters of their own family, so they laugh when they laugh, but there are Xiaolu's assistant, Xiao Wu, and the driver present... Well, Jia Qianqian has already forgotten when she was shy, that The driver had already punched Li Zedao unconscious.

Right now, Jia Qianqian hated Li Zedao to death, because although she really bit her, the force she used was not strong at all. Whether it hurts or not is the same thing, but this guy screamed so exaggeratedly... So Jia Qianqian gritted her silver teeth slightly again, depressed.

Li Zedao's face changed, and he began to beg for mercy: "Qianqian... I was wrong, can't I? I don't want you to pay back the money... No, no, no, you never owe me money..."

Jia Qianqian was extremely shy, but she also felt that it was not good to bite her all the time, so she tried her best to look fierce, and then let go with a cold snort and said, "Hmph, next time I dare to ask my mother to pay back the money...I will bite you to death! "


"Qianqian, are you okay?" Wu Xin pulled Jia Qianqian to sit beside her and asked.

Li Zedao's heart is full of grievances, it seems that he is the one who suffers, right? What can she do? Look like you're enjoying yourself, okay?

"That...it's okay, but my head seems a little swollen." Jia Qianqian blushed, her eyes didn't dare to meet Wu Xin's, she rubbed her head immediately, grinned and bared her teeth, trying her best To change the subject, to avoid more embarrassment.

"Go back and find some medicine for you to apply." Wu Xin said cooperatively, feeling shy for a while, then looked at Li Zedao, and changed the subject, "Zedao, should I wake up the driver?"

"Ah, I almost forgot." Li Zedao laughed. For this driver, he can express his full sympathy and apology. If he was punched by himself for nothing, his head will probably hurt for two or three days, right?

After the driver woke up, he touched his dizzy head. He didn't quite understand what happened. He only remembered that there was a car following him, and then he stopped the car, and then his head suddenly became dizzy. I don't know anything.

Li Zedao was very embarrassed and said that you had a little hypoglycemia and passed out. The kind driver suddenly realized that he had hypoglycemia, and he hadn't had time to eat dinner. Fortunately, nothing happened... So Li Zedao felt even more embarrassed.

The RV finally stopped steadily at the entrance of the Nadison Hotel where Zhou Xiaolu was staying.

"Brother-in-law, Xinxin, Qianqian, see you tomorrow." Zhou Xiaolu waved to the three of them and said with a smile. Naturally, she was full of reluctance for Li Zedao.

They have already made an appointment to go boating on West Lake together tomorrow. Of course, in order to avoid causing unnecessary sensation, Zhou Xiaolu naturally had to carefully disguise herself. And after visiting the West Lake, Zhou Xiaolu will take the evening flight to Xiangtan to participate in a certain event. During this time, her itinerary is full.

Of course, the matter has been settled, so Li Zedao also decided to take the flight tomorrow night to return to Phoenix.

"See you tomorrow." Li Zedao said with a smile.

After watching Zhou Xiaolu and her assistant Xiao Wu enter the hotel, Wu Xin suggested: "How about we go back for a while? The night view of Suzhou and Hangzhou looks beautiful, and I'm a little hungry, go eat something delicious? Suhang’s stinky tofu and Jinhua ham are very famous.”

"Okay, okay, old... I'm a little hungry too." Jia Qianqian agreed with a little excitement, and then her beautiful eyes fell on Li Zedao, feeling shy again.

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile: "Let's go shopping for a while, and then find a place to eat."

Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian were in front, and Li Zedao followed closely behind. The three of them passed by the sweet-looking couples, or girlfriends, or men and women who looked single at first glance, and pressed on. The road is coming.

Li Zedao wanted to hold Jia Qianqian's little hand with his left hand, or Wu Xin's little hand with his right hand, or Wu Xin's little hand with his left hand, and Jia Qianqian's right hand, but both of these proposals were rejected by Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian. The reason was that he was afraid that Li Zedao would be beaten.

Li Zedao thought for a while before he realized that these two girls were indirectly saying that they were pretty.

Soon, the three of them entered a crowded food street, and then Li Zedao pointed to one of the stores and said, "Aren't you two hungry? That's the store. The sign at the door says, There are the most authentic stinky tofu, Jinhua ham, and Jiaxing rice dumplings, West Lake vinegar fish...uh..."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, because Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian were already holding hands before he finished speaking, and her small face ran towards the store excitedly, and she quickly followed with some helplessness .

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